syntax = "proto3"; option go_package = ""; package grafana; // The GrafanaQueryAPI definition. service GrafanaQueryAPI { // Returns a list of all available dimensions rpc ListDimensionKeys (ListDimensionKeysRequest) returns (ListDimensionKeysResponse) { } // Returns a list of all dimension values for a certain dimension rpc ListDimensionValues (ListDimensionValuesRequest) returns (ListDimensionValuesResponse) { } // Returns all metrics from the system rpc ListMetrics (ListMetricsRequest) returns (ListMetricsResponse) { } // Gets a metric's current value rpc GetMetricValue (GetMetricValueRequest) returns (GetMetricValueResponse) { } // Gets the history of a metric's values rpc GetMetricHistory (GetMetricHistoryRequest) returns (GetMetricHistoryResponse) { } // Gets the history of a metric's aggregated value rpc GetMetricAggregate(GetMetricAggregateRequest) returns (GetMetricAggregateResponse) { } } message ListMetricsRequest { repeated Dimension dimensions = 1; string filter = 2; } message ListMetricsResponse { message Metric { string name = 1; string description = 2; } repeated Metric Metrics = 1; } message GetMetricValueRequest { repeated Dimension dimensions = 3; string Metric = 4; } message GetMetricValueResponse { // The timestamp date, in seconds, in the Unix epoch format. int64 timestamp = 1; // The current metric value. MetricValue value = 2; } message GetMetricHistoryRequest { repeated Dimension dimensions = 3; string Metric = 4; int64 startDate = 5; int64 endDate = 6; int64 maxItems = 7; TimeOrdering timeOrdering = 8; string startingToken = 9; } message GetMetricAggregateRequest { repeated Dimension dimensions = 1; string Metric = 2; AggregateType aggregateType = 3; int64 startDate = 4; int64 endDate = 5; int64 maxItems = 6; TimeOrdering timeOrdering = 7; string startingToken = 8; int64 intervalMs = 9; } message GetMetricAggregateResponse { // The asset property's value history. repeated MetricHistoryValue values = 1; // The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no additional results. string nextToken = 2; } message MetricValue { double doubleValue = 1; } message MetricHistoryValue { // The timestamp date, in seconds, in the Unix epoch format. int64 timestamp = 1; // Contains asset property value information MetricValue value = 2; } message GetMetricHistoryResponse { // The asset property's value history. repeated MetricHistoryValue values = 1; // The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no additional results. string nextToken = 2; } enum TimeOrdering { ASCENDING = 0; DESCENDING = 1; } enum AggregateType { AVERAGE = 0; MAX = 1; MIN = 2; COUNT=3; } message ListDimensionKeysRequest { string filter = 1; } message ListDimensionKeysResponse { message Result { string key = 1; string description = 2; } repeated Result results = 1; } message ListDimensionValuesRequest { string dimension_key = 1; string filter = 2; } message ListDimensionValuesResponse { message Result { string value = 1; string description = 2; } repeated Result results = 1; } message TimeRange { int64 fromEpochMS = 1; int64 toEpochMS = 2; } message Dimension { string key = 1; string value = 2; } message QueryRequest { string refId = 1; int64 maxDataPoints = 2; int64 intervalMS = 3; TimeRange timeRange = 4; // The offset for the result set int64 startKey = 5; repeated Dimension dimensions = 6; } // The response message containing the greetings message QueryResponse { string refId = 1; int64 nextKey = 2; message Value { int64 timestamp = 1; float value = 2; } repeated Value values = 3; }