################################################################################ # Mainnet Cardano Node Configuration ##### Locations ##### AlonzoGenesisFile: mainnet-alonzo-genesis.json AlonzoGenesisHash: 7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874 ByronGenesisFile: mainnet-byron-genesis.json ByronGenesisHash: 5f20df933584822601f9e3f8c024eb5eb252fe8cefb24d1317dc3d432e940ebb ConwayGenesisFile: mainnet-conway-genesis.json ConwayGenesisHash: 15a199f895e461ec0ffc6dd4e4028af28a492ab4e806d39cb674c88f7643ef62 ShelleyGenesisFile: mainnet-shelley-genesis.json ShelleyGenesisHash: 1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81 EnableP2P: true ##### Core protocol parameters ##### Protocol: Cardano # The mainnet does not include the network magic into addresses. Testnets do. RequiresNetworkMagic: RequiresNoMagic ##### Update system parameters ##### # This protocol version number gets used by block producing nodes as part # of the system for agreeing on and synchronising protocol updates. # # See https://github.com/intersectmbo/cardano-node/blob/master/cardano-node/src/Cardano/Node/Protocol/Cardano.hs#L199 LastKnownBlockVersion-Major: 3 LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor: 0 LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt: 0 MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion: 2 ##### Network Configuration ##### PeerSharing: True TargetNumberOfActivePeers: 20 TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers: 50 TargetNumberOfKnownPeers: 150 TargetNumberOfRootPeers: 60 ##### Version Information ##### MinNodeVersion: 8.12.0 ##### Logging configuration ##### # Enable or disable logging overall TurnOnLogging: True # Enable the collection of various OS metrics such as memory and CPU use. # These metrics are traced in the context name: 'cardano.node.metrics' and can # be directed to the logs or monitoring backends. TurnOnLogMetrics: True # Global logging severity filter. Messages must have at least this severity to # pass. Typical values would be Warning, Notice, Info or Debug. minSeverity: Info # Log items can be rendered with more or less verbose detail. # Verbosity ranges from MinimalVerbosity, NormalVerbosity to MaximalVerbosity TracingVerbosity: NormalVerbosity # The system supports a number of backends for logging and monitoring. # This setting lists the backends that will be available to use in the # configuration below. The logging backend is called Katip. setupBackends: - KatipBK # This specifies the default backends that trace output is sent to if it # is not specifically configured to be sent to other backends. defaultBackends: - KatipBK # EKG is a simple metrics monitoring system. Uncomment the following to enable # this backend and listen on the given local port and point your web browser to # http://localhost:12788/ hasEKG: 12788 # The Prometheus monitoring system exports EKG metrics. Uncomment the following # to listen on the given port. Output is provided on # http://localhost:12789/metrics # hasPrometheus: # - "" # - 12789 # To enable the legacy 'TraceForwarder' backend, uncomment the following setting. Log # items are then forwarded based on an entry in 'mapBackends' to a separate # process running a 'TraceAcceptor'. # Example using UNIX pipes: # traceForwardTo: # tag: RemotePipe # contents: "logs/pipe" # # Example using Windows named pipes: # traceForwardTo: # tag: RemotePipe # contents: "\\\\.\\pipe\\acceptor" # # Example using network socket: # traceForwardTo: # tag: RemoteSocket # contents: # - "" # - "2997" # For the Katip logging backend we must set up outputs (called scribes) # The available types of scribe are: # FileSK for files # StdoutSK/StderrSK for stdout/stderr # JournalSK for systemd's journal system # DevNullSK ignores all output # The scribe output format can be ScText or ScJson. Log rotation settings can # be specified in the defaults below or overridden on a per-scribe basis here. setupScribes: - scKind: StdoutSK scName: stdout scFormat: ScText scRotation: null # For the Katip logging backend this specifies the default scribes that trace # output is sent to if it is not configured to be sent to other scribes. defaultScribes: - - StdoutSK - stdout # The default file rotation settings for katip scribes, unless overridden # in the setupScribes above for specific scribes. rotation: rpLogLimitBytes: 5000000 rpKeepFilesNum: 10 rpMaxAgeHours: 24 ##### Coarse grained logging control ##### # Trace output from whole subsystems can be enabled/disabled using the following # settings. This provides fairly coarse grained control, but it is relatively # efficient at filtering out unwanted trace output. TraceAcceptPolicy: True # Trace BlockFetch client. TraceBlockFetchClient: False # Trace BlockFetch decisions made by the BlockFetch client. TraceBlockFetchDecisions: False # Trace BlockFetch protocol messages. TraceBlockFetchProtocol: False # Serialised Trace BlockFetch protocol messages. TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised: False # Trace BlockFetch server. TraceBlockFetchServer: False # Trace BlockchainTime. # TraceBlockchainTime: False # Verbose tracer of ChainDB TraceChainDb: True # Trace ChainSync client. TraceChainSyncClient: False # Trace ChainSync server (blocks). TraceChainSyncBlockServer: False # Trace ChainSync server (headers). TraceChainSyncHeaderServer: False # Trace ChainSync protocol messages. TraceChainSyncProtocol: False TraceConnectionManager: True # Trace DNS Resolver messages. TraceDNSResolver: True # Trace DNS Subscription messages. TraceDNSSubscription: True TraceDiffusionInitialization: True # Trace error policy resolution. TraceErrorPolicy: True # Trace local error policy resolution. TraceLocalErrorPolicy: True # Trace block forging. TraceForge: True # Trace Handshake protocol messages. TraceHandshake: True # Trace IP Subscription messages. TraceIpSubscription: True TraceLedgerPeers: True TraceLocalRootPeers: True TraceInboundGovernor: True TracePeerSelection: True TracePeerSelectionActions: True TracePublicRootPeers: True TraceServer: True # Trace local ChainSync protocol messages. TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol: False # Trace local connection manager messages. TraceLocalConnectionManager: True # Trace local Handshake protocol messages. TraceLocalHandshake: True # Trace local TxSubmission protocol messages. TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol: False # Trace local TxSubmission server. TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer: False # Trace mempool. TraceMempool: False # Trace Mux Events. TraceMux: False # Trace TxSubmission server (inbound transactions). TraceTxInbound: False # Trace TxSubmission client (outbound transactions). TraceTxOutbound: False # Trace TxSubmission protocol messages. TraceTxSubmissionProtocol: False ##### Fine grained logging control ##### # It is also possible to have more fine grained control over filtering of # trace output, and to match and route trace output to particular backends. # This is less efficient than the coarse trace filters above but provides # much more precise control. options: # This routes metrics matching specific names to particular backends. # This overrides the 'defaultBackends' listed above. And note that it is # an override and not an extension so anything matched here will not # go to the default backend, only to the explicitly listed backends. mapBackends: cardano.node.metrics: - EKGViewBK cardano.node.resources: - EKGViewBK # # redirects traced values to a specific scribe which is identified by its # # type and its name, separated by "::": # mapScribes: # cardano.node.metrics: # - "FileSK::logs/mainnet.log" mapSubtrace: cardano.node.metrics: subtrace: Neutral hasPrometheus: - - 12798 # Set or unset the mempool capacity override in number of bytes. # # This is intended for testing, and for low-resource machines to run with a smaller mempool. # Please note that running with a large mempool is NOT recommended. The mempool is a # just a network communication buffer and all the advice on "buffer bloat" applies, see: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bufferbloat # The default size is two blocks, which is generally enough to ensure full blocks. # # MempoolCapacityBytesOverride: Integer | NoOverride # # Examples: # MempoolCapacityBytesOverride: 1000000 (1MB) # MempoolCapacityBytesOverride: NoOverride (default)