;;;; -*- mode:emacs-lisp;coding:utf-8; lexical-binding:t -*- ;;;;**************************************************************************** ;;;;FILE: pjb-emacs.el ;;;;LANGUAGE: emacs lisp ;;;;SYSTEM: emacs ;;;;USER-INTERFACE: emacs ;;;;DESCRIPTION ;;;; ;;;; This module exports various functions usefull only in interactive ;;;; emacs sessions. ;;;; ;;;;AUTHORS ;;;; Pascal J. Bourguignon ;;;;MODIFICATIONS ;;;; 2010-10-30 Renamed multifile-replace-string to recursive-replace-string, ;;;; Added recursive-replace-regexp and multifile-replace-regexp. ;;;; 2006-03-23 Added fringe-width and scroll-bar-width for full-frame. ;;;; 2004-10-15 Added maximize-window. ;;;; 2001-11-30 Extracted from pjb-utilities.el. ;;;; ;;;;BUGS ;;;;LEGAL ;;;; LGPL ;;;; ;;;; Copyright Pascal J. Bourguignon 1990 - 2011 ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ;;;; ;;;;**************************************************************************** (require 'cl) (require 'devices nil t) (require 'font nil t) (require 'browse-url) (require 'picture) ;; (import picture-vertical-step picture-horizontal-step) (require 'sgml-mode) (require 'pjb-cl) (require 'pjb-font) (require 'pjb-sources) (require 'pjb-strings) (defvar html-quick-keys t) (defvar html-mode-map (let ((map (nconc (make-sparse-keymap) sgml-mode-map)) (menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "HTML"))) (define-key map "\C-c6" 'html-headline-6) (define-key map "\C-c5" 'html-headline-5) (define-key map "\C-c4" 'html-headline-4) (define-key map "\C-c3" 'html-headline-3) (define-key map "\C-c2" 'html-headline-2) (define-key map "\C-c1" 'html-headline-1) (define-key map "\C-c\r" 'html-paragraph) (define-key map "\C-c\n" 'html-line) ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-c-" 'html-horizontal-rule) ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-co" 'html-ordered-list) ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-cu" 'html-unordered-list) ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-cr" 'html-radio-buttons) ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-cc" 'html-checkboxes) ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-cl" 'html-list-item) ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-ch" 'html-href-anchor) ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-cn" 'html-name-anchor) ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-ci" 'html-image) (if html-quick-keys (progn (define-key map "\C-c-" 'html-horizontal-rule) (define-key map "\C-co" 'html-ordered-list) (define-key map "\C-cu" 'html-unordered-list) (define-key map "\C-cr" 'html-radio-buttons) (define-key map "\C-cc" 'html-checkboxes) (define-key map "\C-cl" 'html-list-item) (define-key map "\C-ch" 'html-href-anchor) (define-key map "\C-cn" 'html-name-anchor) (define-key map "\C-ci" 'html-image))) (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'html-autoview-mode) (define-key map "\C-c\C-v" 'browse-url-of-buffer) (define-key map [menu-bar html] (cons "HTML" menu-map)) (define-key menu-map [html-autoview-mode] '("Toggle Autoviewing" . html-autoview-mode)) (define-key menu-map [browse-url-of-buffer] '("View Buffer Contents" . browse-url-of-buffer)) (define-key menu-map [nil] '("--")) ;;(define-key menu-map "6" '("Heading 6" . html-headline-6)) ;;(define-key menu-map "5" '("Heading 5" . html-headline-5)) ;;(define-key menu-map "4" '("Heading 4" . html-headline-4)) (define-key menu-map "3" '("Heading 3" . html-headline-3)) (define-key menu-map "2" '("Heading 2" . html-headline-2)) (define-key menu-map "1" '("Heading 1" . html-headline-1)) (define-key menu-map "l" '("Radio Buttons" . html-radio-buttons)) (define-key menu-map "c" '("Checkboxes" . html-checkboxes)) (define-key menu-map "l" '("List Item" . html-list-item)) (define-key menu-map "u" '("Unordered List" . html-unordered-list)) (define-key menu-map "o" '("Ordered List" . html-ordered-list)) (define-key menu-map "-" '("Horizontal Rule" . html-horizontal-rule)) (define-key menu-map "\n" '("Line Break" . html-line)) (define-key menu-map "\r" '("Paragraph" . html-paragraph)) (define-key menu-map "i" '("Image" . html-image)) (define-key menu-map "h" '("Href Anchor" . html-href-anchor)) (define-key menu-map "n" '("Name Anchor" . html-name-anchor)) map) "Keymap for commands for use in HTML mode.") ;;html-mode-map ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Random emacs specific elisp functions: ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (unless (fboundp 'symbol-value-in-buffer) (defun symbol-value-in-buffer (symbol buffer &optional default) (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer) (if (boundp symbol) (symbol-value symbol) default))) (defun set-symbol-value-in-buffer (symbol buffer value &optional default) (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer) (make-local-variable symbol) (setf (symbol-value symbol) value))) (defsetf symbol-value-in-buffer set-symbol-value-in-buffer)) (defun recover-this-file () "Recovers the file of the current buffer, if any." (interactive) (let ((file-path (buffer-file-name))) (if (and file-path (file-exists-p file-path) (file-regular-p file-path)) (recover-file file-path) (message "This buffer has no associated file.")))) (defun delete-this-file (kill-buffer) "Deletes the file of the current buffer, if any. When KILL-BUFFER is true (command prefix), also kills the buffer." (interactive "P") (let ((file-path (buffer-file-name))) (if (and file-path (file-exists-p file-path) (file-regular-p file-path)) (progn (delete-file file-path) (when kill-buffer (kill-buffer))) (message "This buffer has no associated file.")))) (defvar buffer-name-map nil) (defvar buffer-list-cache nil) (defun buffer-named (name) " RETURN: the buffer which has as name `name'. " (let ((bl (buffer-list))) (unless (and buffer-list-cache buffer-name-map (equal buffer-list-cache bl)) (setf buffer-list-cache (copy-seq bl)) (setf buffer-name-map (make-hash-table :test (function equal))) (dolist (buffer buffer-list-cache) (let ((name (buffer-name buffer))) (when name (setf (gethash name buffer-name-map) buffer))) (let ((name (buffer-file-name buffer))) (when name (setf (gethash name buffer-name-map) buffer)))))) (or (gethash name buffer-name-map) (gethash (truename name) buffer-name-map))) (defun old-buffer-named (name) " RETURN: the buffer which has as name `name'. " (let ((buffers (buffer-list)) (result)) (while buffers (when (or (when (buffer-name (car buffers)) (string-equal name (buffer-name (car buffers)))) (when (buffer-file-name (car buffers)) (string-equal name (buffer-file-name (car buffers)))) (when (and (truename name) (buffer-name (car buffers))) (string-equal (truename name) (buffer-name (car buffers)))) (when (and (truename name) (buffer-file-name (car buffers))) (string-equal (truename name) (buffer-file-name (car buffers))))) (setq result (car buffers)) (setq buffers nil)) (setq buffers (cdr buffers))) result)) (defun pjb-custom-set-variables (&rest l) (while l (custom-set-variables (append (car l) (list t))) (setq l (cdr l)))) (defun set-default-directory (path) (interactive "DDirectory for this buffer: ") (setf default-directory path)) (defun reset-home-directory () "Set the default directory of all non-file buffers to ~/." (interactive) (dolist (buffer (buffer-list)) (unless (buffer-file-name buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer (set-default-directory "~/"))))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Editing functions: ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun replace-region (start end text) "In the current buffer, delete the region from `start' to `end' and insert in its place the `text', saving the excursion." (save-excursion (goto-char start) (delete-region start end) (insert text))) (defun delete-region-and-yank (&optional arg) "Deletes region if mark is active and yanks the last kill. Always replaces the region with the yank, whether the region was selected via keyboard or mouse. Also works for normal yank even with ARGS (thus it can be mapped to \C-y)" (interactive "*P") ; raw, like yank. (cond (mark-active ; delete region (let ((str (buffer-substring (point) (mark)))) (delete-region (point) (mark)) (if (cl:string= str (current-kill 0 1)) (let ((str2 (current-kill 1 1))) (kill-new str2 t)))) (if arg (yank arg) (yank))) ;; else no region selected: ((consp arg) ; delete forward sexp (set-mark (point)) (forward-sexp 1) (delete-region-and-yank)) (arg (yank arg)) (t (yank)))) (defun exch-del-ctrl-h () "Exchange \C-h and ." (interactive) ;; Translate `C-h' to . (keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?) ;; Translate to `C-h'. (keyboard-translate ?\C-? ?\C-h)) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; picture-mode commands: ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun picture-draw-pixels (pix-list &optional pixel) " DO: Draws the pixels of pix-list (a list of (cons x y)) from current position as origin. Default pixel is '*'. Coordinate system is : increasing x to the right, increasing y to the bottom. " (let* ((sl (picture-current-line)) (sc (current-column)) ;;(pvs picture-vertical-step) ;;(phs picture-horizontal-step) ;;(c1 (progn (goto-char start) (current-column))) ;;(r1 (picture-current-line)) ;;(c2 (progn (goto-char end) (current-column))) ;;(r2 (picture-current-line)) ;;(right (max c1 c2)) ;;(left (min c1 c2)) ;;(top (min r1 r2)) ;;(bottom (max r1 r2)) ) (unless pixel (setq pixel (character "*"))) (dolist (point pix-list) (goto-line (+ sl (cdr point))) ;; goto-line first for (move-to-column (+ sc (car point)) t) (picture-update-desired-column t) (picture-insert pixel 1)) (goto-line sl) (move-to-column sc t)) nil) (defun ellipse-quart (a b) " RETURN: A list of integer coordinates approximating a quart (x>=0, y>=0) of an ellipse of half width a and half height b. " (let ((step (/ pi 4 (sqrt (+ (* a a) (* b b))))) (limit (/ pi 2)) (alpha 0.0) (result (list (cons 0 0))) x y ) (while (<= alpha limit) (setq x (round (* a (cos alpha))) y (round (* b (sin alpha))) ) (if (or (/= y (cdar result)) (/= x (caar result))) (push (cons x y) result)) (setq alpha (+ alpha step))) (cdr (nreverse result)))) (defun ellipse-full (a b) " RETURN: A list of integer coordinates approximating the whole ellipse of half width a and half height b. " (let ((quart (ellipse-quart a b))) (append quart (mapcar (lambda (item) (cons (- 0 (car item)) (cdr item))) quart) (mapcar (lambda (item) (cons (car item) (- 0 (cdr item)))) quart) (mapcar (lambda (item) (cons (- 0 (car item)) (- 0 (cdr item)))) quart)))) (defun picture-draw-function (start end fun plot-char) " DO: Draw a function in the given rectangle region. " (interactive "*r xFunction f:[0,1]->[0,1]/x|-->f(x): cPlot character: ") ;; start <= end (let* ((sl (picture-current-line)) (sc (current-column)) (pvs picture-vertical-step) (phs picture-horizontal-step) (c1 (progn (goto-char start) (current-column))) (r1 (picture-current-line)) (c2 (progn (goto-char end) (current-column))) (r2 (picture-current-line)) (right (max c1 c2)) (left (min c1 c2)) (top (min r1 r2)) (bottom (max r1 r2)) (width (+ 0.0 (- right left))) (height (+ 0.0 (- bottom top)))) (goto-line top) (move-to-column left t) (picture-update-desired-column t) (flet ((fun (x) (funcall fun x))) (picture-draw-pixels (do* ((xi 0 (1+ xi)) (x) (y) (yi) (pixels nil)) ((> xi width) pixels) (setq x (/ xi width)) (setq y (let ((y (unwind-protect (fun x)))) (if (< y 0.0) 0.0 (if (< 1.0 y) 1.0 y)))) (setq yi (round (* height (- 1.0 y)))) (push (cons xi yi) pixels)) plot-char)) (goto-line sl) (move-to-column sc t))) (defun picture-draw-ellipse (start end) " DO: Draw an ellipse around region. BUG: Only draws ellipse of even width and height. " (interactive "*r") ; start will be less than end (let* ((sl (picture-current-line)) (sc (current-column)) (pvs picture-vertical-step) (phs picture-horizontal-step) (c1 (progn (goto-char start) (current-column))) (r1 (picture-current-line)) (c2 (progn (goto-char end) (current-column))) (r2 (picture-current-line)) (right (max c1 c2)) (left (min c1 c2)) (top (min r1 r2)) (bottom (max r1 r2)) (a (/ (- right left) 2)) (b (/ (- bottom top) 2)) ) (goto-line (+ top b)) (move-to-column (+ left a) t) (picture-update-desired-column t) (picture-draw-pixels (ellipse-full a b) ?*) (goto-line sl) (move-to-column sc t))) (defvar x-cell-size 7 "Width in pixel of one cell.") (defvar y-cell-size 14 "Height in pixel of one cell.") (defun picture-draw-circle (start end) "Draw a circle centered on region." (interactive "*r") ; start will be less than end (let* ((sl (picture-current-line)) (sc (current-column)) (pvs picture-vertical-step) (phs picture-horizontal-step) (c1 (progn (goto-char start) (current-column))) (r1 (picture-current-line)) (c2 (progn (goto-char end) (current-column))) (r2 (picture-current-line)) (right (max c1 c2)) (left (min c1 c2)) (top (min r1 r2)) (bottom (max r1 r2)) (a (/ (- right left) 2)) (b (/ (- bottom top) 2)) (r (min (* a (float x-cell-size)) (* b (float y-cell-size)))) ) (goto-line (+ top b)) (move-to-column (+ left a) t) (picture-update-desired-column t) (picture-draw-pixels (ellipse-full (round (/ r x-cell-size)) (round (/ r y-cell-size)))?*) (goto-line sl) (move-to-column sc t))) (defvar picture-fill-pixel ?* "The default pixel used to fill forms.") (defun picture-fill-rectangle (start end) "Fills a rectangle with `picture-fill-pixel', or when a prefix argument is given, with the character given in minibuf." (interactive "*rP") ; start will be less than end (let* ((sl (picture-current-line)) (sc (current-column)) (pvs picture-vertical-step) (phs picture-horizontal-step) (c1 (progn (goto-char start) (current-column))) (r1 (picture-current-line)) (c2 (progn (goto-char end) (current-column))) (r2 (picture-current-line)) (right (max c1 c2)) (left (min c1 c2)) (top (min r1 r2)) (bottom (max r1 r2)) (fill-pixel picture-fill-pixel) (width (- right left -1)) ) (when current-prefix-arg (setq fill-pixel (character (read-from-minibuffer "What pixel: " "*" nil nil nil "*")))) (picture-movement-right) (do ((line top (1+ line))) ((< bottom line)) (goto-line line) (move-to-column left t) (picture-update-desired-column t) (picture-insert fill-pixel width)) (picture-set-motion pvs phs) (goto-line sl) (move-to-column sc t))) (defun picture-horizontal-segment (line left right) (goto-line line) (move-to-column right t) (picture-update-desired-column t) (buffer-substring (- (point) (- right left)) (1+ (point)))) (defun picture-draw-text (line column text) "Draws given text from (line,column) toward the current picture-movement." (let* ((sl (picture-current-line)) (sc (current-column)) ) (goto-line line) (move-to-column column t) (picture-update-desired-column t) (do* ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((<= (length text) i)) (picture-insert (char text i) 1)) (goto-line sl) (move-to-column sc t))) (defun picture-mirror-vertical (start end) "Replace the region by it's vertical mirror." (interactive "*r") (let* ((sl (picture-current-line)) (sc (current-column)) (pvs picture-vertical-step) (phs picture-horizontal-step) (c1 (progn (goto-char start) (current-column))) (r1 (picture-current-line)) (c2 (progn (goto-char end) (current-column))) (r2 (picture-current-line)) (right (max c1 c2)) (left (min c1 c2)) (top (min r1 r2)) (bottom (max r1 r2)) ) (picture-movement-left) (do ((line top (1+ line))) ((< bottom line)) (do* ((segment (prog1 (picture-horizontal-segment line left right) (move-to-column right t) (picture-update-desired-column t))) (i 0 (1+ i))) ((<= (length segment) i)) (picture-insert (char segment i) 1)) ) (picture-set-motion pvs phs) (goto-line sl) (move-to-column sc t))) (defun picture-mirror-horizontal (start end) "Replace the region by it's vertical mirror." (interactive "*r") (let* ((sl (picture-current-line)) (sc (current-column)) (pvs picture-vertical-step) (phs picture-horizontal-step) (c1 (progn (goto-char start) (current-column))) (r1 (picture-current-line)) (c2 (progn (goto-char end) (current-column))) (r2 (picture-current-line)) (right (max c1 c2)) (left (min c1 c2)) (top (min r1 r2)) (bottom (max r1 r2)) ) (picture-movement-right) (do* ((lines (do ((line top (1+ line)) (result '())) ((< bottom line) result) (push (picture-horizontal-segment line left right) result)) (cdr lines)) (line top (1+ line))) ((null lines)) (picture-draw-text line left (car lines))) (picture-set-motion pvs phs) (goto-line sl) (move-to-column sc t))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Various Editor commands: ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun pjb-scratch () " DO: Goes to the *scratch* buffer, creating it if it does not exists. " (interactive) (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*"))) (defun pjb-wc () " DO: Apply wc on the file visited in the current buffer. " (interactive) (let ((file-name (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))) (when file-name (shell-command (format "wc %s" (shell-quote-argument file-name)))))) (defun pjb-search-in-all-buffers (string) (interactive "sString: ") (let ( (list (buffer-list)) buffer ) (save-excursion (while list (setq buffer (car list) list (cdr list)) (set-buffer buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (search-forward string nil t nil) (setq list nil) (setq buffer nil)))) (when buffer (switch-to-buffer buffer)))) (defun* tempfile (&key directory prefix suffix name mode) (flet ((option (flag value) (if value (format "%s %s" (shell-quote-argument flag) (shell-quote-argument value))))) (let ((lines (split-string (shell-command-to-string (format "tempfile %s %s %s %s %s || echo $?" (option "-d" directory) (option "-p" prefix) (option "-s" suffix) (option "-n" name) (option "-m" mode))) "\n" t))) (case (length lines) ((1) (first lines)) (otherwise (error "%s\nstatus %s" (join (butlast lines) "\n") (car (last lines)))))))) (defun* url-retrieve-as-string (url) "RETURN: A string containing the data found at the url." (if (fboundp 'url-retrieve-synchronously) (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url) (goto-char (point-min)) (prog1 (buffer-substring (search-forward "\n\n" nil t) (point-max)) (kill-buffer))) (let ((tmpfile (or (ignore-errors (tempfile)) (format "/tmp/url-retrieve-as-string-%d-%d.data" (emacs-pid) (random 10000000))))) (unwind-protect (progn (loop for fetch-command in (list (lambda () (format "wget --no-convert-links -q -nv -o /dev/null -t 3 -O %s %s 2>/dev/null" (shell-quote-argument tmpfile) (shell-quote-argument url))) (lambda () (format "lynx -source %s > %s 2>/dev/null" (shell-quote-argument url) (shell-quote-argument tmpfile)))) for command = (format "%s && ( echo $? ; cat %s ) || echo $?" (funcall fetch-command) (shell-quote-argument tmpfile)) do (let* ((output (shell-command-to-string command)) (result (read-from-string output)) (status (car result))) (when (zerop status) (return (subseq output (1+ (cdr result)))))) finally (error "url-retrieve-as-string cannot find a command to fetch URLs."))) (ignore-errors (delete-file tmpfile)))))) (defun pjb-browse-url-lynx-xterm (url &optional new-window) ;; new-window ignored "Ask the Lynx WWW browser to load URL. Default to the URL around or before point. A new Lynx process is run in an Xterm window using the Xterm program named by `browse-url-xterm-program' with possible additional arguments `browse-url-xterm-args'." (interactive (browse-url-interactive-arg "Lynx URL: ")) (apply #'start-process `(,(concat "lynx" url) nil "pjb-xterm" ; ,browse-url-xterm-program ,@browse-url-xterm-args "-geometry" "80x40+10+0" "-bg" "#eeff99" "-e" "lynx" ,url))) (defun pjb-auto-scroll-up (speed) "DO: Scroll down the current buffer until the end-of-buffer is visible, at the specified speed. Depending on the data, and your reading speed, speed values between 0.2 and 1 line/sec may be useful." (interactive "nSpeed: ") (let ((delay (/ 1.0 speed))) (message "Auto-scrolling...") (while (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-max))) (sit-for delay) (scroll-up 1) (force-mode-line-update t)) (message "Done."))) (defun pjb-regexp-nocase-region (start end) (interactive "r") (let* ( (s (string-to-vector (buffer-substring start end))) (l (length s)) (r nil) (i 0) c C ) (while (< i l) (setq c (aref s i)) (setq C (upcase c)) (setq c (downcase c)) (if (eq c C) (setq r (cons (format "%c" c) r)) (setq r (cons (format "[%c%c]" C c) r))) (setq i (1+ i)) ) ;;while (delete-region start end) (insert (apply 'concat (nreverse r))))) (defun pjb-animate (speed) (interactive "nSpeed: ") (let ((delay (/ 1.0 speed)) (done nil)) (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (message "Animating...") (while (not done) (widen) (if (search-forward "\f" nil 'at-limit) nil (goto-char (point-max)) (setq done t)) (narrow-to-page) (sit-for delay) (force-mode-line-update t)) (message "Done."))) (defun pjb-ansi-colorize-buffer () (interactive) (ansi-color-apply-on-region (point-min) (point-max))) (defvar pjb-listing-light "LightBlue" "Background color of light listing area.") ;;pjb-listing-light (defvar pjb-listing-dark "LightSteelBlue" "Background color of dark listing area.") ;;pjb-listing-dark (defun pjb-colorize-listing-region (arg) " DO: Colorize the region with group of lines (normaly 1 by 1) with different background color). " (interactive "pGroup size: ") (error "Sorry, it does not work yet.") (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)) (setq current-prefix-arg nil) (let ( (lines-forward (1+ (or arg 1))) (color (cons pjb-listing-light pjb-listing-dark)) (start (region-beginning)) (end (region-end)) ) ;; round the end to the beginning of next line. (goto-char end) (when (/= end (line-beginning-position)) (beginning-of-line 2) (setq end (point))) ;; round the start to the beginning of first line. (goto-char start) (when (/= start (line-beginning-position)) (beginning-of-line) (setq start (point))) (while (< start end) (goto-char start) ;; (message "avant %S" (point)) (beginning-of-line lines-forward) ;; (message "apres %S" (point)) (if (< end (point)) (progn (goto-char end) (beginning-of-line 2))) ;;(message "%16s from %4d to %4d" (car color) start (point)) (set-mark start) (goto-char (point)) (facemenu-set-background (car color) start (point)) (setq start (point)) (setq color (cons (cdr color) (car color)))))) (defun pjb-address (pattern) " DO: Search an address in my address book (~/private/info/personnes.form) " (interactive "MSearch address: ") (let ((personnes-forms (buffer-named "personnes.forms"))) (if personnes-forms (switch-to-buffer personnes-forms) (forms-find-file (format "%sprivate/info/personnes.forms" (namestring (user-homedir-pathname)))))) (forms-search-forward pattern)) (defvar pjb-cross-references-rejected-regexp "\\(^\\.?#\\|~$\\|\\.\\(elc\\|o\\|a\\)$\\)" "A regexp matching file names that should not be searched for cross references.") (defun pjb-cross-references () " DO: Grep current directory for sources containing the current word. " (interactive) (let ( (word (current-word)) (files (delete nil (mapcar (lambda (name) (cond ((file-directory-p name) nil) ((string-match pjb-cross-references-rejected-regexp name) nil) (t (shell-quote-argument name))) ) (directory-files "." nil nil t)))) ) (grep (format "grep -n -e %s %s" (shell-quote-argument word) (unsplit-string files " "))))) (defun pjb-backcolors () " DO: Insert in the current buffer a list of colors and facemenu-set-background them. " (interactive) (let ((f (lambda (x) (+ 255 (* 6 (- x 15))))) ) (for r 10 12 (for g 10 12 (for b 10 12 (let ((min (point))) (set-mark min) (printf " * Color : #%x%x%x * \n" (funcall f r) (funcall f g) (funcall f b)) (facemenu-set-background (format "#%x%x%x" (funcall f r) (funcall f g) (funcall f b)) min (point)))))))) (defun reset-faces () "Search in ~/.emacs for a custom-set-faces toplevel form, and evaluates it." ;; Unfortunately, custom only updates toplevel forms, so we need to do the same. (interactive) (when (or custom-file init-file-user) (save-window-excursion (find-file (or custom-file user-init-file)) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-sexp) (while (and (< (point) (point-max)) (not (let ((form (progn (backward-sexp) (sexp-at-point)))) (when (and (listp form) (eq 'custom-set-faces (first form))) (eval form) t)))) (forward-sexp 2))))) (defun emacs-time-to-universal-time (emacs-time) (+ (* (first emacs-time) 65536.0) (second emacs-time) (/ (third emacs-time) 1000000.0))) (defun timer-emacs-time (timer) (list (timer--high-seconds timer) (timer--low-seconds timer) (timer--usecs timer))) (defun timer-delete-function (function) (cancel-timer (find function (append timer-list timer-idle-list) :key (function timer--function)))) (defun alarm-ring (&optional name) (message (if name (format "Alarm %s!" name) "Alarm!")) (loop repeat 10 do (beep) (sleep 0.3))) (defun set-alarm (delay-seconds name) (interactive "NDelay (seconds): sWhy: ") (run-at-time delay-seconds nil 'alarm-ring (if (string= name "") "Alarm!" name))) (defun chronometre (lambda-body &optional outstream) " DO: Chronometre the execution of `lambda-body'. Writes a message indicating the time it took. RETURN: (cons seconds the result of `lambda-body'). " (let* ((start (current-time)) (result (funcall lambda-body)) (stop (current-time)) (time (- (emacs-time-to-seconds stop) (emacs-time-to-seconds start))) ) (printf outstream "Took %f seconds." time) (cons time result))) (defun fill-region (from to &optional justify nosqueeze to-eop) "Fill each of the paragraphs in the region. A prefix arg means justify as well. Ordinarily the variable `fill-column' controls the width. Noninteractively, the third argument JUSTIFY specifies which kind of justification to do: `full', `left', `right', `center', or `none' (equivalent to nil). t means handle each paragraph as specified by its text properties. The fourth arg NOSQUEEZE non-nil means to leave whitespace other than line breaks untouched, and fifth arg TO-EOP non-nil means to keep filling to the end of the paragraph (or next hard newline, if `use-hard-newlines' is on). If `sentence-end-double-space' is non-nil, then period followed by one space does not end a sentence, so don't break a line there." (interactive (list (region-beginning) (region-end) (if current-prefix-arg 'full))) (unless (memq justify '(t nil none full center left right)) (setq justify 'full)) (let (end beg) (save-restriction (goto-char (max from to)) (if to-eop (progn (skip-chars-backward "\n") (forward-paragraph))) (setq end (point)) (goto-char (setq beg (min from to))) (beginning-of-line) (narrow-to-region (point) end) (while (not (eobp)) (let ((initial (point)) end) ;; If using hard newlines, break at every one for filling ;; purposes rather than using paragraph breaks. (if use-hard-newlines (progn (while (and (setq end (text-property-any (point) (point-max) 'hard t)) (not (= (character "\n") (char-after end))) (not (= end (point-max)))) (goto-char (1+ end))) (setq end (if end (min (point-max) (1+ end)) (point-max))) (goto-char initial)) (forward-paragraph 1) (setq end (point)) (forward-paragraph -1)) (if (< (point) beg) (goto-char beg)) (if (>= (point) initial) (fill-region-as-paragraph (point) end justify nosqueeze) (goto-char end))))))) (defun permutations (list) "Retourne une liste de toutes les permutations de list." (mapcan (lambda (item) (if (= 1 (length list)) (list (list item)) (mapcar (lambda (rest) (cons item rest)) (permutations (remove* item list :count 1))))) list)) (defun perm-words () "Insère après la ligne courrante toutes les permutations des mots de la ligne courrante." (interactive) (let ((words (car (read-from-string (format "(%s)" (buffer-substring-no-properties (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)) (progn (end-of-line) (point)))))))) (end-of-line) (insert "\n") (dolist (line (permutations words)) (dolist (word line) (insert (format "%s " (if (and (listp word) (eq 'quote (car word))) (cadr word) word)))) (insert "\n")))) (defvar *fortune-file* "/data/cookies/bopcs.cookies") (when (require 'fortune nil t) (setf fortune-program "cookie" fortune-always-compile nil fortune-dir (dirname *fortune-file*) fortune-file *fortune-file*)) (defun add-fortune (start end) " Add the selection to the local fortune file. " (interactive "r") (let ((fortune (buffer-substring-no-properties (min start end) (max start end)))) (find-file *fortune-file*) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert fortune) (insert "\n#\n") (save-buffer 1) (bury-buffer))) (defalias 'add-cookie 'add-fortune) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; frames ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defvar *window-manager-above* (if (boundp 'aquamacs-version) (+ 22) (+ 22 1)) "The number of vertical pixels eaten by the window manager above the frame (window title).") (defvar *window-manager-below* (if (boundp 'aquamacs-version) (+ 2) (+ 8)) "The number of vertical pixels eaten by the window manager below the frame (grow bar).") (defvar *window-manager-y-offset* (+ *window-manager-above* *window-manager-below*) "The number of vertical pixels eaten by the window manager (above and below).") (defvar *window-manager-left* 1 "The number of horizontal pixels eaten by the window manager on the left.") (defvar *window-manager-right* 1 "The number of horizontal pixels eaten by the window manager on the right.") (defvar *window-manager-x-offset* (+ *window-manager-left* *window-manager-right*) "The number of horizontal pixels eaten by the window manager.") (defvar *current-frame* nil) (defun current-frame () " RETURN: The current frame. " (selected-frame)) (defmacro define-frame-parameter (name) `(defun ,(intern (format "pjb-frame-%s" name)) (&optional frame) ,(format "Returns the %s parameter of the `frame'." name) (frame-parameter (or frame (selected-frame)) ',name))) ;; (dolist (p (frame-parameters)) (insert (format "(define-frame-parameter %s)\n" (car p)))) (progn (define-frame-parameter parent-id) (define-frame-parameter display) (define-frame-parameter visibility) (define-frame-parameter icon-name) (define-frame-parameter outer-window-id) (define-frame-parameter window-id) (define-frame-parameter top) (define-frame-parameter left) (define-frame-parameter buffer-list) (define-frame-parameter unsplittable) (define-frame-parameter minibuffer) (define-frame-parameter modeline) (define-frame-parameter width) (define-frame-parameter height) (define-frame-parameter name) (define-frame-parameter background-mode) (define-frame-parameter display-type) (define-frame-parameter horizontal-scroll-bars) (define-frame-parameter scroll-bar-width) (define-frame-parameter cursor-type) (define-frame-parameter auto-lower) (define-frame-parameter auto-raise) (define-frame-parameter icon-type) (define-frame-parameter wait-for-wm) (define-frame-parameter title) (define-frame-parameter buffer-predicate) (define-frame-parameter tool-bar-lines) (define-frame-parameter menu-bar-lines) (define-frame-parameter scroll-bar-background) (define-frame-parameter scroll-bar-foreground) (define-frame-parameter right-fringe) (define-frame-parameter left-fringe) (define-frame-parameter line-spacing) (define-frame-parameter screen-gamma) (define-frame-parameter border-color) (define-frame-parameter cursor-color) (define-frame-parameter mouse-color) (define-frame-parameter background-color) (define-frame-parameter foreground-color) (define-frame-parameter vertical-scroll-bars) (define-frame-parameter internal-border-width) (define-frame-parameter border-width) (define-frame-parameter font)) (defalias 'frame-pixel-top 'frame-top) (defalias 'frame-pixel-left 'frame-left) (defun set-default-frame-parameter (name value) (let ((acell (assoc name default-frame-alist))) (if acell (setf (cdr acell) value) (push (cons name value) default-frame-alist)) value)) (when (fboundp 'set-background-color) (defadvice set-background-color (after sbc-fringe last (color-name) activate) (when (facep 'fringe) (set-face-background 'fringe color-name)))) (defun pjb-frame-max-line-number (&optional frame) " RETURN: The maximum number of line that can be displayed on this frame inside this screen. " (truncate (/ (- (x-display-pixel-height frame) *window-manager-y-offset*) (frame-char-height frame)))) (defun pjb-frame-max-column-number (&optional frame margin) " MARGIN: Number of pixel to substract from the display width. RETURN: The maximum number of columns that can be displayed on this frame inside this screen. " (setf margin (or margin 0)) (truncate (/ (- (x-display-pixel-width frame) margin *window-manager-x-offset*) (frame-char-width frame)))) (defun maximize-frame () "Enlarge the window to span the whole screen." (interactive) (let ((*current-frame* (current-frame))) (set-frame-width *current-frame* (pjb-frame-max-column-number *current-frame* (+ (if current-prefix-arg 64 0) 34))) (set-frame-height *current-frame* (pjb-frame-max-line-number *current-frame*)) (set-frame-position *current-frame* 0 0) (delete-other-windows))) (defun char-to-pixel-width (w &optional frame) (* w (frame-char-width (or frame (current-frame))))) (defun pixel-to-char-width (w &optional frame) (truncate (/ w (frame-char-width (or frame (current-frame)))))) (defun char-to-pixel-height (h &optional frame) (* h (frame-char-height (or frame (current-frame))))) (defun pixel-to-char-height (h &optional frame) (truncate (/ h (frame-char-height (or frame (current-frame)))))) (defun move-frame-right (offset) "Move the frame to the right (or the left with a negative offset)." (interactive "NOffset: ") (let ((*current-frame* (current-frame))) (set-frame-position *current-frame* (+ offset (eval (pjb-frame-pixel-left *current-frame*))) (eval (pjb-frame-pixel-top *current-frame*))))) (defun move-frame-down (offset) "Move the frame down (or up with a negative offset)." (interactive "NOffset: ") (let ((*current-frame* (current-frame))) (set-frame-position *current-frame* (eval (pjb-frame-pixel-left *current-frame*)) (+ offset (eval (pjb-frame-pixel-top *current-frame*)))))) (defun move-frame-to (args) (interactive "X'(left top)= ") (let ((*current-frame* (current-frame))) (destructuring-bind (x y) args (set-frame-position *current-frame* x y)))) (unless (fboundp 'scroll-bar-columns) (defun scroll-bar-columns (side) 2) ) (defun scroll-bar-width (&optional frame) "Return the width of the vertical scroll bar in columns" (setf frame (or frame (current-frame))) (if (frame-parameter frame 'vertical-scroll-bars) (scroll-bar-columns (frame-parameter frame 'vertical-scroll-bars)) 0)) (unless (fboundp 'window-fringes) (defun window-fringes () (list (frame-char-width) (* 2 (frame-char-width)) nil)) ) (unless (fboundp 'fringe-columns) (defun fringe-columns (side &optional real) "Return the width, measured in columns, of the fringe area on SIDE. If optional argument REAL is non-nil, return a real floating point number instead of a rounded integer value. SIDE must be the symbol `left' or `right'." (funcall (if real '/ 'ceiling) (or (funcall (if (eq side 'left) 'car 'cadr) (window-fringes)) 0) (float (frame-char-width)))) ) (defun fringe-width () (round (+ (fringe-columns 'left 'real) (fringe-columns 'right 'real)))) (defun position-x (pos &optional frame) " POS: Either an integer denoting a X window position, or a list (+ int) denoting a X window position starting out of screen. (+ -2) means two pixels out of the left side of the screen. RETURN: The X window position for the frame corresponding to pos on the x axis. A positive number is relative to the left screen border, and toward the right, a negative number is relative to the right screen border, and toward the right too (its absolute value, toward the left). SEE: position-y" (let ((frame (or frame (current-frame)))) (cond ((consp pos) (if (and (eq '+ (first pos)) (minusp (second pos))) (position-x (second pos) frame) (error "Unexpected x position: %S" pos))) ((minusp pos) (- (+ pos (pjb-frame-pixel-width frame)) (x-display-pixel-width frame))) (t pos)))) (defun position-y (pos &optional frame) " POS: Either an integer denoting a X window position, or a list (+ int) denoting a X window position starting out of screen. (+ -2) means two pixels out of the top side of the screen. RETURN: The X window position for the frame corresponding to pos on the y axis. A positive number is relative to the top screen border, and down, a negative number is relative to the bottom screen border, and down too (its absolute value, up). SEE: position-x " (let ((frame (or frame (current-frame)))) (cond ((consp pos) (if (and (eq '+ (first pos)) (minusp (second pos))) (position-y (second pos) frame) (error "Unexpected y position: %S" pos))) ((minusp pos) (- (+ pos (pjb-frame-pixel-height frame)) (x-display-pixel-height frame))) (t pos)))) (defun screen-usable-origin (&optional frame) " RETURN: The origin of the screen where the frame lies. NOTE: For multi-screen displays, the coordinate system could be such that the origin of a screen may be expressed in negative coordinates. In this case, the returned values may be lists of the form: (+ -|x|) (+ -|y|). " (let ((frame (or frame (current-frame)))) (let ((x (pjb-frame-pixel-left frame)) (y (pjb-frame-pixel-top frame))) (set-frame-position frame 0 0) (prog1 (list (pjb-frame-pixel-left frame) (pjb-frame-pixel-top frame)) (set-frame-position frame (position-x x) (position-y y)))))) (defun screen-usable-area (&optional frame) " RETURN: The origin and width and height of the screen where the frame lies, expressed as non negative numbers. " (let* ((frame (or frame (current-frame))) (origin (screen-usable-origin frame)) (screen-width (x-display-pixel-width frame)) (screen-height (x-display-pixel-height frame))) (list (eval (first origin)) (eval (second origin)) (- screen-width (eval (first origin))) (- screen-height (eval (second origin)))))) ;;; ;;; ;;; (defvar *frame-maximized-states*) ;; (list (frame-pixel-left) (frame-pixel-top) (pjb-frame-width) (pjb-frame-height)) ;; (0 (+ -23) 179 78) (defun full-frame (&optional prefix) "Spread the frame to cover the full screen, or parts of it. The screens as managed on xinerama or mergedfb, with one coordinate system, so we just divide the screen size in two 'screens'. On MacOSX, negative prefix diminishes the size of the window to leave space for the dock. A zerop prefix will use toggle-frame-fullscreen when available. Vertical decorations Vertical decorations in screen. out of screen. +---------++---------+ | .. | | .. 1 | -1 | .. | +---------++---------+ +---------++---------+ | || | | 2 || 3 | -2 -3 | || | +---------++---------+ +----+----++----+----+ | | || | | | 4 | 5 || 6 | 7 | -4 -5 -6 -7 | | || | | +----+----++----+----+ +------+------+------+ | | | | | 11 | 12 | 13 | -11 -12 -13 | | | | +------+------+------+ +---------++---------+ | 21 || 31 | +---------++---------+ No decorationless here. | 22 || 32 | +---------++---------+ +----+----++----+----+ | 41 | 51 || 61 | 71 | +----+----++----+----+ No decorationless here. | 42 | 52 || 62 | 72 | +----+----++----+----+ +------+------+------+ | 111 | 121 | 131 | +------+------+------+ No decorationless here. | 112 | 122 | 132 | +------+------+------+ +--------------------+ | 81 | +--------------------+ No decorationless here. | 82 | +--------------------+ +------+------+------+ | | | | 1112 | 13 | -1112 -13 | | | +------+------+------+ +------+------+------+ | | | | 11 | 1213 | -11 -1213 | | | +------+------+------+ " (interactive "p") (let* ((frame (current-frame)) (area (screen-usable-area frame)) (screen-left (first area)) (screen-top (second area)) (screen-width (third area)) (screen-height (fourth area))) (when (member (abs prefix) '(1112 1213)) (warn "NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.")) (if (not (member (abs prefix) (append (when (and (eq window-system 'ns) (fboundp 'toggle-frame-fullscreen)) '(0)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 11 12 13 -11 -12 -13 111 112 121 122 131 132 -111 -112 -121 -122 -131 -132 21 22 31 32 41 42 51 52 61 62 71 72 81 82 1112 -1112 1213 -1213)))) (error "Invalid prefix %S; expecting: %s" prefix "[ 1 ] [ 2 | 3 ]* [4|5|6|7]* [11|12|13]* [11|1213] [1112|13] Multiply by -1 = without decoration. *: Multiply by 10 and add 1 for top half, and 2 for bottom half. ") (if (and (eq window-system 'ns) (fboundp 'toggle-frame-fullscreen) (zerop prefix)) (toggle-frame-fullscreen) (let* ((decorationp (minusp prefix)) (top-offset (if (and (not (eq window-system 'ns)) decorationp) (- *window-manager-above*) 0)) (height-offset (if (and (not (eq window-system 'ns)) decorationp) 0 (- *window-manager-y-offset*))) (prefix (abs prefix)) (hpref (cond ; 1..19 ((< prefix 20) prefix) ((< prefix 1000) (truncate prefix 10)) (t (truncate prefix 10)))) (vpref (cond ; 0,1,2,3 ((< prefix 20) 0) ((< prefix 1000) (mod prefix 10)) (t 0))) (left (+ screen-left (case hpref ((1 2 4 11 111 8) 0) ((3 6) (truncate screen-width 2)) ((5) (truncate screen-width 4)) ((7) (* 3 (truncate screen-width 4))) ((12 121) (truncate screen-width 3)) ((13) (* 2 (truncate screen-width 3)))))) (width (- (truncate screen-width (case hpref ((1) 1) ((2 3) 2) ((11 12 13) 3) ((4 5 6 7) 4) ((111 121) 1.5))) (if (and (eq window-system 'ns) decorationp) 64 0))) (top (+ screen-top (case vpref ((0 1) 0) ((2) (truncate (- screen-height *window-manager-y-offset*) 2)) ((3) 0)))) (height (- (case vpref ((0) screen-height) ((1 2 3) (truncate (- screen-height *window-manager-y-offset*) 2))) (if (and (eq window-system 'ns) decorationp) 64 0)))) (labels ((mesframe (frame) (message "0: x=%8S y=%8S w=%8S h=%8S" (pjb-frame-pixel-left frame) (pjb-frame-pixel-top frame) (pjb-frame-pixel-width frame) (pjb-frame-pixel-height frame))) (move-frame (x w y h) ;; (mesframe frame) (message "1: x=%8S y=%8S w=%8S h=%8S" x y w h) (set-frame-width frame (pixel-to-char-width (- w (char-to-pixel-width (+ (fringe-width) (scroll-bar-width frame)))) frame)) (set-frame-height frame (pixel-to-char-height h frame)) ;; (mesframe frame) (setf x (position-x x) y (position-y y) w (pjb-frame-pixel-width frame) h (pjb-frame-pixel-height frame)) (message "2: x=%8S y=%8S w=%8S h=%8S" x y w h) (set-frame-position frame x y) ;; (mesframe frame) )) (move-frame left width (+ top top-offset) (+ height height-offset)))))))) (defun single-frame () "Reduce the frame, to one 80-columns window." (interactive) (let ((*current-frame* (current-frame))) (set-frame-width *current-frame* 81) (set-frame-height *current-frame* (pjb-frame-max-line-number)) (if current-prefix-arg (set-frame-position *current-frame* -1 0) (set-frame-position *current-frame* -64 0)) (delete-other-windows))) (defun double-frame () "Enlarge the frame, and split it horizontally in two 80-column windows." (interactive) (let ((*current-frame* (current-frame))) (setq truncate-partial-width-windows nil) (set-frame-width *current-frame* 167) (set-frame-height *current-frame* (pjb-frame-max-line-number)) (set-frame-position *current-frame* 0 0) (delete-other-windows) (split-window-horizontally 86) (other-window 1) (switch-to-buffer (do ((buffers (buffer-list) (cdr buffers))) ((or (null buffers) (not (or (position (char (buffer-name (car buffers)) 0) " *") (equal (current-buffer) (car buffers))))) (car buffers)))))) (defun half-frame () "Reduce the frame, to one 40-columns window." (interactive) (let ((*current-frame* (current-frame))) (set-frame-width *current-frame* 41) (set-frame-position *current-frame* -64 0) (delete-other-windows))) (defun naiad-frame () "" (interactive) (let ((*current-frame* (current-frame))) (set-frame-width *current-frame* 81) (set-frame-height *current-frame* 55) (set-frame-position *current-frame* -64 0))) (defvar *frame-maximized-states* (make-hash-table) "Maps frames to their maximized state: When not maximized = nil; when maximized = ((x y) w h)") ;; (setf *frame-maximized-states* (make-hash-table)) ;; assuming each frame has its own state. ;; The following is to clean up the entry in the hash table when the ;; frame is deleted: (defun pjb-delete-frame-meat (frame) (remhash frame *frame-maximized-states*)) (add-hook 'delete-frame-hook 'pjb-delete-frame-meat) ;; Now let's toggle: (defun toggle-maximize-frame () (interactive) (let* ((frame (selected-frame)) (state (gethash frame *frame-maximized-states*))) (if state (progn (apply (function set-frame-position) frame (first state)) (set-frame-width frame (second state)) (set-frame-height frame (third state)) (setf state nil)) (let ((fp (frame-parameters nil))) (setf state (list (list (cdr (assoc 'left fp)) (cdr (assoc 'top fp))) (cdr (assoc 'width fp)) (cdr (assoc 'height fp)))) (set-frame-width frame (pjb-frame-max-column-number frame 34)) ;; I don't know where these 34 go? (set-frame-height frame (pjb-frame-max-line-number frame)) (set-frame-position frame 0 0))) (setf (gethash frame *frame-maximized-states*) state))) (defun main-frame () "The current frame becomes the main frame, ie. the other frames will only display one window with the scratch buffer" (interactive) (let ((current-frame (current-frame))) (dolist (frame (remove current-frame (frame-list))) (select-frame frame) (delete-other-windows) (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")) (select-frame current-frame))) (defun after-make-frame/full-frame-meat (&optional frame) "Move the new frame to an open area. +----+----+ +----+----+ | | | | 4 | 5 | | 2 | 3 | +----+----+ | | | | 6 | 7 | +----+----+ +----+----+ " ;; TODO: The magic constant 40 depends actually on the window manager decorations ;; TODO: Replace it with (interactive) (let* ((frame (or frame (current-frame))) (area (screen-usable-area frame)) (screen-left (first area)) (screen-top (second area)) (screen-width (third area)) (screen-height (fourth area)) (other-frames (remove-if (lambda (fr) (or (eq fr frame) (not (equal (pjb-frame-display fr) (pjb-frame-display frame))))) (frame-list)))) (select-frame frame) (case (length other-frames) ((0) (full-frame 3)) ; by default go to the right. ((1) (let ((left (eval (pjb-frame-pixel-left (first other-frames))))) (if (< left (truncate (- screen-width 20) 2)) (full-frame 3) (full-frame 2)))) (otherwise (let ((used-squares '())) (dolist (fr other-frames) (let ((h (if (< (eval (pjb-frame-pixel-left fr)) (- (truncate screen-width 2) *window-manager-x-offset*)) ;; on the left 46 [+ 57] (if (<= (pjb-frame-pixel-width fr) (truncate screen-width 2)) '(4 6) '(4 6 5 7)) ;; on the right 57 whatever. '(5 7))) (v (if (< (eval (pjb-frame-pixel-top fr)) (- (truncate screen-height 2) *window-manager-y-offset*)) ;; on the top 45 [+ 67] (if (<= (pjb-frame-pixel-height fr) (truncate screen-height 2)) '(4 5) '(4 5 6 7)) ;; on the bottom whatever. '(6 7)))) (setf used-squares (union used-squares (intersection h v))))) (cond ((null (intersection '(5 7) used-squares)) (full-frame 3)) ((null (intersection '(4 6) used-squares)) (full-frame 2)) ((not (member 4 used-squares)) (full-frame 4)) ((not (member 5 used-squares)) (full-frame 5)) ((not (member 6 used-squares)) (full-frame 6)) ((not (member 7 used-squares)) (full-frame 7)) (t (full-frame 3)))))))) (when (and window-system (not (getenv "RATPOISON"))) (pushnew (quote after-make-frame/full-frame-meat) after-make-frame-functions)) (defun after-make-frame/emacsformacosx-bug-meat (&optional frame) (interactive) (let ((frame (or frame (selected-frame)))) (run-at-time 0.5 ; delay in seconds. nil ; no repeat (lambda () ; a closure, thanks to lexical-binding above :-) (toggle-tool-bar-mode-from-frame +1) (set-frame-size frame (1- (pjb-frame-width frame)) (1- (pjb-frame-height frame))) (forward-font -1) (forward-font +1) (set-frame-size frame (1+ (pjb-frame-width frame)) (1+ (pjb-frame-height frame))) (toggle-tool-bar-mode-from-frame -1))))) (when (eq window-system 'ns) (pushnew (quote after-make-frame/emacsformacosx-bug-meat) after-make-frame-functions)) ;; (setf after-make-frame-functions (remove (function after-make-frame/full-frame-meat) after-make-frame-functions)) (defvar *excluded-frames* '() "List of excluded frames, not considered by `other-frame-non-excluded'") (defun exclude-frame () "Remove the selected frame from the frames used by other-frame-non-excluded" (interactive) (pushnew (selected-frame) *excluded-frames*)) (defun include-frame () "Add the selected frame to the frames used by other-frame-non-excluded" (setf *excluded-frames* (delete (selected-frame) *excluded-frames*))) (defun other-frame-non-excluded (arg) "Select the argth different visible frame on current display, and raise it, but ignoring the frames listed in `*excluded-frames*'. All frames are arranged in a cyclic order. This command selects the frame arg steps away in that order. A negative arg moves in the opposite order. To make this command work properly, you must tell Emacs how the system (or the window manager) generally handles focus-switching between windows. If moving the mouse onto a window selects it (gives it focus), set `focus-follows-mouse' to t. Otherwise, that variable should be nil. See also: `exclude-frame' and `include-frame' " (interactive "p") (let ((frame (selected-frame))) (while (> arg 0) (setq frame (next-frame frame)) (while (not (eq (frame-visible-p frame) t)) (setq frame (next-frame frame))) (unless (member frame *excluded-frames*) (setq arg (1- arg)))) (while (< arg 0) (setq frame (previous-frame frame)) (while (not (eq (frame-visible-p frame) t)) (setq frame (previous-frame frame))) (unless (member frame *excluded-frames*) (setq arg (1+ arg)))) (select-frame-set-input-focus frame))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; windows ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defalias 'swap-windows 'rotate-buffers) (defun tooltip-at-point (format-control &rest arguments) "Displays a message in a tooltip at point." (let* ((pos (window-absolute-pixel-position (point))) (x (car pos)) (y (cdr pos))) (let* ((tooltip-frame-parameters (acons 'left x (acons 'top y tooltip-frame-parameters)))) (tooltip-show (apply (function format) format-control arguments))))) ;; (tooltip-at-point "Hello %s!\nHow do you do?\n--------\nBonjour le monde!" "World") ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Searching selected text ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defvar *last-search-text* nil) (defun pjb-search-backward-region () (interactive) (let ((text *last-search-text*)) (when mark-active (let ((start (min (mark) (point))) (end (max (mark) (point)))) (setq text (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)) (setq *last-search-text* text) (goto-char start))) (cond ((null text) (error "No text to search.")) ((search-backward text nil t) (set-mark (match-end 0))) (t (error "Can't find %S" text))))) (defun pjb-search-forward-region () (interactive) (let ((text *last-search-text*)) (when mark-active (let ((start (min (mark) (point))) (end (max (mark) (point)))) (setq text (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)) (setq *last-search-text* text) (goto-char end))) (cond ((null text) (error "No text to search.")) ((search-forward text nil t) (set-mark (match-beginning 0))) (t (error "Can't find %S" text))))) (defun pjb-buffer-containing-regexp (regexp) (remove-if-not (lambda (buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward regexp nil t)))) (buffer-list))) ;; TODO: provide a grep-like result buffer: ;; (pjb-buffer-containing-regexp "\\") ;; ;; (defun pjb-search-buffer-containing (regexp) ;; (interactive "sRegexp: ") ;; (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))) ;; ) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Masking private text ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; activate-peril-sensitive-sunglasses black-on-black ;;; blind-text-region XXXX a region (passwords) ;;; rotate-buffers rotates the buffers in the current window. (defun activate-peril-sensitive-sunglasses () "Emergency protection from sight of ugly code With apologies to Zaphod Beeblebrox. SEE-ALSO: blind-text-region " (interactive) (mapc (lambda (face) (set-face-foreground face "black") (set-face-background face "black")) (face-list))) (defun filter-region (fun &optional start end) " DO: Apply the function fun(character)->string to the region from start or (min (point) (mark)) to end or (max (point) (mark)). The region is replaced at the end of the processing. " (setq start (or start (min (point) (mark)))) (setq end (or end (max (point) (mark)))) (do* ((pos start (1+ pos)) (ch (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (1+ pos)) (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (1+ pos))) (replacement '())) ((<= end pos) (progn (delete-region start end) (insert (apply (function concatenate) 'string (nreverse replacement))))) (push (funcall fun pos ch) replacement))) (defun is-space (c) "RETURN: Whether C is a space." (member c '(9 10 11 12 13 32))) (defun blind-text-region (start end) " DO: Substitutes every alphanumeric text by a 'x'. SEE-ALSO: activate-peril-sensitive-sunglasses " (interactive "*r") (filter-region (lambda (pos ch) (cond ((or (is-space (character ch)) (cl:string= "\n" ch) (cl:string= "=" ch) (and (cl:string/= "\n" ch) (cl:string= "=" (buffer-substring-no-properties (- pos 1) pos))) (and (cL:string/= "\n" (buffer-substring-no-properties (- pos 1) pos)) (cl:string= "=" (buffer-substring-no-properties (- pos 2) (- pos 1))))) ch) ((alphanumericp (character ch)) "x") (t ch))) start end)) (defun rotate-buffers () "Rotate the buffers in the current windows." (interactive) (let ((buffers (mapcar (function window-buffer) (window-list nil nil)))) (mapcar* (function set-window-buffer) (window-list nil nil) (if current-prefix-arg (append (cdr buffers) (list (car buffers))) (cons (car (last buffers)) (butlast buffers)))))) (defalias 'rotate-windows 'rotate-buffers) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Keymaps: ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun make-keymap-local () "Creates a buffer local keymap to have local-set-key define keys local to the buffer instead of local to the mode." (interactive) (let ((km (make-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent km (current-local-map)) (use-local-map km))) (defmacro rloop (clauses &rest body) (if (null clauses) `(progn ,@body) `(loop ,@(car clauses) do (rloop ,(cdr clauses) ,@body)))) ;; map-keymap https://github.com/dgutov/diff-hl/blob/a01d2917a07d91269c13901bb65fd7ef54766fd4/diff-hl.el#L327 (defun all-bindings () (interactive) (message "all-bindings: wait a few seconds please...") (let ((data (with-output-to-string (let ((bindings '())) (rloop ((for C in '("" "C-")) ; Control (for M in '("" "M-")) ; Meta (for A in '("" "A-")) ; Alt (for S in '("" "S-")) ; Shift (for H in '("" "H-")) ; Hyper (for s in '("" "s-")) ; super (for x from 32 to 127)) (let* ((k (format "%s%s%s%s%s%s%c" C M A S H s x)) (key (ignore-errors (read-kbd-macro k)))) (when key (push (list k (format "%-12s %-12s %S\n" k key (or ;; (string-key-binding key) ;; What is this string-key-binding? (key-binding key)))) bindings)))) (dolist (item (sort bindings (lambda (a b) (or (< (length (first a)) (length (first b))) (and (= (length (first a)) (length (first b))) (string< (first a) (first b))))))) (princ (second item))))))) (switch-to-buffer (format "Keybindings in %s" (buffer-name))) (erase-buffer) (insert data) (goto-char (point-min)) (values))) (defun list-all-bindings () "Return a list of all bound keys." (let ((bindings '())) (rloop ((for C in '("" "C-")) ; Control (for M in '("" "M-")) ; Meta (for A in '("" "A-")) ; Alt (for S in '("" "S-")) ; Shift (for H in '("" "H-")) ; Hyper (for s in '("" "s-")) ; super ;; TODO: What about other keysyms? (for x from 32 to 127)) (let* ((k (format "%s%s%s%s%s%s%c" C M A S H s x)) (key (ignore-errors (read-kbd-macro k)))) (when key (push (list k ;; (format "%-12s %-12s %S" k key ;; (or ;; ;; (string-key-binding key) ;; ;; What is this string-key-binding? ;; (key-binding key))) (key-binding key)) bindings)))) (sort bindings (lambda (a b) (or (< (length (first a)) (length (first b))) (and (= (length (first a)) (length (first b))) (string< (first a) (first b)))))))) ;; (map nil (lambda (x) (insert (format "%S\n" x))) (list-all-bindings)) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Properties: ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun plist-keys (plist) (if (null plist) plist (cons (car plist) (plist-keys (cddr plist))))) (defun list-all-properties-in-buffer (buffer) (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer) (delete-duplicates (loop for i from (point-min) to (point-max) nconc (delete-duplicates (plist-keys (text-properties-at i nil))))))) (defun remove-all-properties () (interactive) (remove-list-of-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) (list-all-properties-in-buffer (current-buffer)))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Morse ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (require 'morse) (defun morse-string (string) "Convert all text in a given string to morse code." (with-output-to-string (loop with sep = "" with morse = nil for ch across string do (cond ((is-space ch) (princ (format "%c" ch))) ((setq morse (assoc (string-upcase ch) morse-code)) (princ sep) (princ (cdr morse)) (setq sep "/")) (t (setq sep "")))))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; randomize ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (require 'cookie1) (defun shuffle-words (words mode) (mapconcat 'identity (ecase mode (1 (coerce (shuffle-vector (coerce words 'vector)) 'list)) (4 (mapcar (lambda (word) (if (< 2 (length word)) (replace word (shuffle-vector (subseq word 1 (- (length word) 2))) :start1 1) word)) words))) " ")) (defun randomize-region (&optional start end mode) (interactive "r\np") (let ((words (split-string (buffer-substring start end)))) (replace-region start end (shuffle-words words mode)))) (defun randomize-paragraph (mode) (interactive "p") (save-excursion (let ((end (point))) (backward-paragraph) (let ((start (point))) (randomize-region start end mode))))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; acronym ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun acronym () (interactive) (w3m-browse-url (if (or (not mark-active) (eql (point) (mark))) (format "http://www.cygwin.com/acronyms/#%s" (read-from-minibuffer "Acronym: ")) (buffer-substring-no-properties (min (point) (mark)) (max (point) (mark)))))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; eppelle ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun eppelle () (interactive) (let ((text (if (or (not mark-active) (eql (point) (mark))) (read-from-minibuffer "Word: ") (buffer-substring-no-properties (min (point) (mark)) (max (point) (mark))))) (alphabet '((?A . "Alpha") (?B . "Bravo") (?C . "Charlie") (?D . "Delta") (?E . "Echo") (?F . "Foxtrot") (?G . "Golf") (?H . "Hotel") (?I . "India") (?J . "Juliet") (?K . "Kilo") (?L . "Lima") (?M . "Mike") (?N . "November") (?O . "Oscar") (?P . "Papa") (?Q . "Quebec") (?R . "Romeo") (?S . "Sierra") (?T . "Tango") (?U . "Uniform") (?V . "Victor") (?W . "Whiskey") (?X . "X-ray") (?Y . "Yankee") (?Z . "Zulu") (?0 . "Nadazero") (?1 . "Unaone") (?2 . "Bissotwo") (?3 . "Terrathree") (?4 . "Kartefour") (?5 . "Pantafive") (?6 . "Soxisix") (?7 . "Setteseven") (?8 . "Oktoeight") (?9 . "Novenine") (?А . "Алексей") (?Б . "Борис") (?В . "Василий") (?Г . "Григорий") (?Д . "Димитрий") (?Е . "Елена") (?Ж . "Женя") ;;(? . "Зоя") (?И . "Иван") (?Й . "Иван Каткий") (?К . "Киловат") (?Л . "Леонид") (?М . "Мариа") (?Н . "Николай") (?О . "Олга") (?П . "Павел") (?Р . "Роман") (?С . "Сергей") (?Т . "Татяна") (?У . "Уляна") (?Ф . "Фёдор") (?Х . "Харитон") (?З . "Запля") (?Ч . "Человек") (?Ш . "Шура") (?Щ . "Щука") (?ъ . "Твирдиы Знак") ;;(? . "Igrek") (?Ь . "Мягкиы Знак Znak") (?э . "Эмиля") (?Ю . "Юри") (?Я . "Яков") ;; Aleph Boaz Gimel David Hagar Vav Ze'ev Hava Tiach Yona ;; Carmel Lea Moshe Nesher Samekh A'in Pesel Tsipor Korakh ;; Ruth Shamir Telem ;; #+clisp ;; (let ((codes '(("Aleph" "_ALEF") ;; ("Boaz" "_BET") ;; ("Gimel" "_GIMEL") ;; ("David" "_DALET") ;; ("Hagar" "_HE") ;; ("Vav" "_VAV") ;; ("Ze'ev" "_ZAYIN") ;; ("Hava" "_HET") ;; ("Tiach" "_TET") ;; ("Yona" "_YOD") ;; ("Carmel" "_KAF") ;; ("Lea" "_LAMED") ;; ("Moshe" "_MEM") ;; ("Nesher" "_NUN") ;; ("Samekh" "_SAMEKH") ;; ("A'in" "_AYIN") ;; ("Pesel" "_PE") ;; ("Tsipor" "_TSADI") ;; ("Korakh" "_QOF") ;; ("Ruth" "_RESH") ;; ("Shamir" "_SHIN") ;; ("Telem" "_TAV")))) ;; (dolist (ch (block nil ;; (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) ;; (return (lschar :name "HEBREW"))))) ;; (let* ((name (char-name ch)) ;; (code (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) ;; (let ((sep "")) ;; (dolist (code codes) ;; (when (search (second code) name) ;; (princ sep) ;; (princ (first code)) ;; (setf sep " "))))))) ;; (when (string/= "" code) ;; (print (cons (intern (format nil "?~C" ch)) code)))))) (?ׁ . "Shamir") (?א . "Aleph") (?ב . "Boaz") (?ג . "Gimel") (?ד . "David") (?ה . "Hagar") (?ו . "Vav") (?ז . "Ze'ev") (?ח . "Hagar Hava") (?ט . "Tiach") (?י . "Yona") (?ך . "Carmel") (?כ . "Carmel") (?ל . "Lea") (?ם . "Moshe") (?מ . "Moshe") (?ן . "Nesher") (?נ . "Nesher") (?ס . "Samekh") (?ע . "A'in") (?ף . "Pesel") (?פ . "Pesel") (?ץ . "Tsipor") (?צ . "Tsipor") (?ק . "Korakh") (?ר . "Ruth") (?ש . "Shamir") (?ת . "Telem") (?װ . "Vav Vav") (?ױ . "Vav Yona") (?ײ . "Yona Yona") (?יִ . "Yona") (?ײַ . "Yona") (?ﬠ . "A'in") (?ﬡ . "Aleph") (?ﬢ . "David") (?ﬣ . "Hagar") (?ﬤ . "Carmel") (?ﬥ . "Lea") (?ﬦ . "Moshe") (?ﬧ . "Ruth") (?ﬨ . "Telem") (?שׁ . "Shamir") (?שׂ . "Shamir") (?שּׁ . "Shamir") (?שּׂ . "Shamir") (?אַ . "Aleph") (?אָ . "Aleph") (?אּ . "Aleph") (?בּ . "Boaz") (?גּ . "Gimel") (?דּ . "David") (?הּ . "Hagar") (?וּ . "Vav") (?זּ . "Ze'ev") (?טּ . "Tiach") (?יּ . "Yona") (?ךּ . "Carmel") (?כּ . "Carmel") (?לּ . "Lea") (?מּ . "Moshe") (?נּ . "Nesher") (?סּ . "Samekh") (?ףּ . "Pesel") (?פּ . "Pesel") (?צּ . "Tsipor") (?קּ . "Korakh") (?רּ . "Ruth") (?שּ . "Shamir") (?תּ . "Telem") (?וֹ . "Vav") (?בֿ . "Boaz") (?כֿ . "Carmel") (?פֿ . "Pesel") (?ﭏ . "Aleph Lea") ))) (switch-to-buffer "*Eppelle*") (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "\n========================================\n" text "\n----------------------------------------\n") (loop for ch across text for tr = (assoc* (upcase ch) alphabet :test (function =)) do (insert (if tr (format "%s " (cdr tr)) (format "%c" ch)))) (insert "\n"))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Radio Londre ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defvar *radio-londre-messages* '("Andromaque se parfume à la lavande." "Athalie est restée en extase. Nous disons deux fois : Athalie est restée en extase." "Attention elle mord. Nous disons trois fois." "Baissez donc les paupières." "Bercent mon coeur d'une langueur monotone." "C'est évidemment un tort." "Clarisse a les yeux bleus, nous disons, Clarisse a les yeux bleus." "Clarisse sera vengée. Nous disons deux fois..." "Clémentine peut se curer les dents." "De Camille à Amicha : six amis trouveront qu'elle mord ce soir. Nous disons : six amis trouveront qu'elle mord ce soir." "De Marie-Thérèse à Marie-Louise : un ami viendra ce soir." "Demain, la mélasse deviendra du cognac." "Du bouledogue au sanglier : vous recevrez encore des amis ce soir. Le vent souffle les flambeaux. Nous disons : vous recevrez encore des amis ce soir. Le vent souffle les flambeaux.." "Écoute mon cœur qui pleure." "Elle est rasoir, Jeannie. Nous disons deux fois..." "Elle restera sur le dos." "Fréderick était roi de Prusse; nous disons quatre fois." "Gabrielle vous envoie ses amitiés." "Grand-Mère mange nos bonbons." "Gustave est très doux. Nous disons deux fois..." "Heureux qui comme Ulysse a fait un long voyage." "Il a pleuré de joie." "Il a une voix de fausset." "Il est sévère mais juste (+ code du département)." "Il est temps de cueillir des tomates." "Il fait chaud à Suez." "Il faut avoir des pipes pour trier les lentilles." "Il n'y a plus de tabac dans la tabatière." "Il pleut toujours en Angleterre." "J'aime les chats siamois." "Je n'aime pas la blanquette de veau." "Je n'aime pas les crêpes Suzette." "Je veux être parrain." "Jean a une moustache très longue." "Jeannette a du cran. Nous disons deux fois." "L'acide rougit le tournesol." "L'angora a les poils longs." "L'éléphant s'est cassé une défense." "L'heure des combats viendra." "L'infirme veut courir." "La Bénédictine est une liqueur douce." "La fortune vient en dormant." "La jeunesse est l'espoir du pays." "La mort de Turenne est irréparable." "La secrétaire est jolie." "La vache saute par dessus la lune." "La vertu réduit dans tous les yeux." "Le canapé se trouve au milieu du salon." "Le chacal n'aime pas le vermicelle. Nous disons : Le chacal n'aime pas le vermicelle." "Le chat a neuf vies." "Le chercheur d'or ira à la foire. Nous disons deux fois..." "Le cheval bleu se promène sur l'horizon." "Le chimpanzé est protocolaire. Nous disons trois fois..." "Le cocker est bon chasseur. Nous disons trois fois..." "Le coq chantera à minuit." "Le facteur s'est endormi." "Le grand blond s'appelle Bill." "Le musicien est enthousiaste." "Le père La Cerise est verni." "Le sapin est vert, je répète, le sapin est vert." "Le soleil se lève à l'Est le dimanche." "Les carottes sont cuites." "Les dés sont sur la table." "Les fraises sont dans leur jus." "Les girafes ne portent pas de faux-col." "Les noix sont sèches." "Les sanglots longs des violons de l'automne." "Lily embrasse Mimi. Nous disons : Lily embrasse Mimi..." "Lisette va bien." "Louis a deux cochons." "Ma femme à l'oeil vif." "Message très important pour Samuel : L'octogénaire ne se déride pas. Attendez deux voitures et des amis sur le bonbon. Nous disons : L'octogénaire ne se déride pas. Attendez deux voitures et des amis sur le bonbon..." "Messieurs faites vos jeux." "Michel-Ange et Raphael sont immortels." "Paul a du bon tabac." "Pierrot ressemble à son grand-père." "Rien ne m'est plus." "Saint Liguori fonda Naples." "Tambours, battez la charge, quatre fois. Nous disons : Tambours, battez la charge, quatre fois." "Tante Amélie fait du vélo en short." "Tu monteras la colline deux fois." "Une poule sur un mur picore du pain dur." "Véronèse était un peintre." "Yvette aime les grosses carottes.")) (defun radio-londre (&optional insertp) (interactive "P") (funcall (if insertp (function insert) (function message)) (elt *radio-londre-messages* (random (length *radio-londre-messages*))))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; cedet ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defvar *pjb-load-noerror* nil) (defvar *pjb-load-silent* nil) (defun compile-cedet () (interactive) (require 'ede) (load "ede-proj.el" *pjb-load-noerror* *pjb-load-silent*) (provide 'ede-proj) (let ((default-directory "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/cedet/ede/") (compilation-ask-about-save nil)) (save-excursion (condition-case ignore (funcall 'ede-compile-project) (error :error))))) (defun compile-eieio () (interactive) (when (file-exists-p "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/cedet/eieio/eieio.el") (if (file-newer-than-file-p "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/cedet/eieio/eieio.elc" "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/cedet/eieio/eieio.el") (message ".EMACS: eieio.elc is up to date.") (progn (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Compilation of eieio*")) (delete-other-windows) (erase-buffer) (insert "Did you run first: M-x compile-cedet RET ?") (split-window-vertically 5) (require 'ede) (load "ede-proj.el" *pjb-load-noerror* *pjb-load-silent*) (provide 'ede-proj) (let ((default-directory "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/cedet/eieio/") (compilation-ask-about-save nil)) (save-excursion (condition-case ignore (ede-compile-project) (error :error)))))))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; macros ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun marker (point) (let ((marker (make-marker))) (set-marker marker point) marker)) (defun free-markers (sexp) (cond ((markerp sexp) (set-marker sexp nil)) ((atom sexp)) (t (free-markers (car sexp)) (free-markers (cdr sexp))))) (defmacro* with-marker ((var position) &body body) (let ((vposition (gensym))) ; so (eq var position) still works. `(let* ((,vposition ,position) (,var (make-marker))) (set-marker ,var ,vposition) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (set-marker ,var nil))))) (defmacro* dolines (start-end &body body) "Executes the body with start-var and end-var bound to the start and the end of each lines of the current buffer in turn." (let ((vline (gensym))) (destructuring-bind (start-var end-var) start-end `(let ((sm (make-marker)) (em (make-marker))) (unwind-protect (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (while (< (point) (point-max)) (let ((,vline (point))) (set-marker sm (point)) (set-marker em (progn (end-of-line) (point))) (let ((,start-var (marker-position sm)) (,end-var (marker-position em))) ,@body) (goto-char ,vline) (forward-line 1)))) (set-marker sm nil) (set-marker em nil)) nil)))) (defun enough-namestring (path base) "Compute a relative path to go to the `PATH' from a `BASE' directory. If `PATH' is an absolute pathname, then it is reduced to a pathname relative to `BASE' else it's returned as is." (let ((separator "/") (here ".") (back "..")) (if (string= (subseq path 0 (min 1 (length path))) separator) (let* ((apath (split-string path separator t)) (abase (split-string base separator t)) (i (mismatch apath abase :test (function string=)))) (if i (mapconcat (function identity) (let ((new (or (nthcdr i apath) '("")))) (dotimes (n (- (length abase) i) new) (push back new))) separator) (concat here separator))) path))) (defun test/enough-namestring () "Test the enough-namestring function." (assert (string= "a/b/c" (enough-namestring "a/b/c" "/x/y/z"))) (assert (string= "./a/b/c" (enough-namestring "./a/b/c" "/x/y/z"))) (assert (string= "../a/b/c" (enough-namestring "../a/b/c" "/x/y/z"))) (assert (string= "../../../a/b/c" (enough-namestring "/a/b/c" "/x/y/z"))) (assert (string= "./" (enough-namestring "/a/b/c" "/a/b/c"))) (assert (string= "../../../" (enough-namestring "/a/b/c" "/a/b/c/d/e/f"))) (assert (string= "d/e/f" (enough-namestring "/a/b/c/d/e/f" "/a/b/c"))) (assert (string= "../../../x/y/z" (enough-namestring "/a/b/c/x/y/z" "/a/b/c/d/e/f"))) :success) (defmacro* with-file (file-and-options &body body) " find-file or find-file-literally, process body, and optionally save the buffer and kill it. save is not done if body exits exceptionnaly. kill is always done as specified. FILE-AND-OPTION: either an atom evaluated to a path, or (path &key (save t) (kill t) (literal nil)) " (if (atom file-and-options) `(with-file (,file-and-options) ,@body) ;; destructuring-bind is broken, we cannot give anything else than nil ;; as default values: (destructuring-bind (path &key (save nil savep) (kill nil killp) (literal nil literalp)) file-and-options (unless savep (setf save t)) (unless killp (setf kill t)) `(save-excursion (unwind-protect (progn (,(if literal 'find-file-literally 'find-file) ,path) (prog1 (save-excursion ,@body) ,(when save `(save-buffer 1)))) ,(when kill `(kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))) (defun constantly (value) (lambda (&rest arguments) value)) (defun mapdirectories (thunk directory &optional mode) " THUNK: a function of one argument called for each directory and subdirectories in DIRECTORY. DIRECTORY: the pathname of the base directory. MODE :prefix (default) or :suffix " (let ((mode (or mode :prefix))) (dolist (file (directory-files directory)) (unless (or (string= "." file) (string= ".." file)) (let* ((path (concat directory (if (string= "/" (subseq directory (1- (length directory)))) "" "/") file)) (stat (file-attributes path))) (when (eq 't (first stat)) (when (eq mode :prefix) (funcall thunk path)) (mapdirectories thunk path) (when (eq mode :suffix) (funcall thunk path)))))))) (defun mapfiles (thunk directory &optional recursive exceptions) " THUNK: a function of one argument called for each file pathname. DIRECTORY: the pathname of the base directory. RECURSIVE: a boolean indicating whether the directory will be walked recursively. EXCEPTIONS: either a list of pathnames that mustn't be processed, or a predicate indicating the pathnames that mustn't be processed. " (dolist (file (directory-files directory)) (let* ((predicate (cond ((null exceptions) (constantly nil)) ((functionp exceptions) exceptions) ((listp exceptions) (byte-compile `(lambda (x) (member* x ',exceptions :test (function string=))))) (t (error "exceptions must be either a list or a function, not a ~S: ~S" (type-of exceptions) exceptions)))) (path (concat directory (if (string= (subseq directory (1- (length directory))) "/") "" "/") file)) (stat (file-attributes path))) (case (first stat) ((t) ; directory (unless (or (string= "." file) (string= ".." file)) (when recursive (unless (funcall predicate path) (mapfiles thunk path recursive predicate))))) ((nil) ; file (unless (funcall predicate path) (funcall thunk path))) (otherwise ; symlink ;; NOP ))))) (defmacro* with-files ((file-var directory-expr &key recursive exceptions) &body body) `(mapfiles (lambda (,file-var) ,@body) ,directory-expr ,recursive ,exceptions)) (defun first-existing-file (list-of-files) "Find the first file in LIST-OF-FILES that exists." (find-if (lambda (file) (and file (file-exists-p file))) list-of-files)) (defun map-existing-files (function list-of-files) "Call FUNCTION on each file in LIST-OF-FILES that exists, and return the list of results." (let ((result '())) (dolist (file list-of-files (nreverse result)) (when (file-exists-p file) (push (funcall function file) result))))) (defun remove-non-existing-files (list-of-files) "Return the LIST-OF-FILES with non-existing files removed." (remove-if-not (function file-exists-p) list-of-files)) (defmacro* with-file (file-and-options &body body) "Process BODY with a buffer on the given file. DO: find-file or find-file-literally, process body, and optionally save the buffer and kill it. save is not done if body exits exceptionnaly. kill is always done as specified. FILE-AND-OPTION: either an atom evaluated to a path, or (path &key (save t) (kill t) (literal nil)) " (if (atom file-and-options) `(with-file (,file-and-options) ,@body) ;; destructuring-bind is broken, we cannot give anything else than nil ;; as default values: (destructuring-bind (path &key (save nil savep) (kill nil killp) (literal nil literalp)) file-and-options (unless savep (setf save t)) (unless killp (setf kill t)) `(unwind-protect (progn (,(if literal 'find-file-literally 'find-file) ,path) (prog1 (save-excursion ,@body) ,(when save `(save-buffer 1)))) ,(when kill `(kill-buffer (current-buffer))))))) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; multi-file replace ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; recursive-replace-string (defvar *recursive-replace-ignored-directories* *ignorable-directories*) (defun exception-function (exceptions) (lambda (path) (let ((name (basename path))) (cond ((string= "~" (subseq name (1- (length name))))) ((member* name *recursive-replace-ignored-directories* :test (function string=))) ((functionp exceptions) (funcall exceptions path)) ((listp exceptions) (member* path exceptions :test (function string=))) (t nil))))) (defun* recursive-replace-string (from-string to-string &key directory recursive delimited exceptions) "Replace the all occurences of `from-string' by `to-string' in all the files in the directory. If `recursive' is true (or a prefix argument is given), then the files are searched recursively otherwise only the files directly in the given `directory' are modified. `*recursive-replace-ignored-directories*' is a list of directory names that are excluded from the recursive search. Backup files (name ending in ~) are ignored too. `delimited', if non-nil, means replace only matches surrounded by word boundaries. " (interactive (let* ((directory (symbol-name (read-minibuffer "Directory: " default-directory))) (arguments (query-replace-read-args (format "Replace string in all files in %s" directory) nil))) (list (first arguments) (second arguments) :directory directory :recursive (third arguments) :delimited nil))) (with-files (file directory :recursive recursive :exceptions (exception-function exceptions)) (with-file (file) (message "Processing %S" file) (beginning-of-buffer) (replace-string from-string to-string delimited)))) (defun* recursive-replace-regexp (regexp to-string &key directory recursive delimited exceptions) "Replace the all occurences of `regexp' by `to-string' in all the files in the directory. If `recursive' is true (or a prefix argument is given), then the files are searched recursively otherwise only the files directly in the given `directory' are modified. `*recursive-replace-ignored-directories*' is a list of directory names that are excluded from the recursive search. Backup files (name ending in ~) are ignored too. `delimited', if non-nil, means replace only matches surrounded by word boundaries. " (interactive (let* ((directory (symbol-name (read-minibuffer "Directory: " default-directory))) (arguments (query-replace-read-args (format "Replace string in all files in %s" directory) nil))) (list (first arguments) (second arguments) :directory directory :recursive (third arguments) :delimited nil))) (with-files (file directory :recursive recursive :exceptions (exception-function exceptions)) (with-file (file) (message "Processing %S" file) (beginning-of-buffer) (replace-regexp regexp to-string delimited)))) (defun multifile-replace-regexp (regexp to-string files &optional delimited) "Replace the all occurences of `regexp' by `to-string' in all the `files'. `delimited', if non-nil, means replace only matches surrounded by word boundaries. " (dolist (file files) (with-file (file :save t :kill nil) (message "Processing %S" file) (beginning-of-buffer) (replace-regexp regexp to-string delimited)))) (defun replace-multiple-strings (replacements-alist) "Replaces all occurences of the keys in `replacements-alist' by their corresponding value. The search is performed in sequentially once from (point) to (point-max)." (let ((re (concat "\\(" (mapconcat (lambda (entry) (regexp-quote (car entry))) replacements-alist "\\|") "\\)"))) (while (re-search-forward re (point-max) t) (let* ((key (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))) (val (cdr (assoc* key replacements-alist :test (function string=))))) (if val (progn (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) (insert val) (goto-char (+ (match-beginning 1) (length val)))) (goto-char (match-end 1))))))) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; scroll-page-mode ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (defvar scroll-page-delimiter " ") (make-local-variable 'scroll-page-delimiter) (setf scroll-page-delimiter "Software Design Notes") (defun scroll-page-up () (interactive) (if (re-search-forward scroll-page-delimiter nil t) (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (recenter 0) (forward-line 1)) (message ".EMACS: Last page"))) (defun scroll-page-down () (interactive) (if (re-search-backward scroll-page-delimiter nil t 2) (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (recenter 0) (forward-line 1)) (message ".EMACS: First page"))) (defvar scroll-page-mode nil) (make-local-variable 'scroll-page-mode) (defun scroll-page-mode () (interactive) (if scroll-page-mode (progn (local-set-key (kbd "") 'scroll-up) (local-set-key (kbd "") 'scroll-down) (setf scroll-page-mode nil)) (progn (local-set-key (kbd "") 'scroll-page-up) (local-set-key (kbd "") 'scroll-page-down) (setf scroll-page-mode t)))) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; forward-same-identation ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (defun indentation () "returns the indentation of the line at point." (back-to-indentation) (let ((indentation (current-column))) (if (= indentation (save-excursion (end-of-line) (current-column))) 0 indentation))) (defun forward-same-indent () (interactive) (let ((current (point)) (indentation (indentation))) (while (and (< (point) (point-max)) (progn (forward-line) (/= indentation (indentation))))) (unless (= indentation (indentation)) (goto-char current)))) (defun backward-same-indent () (interactive) (let ((current (point)) (indentation (indentation))) (while (and (< (point-min) (point)) (progn (forward-line -1) (/= indentation (indentation))))) (unless (= indentation (indentation)) (goto-char current)))) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; align-cols ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (defun align-cols (start end max-cols) "Align text between point and mark as columns. Columns are separated by whitespace characters. Prefix arg means align that many columns. (default is all) Attribution: Matthias Helmling (https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/align.el). This function is GPL." (interactive "r\nP") (save-excursion (let ((p start) pos end-of-line word count (max-cols (if (numberp max-cols) (max 0 (1- max-cols)) nil)) (pos-list nil) (ref-list nil)) ;; find the positions (goto-char start) (while (< p end) (beginning-of-line) (setq count 0) (setq end-of-line (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))) (re-search-forward "^\\s-*" end-of-line t) (setq pos (current-column)) ;start of first word (if (null (car ref-list)) (setq pos-list (list pos)) (setq pos-list (list (max pos (car ref-list)))) (setq ref-list (cdr ref-list))) (while (and (if max-cols (< count max-cols) t) (re-search-forward "\\s-+" end-of-line t)) (setq count (1+ count)) (setq word (- (current-column) pos)) ;; length of next word including following whitespaces (setq pos (current-column)) (if (null (car ref-list)) (setq pos-list (cons word pos-list)) (setq pos-list (cons (max word (car ref-list)) pos-list)) (setq ref-list (cdr ref-list)))) (while ref-list (setq pos-list (cons (car ref-list) pos-list)) (setq ref-list (cdr ref-list))) (setq ref-list (nreverse pos-list)) (forward-line) (setq p (point))) ;; align the cols starting with last row (setq pos-list (copy-sequence ref-list)) (setq start (save-excursion (goto-char start) (beginning-of-line) (point))) (goto-char end) (beginning-of-line) (while (>= p start) (beginning-of-line) (setq count 0) (setq end-of-line (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))) (re-search-forward "^\\s-*" end-of-line t) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (setq pos (nth count pos-list)) (while (< (current-column) pos) (insert-char ?\040 1)) (setq end-of-line (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))) (while (and (if max-cols (< count max-cols) t) (re-search-forward "\\s-+" end-of-line t)) (setq count (1+ count)) (setq pos (+ pos (nth count pos-list))) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (while (< (current-column) pos) (insert-char ?\040 1)) (setq end-of-line (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))) (forward-line -1) (if (= p (point-min)) (setq p (1- p)) (setq p (point))))))) (defvar *find-file-at-point-file-regexp* "^\\([ \t]*\\|[-=#+/ \t]* \\)\\(\\([^: \n\t]*\\)\\(:\\([0-9]+\\)\\)\\):?") (defvar *find-file-at-point-file-regexp--link-match* 2) (defvar *find-file-at-point-file-regexp--path-match* 3) (defvar *find-file-at-point-file-regexp--lino-match* 5) (defvar *find-file-at-point-file--last* 'find-next-file) (defun ffap-clean-path (dir path) (let ((path (if (and (< 0 (length path)) (= ?/ (char path 0))) path (concat dir "/" path)))) (when (file-exists-p path) path))) (defun find-file-at-point () (interactive) (save-match-data (when (looking-at *find-file-at-point-file-regexp*) (let ((path (ffap-clean-path default-directory (match-string *find-file-at-point-file-regexp--path-match*))) (lino (and (match-string *find-file-at-point-file-regexp--lino-match*) (string-to-number (match-string *find-file-at-point-file-regexp--lino-match*))))) (if path (progn (find-file path) (when lino (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line (1- lino)))) (error "No such file %s" (match-string 1))))))) (defun find-next/previous-file (search next) (when (and (boundp 'find-file-at-point-paths-buffer) (or (bufferp find-file-at-point-paths-buffer) (stringp find-file-at-point-paths-buffer))) (switch-to-buffer find-file-at-point-paths-buffer)) (save-match-data (let ((buffer (current-buffer))) (when (funcall search *find-file-at-point-file-regexp* nil t) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (find-file-at-point) (make-variable-buffer-local 'find-file-at-point-paths-buffer) (setf find-file-at-point-paths-buffer buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer (goto-char (funcall next 0))))))) (defun find-next-file () (interactive) (unless (eq 'find-next-file *find-file-at-point-file--last*) (find-next/previous-file (function re-search-forward) (function match-end))) (setf *find-file-at-point-file--last* 'find-next-file) (find-next/previous-file (function re-search-forward) (function match-end))) (defun find-previous-file () (interactive) (when (eq 'find-next-file *find-file-at-point-file--last*) (find-next/previous-file (function re-search-backward) (function match-beginning))) (setf *find-file-at-point-file--last* 'find-previous-file) (find-next/previous-file (function re-search-backward) (function match-beginning))) (global-set-key (kbd "A-n") 'find-next-file) (global-set-key (kbd "A-p") 'find-previous-file) (defun find-file-at-point--button-action (button) (goto-char (button-start button)) (beginning-of-line) (find-file-at-point)) (defun add-find-file-buttons () (interactive) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward *find-file-at-point-file-regexp* (point-max) t) (message "Found %s" (match-string *find-file-at-point-file-regexp--link-match*)) (make-text-button (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)) (progn (end-of-line) (+ 1 (point))) 'action 'find-file-at-point--button-action))) ;; button navigation: (local-set-key (kbd "TAB") (lambda () (interactive) (forward-button 1 t t))) (local-set-key (kbd "") (lambda () (interactive) (backward-button 1 t t)))) (defun octal (n) "N is a decimal numbers whose digits are taken as octal digits and converted as such." (loop for d across (format "%d" n) for r = (digit-char-p d) then (+ (* 8 r) (digit-char-p d)) finally (return r))) (test/enough-namestring) (defun strike-previous-word () "Strike the previous word." (interactive) (backward-word 1) (while (looking-at "[[:word:]]") (forward-char 1) (insert #x336))) (defun strike-region (start end) "Strike the whole region." (interactive "r") (let ((stop (make-marker))) (set-marker stop end) (save-excursion (goto-char start) (while (< (point) stop) (forward-char 1) (insert #x336))))) (provide 'pjb-emacs) ;; Local Variables: ;; coding: utf-8 ;; End Variables: