#!/usr/bin/python ############################################################################# # # # This script was initially developed by Infoxchange for internal use # # and has kindly been made available to the Open Source community for # # redistribution and further development under the terms of the # # GNU General Public License v2: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html # # Copyright 2015 Infoxchange # # # ############################################################################# # # # This script is supplied 'as-is', in the hope that it will be useful, but # # neither Infoxchange nor the authors make any warranties or guarantees # # as to its correct operation, including its intended function. # # # # Or in other words: # # Test it yourself, and make sure it works for YOU. # # # ############################################################################# # Author: George Hansper e-mail: george@hansper.id.au # ############################################################################# import sys, getopt, time, socket import os BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 host_name = '' tcp_port = 1337 unix_socket = '' t_timeout = 30.0 t_warn = 5 t_crit = 15 verbose = 0 version = 'v1.0 $Id$' from_addr = 'nagios@nagios.greylist.check' to_addr = 'nagios@nagios.greylist.check' # This IP should NEVER appear in real life, so it's good for this check # = TEST-NET-1 - See: RFC 5737 "IPv4 Address Blocks Reserved for Documentation" client_ip = '' helo_name = 'nagios.greylist.check' policy_request_template = '''request=smtpd_access_policy client_name=nagios.greylist.test helo_name=%s sender=%s recipient=%s client_address=%s ''' perf_message='' result_message='' result_full='' def print_v(msg): global verbose if verbose: sys.stderr.write(msg+"\n") def usage(): global host_name, tcp_port, verbose, t_timeout global from_addr, to_addr, client_ip, helo_name global t_warn, t_crit print('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + " [-H host] [-p port] [-u /path_to/socket] [-T timeout] [-w time_s] [-c time_s] [-v] [-V]") print(""" -H, --host ... connect to this host (name or IP address) default: %s also accepts host:port syntax -p, --port ... connect to this port on host (name or IP address) default: %s -u, --unix ... connect to the unix socket at this path (default is to use TCP instead) -T, --timeout ... connect within this many seconds (floating point), default: %.1f -w, --warn ... warning if query exceeds this many seconds (floating point), default: %.1f -c, --crit ... critical if query exceeds this many seconds (floating point), default: %.1f -f, --from ... use this as the sender, default: %s -i, --ip ... use this as the client_address, default: %s -t, --to ... use this as the recipient, default: %s -e, --helo ... use this as the helo_name, default: %s -v, --verbose ... verbose messages, print full response -h, --help ... print this help message """ % ( host_name, tcp_port, t_timeout, t_warn, t_crit, from_addr, client_ip, to_addr, helo_name ) ) def command_args(argv): global host_name, tcp_port, unix_socket, verbose, t_timeout global from_addr, to_addr, client_ip, helo_name global t_warn, t_crit global version try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'H:p:u:T:w:c:f:i:e:t:vhV', ['host=', 'port=', 'unix=', 'timeout=', 'warn=', 'crit=', 'from=', 'ip=', 'to=', 'helo=', 'verbose', 'version', 'help']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(3) for opt, arg in opts: #arg = arg.rstrip('%') if opt in ('-H', '--host'): host_port = arg.split(':',2) host_name = host_port[0] if len(host_port)>1: tcp_port = int(host_port[1]) elif opt in ('-p', '--port'): tcp_port = int(arg) elif opt in ('-u', '--unix'): unix_socket = arg elif opt in ('-T', '--timeout'): t_timeout = float(arg) elif opt in ('-w', '--warn'): t_warn = float(arg) elif opt in ('-c', '--crit'): t_crit = float(arg) elif opt in ('-f', '--from'): from_addr = arg elif opt in ('-t', '--to'): to_addr = arg elif opt in ('-i', '--ip'): client_ip = arg elif opt in ('-e', '--helo'): helo_name = arg elif opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit(1) elif opt in ('-V', '--version'): print(version) sys.exit(1) elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'): verbose = 1 def connect_to_socket(unix_socket,data,timeout): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) #s = socket.create_connection(unix_socket, int(timeout) ) s.connect(unix_socket) s.settimeout(timeout) s.setblocking(1) except IOError as ioerr: return (2, "Error connecting to unix socket: %s - %s" % (unix_socket, ioerr), '') try: s.settimeout(timeout) # Python 2.x/Python 3 incompatibility if sys.version_info < (3, 0): s.sendall(bytes(data)) else: s.sendall(bytes(data,'UTF-8')) #s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except IOError as ioerr: return (2, "Error sending to unix socket %s - %s" % (unix_socket, ioerr), '') try: # Python 2.x/Python 3 incompatibility if sys.version_info < (3, 0): result_full = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE).strip() else: result_full = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE).decode(encoding='UTF-8').strip() s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except IOError as ioerr: return (2, "Error receiving from unix socket %s - %s" % (unix_socket, ioerr), '') return(0,'',result_full) def connect_to_tcp_port(host,tcp_port,data,timeout): try: s = socket.create_connection((host, tcp_port), int(timeout )) s.settimeout(timeout) s.setblocking(1) except IOError as ioerr: return (2, "Error connecting to server: %s:%d - %s" % (host, tcp_port, ioerr), '') try: s.settimeout(timeout) # Python 2.x/Python 3 incompatibility if sys.version_info < (3, 0): s.sendall(bytes(data)) else: s.sendall(bytes(data,'UTF-8')) #s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except IOError as ioerr: return (2, "Error sending to tcp connection %s:%s - %s" % (host, tcp_port, ioerr) ,'') try: # Python 2.x/Python 3 incompatibility if sys.version_info < (3, 0): result_full = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE).strip() else: result_full = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE).decode(encoding='UTF-8').strip() s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except IOError as ioerr: return (2, "Error receiving from tcp connection %s:%s - %s" % (host, tcp_port, ioerr) ,'') return(0,'',result_full) def check_greylist_result(result_full): if len(result_full) > 63: result = result_full[:60] + '...' else: result = result_full if len(result) == 0: return(2, 'Empty response from greylister') result_list = result.split('=',2) if result_list[0] != 'action': return(2, 'Expected action=... but response was: %s' % result.splitlines()[0]) elif result_list[1].upper().startswith('DUNNO'): return (0,result) elif result_list[1].upper().startswith('DEFER_IF_PERMIT'): return (1,result + ' (this warning should go away, when greylisting is over)') elif result_list[1].upper().startswith('PREPEND'): return (1,result + ' (this should change to DUNNO on the next check)') return (4,result + ' - unexpected action=..., exepcting DUNNO or DEFER_IF_PERMIT or PREPEND') # Parse command line args command_args(sys.argv[1:]) # Construct the policy query policy_request = policy_request_template % ( helo_name, from_addr, to_addr, client_ip ) print_v(policy_request) # Get the greytlister results t_start = time.time() if unix_socket == '': (exit_code,result_message,result_full) = connect_to_tcp_port(host_name, tcp_port, policy_request, t_timeout) else: (exit_code,result_message,result_full) = connect_to_socket(unix_socket, policy_request, t_timeout) t_result = time.time() - t_start perf_message = 't=%f' % t_result # Check the result if exit_code == 0: (exit_code,result_message) = check_greylist_result(result_full) # Check timing if t_result > t_crit: exit_code |= 2 result_message += ', (!!) t=%0.3f > %0.3f' % ( t_result, t_crit ) elif t_result > t_warn: exit_code |= 1 result_message += ', (!) t=%0.3f > %0.3f' % ( t_result, t_warn ) else: result_message += ', t=%0.3f' % t_result # Write the result(s) if exit_code == 0: state = 'OK' elif exit_code == 1: state = 'WARNING' elif exit_code == 2 or exit_code == 3: state = 'CRITICAL' exit_code = 2 else: state = 'UNKNOWN' exit_code = 3 print('%s: %s|%s' % ( state, result_message, perf_message )) # Long service output - useful for debugging print(result_full) sys.exit(exit_code)