syntax = "proto3"; option go_package = ""; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; package grafanav3; // The GrafanaQueryAPI definition. service GrafanaQueryAPI { // Returns a list of all available dimensions rpc ListDimensionKeys (ListDimensionKeysRequest) returns (ListDimensionKeysResponse) { } // Returns a list of all dimension values for a certain dimension rpc ListDimensionValues (ListDimensionValuesRequest) returns (ListDimensionValuesResponse) { } // Returns all metrics from the system rpc ListMetrics (ListMetricsRequest) returns (ListMetricsResponse) { } // Gets the options for the specified query type rpc GetQueryOptions (GetOptionsRequest) returns (GetOptionsResponse) { } // Gets the last known value for one or more metrics rpc GetMetricValue (GetMetricValueRequest) returns (GetMetricValueResponse) { } // Gets the history for one or more metrics rpc GetMetricHistory (GetMetricHistoryRequest) returns (GetMetricHistoryResponse) { } // Gets the history for one or more metrics rpc GetMetricAggregate(GetMetricAggregateRequest) returns (GetMetricAggregateResponse) { } } message ListMetricsRequest { repeated Dimension dimensions = 1; string filter = 2; } message ListMetricsResponse { message Metric { string name = 1; string description = 2; } repeated Metric Metrics = 1; } message GetMetricValueRequest { repeated Dimension dimensions = 1; repeated string metrics = 2; map options = 3 ; google.protobuf.Timestamp startDate = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp endDate = 5; } message GetMetricValueResponse { message Frame { string metric = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2; repeated SingleValueField fields = 3; FrameMeta meta = 4; } repeated Frame frames = 1; } message GetOptionsRequest { enum QueryType { GetMetricHistory = 0; GetMetricValue=1; GetMetricAggregate=2; } // the query type for which options are requested QueryType queryType = 1; // the query options which are currently selected map selectedOptions = 2 ; } message EnumValue { // the id of the enum value string id = 1; // the description of the option string description = 2; // the label of the option string label = 3; // the default enum value bool default = 4; } message Option { // the id of the option string id = 1; string description = 2; enum Type { Enum = 0; // enum is rendered as a Select control in the frontend Boolean = 1; } Type type = 3; repeated EnumValue enumValues = 4; bool required = 5; // the label of the option string label = 6; } message GetOptionsResponse { repeated Option options = 1; } message GetMetricAggregateRequest { // The dimensions for the query repeated Dimension dimensions = 1; // the metrics for which the aggregates are retrieved repeated string metrics = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp startDate = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp endDate = 5; int64 maxItems = 6; TimeOrdering timeOrdering = 7; string startingToken = 8; int64 intervalMs = 9; map options = 10 ; } message GetMetricAggregateResponse { repeated Frame frames = 1; string nextToken = 2; } message GetMetricHistoryRequest { repeated Dimension dimensions = 3; repeated string metrics = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp startDate = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp endDate = 6; int64 maxItems = 7; TimeOrdering timeOrdering = 8; string startingToken = 9; map options = 10 ; } message GetMetricHistoryResponse { repeated Frame frames = 1; string nextToken = 2; } message Label { string key = 1; string value = 2; } message Field { string name = 1; repeated Label labels = 2; config config = 3; repeated double values = 4; } message ValueMapping { double from = 1; double to = 2; string value = 3; string text = 4; string color = 5; } message config { string unit = 1; repeated ValueMapping Mappings = 2; } message SingleValueField { string name = 1; repeated Label labels = 2; config config = 3; double value = 4; } // The data frame for each metric message Frame { string metric = 1; repeated google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamps = 2; repeated Field fields = 3; FrameMeta meta = 4; } // FrameMeta matches: // // NOTE -- in javascript this can accept any `[key: string]: any;` however // this interface only exposes the values we want to be exposed message FrameMeta { enum FrameType { FrameTypeUnknown = 0; FrameTypeTimeSeriesWide = 1; FrameTypeTimeSeriesLong = 2; FrameTypeTimeSeriesMany = 3; FrameTypeDirectoryListing = 4; FrameTypeTable = 5; } // Type asserts that the frame matches a known type structure FrameType type = 1 ; message Notice { enum NoticeSeverity { // NoticeSeverityInfo is informational severity. NoticeSeverityInfo = 0; // NoticeSeverityWarning is warning severity. NoticeSeverityWarning = 1; // NoticeSeverityError is error severity. NoticeSeverityError = 3; } // Severity is the severity level of the notice: info, warning, or error. NoticeSeverity Severity = 1; // Text is freeform descriptive text for the notice. string text = 2; // Link is an optional link for display in the user interface and can be an // absolute URL or a path relative to Grafana's root url. string link = 3; enum InspectType { // InspectTypeNone is no suggestion for a tab of the panel editor in Grafana's user interface. InspectTypeNone = 0; // InspectTypeMeta suggests the "meta" tab of the panel editor in Grafana's user interface. InspectTypeMeta = 1; // InspectTypeError suggests the "error" tab of the panel editor in Grafana's user interface. InspectTypeError = 2; // InspectTypeData suggests the "data" tab of the panel editor in Grafana's user interface. InspectTypeData = 3; // InspectTypeStats suggests the "stats" tab of the panel editor in Grafana's user interface. InspectTypeStats = 4; } // Inspect is an optional suggestion for which tab to display in the panel inspector // in Grafana's User interface. Can be meta, error, data, or stats. InspectType inspect = 4; } // Notices provide additional information about the data in the Frame that // Grafana can display to the user in the user interface. repeated Notice Notices = 6; // VisType is used to indicate how the data should be visualized in explore. enum VisType { // VisTypeGraph indicates the response should be visualized using a graph. VisTypeGraph = 0; // VisTypeTable indicates the response should be visualized using a table. VisTypeTable = 1; // VisTypeLogs indicates the response should be visualized using a logs visualization. VisTypeLogs = 2; // VisTypeTrace indicates the response should be visualized using a trace view visualization. VisTypeTrace = 3; // VisTypeNodeGraph indicates the response should be visualized using a node graph visualization. VisTypeNodeGraph = 4; } // PreferredVisualization is currently used to show results in Explore only in preferred visualisation option. VisType PreferredVisualization = 8; // ExecutedQueryString is the raw query sent to the underlying system. All macros and templating // have been applied. When metadata contains this value, it will be shown in the query inspector. string executedQueryString = 9; } enum TimeOrdering { ASCENDING = 0; DESCENDING = 1; } message ListDimensionKeysRequest { string filter = 1; repeated Dimension selected_dimensions = 2; } message ListDimensionKeysResponse { message Result { string key = 1; string description = 2; } repeated Result results = 1; } message ListDimensionValuesRequest { string dimension_key = 1; string filter = 2; repeated Dimension selected_dimensions = 3; } message ListDimensionValuesResponse { message Result { string value = 1; string description = 2; } repeated Result results = 1; } message TimeRange { int64 fromEpochMS = 1; int64 toEpochMS = 2; } message Dimension { string key = 1; string value = 2; } message QueryRequest { string refId = 1; int64 maxDataPoints = 2; int64 intervalMS = 3; TimeRange timeRange = 4; // The offset for the result set int64 startKey = 5; repeated Dimension dimensions = 6; } // The response message containing the greetings message QueryResponse { string refId = 1; int64 nextKey = 2; message Value { int64 timestamp = 1; float value = 2; } repeated Value values = 3; }