#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################# # # # This script was initially developed by Infoxchange for internal use # # and has kindly been made available to the Open Source community for # # redistribution and further development under the terms of the # # GNU General Public License v2: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html # # Copyright 2015 Infoxchange # # # ############################################################################# # # # This script is supplied 'as-is', in the hope that it will be useful, but # # neither Infoxchange nor the authors make any warranties or guarantees # # as to its correct operation, including its intended function. # # # # Or in other words: # # Test it yourself, and make sure it works for YOU. # # # ############################################################################# # Author: George Hansper e-mail: george@hansper.id.au # ############################################################################# use strict; use Getopt::Std; use LWP; use LWP::UserAgent; use Time::HiRes qw (gettimeofday tv_interval); my $rcs_id = 'v1.0 $Id$'; my %optarg; my $getopt_result; my $hp_host = 'localhost'; my $snmp_community = 'public'; my $snmp_port = 161; # default port my $timeout = 10; # Default timeout my $t_warn = 10; my $t_crit = 20; my $ilo_ip = ''; my $encl_ip=""; my $encl_slot=""; delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}; my $exit = 0; my $ssl_verify_hostname = 0; my @message = (); my @perf_message = (); my @exit = qw/OK: WARNING: CRITICAL: UNKNOWN:/; my $expected_server = 'HP-ILO-Server|Allegro-Software-RomPager'; $getopt_result = getopts('VvhH:p:t:c:e:W:C:', \%optarg) ; sub printv($) { if ( defined($optarg{v} ) ) { print STDERR $_[0]; } } sub HELP_MESSAGE() { my $cmd = $0; $cmd =~ s{.*/}{}; print <new; $lwp_user_agent->timeout($timeout); $lwp_user_agent->ssl_opts( verify_hostname => $ssl_verify_hostname ); $lwp_user_agent->default_header('Connection' => 'close'); my $url = "https://${ilo}/"; my $http_request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); my $start_req = [gettimeofday()]; my $http_response = $lwp_user_agent->request($http_request); my $end_req = [gettimeofday()]; my $t_request = tv_interval($start_req,$end_req); push @perf_message,sprintf("time=%05.4f",$t_request); printv "---------------\n" . $http_response->protocol . " " . $http_response->status_line; printv "--- Request headers"; printv $http_request->headers_as_string; printv "--- Response headers"; printv $http_response->headers_as_string; #printv $http_response->server."\n"; if ( $http_response->header( 'Title' ) =~ /ilo/i ) { push @message,$http_response->header( 'Title' ); } if ( $http_response->code eq '401' && $http_response->header('WWW-Authenticate' ) ) { push @message, 'Autheniticated HTTP server found'.$http_response->server; # OK } elsif ( ! $http_response->is_success) { $exit |= 2; push @message, 'HTTP Error: '. $http_response->status_line; } elsif ( defined($http_response->server) && $http_response->server =~ /${expected_server}/i ) { push @message, 'HP ILO found: '.$http_response->server; # OK } elsif ( $http_response->header('Title') =~ /HP Integrated Lights-Out/ ) { push @message,$http_response->header( 'Title' ); push @message, 'HP ILO found'; # OK } elsif ( $http_response->server eq '' ) { $exit |= 1; push @message, 'HTTP Header not found: Server'; } else { $exit |= 1; push @message, 'HTTP Server is '.$http_response->server." (Should match /${expected_server}/ )"; } if ( $t_request > $t_crit ) { $exit |= 2; push @message, sprintf('(!!) HTTP reponse took %.1fs (> %.1fs)',$t_request,${t_crit}); } elsif ( $t_request > $t_warn ) { $exit |= 1; push @message, sprintf('(!) HTTP reponse took %.1fs (> %.1fs)',$t_request,${t_warn}); } } ######################################################################### # ILO IP address ######################################################################### #$file = "snmpget -c $snmp_community -v 2c localhost:161 enterprises.|"; my %oids = ( ILO => ".", Encl => ".", Slot => ".", # DRAC => ".", ); my $file = "snmpget -c $snmp_community -v 2c -On -t " . int(($timeout+2)/3) . " -r 2 $hp_host:$snmp_port ".join(" ",values(%oids))." 2>&1 |"; if ( open(SNMPGET,$file) ) { my @snmpget = ( ); close SNMPGET; printv(join("",@snmpget)); chomp @snmpget; ($ilo_ip) = grep( { if ( /$oids{ILO} = IpAddress:\s*(\S+)/i ) { $_ = $1; } } ( @snmpget ) ); ($encl_ip) = grep( { if ( /$oids{Encl} = STRING:\s*(\S+)/i ) { $_ = $1; } } ( @snmpget ) ); ($encl_slot) = grep( { if ( /$oids{Slot} = INTEGER:\s*(\S+)/i ) { $_ = $1; } } ( @snmpget ) ); if ( defined($ilo_ip) && $ilo_ip ne '' ) { $message[0] = "ILO=$ilo_ip"; if ( defined($encl_ip) && $encl_ip ne '' ) { $encl_ip =~ s/^"|"$//g; push @message,'Chassis='.$encl_ip; } if ( defined($encl_slot) && $encl_slot ne '' ) { push @message,'Slot='.$encl_slot; } check_http($ilo_ip); } elsif ( $snmpget[0] =~ /No Such Instance/i ) { $message[0] = "ILO=not available"; $message[1] = "SNMP not configured - run /sbin/hpsnmpconfig"; push @perf_message,'time=U'; $exit |= 1; } else { $message[0] = "ILO=not available"; $message[1] = join(" ",@snmpget); push @perf_message,'time=U'; $exit |= 2; } } else { print STDERR "Could not run $file: $!\n"; $message[0] = "ILO=not available"; $message[1] = "Could not connect to $hp_host:$snmp_port snmpget: $!"; push @perf_message,'time=U'; $exit |= 2; } ######################################################################### if ( $exit == 3 ) { $exit = 2; } elsif ( $exit > 3 || $exit < 0 ) { $exit = 3; } print "$exit[$exit] " . join(", ",@message)."|".join(" ",@perf_message) . "\n"; exit($exit);