#!/usr/bin/env sh # This script is used in the README and https://www.infracost.io/docs/#quick-start set -e # check_sha is separated into a defined function so that we can # capture the exit code effectively with `set -e` enabled check_sha() { ( cd /tmp/ shasum -sc "$1" ) return $? } os=$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') arch=$(uname -m | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed -e s/x86_64/amd64/) if [ "$arch" = "aarch64" ]; then arch="arm64" fi url="https://infracost.io/downloads/latest" tar="infracost-$os-$arch.tar.gz" echo "Downloading latest release of infracost-$os-$arch..." curl -sL "$url/$tar" -o "/tmp/$tar" echo code=$(curl -s -L -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$url/$tar.sha256") if [ "$code" = "404" ]; then echo "Skipping checksum validation as the sha for the release could not be found, no action needed." else if [ -x "$(command -v shasum)" ]; then echo "Validating checksum for infracost-$os-$arch..." curl -sL "$url/$tar.sha256" -o "/tmp/$tar.sha256" if ! check_sha "$tar.sha256"; then echo read -r -p "Installation checksum failed. This could be a security issue. Would you like to continue? (y/n) " answer if [ "$answer" != "y" ]; then echo echo "Exiting, please email hello@infracost.io for help." exit 1 fi fi rm "/tmp/$tar.sha256" else echo "Skipping checksum validation as the shasum command could not be found, no action needed." fi fi echo tar xzf "/tmp/$tar" -C /tmp rm "/tmp/$tar" echo "Moving /tmp/infracost-$os-$arch to /usr/local/bin/infracost (you might be asked for your password due to sudo)" if [ -x "$(command -v sudo)" ]; then sudo mv "/tmp/infracost-$os-$arch" "/usr/local/bin/infracost" else mv "/tmp/infracost-$os-$arch" "/usr/local/bin/infracost" fi echo echo "Completed installing $(infracost --version)"