# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ IPython 5+ extension for physical quantity input. See README.txt for usage examples. Author: Georg Brandl . This file has been placed in the public domain. """ import re import sys from math import pi from functools import reduce, total_ordering import numpy as np # note: deprecated since IPython 7 from IPython.core.inputtransformer import InputTransformer # allow uncertain values if the "uncertainties" package is available try: from uncertainties import ufloat, Variable, AffineScalarFunc import uncertainties.umath as unp uncertain = (Variable, AffineScalarFunc) def valuetype(val_unit): v, u = val_unit if isinstance(v, uncertain): return v return ufloat((v, u)) except ImportError: uncertain = () unp = np def valuetype(val_unit): return val_unit[0] class UnitError(ValueError): pass # Adapted from ScientificPython: # Written by Konrad Hinsen # with contributions from Greg Ward # last revision: 2007-5-25 class NumberDict(dict): """Dictionary storing numerical values. An instance of this class acts like an array of number with generalized (non-integer) indices. A value of zero is assumed for undefined entries. NumberDict instances support addition, and subtraction with other NumberDict instances, and multiplication and division by scalars. """ def __getitem__(self, item): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, item) except KeyError: return 0 def __add__(self, other): sum_dict = NumberDict() for key in self: sum_dict[key] = self[key] for key in other: sum_dict[key] = sum_dict[key] + other[key] return sum_dict def __radd__(self, other): return NumberDict(other) + self def __sub__(self, other): sum_dict = NumberDict() for key in self: sum_dict[key] = self[key] for key in other: sum_dict[key] = sum_dict[key] - other[key] return sum_dict def __rsub__(self, other): return NumberDict(other) - self def __mul__(self, other): new = NumberDict() for key in self: new[key] = other*self[key] return new __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): new = NumberDict() for key in self: new[key] = self[key]/other return new # Type checks def isPhysicalUnit(x): return hasattr(x, 'factor') and hasattr(x, 'powers') def isPhysicalQuantity(x): return hasattr(x, 'value') and hasattr(x, 'unit') @total_ordering class PhysicalUnit(object): """Physical unit. A physical unit is defined by a name (possibly composite), a scaling factor, and the exponentials of each of the SI base units that enter into it. Units can be multiplied, divided, and raised to integer powers. """ def __init__(self, names, factor, powers, offset=0): """ @param names: a dictionary mapping each name component to its associated integer power (e.g. C{{'m': 1, 's': -1}}) for M{m/s}). As a shorthand, a string may be passed which is assigned an implicit power 1. @param factor: a scaling factor @param powers: the integer powers for each of the nine base units @param offset: an additive offset to the base unit (used only for temperatures) """ if isinstance(names, str): self.names = NumberDict() self.names[names] = 1 else: self.names = names self.factor = factor self.offset = offset self.powers = powers def set_name(self, name): self.names = NumberDict() self.names[name] = 1 def name(self): num = '' denom = '' for unit in self.names: power = self.names[unit] if power < 0: denom = denom + '/' + unit if power < -1: denom = denom + '**' + str(-power) elif power > 0: num = num + '*' + unit if power > 1: num = num + '**' + str(power) if len(num) == 0: num = '1' if denom == '': return '' else: num = num[1:] return num + denom @property def is_dimensionless(self): return not reduce(lambda a, b: a or b, self.powers) @property def is_angle(self): return self.powers[7] == 1 and \ reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, self.powers) == 1 def __str__(self): return self.name() def __repr__(self): return '' def __eq__(self, other): if self.powers != other.powers: raise UnitError('Incompatible units') return self.factor == other.factor def __lt__(self, other): if self.powers != other.powers: raise UnitError('Incompatible units') return self.factor < other.factor def __mul__(self, other): if self.offset != 0 or (isPhysicalUnit(other) and other.offset != 0): raise UnitError('Cannot multiply units with non-zero offset') if isPhysicalUnit(other): return PhysicalUnit(self.names + other.names, self.factor * other.factor, [a+b for (a,b) in zip(self.powers, other.powers)]) else: return PhysicalUnit(self.names + {str(other): 1}, self.factor * other, self.powers, self.offset * other) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): if self.offset != 0 or (isPhysicalUnit(other) and other.offset != 0): raise UnitError('Cannot divide units with non-zero offset') if isPhysicalUnit(other): return PhysicalUnit(self.names - other.names, self.factor / other.factor, [a-b for (a,b) in zip(self.powers, other.powers)]) else: return PhysicalUnit(self.names+{str(other): -1}, self.factor/other, self.powers) def __rtruediv__(self, other): if self.offset != 0 or (isPhysicalUnit(other) and other.offset != 0): raise UnitError('Cannot divide units with non-zero offset') if isPhysicalUnit(other): return PhysicalUnit(other.names - self.names, other.factor/self.factor, [a-b for (a,b) in zip(other.powers, self.powers)]) else: return PhysicalUnit({str(other): 1} - self.names, other / self.factor, [-x for x in self.powers]) def __pow__(self, other): if self.offset != 0: raise UnitError('Cannot exponentiate units with non-zero offset') if isinstance(other, int): return PhysicalUnit(other*self.names, pow(self.factor, other), [x*other for x in self.powers]) if isinstance(other, float): inv_exp = 1./other rounded = int(np.floor(inv_exp + 0.5)) if abs(inv_exp-rounded) < 1.e-10: if reduce(lambda a, b: a and b, map(lambda x, e=rounded: x%e == 0, self.powers)): f = pow(self.factor, other) p = [x/rounded for x in self.powers] if reduce(lambda a, b: a and b, map(lambda x, e=rounded: x%e == 0, self.names.values())): names = self.names/rounded else: names = NumberDict() if f != 1.: names[str(f)] = 1 for i in range(len(p)): names[_base_names[i]] = p[i] return PhysicalUnit(names, f, p) else: raise UnitError('Illegal exponent %f' % other) raise UnitError('Only integer and inverse integer exponents allowed') def conversion_factor_to(self, other): """Return conversion factor to another unit.""" if self.powers != other.powers: raise UnitError('Incompatible units') if self.offset != other.offset and self.factor != other.factor: raise UnitError(('Unit conversion (%s to %s) cannot be expressed ' + 'as a simple multiplicative factor') % (self.name(), other.name())) return self.factor/other.factor def conversion_tuple_to(self, other): """Return conversion factor and offset to another unit.""" if self.powers != other.powers: raise UnitError('Incompatible units') # let (s1,d1) be the conversion tuple from 'self' to base units # (ie. (x+d1)*s1 converts a value x from 'self' to base units, # and (x/s1)-d1 converts x from base to 'self' units) # and (s2,d2) be the conversion tuple from 'other' to base units # then we want to compute the conversion tuple (S,D) from # 'self' to 'other' such that (x+D)*S converts x from 'self' # units to 'other' units # the formula to convert x from 'self' to 'other' units via the # base units is (by definition of the conversion tuples): # ( ((x+d1)*s1) / s2 ) - d2 # = ( (x+d1) * s1/s2) - d2 # = ( (x+d1) * s1/s2 ) - (d2*s2/s1) * s1/s2 # = ( (x+d1) - (d1*s2/s1) ) * s1/s2 # = (x + d1 - d2*s2/s1) * s1/s2 # thus, D = d1 - d2*s2/s1 and S = s1/s2 factor = self.factor / other.factor offset = self.offset - (other.offset * other.factor / self.factor) return (factor, offset) # Helper functions def _findUnit(unit): if isinstance(unit, str): name = unit.strip().replace('^', '**').replace('µ', 'mu').replace('°', 'deg') try: unit = eval(name, _unit_table) except NameError: raise UnitError('Invalid or unknown unit in %r' % unit) for cruft in ['__builtins__', '__args__']: try: del _unit_table[cruft] except: pass if not isPhysicalUnit(unit): raise UnitError(str(unit) + ' is not a unit') return unit def _convertValue(value, src_unit, target_unit): (factor, offset) = src_unit.conversion_tuple_to(target_unit) return (value + offset) * factor @total_ordering class PhysicalQuantity(object): """Physical quantity with units. PhysicalQuantity instances allow addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with each other as well as multiplication, division, and exponentiation with numbers. Addition and subtraction check that the units of the two operands are compatible and return the result in the units of the first operand. A limited set of mathematical functions (from numpy) is applicable as well. """ global_precision = 8 _number = re.compile(r'([+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)' r'(?:\s+\+\/-\s+([+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?))?') def __init__(self, value, unit=None, stdev=None): """There are two constructor calling patterns: 1. PhysicalQuantity(value, unit), where value is any number and unit is a string defining the unit 2. PhysicalQuantity(value_with_unit), where value_with_unit is a string that contains both the value and the unit, i.e. '1.5 m/s'. This form is provided for more convenient interactive use. """ if unit is not None: self.value = valuetype((value, stdev or 0)) self.unit = _findUnit(unit) else: s = value.strip() match = self._number.match(s) if match is None: raise UnitError('No number found in %r' % value) self.value = valuetype((float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2) or 0))) self.unit = _findUnit(s[match.end(0):]) def __str__(self): prec = self.global_precision unit = self.unit.name().replace('**', '^') if isinstance(self.value, uncertain): stdev = self.value.std_dev() if stdev: return '%.*g +/- %.*g %s' % (prec, self.value.nominal_value, prec, stdev, unit) return '%.*g %s' % (prec, self.value.nominal_value, unit) return '%.*g %s' % (prec, self.value, unit) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def _sum(self, other, sign1, sign2): if not isPhysicalQuantity(other): raise UnitError('Incompatible types') new_value = sign1 * self.value + \ sign2 * other.value * other.unit.conversion_factor_to(self.unit) return self.__class__(new_value, self.unit) def __add__(self, other): return self._sum(other, 1, 1) __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): return self._sum(other, 1, -1) def __rsub__(self, other): return self._sum(other, -1, 1) def __eq__(self, other): diff = self._sum(other, 1, -1) return diff.value == 0 def __lt__(self, other): diff = self._sum(other, 1, -1) return diff.value < 0 def __mul__(self, other): if not isPhysicalQuantity(other): return self.__class__(self.value * other, self.unit) value = self.value * other.value unit = self.unit * other.unit if unit.is_dimensionless: return value * unit.factor else: return self.__class__(value, unit) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __div__(self, other): if not isPhysicalQuantity(other): return self.__class__(self.value / other, self.unit) value = self.value / other.value unit = self.unit / other.unit if unit.is_dimensionless: return value * unit.factor else: return self.__class__(value, unit) def __rdiv__(self, other): if not isPhysicalQuantity(other): return self.__class__(other / self.value, pow(self.unit, -1)) value = other.value / self.value unit = other.unit / self.unit if unit.is_dimensionless: return value * unit.factor else: return self.__class__(value, unit) __truediv__ = __div__ __rtruediv__ = __rdiv__ def __pow__(self, other): if isPhysicalQuantity(other): raise UnitError('Exponents must be dimensionless') return self.__class__(pow(self.value, other), pow(self.unit, other)) def __rpow__(self, other): raise UnitError('Exponents must be dimensionless') def __abs__(self): return self.__class__(abs(self.value), self.unit) def __pos__(self): return self def __neg__(self): return self.__class__(-self.value, self.unit) def __nonzero__(self): return self.value != 0 def __format__(self, *args, **kw): return "{1:{0}} {2}".format(args[0],self.value, self.unit) def convert(self, unit): """Change the unit and adjust the value such that the combination is equivalent to the original one. The new unit must be compatible with the previous unit of the object. """ unit = _findUnit(unit) self.value = _convertValue(self.value, self.unit, unit) self.unit = unit def _round(self, x): if np.greater(x, 0.): return np.floor(x) else: return np.ceil(x) def to(self, *units): """Express the quantity in different units. If one unit is specified, a new PhysicalQuantity object is returned that expresses the quantity in that unit. If several units are specified, the return value is a tuple of PhysicalObject instances with with one element per unit such that the sum of all quantities in the tuple equals the the original quantity and all the values except for the last one are integers. This is used to convert to irregular unit systems like hour/minute/second. """ units = [_findUnit(x) for x in units] if len(units) == 1: unit = units[0] value = _convertValue(self.value, self.unit, unit) return self.__class__(value, unit) else: units.sort() result = [] value = self.value unit = self.unit for i in range(len(units)-1,-1,-1): value = value*unit.conversion_factor_to(units[i]) if i == 0: rounded = value else: rounded = self._round(value) result.append(self.__class__(rounded, units[i])) value = value - rounded unit = units[i] return tuple(result) @staticmethod def any_to(qty, unit): if not isPhysicalQuantity(qty): qty = PhysicalQuantity(qty, 'rad') return qty.to(unit) @property def base(self): """Returns the same quantity converted to base units.""" new_value = self.value * self.unit.factor num = '' denom = '' for i in range(9): unit = _base_names[i] power = self.unit.powers[i] if power < 0: denom += '/' + unit if power < -1: denom += '**' + str(-power) elif power > 0: num += '*' + unit if power > 1: num += '**' + str(power) if len(num) == 0: num = '1' if denom == '': return new_value else: num = num[1:] return self.__class__(new_value, num + denom) @property def cgs(self): """Returns the same quantity converted to cgs units.""" new_value = self.value * self.unit.factor num = '' denom = '' for i in range(9): unit_name = _base_names[i] cgs_name = _cgs_names[i] power = self.unit.powers[i] conversion_factor = Q('1 '+unit_name).to(cgs_name).value new_value *= conversion_factor**power if power < 0: denom += '/' + cgs_name if power < -1: denom += '**' + str(-power) elif power > 0: num += '*' + cgs_name if power > 1: num += '**' + str(power) if len(num) == 0: num = '1' if denom == '': return new_value else: num = num[1:] return self.__class__(new_value, num + denom) # implementations of special functions, used by numpy ufuncs def sqrt(self): return pow(self, 0.5) def sin(self): if self.unit.is_angle: return unp.sin(self.value * self.unit.conversion_factor_to(_unit_table['rad'])) else: raise UnitError('Argument of sin must be an angle') def cos(self): if self.unit.is_angle: return unp.cos(self.value * self.unit.conversion_factor_to(_unit_table['rad'])) else: raise UnitError('Argument of cos must be an angle') def tan(self): if self.unit.is_angle: return unp.tan(self.value * self.unit.conversion_factor_to(_unit_table['rad'])) else: raise UnitError('Argument of tan must be an angle') Q = PhysicalQuantity # SI unit definitions _base_names = ['m', 'kg', 's', 'A', 'K', 'mol', 'cd', 'rad', 'sr'] _base_units = [ ('m', PhysicalUnit('m', 1., [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])), ('g', PhysicalUnit('g', 0.001, [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])), ('s', PhysicalUnit('s', 1., [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0])), ('A', PhysicalUnit('A', 1., [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0])), ('K', PhysicalUnit('K', 1., [0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0])), ('mol', PhysicalUnit('mol', 1., [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0])), ('cd', PhysicalUnit('cd', 1., [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0])), ('rad', PhysicalUnit('rad', 1., [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0])), ('sr', PhysicalUnit('sr', 1., [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1])), ] _cgs_names = ['cm', 'g', 's', 'abA', 'K', 'mol', 'cd', 'rad', 'sr'] _prefixes = [ ('Y', 1.e24), ('Z', 1.e21), ('E', 1.e18), ('P', 1.e15), ('T', 1.e12), ('G', 1.e9), ('M', 1.e6), ('k', 1.e3), ('h', 1.e2), ('da', 1.e1), ('d', 1.e-1), ('c', 1.e-2), ('m', 1.e-3), ('mu', 1.e-6), ('n', 1.e-9), ('p', 1.e-12), ('f', 1.e-15), ('a', 1.e-18), ('z', 1.e-21), ('y', 1.e-24), ] _unit_table = {} for unit in _base_units: _unit_table[unit[0]] = unit[1] def _addUnit(name, unit, comment=''): if name in _unit_table: raise KeyError('Unit ' + name + ' already defined') if type(unit) == type(''): unit = eval(unit, _unit_table) for cruft in ['__builtins__', '__args__']: try: del _unit_table[cruft] except: pass unit.set_name(name) _unit_table[name] = unit def _addPrefixed(unit): _prefixed_names = [] for prefix in _prefixes: name = prefix[0] + unit _addUnit(name, prefix[1]*_unit_table[unit]) _prefixed_names.append(name) # SI derived units; these automatically get prefixes _unit_table['kg'] = PhysicalUnit('kg', 1., [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) _addUnit('Hz', '1/s', 'Hertz') _addUnit('N', 'm*kg/s**2', 'Newton') _addUnit('Pa', 'N/m**2', 'Pascal') _addUnit('J', 'N*m', 'Joule') _addUnit('W', 'J/s', 'Watt') _addUnit('C', 's*A', 'Coulomb') _addUnit('V', 'W/A', 'Volt') _addUnit('F', 'C/V', 'Farad') _addUnit('ohm', 'V/A', 'Ohm') _addUnit('S', 'A/V', 'Siemens') _addUnit('Wb', 'V*s', 'Weber') _addUnit('T', 'Wb/m**2', 'Tesla') _addUnit('H', 'Wb/A', 'Henry') _addUnit('lm', 'cd*sr', 'Lumen') _addUnit('lx', 'lm/m**2', 'Lux') _addUnit('Bq', '1/s', 'Becquerel') _addUnit('Gy', 'J/kg', 'Gray') _addUnit('Sv', 'J/kg', 'Sievert') _addUnit('kat', 'mol/s', 'Katal') _addUnit('abA', '10*A', 'Abampere') del _unit_table['kg'] for unit in list(_unit_table): _addPrefixed(unit) # Fundamental constants, as far as needed to define other units _unit_table['pi'] = np.pi _addUnit('c0', '299792458.*m/s', 'speed of light') _addUnit('mu0', '4.e-7*pi*N/A**2', 'permeability of vacuum') _addUnit('eps0', '1/mu0/c0**2', 'permittivity of vacuum') _addUnit('hplanck', '6.62606957e-34*J*s', 'Planck constant') _addUnit('hbar', 'hplanck/(2*pi)', 'Planck constant / 2pi') _addUnit('e0', '1.602176565e-19*C', 'elementary charge') _addUnit('me', '9.10938291e-31*kg', 'electron mass') _addUnit('kb', '1.3806488e-23*J/K', 'Boltzmann constant') # Time units _addUnit('min', '60*s', 'minute') _addUnit('h', '60*min', 'hour') _addUnit('d', '24*h', 'day') _addUnit('wk', '7*d', 'week') _addUnit('yr', '365.25*d', 'year') _addPrefixed('yr') _addUnit('fortnight', '1209600*s', '14 days') # Length units _addUnit('inch', '2.54*cm', 'inch') _addUnit('ft', '12*inch', 'foot') _addUnit('yd', '3*ft', 'yard') _addUnit('mi', '5280.*ft', '(British) mile') _addUnit('nmi', '1852.*m', 'Nautical mile') _addUnit('Ang', '1.e-10*m', 'Angstrom') _addUnit('AA', '1.e-10*m', 'Angstrom') _addUnit('lyr', 'c0*yr', 'light year') _addUnit('Bohr', '4*pi*eps0*hbar**2/me/e0**2', 'Bohr radius') _addUnit('furlong', '201.168*m', 'furlongs') _addUnit('au', '149597870691*m', 'astronomical unit') # Area units _addUnit('ha', '10000*m**2', 'hectare') _addUnit('acres', 'mi**2/640', 'acre') _addUnit('b', '1.e-28*m', 'barn') # Volume units _addUnit('l', 'dm**3', 'liter') _addUnit('dl', '0.1*l', 'deci liter') _addUnit('cl', '0.01*l', 'centi liter') _addUnit('ml', '0.001*l', 'milli liter') _addUnit('mul', '0.000001*l', 'micro liter') _addUnit('tsp', '4.92892159375*ml', 'teaspoon') _addUnit('tbsp', '3*tsp', 'tablespoon') _addUnit('floz', '2*tbsp', 'fluid ounce') _addUnit('cup', '8*floz', 'cup') _addUnit('pt', '16*floz', 'pint') _addUnit('qt', '2*pt', 'quart') _addUnit('galUS', '4*qt', 'US gallon') _addUnit('galUK', '4.54609*l', 'British gallon') # Mass units _addUnit('t', '1000*kg', 'Metric ton') _addUnit('amu', '1.660538921e-27*kg', 'atomic mass units') _addUnit('Da', '1*amu', 'Dalton') _addUnit('oz', '28.349523125*g', 'ounce') _addUnit('lb', '16*oz', 'pound') _addUnit('ton', '2000*lb', 'US ton') # Force units _addUnit('dyn', '1.e-5*N', 'dyne (cgs unit)') # Energy units _addUnit('erg', '1.e-7*J', 'erg (cgs unit)') _addUnit('eV', 'e0*V', 'electron volt') _addUnit('Hartree', 'me*e0**4/16/pi**2/eps0**2/hbar**2', 'Wavenumbers/inverse cm') _addUnit('Ken', 'kb*K', 'Kelvin as energy unit') _addUnit('cal', '4.184*J', 'thermochemical calorie') _addUnit('kcal', '1000*cal', 'thermochemical kilocalorie') _addUnit('cali', '4.1868*J', 'international calorie') _addUnit('kcali', '1000*cali', 'international kilocalorie') _addUnit('Btu', '1055.05585262*J', 'British thermal unit') _addUnit('tTNT', '4.184*(10**9)*J', 'ton TNT') _addUnit('MtTNT', '4.184*(10**15)*J', 'Mega ton TNT') _addPrefixed('eV') # Electromagnetic units _addUnit('G', '1e-4*T', 'Gauss') _addUnit('Oe', '79.5774715*A/m', 'Oersted') _addPrefixed('G') _addPrefixed('Oe') # Power units _addUnit('hp', '745.7*W', 'horsepower') # Pressure units _addUnit('bar', '1.e5*Pa', 'bar (cgs unit)') _addUnit('mbar', '1.e2*Pa', 'millibar') _addUnit('kbar', '1.e8*Pa', 'kilobar') _addUnit('atm', '101325.*Pa', 'standard atmosphere') _addUnit('torr', 'atm/760', 'torr = mm of mercury') _addUnit('psi', '6894.75729317*Pa', 'pounds per square inch') # Angle units _addUnit('deg', 'pi*rad/180', 'degrees') _addUnit('arcmin', 'pi*rad/180/60', 'minutes of arc') _addUnit('arcsec', 'pi*rad/180/3600', 'seconds of arc') _unit_table['cycles'] = 2*np.pi # Temperature units -- can't use the 'eval' trick that _addUnit provides # for degC and degF because you can't add units kelvin = _findUnit('K') _addUnit('degR', '(5./9.)*K', 'degrees Rankine') _addUnit('degC', PhysicalUnit(None, 1.0, kelvin.powers, 273.15), 'degrees Celcius') _addUnit('degF', PhysicalUnit(None, 5./9., kelvin.powers, 459.67), 'degree Fahrenheit') del kelvin # Radiation-related units _addUnit('Ci', '3.7e10*Bq', 'Curie') _addUnit('rem', '0.01*Sv', 'Rem') _addPrefixed('Ci') _addPrefixed('rem') # Astronomical units _addUnit('Msol', '1.98892e30*kg', 'solar mass') _addUnit('Lsol', '3.839e26*W', 'solar luminosity') _addUnit('pc', '3.08568025e16*m') _addPrefixed('pc') # Important physical constants _constants = [ ('pi', np.pi), ('e', np.e), ('c0', Q('299792458. m/s')), ('mu0', Q('4.e-7 pi*N/A**2').base), ('eps0', Q('1 1/mu0/c0**2').base), ('Grav', Q('6.67384e-11 m**3/kg/s**2')), ('hpl', Q('6.62606957e-34 J*s')), ('hbar', Q('6.62606957e-34 J*s')/(2*pi)), ('e0', Q('1.602176565e-19 C')), ('me', Q('9.10938291e-31 kg')), ('mp', Q('1.672621777e-27 kg')), ('mn', Q('1.674927351e-27 kg')), ('NA', Q('6.02214129e23 1/mol')), ('kb', Q('1.3806488e-23 J/K')), ('g0', Q('9.80665 m/s**2')), ('R', Q('8.3144621 J/mol/K')), ('alpha', 7.2973525698e-3), ('Ry', Q('10973731.568539 1/m')), ('mu_n', Q('-0.96623647e-26 J/T')), ('gamma', Q('183.247179 MHz/T')), ('h0', 0.704), # WMAP-7 + BAO constraint ('sigmaT', Q('6.652453e-29 m**2')), ] name = r'([_a-zA-Z]\w*)' number = r'(-?[\d0-9.eE-]+)' unit = r'([a-zA-Z1°µ][a-zA-Z0-9°µ/*^-]*)' quantity = number + r'(?:\s+\+\/-\s+' + number + ')?' + r'\s+' + unit inline_unit_re = re.compile(r'\((%s)\)' % quantity) slash_conv_re = re.compile(r'^(.*?)//\s*%s$' % unit) slash_last_re = re.compile(r'^()\(/, %s\)$' % unit) trailing_conv_re = re.compile(r'\s*//\s*%s$' % unit) nice_assign_re = re.compile(r'^%s\s*=\s*(%s)$' % (name, quantity)) quantity_re = re.compile(quantity) subst_re = re.compile(r'\?' + name) def replace_inline(match): """Replace an inline unit expression, e.g. ``(1 m)``, by valid Python code using a Quantity call. """ return '(Quantity(\'' + match.group(1) + '\'))' def replace_slash(match): """Replace a double-slash unit conversion, e.g. ``c // km/s``, by valid Python code using a Quantity call. """ expr = match.group(1) unit = str(match.group(2)) # PhysicalQuantity doesn't like Unicode strings if quantity_re.match(expr): expr = 'Quantity(\'' + expr + '\')' elif not expr: expr = '_' else: expr = '(' + expr + ')' if unit == 'base': return '(' + expr + ').base' if unit == 'cgs': return '(' + expr + ').cgs' else: return 'Quantity.any_to(%s, %r)' % (expr, unit) def replace_assign(match): """Replace a pretty assignment, e.g. ``B = 1 T``, by valid Python code using a Quantity call. """ return '%s = Quantity(\'%s\')' % (match.group(1), match.group(2)) class QTransformer(object): """IPython command line transformer that recognizes and replaces unit expressions. """ # XXX: inheriting from PrefilterTransformer as documented gives TypeErrors, # but apparently is not needed after all priority = 99 enabled = True def transform(self, line, continue_prompt): line = inline_unit_re.sub(replace_inline, line) if not continue_prompt: line = slash_conv_re.sub(replace_slash, line) line = nice_assign_re.sub(replace_assign, line) # lines that look like ``(/, unit)`` have been ``// unit`` but # already preprocessed by IPython, let's recognize them line = slash_last_re.sub(replace_slash, line) return line def input_transformer(lines): new_lines = [] for line in lines: line = inline_unit_re.sub(replace_inline, line) line = slash_conv_re.sub(replace_slash, line) line = nice_assign_re.sub(replace_assign, line) # lines that look like ``(/, unit)`` have been ``// unit`` but # already preprocessed by IPython, let's recognize them line = slash_last_re.sub(replace_slash, line) new_lines.append(line) return new_lines class QInputTransformer(InputTransformer): def push(self, line): return input_transformer([line])[0] def reset(self): pass def tbl_magic(shell, arg): """tbl : Evaluate for a range of parameters, given as "?name" in the expr. """ unit = None match = trailing_conv_re.search(arg) if match: arg = arg[:match.start()] unit = match.group(1) substs = sorted(set(subst_re.findall(arg))) if not substs: raise ValueError('no substitutions in expr') while 1: expr = arg for subst in substs: try: val = input('%s = ' % subst) except EOFError: sys.stdout.write('\n') return if not val: return if quantity_re.match(val): val = '(' + val + ')' expr = expr.replace('?' + subst, val) if unit: expr = 'Quantity.any_to((' + expr + '), %r)' % unit if hasattr(shell, 'shell'): # later IPython versions shell.shell.run_cell(expr, False) else: shell.run_cell(expr, False) q_transformer = QTransformer() def load_ipython_extension(ip): # set up simplified quantity input ip.user_ns['Q'] = Q ip.user_ns['Quantity'] = Q ip.prefilter_manager.register_transformer(q_transformer) # add notebook transformers try: import IPython.core.inputtransformer2 except ImportError: ip.input_transformer_manager.logical_line_transforms.append( QInputTransformer()) else: # IPython 7 ip.input_transformer_manager.line_transforms.append(input_transformer) # setter for custom precision ip.user_ns['setprec'] = \ lambda p: setattr(PhysicalQuantity, 'global_precision', p) # quick evaluator # TODO: this old API is no longer supported by IPython. # Need to adapt it to the @register_line_magic API. if hasattr(ip, 'define_magic'): ip.define_magic('tbl', tbl_magic) # add constants of nature for const, value in _constants: ip.user_ns[const] = value print('Unit calculation and physics extensions activated.') def unload_ipython_extension(ip): ip.prefilter_manager.unregister_transformer(q_transformer)