# Post Data - Send Data Anywhere A module for Foundry VTT that allows send [`Actors`](https://foundryvtt.com/api/v10/classes/client.Actor.html) data to an endpoint in a regular interval ## Compatibility **PDSDA** is current compatible with: - Foundry v10.286 and above - System [Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (dnd5e)](https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e) - Version 2.1.2 and above ## Installation ### Using Foundry "Configuration and Setup" UI 1. Go to `Configuration and Setup` menu on your FoundryVTT and click on `Add-on Modules` 2. Click the `Install Module` button on the bottom of the screen 3. Search by the package name `Post Data - Send Data Anywhere` 4. Click on the `Install` button ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6909132/217390554-1f6df5ad-dbdf-4f4d-b837-9612c0f16dbc.png)) ### Using manifest URL You can install it using the following manifest URL ``` https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ingogbe/fvtt-pdsda/v1.2.0/module.json ``` 1. Go to `Configuration and Setup` menu on your FoundryVTT and click on `Add-on Modules` 2. Click the `Install Module` button on the bottom of the screen 3. The `Install Module` window will popout, enter the manifest URL, provided above, on the `Manifest URL` field 4. Click on the `Install` button ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6909132/217390689-b9090cdb-7bf0-4b31-b03d-3f81054635f9.png) ### Manually If you wish to manually install the module, you must clone or extract it into the `Data/modules/fvtt-pdsda` folder. You may do this by cloning the repository or downloading a zip archive from the Releases Page. ## Features: - Make a request to an endpoint, of the selected [Actors](https://foundryvtt.com/api/v10/classes/client.Actor.html) data (see `Post Data format` section), in a specified time interval in milliseconds - Ability to pause all requests, if needed - Ability to log (or not) "POSTs" success and errors on browser console (feature for debug purposes) ## Configuration ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6909132/217391348-dbb917e6-f18e-4b9c-a0e6-4aa5b1c95ab8.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6909132/217391433-295afdb9-f3ac-40f5-844a-24a66b82e488.png) ## Post Data format The data that **PDSDA** sends has only a few basic informations about the [`Actor`](https://foundryvtt.com/api/v10/classes/client.Actor.html), this is necessary to make a small payload for the POSTs and prevents the `PayloadTooLargeError` error ```json { "id": "mlaoF1kzT1zxdvxq", "name": "Riswynn (Dwarf Rogue)", "img": "http://localhost:30000/systems/dnd5e/tokens/heroes/RogueHalfling.webp", "race": "Hill Dwarf", "level": 1, "alignment": "True neutral", "hp": { "value": 11, "max": 11, "temp": null, "tempmax": null, "bonuses": { "level": "", "overall": "" } }, "classes": [ { "name": "Rogue", "img": "http://localhost:30000/icons/skills/melee/strike-sword-stabbed-brown.webp", "level": 1 } ] } ``` ## Incoming features - [`Actors`](https://foundryvtt.com/api/v10/classes/client.Actor.html) - Add the possibility to chose which data you want to send from [`Actor`](https://foundryvtt.com/api/v10/classes/client.Actor.html) - Add supports for other things, like `ChatMessage`, `CombatEncounters`, etc