--- "$id": https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cardano-scaling/hydra/master/hydra-node/json-schemas/ "$schema": http://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema "$comment": A description of the log items produced by a Hydra node title: Hydra Log API description: > This schema documents the structure of the Log items produced by a Hydra node via its standard output stream. Items are emitted as individual JSON objects, separated by a newline which makes it easy to ingest by thirdparty tools and services. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - namespace - timestamp - threadId - message properties: namespace: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string identifying the tracer generating this entry. For a node, this is always 'HydraNode'. timestamp: type: string format: "date-time" description: >- Timestamp denoting the wall-clock time at which this log entry was recorded. threadId: type: integer description: >- The id of the thread which produced the log entry. message: oneOf: - title: APIServer type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - api description: >- A log entry produced by the API server. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["APIServer"] api: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/APIServer" - title: Node type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - node description: >- A log entry produced by the main loop in the node. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Node"] node: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/Node" - title: DirectChain type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - directChain description: >- A log entry produced by the chain component watching the chain. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["DirectChain"] directChain: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/DirectChain" - title: Network type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - network description: >- A log entry from the Hydra network (i.e. the layer-two network between Hydra nodes). properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Network"] network: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/Network" - title: NodeOptions description: >- Hydra node parsed command line arguments type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - runOptions properties: tag: type: string enum: ["NodeOptions"] runOptions: "$ref": "logs.yaml#/definitions/RunOptions" description: >- Configuration needed to run the hydra node - title: Authentication description: >- Hydra node detected a difference between the signer and the sender of an authenticated message over the network. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - authentication properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Authentication"] authentication: type: object $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/AuthLog" - title: Reliability type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - reliability description: >- A log entry produced by Reliability network layer. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Reliability"] reliability: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/Reliability" definitions: APIServer: oneOf: - title: APIServerStarted description: >- API Server has started and is ready, listening for incoming client connections on given port. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - listeningPort properties: tag: type: string enum: ["APIServerStarted"] listeningPort: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 - title: NewAPIConnection description: >- A new client has connected to the API Server. additionalProperties: false required: - tag properties: tag: type: string enum: ["NewAPIConnection"] - title: APIOutputSent description: >- Some output has been sent to a client. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - sentOutput properties: tag: type: string enum: ["APIOutputSent"] sentOutput: type: object - title: APIInputReceived description: >- Some input has been received from a client. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - receivedInput properties: tag: type: string enum: ["APIInputReceived"] receivedInput: oneOf: - type: "null" - type: object - title: APIInvalidInput description: >- Some input sent by a client is invalid. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - reason - inputReceived properties: tag: type: string enum: ["APIInvalidInput"] reason: type: string description: >- A textual description of the reason why this input is invalid. inputReceived: type: string description: >- A rendering in text of the input received. This input is invalid hence it's potentially invalid JSON so we just encode it as a proper JSON string. Note that if the input contained invalid UTF-8 characters they will be ignored. - title: APIConnectionError description: >- API returned a connection error. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - reason properties: tag: type: string enum: ["APIConnectionError"] reason: type: string description: >- A textual description of the reason why this input is invalid. - title: APIHTTPRequestReceived description: >- An HTTP request has been received. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - method - path properties: tag: type: string enum: ["APIHTTPRequestReceived"] method: type: string path: type: string DirectChain: oneOf: - title: ToPost description: >- Head logic requests submission of a Head protocol transaction. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - toPost properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ToPost"] toPost: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/PostChainTx" - title: PostingTx description: >- A transaction with given id is about to be submitted on-chain. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - txId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["PostingTx"] txId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxId" - title: PostedTx description: >- A transaction with given id has been successfully submitted to the chain. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - txId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["PostedTx"] txId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxId" - title: PostingFailed description: >- Submitting the transaction to the node failed type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - tx - postTxError properties: tag: type: string enum: ["PostingFailed"] tx: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" postTxError: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/PostTxError" - title: RolledForward description: >- Chain sync rolled forward by receiving a block with transactions. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - point - receivedTxIds properties: tag: type: string enum: ["RolledForward"] point: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainPoint" receivedTxIds: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxId" - title: RolledBackward description: >- Chain sync rolled backward to some point. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - point properties: tag: type: string enum: ["RolledBackward"] point: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainPoint" - title: Wallet description: >- Logs coming from the wallet. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - contents properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Wallet"] contents: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/Wallet" - title: SomeHeadObserved description: >- Some Head initialisation transactions has been observed on-chain but this node's configured head does not match it. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - headId - pubKeyHashes properties: tag: type: string enum: ["SomeHeadObserved"] headId: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/HeadId" pubKeyHashes: type: array items: type: string contentEncoding: base16 description: >- Hex-encoded hash of the public Cardano keys of the Head participants. Wallet: oneOf: - title: BeginInitialize description: >- The wallet is asked to (re-)initialize and fetch latest information from the cardano-node. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag properties: tag: type: string enum: ["BeginInitialize"] - title: EndInitialize description: >- The wallet has been initialized with these UTxOs and will skip blocks until reaching the tip. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - initialUTxO - tip properties: tag: type: string enum: ["EndInitialize"] initialUTxO: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTxO" tip: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainPoint" - title: BeginUpdate description: >- The wallet has been given a new block to update it's state. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - point properties: tag: type: string enum: ["BeginUpdate"] point: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainPoint" - title: EndUpdate description: >- The wallet updated it's state by applying a block resulting in given UTxOs. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - newUTxO properties: tag: type: string enum: ["EndUpdate"] newUTxO: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTxO" - title: SkipUpdate description: >- The wallet has been given a block behind it's last known tip and skips the internal update of UTxOs. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - point properties: tag: type: string enum: ["SkipUpdate"] point: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainPoint" Reliability: oneOf: - title: Resending description: >- Resending missed messages. If the party detects that the vector clock for some other party is lagging behind it will try to resend messages. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - missing - acknowledged - localCounter - theirIndex properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Resending"] missing: type: array items: type: number acknowledged: type: array items: type: number localCounter: type: array items: type: number theirIndex: type: number - title: BroadcastCounter description: >- Logged when broadcasting messages from the Reliability layer. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - ourIndex - localCounter properties: tag: type: string enum: ["BroadcastCounter"] ourIndex: type: number localCounter: type: array items: type: number - title: BroadcastPing description: >- Logged when broadcasting a Ping, which does not update the known message Ids type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - ourIndex - localCounter properties: tag: type: string enum: ["BroadcastPing"] ourIndex: type: number localCounter: type: array items: type: number - title: Received description: >- Logged only when the party receives a message and it is valid to to issue a callback. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - acknowledged - localCounter - theirIndex - ourIndex properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Received"] acknowledged: type: array items: type: number localCounter: type: array items: type: number theirIndex: type: number ourIndex: type: number - title: ClearedMessageQueue description: >- Logged when it is safe to delete some of the local messages. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - messageQueueLength - deletedMessage properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ClearedMessageQueue"] messageQueueLength: type: number deletedMessage: type: number - title: Ignored description: >- Logged when node ignores the callback in case of Ping messages. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - acknowledged - localCounter - theirIndex - ourIndex properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Ignored"] acknowledged: type: array items: type: number localCounter: type: array items: type: number theirIndex: type: number ourIndex: type: number - title: ReliabilityFailedToFindMsg description: >- Logged when the message we want to resend was not found in the local messages. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - missingMsgIndex - sentMessagesLength - knownAckForUs - messageAckForUs properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReliabilityFailedToFindMsg"] missingMsgIndex: type: number sentMessagesLength: type: number knownAckForUs: type: number messageAckForUs: type: number - title: ReliabilityMissingPartyIndex description: >- Logged when party index could not be found. NOTE: This should never happen. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - missingParty properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReliabilityMissingPartyIndex"] missingParty: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" - title: ReceivedMalformedAcks description: >- Logged when we receive a message from a party but its vector clock is malformed (not having the same length as the number of parties in a Head) type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - fromParty - partyAcks - numberOfParties properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReceivedMalformedAcks"] fromParty: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" partyAcks: type: array items: type: number numberOfParties: type: number # NOTE: We cannot simply describe 'ServerOutput' and re-use it in api.yaml, so # we opted to not detail this section here. The outputs documented in api.yaml # are based on internal type 'TimeServerOutput', so basically just contain an # adtitional 'timestamp' and 'seq'. ServerOutput: {} ParamMismatch: oneOf: - title: ContestationPeriodMismatch description: >- The configured contestation period does not match with the value from the loaded state. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - loadedCp - configuredCp properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ContestationPeriodMismatch"] loadedCp: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ContestationPeriod" description: >- Contestation period present in the node state. configuredCp: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ContestationPeriod" description: >- Contestation period configured as the node argument. - title: PartiesMismatch description: >- The configured parties do not match with the value from the loaded state. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - loadedParties - configuredParties properties: tag: type: string enum: ["PartiesMismatch"] loadedParties: type: array items: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" description: >- Parties present in the node state. configuredParties: type: array items: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" description: >- Parties configured as the node argument. - title: SavedNetworkPartiesInconsistent description: >- The configured peer list does not match with the value from the loaded state. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - numberOfParties properties: tag: type: string enum: ["SavedNetworkPartiesInconsistent"] numberOfParties: type: number description: >- Number of parties configured as the node argument. # TODO: Fill the gap! Network: {} Node: oneOf: - title: BeginInput description: >- Head has started processing an input from the chain, network, or client. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - by - inputId - input properties: tag: type: string enum: ["BeginInput"] by: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" description: >- The Party emitting the log entry. inputId: type: integer minimum: 0 description: >- Provides a unique, incremental, number identifying that input within the stream of inputs. This is useful to correlate with `EndInput`. input: "$ref": "logs.yaml#/definitions/Input" - title: EndInput description: >- Head has finished processing an input. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - by - inputId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["EndInput"] by: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" description: >- The Party emitting the log entry. inputId: type: integer minimum: 0 - title: BeginEffect description: >- Head has started processing an effect produced by some transition in the protocol. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - by - inputId - effectId - effect properties: tag: type: string enum: ["BeginEffect"] by: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" description: >- The Party emitting the log entry. inputId: type: integer minimum: 0 description: >- Provides a unique, incremental, number identifying which input within the stream of inputs from this node this effect is a consequence of. This number can be used to correlate `EndEffect` entries. effectId: type: integer minimum: 0 description: >- Provides a unique, monotonically increasing index for this effect within the span of a specific `inputId`. This number along with the `inputId` field is used to correlate the beginning and end of an effect. effect: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/Effect" - title: EndEffect description: >- Head has finished processing an effect produced by some transition in the protocol. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - by - inputId - effectId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["EndEffect"] by: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" description: >- The Party emitting the log entry. inputId: type: integer minimum: 0 effectId: type: integer minimum: 0 - title: LogicOutcome description: >- An outcome produced is a decision the node took after processing an input. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - by - outcome properties: tag: type: string enum: ["LogicOutcome"] by: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" description: >- The Party emitting the log entry. outcome: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/Outcome" - title: DroppedFromQueue description: >- An input event has been dropped from the input queue as its time-to-live ran out. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - inputId - input properties: tag: type: string enum: ["DroppedFromQueue"] inputId: type: integer minimum: 0 input: "$ref": "logs.yaml#/definitions/Input" - title: LoadedState description: >- Loaded state events from persistence. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - numberOfEvents properties: tag: type: string enum: ["LoadedState"] numberOfEvents: type: integer minimum: 0 - title: Misconfiguration description: >- Hydra node detected a difference between loaded state and the node arguments. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - misconfigurationErrors properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Misconfiguration"] misconfigurationErrors: type: array items: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/ParamMismatch" LogicError: oneOf: - title: UnhandledInput additionalProperties: false required: - tag - input - currentHeadState properties: tag: type: string enum: ["UnhandledInput"] input: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/Input" currentHeadState: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/HeadState" - title: RequireFailed description: >- A precondition for some state transition within the Hydra Head state-machine failed, providing more details in the 'contents' field. Please note each possible precondition failure is tied to some specific 'require p' expression in the specification (check https://hydra.family/head-protocol/dev/specification). additionalProperties: false required: - tag - requirementFailure properties: tag: type: string enum: ["RequireFailed"] requirementFailure: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/RequirementFailure" - title: AssertionFailed description: >- An unexpected situation arose in the implementation of the protocol logic. This is different to 'RequireFailed' as these conditions are not defined in the specified protocol. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - message properties: tag: type: string enum: ["AssertionFailed"] message: type: string - title: NotOurHead description: >- We just observed an on-chain event that does not apply to our head so we will simply ignore it. This could sometime happen if the hydra-node is started from an old L1 chain point and observes a previous head that we are not interested into anymore. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - ourHeadId - otherHeadId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["NotOurHead"] ourHeadId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" otherHeadId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" ValidationError: type: object additionalProperties: false required: - reason properties: reason: type: string RequirementFailure: oneOf: - title: "ReqSnNumberInvalid" description: >- Received ReqSn containing an invalid snapshot number additionalProperties: false required: - tag - requestedSn - lastSeenSn properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReqSnNumberInvalid"] requestedSn: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" lastSeenSn: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" - title: "ReqSvNumberInvalid" description: >- Received ReqSn containing an invalid snapshot version additionalProperties: false required: - tag - requestedSv - lastSeenSv properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReqSvNumberInvalid"] requestedSv: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotVersion" lastSeenSv: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotVersion" - title: "ReqSnNotLeader" description: >- Received a ReqSn message from some party which is not the leader. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - requestedSn - leader properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReqSnNotLeader"] requestedSn: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" leader: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" - title: "ReqSnDecommitNotSettled" description: >- Received a ReqSn message with specified new decommit but the previous one was not settled. additionalProperties: false required: - tag properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReqSnDecommitNotSettled"] - title: "InvalidMultisignature" description: >- Multisignature computed for a snapshot from individual parties signature is invalid. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - multisig - vkeys properties: tag: type: string enum: ["InvalidMultisignature"] multisig: type: string vkeys: type: array items: type: string - title: "SnapshotAlreadySigned" description: >- Received an AckSn from a party that already signed this particular snapshot. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - knownSignatures - receivedSignature properties: tag: type: string enum: ["SnapshotAlreadySigned"] knownSignatures: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" receivedSignature: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" - title: "AckSnNumberInvalid" description: >- Received an AckSn for an invalid snapshot number. additionalProperties: false required: - tag - requestedSn - lastSeenSn properties: tag: type: string enum: ["AckSnNumberInvalid"] requestedSn: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" lastSeenSn: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" - title: "SnapshotDoesNotApply" description: >- Received a ReqSn whose snapshot contains transactions that do not apply cleanly on the currently confirmed UTxO set additionalProperties: false required: - tag - requestedSn - txid - error properties: tag: type: string enum: ["SnapshotDoesNotApply"] requestedSn: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" txid: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxId" error: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/ValidationError" - title: "DecommitTxInvalid" description: >- Received a Decommit which contains transaction that does not apply cleanly on the currently confirmed UTxO set additionalProperties: false required: - tag - decommitTx properties: tag: type: string enum: ["DecommitTxInvalid"] decommitTx: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" error: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/ValidationError" HeadState: oneOf: - title: "Idle" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - contents properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Idle"] contents: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/IdleState" - title: "Initial" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - contents properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Initial"] contents: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/InitialState" - title: "Open" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - contents properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Open"] contents: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/OpenState" - title: "Closed" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - contents properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Closed"] contents: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/ClosedState" StateChanged: oneOf: - title: "HeadInitialized" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - parameters - chainState - headId - headSeed properties: tag: type: string enum: ["HeadInitialized"] parameters: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadParameters" chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" headSeed: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadSeed" - title: "CommittedUTxO" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - party - committedUTxO - chainState properties: tag: type: string enum: ["CommittedUTxO"] party: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" committedUTxO: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTxO" chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" - title: "HeadAborted" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - chainState properties: tag: type: string enum: ["HeadAborted"] chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" - title: "HeadOpened" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - chainState - initialUTxO properties: tag: type: string enum: ["HeadOpened"] chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" initialUTxO: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTxO" - title: "TransactionAppliedToLocalUTxO" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - tx - newLocalUTxO properties: tag: type: string enum: ["TransactionAppliedToLocalUTxO"] tx: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" newLocalUTxO: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTxO" - title: "SnapshotRequestDecided" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - snapshotNumber properties: tag: type: string enum: ["SnapshotRequestDecided"] snapshotNumber: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" - title: "SnapshotRequested" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - snapshot - requestedTxIds - newLocalUTxO - newLocalTxs properties: tag: type: string enum: ["SnapshotRequested"] snapshot: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Snapshot" requestedTxIds: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxId" newLocalUTxO: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTxO" newLocalTxs: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" - title: "TransactionReceived" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - tx properties: tag: type: string enum: ["TransactionReceived"] tx: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" - title: "DecommitRecorded" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - decommitTx properties: tag: type: string enum: ["DecommitRecorded"] decommitTx: type: object $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" - title: "DecommitFinalized" additionalProperties: false required: - tag properties: tag: type: string enum: ["DecommitFinalized"] - title: "PartySignedSnapshot" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - snapshot - party - signature properties: tag: type: string enum: ["PartySignedSnapshot"] snapshot: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Snapshot" party: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" signature: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Signature" - title: "SnapshotConfirmed" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - snapshot - signatures properties: tag: type: string enum: ["SnapshotConfirmed"] snapshot: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Snapshot" signatures: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/MultiSignature" - title: "HeadClosed" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - chainState - contestationDeadline properties: tag: type: string enum: ["HeadClosed"] chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" contestationDeadline: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTCTime" - title: "HeadContested" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - chainState - contestationDeadline properties: tag: type: string enum: ["HeadContested"] chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" contestationDeadline: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTCTime" - title: "HeadIsReadyToFanout" additionalProperties: false required: - tag properties: tag: type: string enum: ["HeadIsReadyToFanout"] - title: "HeadFannedOut" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - chainState properties: tag: type: string enum: ["HeadFannedOut"] chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" - title: "ChainRolledBack" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - chainState properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ChainRolledBack"] chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" - title: "TickObserved" additionalProperties: false required: - tag - chainSlot properties: tag: type: string enum: ["TickObserved"] chainSlot: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainSlot" IdleState: type: object additionalProperties: false required: - chainState properties: chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" InitialState: type: object additionalProperties: false required: - parameters - pendingCommits - committed - chainState - headId - headSeed properties: parameters: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadParameters" pendingCommits: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" committed: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTxO" chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" headSeed: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadSeed" OpenState: type: object additionalProperties: false required: - parameters - coordinatedHeadState - chainState - headId - currentSlot - headSeed properties: parameters: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadParameters" coordinatedHeadState: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/CoordinatedHeadState" chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" currentSlot: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainSlot" headSeed: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadSeed" ClosedState: type: object additionalProperties: false required: - parameters - confirmedSnapshot - contestationDeadline - readyToFanoutSent - chainState - headId - headSeed - version properties: parameters: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadParameters" confirmedSnapshot: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ConfirmedSnapshot" contestationDeadline: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTCTime" readyToFanoutSent: type: boolean chainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" headSeed: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadSeed" version: type: integer minimum: 0 CoordinatedHeadState: type: object additionalProperties: false required: - localUTxO - localTxs - allTxs - confirmedSnapshot - seenSnapshot - decommitTx - version properties: localUTxO: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTxO" localTxs: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" allTxs: type: object propertyNames: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxId" items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" confirmedSnapshot: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ConfirmedSnapshot" seenSnapshot: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/SeenSnapshot" decommitTx: oneOf: - type: "null" - type: object $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" version: type: integer minimum: 0 SeenSnapshot: oneOf: - title: NoSeenSnapshot type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag properties: tag: type: string enum: ["NoSeenSnapshot"] - title: LastSeenSnapshot type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - lastSeen properties: tag: type: string enum: ["LastSeenSnapshot"] lastSeen: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" - title: RequestedSnapshot type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - lastSeen - requested properties: tag: type: string enum: ["RequestedSnapshot"] lastSeen: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" requested: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" - title: SeenSnapshot type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - snapshot - signatories properties: tag: type: string enum: ["SeenSnapshot"] snapshot: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Snapshot" signatories: type: object propertyNames: type: string contentEncoding: base16 items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Signature" Input: description: >- Inputs (with Effects) are the atomic elements of the Hydra Head protocol which is basically a state-machine consuming inputs and producing effects. Inputs can come from different sources representing the various components a Head needs to interact with: Clients via the API, other peers through the Network, and the underlying Chain. oneOf: - title: ClientInput type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - clientInput description: >- Input received from clients via the API. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ClientInput"] clientInput: oneOf: - $ref: "api.yaml#/components/messages/Init/payload" - $ref: "api.yaml#/components/messages/Abort/payload" - $ref: "api.yaml#/components/messages/NewTx/payload" - $ref: "api.yaml#/components/messages/Decommit/payload" - $ref: "api.yaml#/components/messages/GetUTxO/payload" - $ref: "api.yaml#/components/messages/Close/payload" - $ref: "api.yaml#/components/messages/Contest/payload" - $ref: "api.yaml#/components/messages/Fanout/payload" - title: NetworkInput type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - ttl - networkEvent description: >- Input representing some network event message received from peers on the network. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["NetworkInput"] networkEvent: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/NetworkEvent" ttl: type: number - title: ChainInput type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - chainEvent description: >- Input representing an observation made on the main chain (or witnessed rollbacks, ticks and errors). properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ChainInput"] chainEvent: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/ChainEvent" NetworkEvent: oneOf: - title: ConnectivityEvent type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - contents properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ConnectivityEvent"] contents: oneOf: - title: Connected type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - nodeId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Connected"] nodeId: type: string - title: Disconnected type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - nodeId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Disconnected"] nodeId: type: string - title: HandshakeFailure type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - remoteHost - ourVersion - theirVersions properties: tag: type: string enum: ["HandshakeFailure"] remoteHost: type: object $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/IP" ourVersion: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/MkHydraVersionedProtocolNumber" theirVersions: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/KnownHydraVersions" - title: ReceivedMessage type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - sender - msg properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReceivedMessage"] sender: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" msg: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/Message" Message: description: >- Messages exchanged by Hydra network peers over a broadcasting network. oneOf: - title: ReqTx type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - transaction description: >- Request to sign some transaction and add it to the confirmed Head ledger. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReqTx"] transaction: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" - title: ReqSn type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - snapshotVersion - snapshotNumber - transactionIds - decommitTx description: >- Request from the current snapshot leader to sign some snapshot, eg. a bunch of transaction ids. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReqSn"] snapshotVersion: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotVersion" snapshotNumber: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" transactionIds: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxId" decommitTx: oneOf: - type: "null" - type: object $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" - title: AckSn type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - signed - snapshotNumber description: >- Signature of a snapshot by a party. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["AckSn"] snapshotNumber: type: integer minimum: 0 signed: type: string contentEncoding: base16 description: >- Signature from given party of the snapshot. The bytes representing the signature are hex-encoded. - title: ReqDec type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - transaction description: >- Notify the peers about the request to decommit some funds from the Head. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ReqDec"] transaction: type: object $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Transaction" ChainEvent: oneOf: - title: Observation type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - observedTx - newChainState properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Observation"] observedTx: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/OnChainTx" newChainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" - title: Rollback type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - rolledBackChainState properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Rollback"] rolledBackChainState: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainState" - title: Tick description: | Time has progressed on the chain. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - chainTime - chainSlot properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Tick"] chainTime: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTCTime" chainSlot: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainSlot" - title: PostTxError type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - postChainTx - postTxError description: >- Posting a transaction on the main chain failed. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["PostTxError"] postChainTx: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/PostChainTx" postTxError: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/PostTxError" OnChainTx: description: >- On-Chain transactions for the Head protocol. These data structures completely abstract away the actual structure of the transaction and only represent the data relevant for the protocol to make some progress. oneOf: - title: OnInitTx type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - headId - headSeed - headParameters - participants description: >- The initial transaction of the Head, announcing various parameters and the parties, has been posted on-chain. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["OnInitTx"] headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" headSeed: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadSeed" headParameters: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadParameters" participants: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/OnChainId" - title: OnCommitTx type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - headId - party - committed description: >- The commit transaction from a party, committing some UTxO set to the Head. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["OnCommitTx"] headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" party: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party" committed: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTxO" - title: OnAbortTx type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - headId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["OnAbortTx"] headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" - title: OnDecrementTx type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - headId - newVersion - distributedOutputs properties: tag: type: string enum: ["OnDecrementTx"] headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" newVersion: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotVersion" distributedOutputs: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxOut" - title: OnCollectComTx type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - headId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["OnCollectComTx"] headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" - title: OnCloseTx type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - headId - snapshotNumber - contestationDeadline properties: tag: type: string enum: ["OnCloseTx"] headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" snapshotNumber: type: integer minimum: 0 contestationDeadline: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTCTime" - title: OnContestTx type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - headId - snapshotNumber - contestationDeadline properties: tag: type: string enum: ["OnContestTx"] headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" snapshotNumber: type: integer minimum: 0 contestationDeadline: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTCTime" - title: OnFanoutTx type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - headId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["OnFanoutTx"] headId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/HeadId" Effect: description: >- Effects are the outcome of Head protocol processing inputs. Each effect represents a message that needs to be sent somewhere, either to clients for notification purpose, to other heads, or to the chain as part of the protocol. oneOf: - title: ClientEffect type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - serverOutput description: >- An effect representing some output to send to the client. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["ClientEffect"] serverOutput: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/ServerOutput" - title: NetworkEffect type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - message description: >- An effect representing some message to broadcast to other parties in the Head. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["NetworkEffect"] message: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/Message" - title: OnChainEffect type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - postChainTx description: >- An effect representing some transaction must be posted on-chain. Note that incoming transactions are represented by ChainEvent which can be different from outgoing transactions. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["OnChainEffect"] postChainTx: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/PostChainTx" Outcome: description: >- The decision taken by the node logic after processing an input. oneOf: - title: Continue type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - stateChanges - effects description: >- Continue with the given state update events and side effects. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Continue"] stateChanges: type: array items: type: object $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/StateChanged" effects: type: array items: type: object $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/Effect" - title: Wait type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - reason - stateChanges description: >- Wait for some condition to be met with optional state updates. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Wait"] reason: type: object $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/WaitReason" stateChanges: type: array items: type: object $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/StateChanged" - title: Error type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - error description: >- Processing an input resulted in an error. properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Error"] error: type: object $ref: "#/definitions/LogicError" WaitReason: oneOf: - title: WaitOnNotApplicableTx description: >- A transaction failed to apply, but could apply later on. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - validationError properties: tag: type: string enum: ["WaitOnNotApplicableTx"] validationError: "$ref": "logs.yaml#/definitions/ValidationError" description: >- Description of the cause of the validation failure. - title: WaitOnSnapshotNumber description: >- Current observed snapshot number is not the right one, waiting for some other number. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - waitingForNumber properties: tag: type: string enum: ["WaitOnSnapshotNumber"] waitingForNumber: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotNumber" - title: WaitOnSnapshotVersion description: >- Requested snapshot version is not up to date, waiting for the next version number. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - waitingForVersion properties: tag: type: string enum: ["WaitOnSnapshotVersion"] waitingForVersion: "$ref": "api.yaml#/components/schemas/SnapshotVersion" - title: WaitOnSeenSnapshot description: >- No current snapshot is available, waiting for some snapshot to start. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag properties: tag: type: string enum: ["WaitOnSeenSnapshot"] - title: WaitOnContestationDeadline description: >- Contestation period is not over yet. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag properties: tag: type: string enum: ["WaitOnContestationDeadline"] - title: WaitOnTxs description: >- Some transactions from a proposed snapshot have not been seen yet. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - waitingForTxIds properties: tag: type: string enum: ["WaitOnTxs"] waitingForTxIds: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxId" - title: WaitOnNotApplicableDecommitTx description: >- The decommit transaction does not apply right now, but may do so later. type: object additionalProperties: false required: - tag - notApplicableReason properties: tag: type: string enum: ["WaitOnNotApplicableDecommitTx"] notApplicableReason: oneOf: - type: object required: - tag - localUTxO - validationError properties: tag: type: string enum: ["DecommitTxInvalid"] localUTxO: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/UTxO" validationError: type: object properties: reason: type: string - type: object required: - tag - otherDecommitTxId properties: tag: type: string enum: ["DecommitAlreadyInFlight"] otherDecommitTxId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxId" RunOptions: type: object required: - verbosity - nodeId - host - port - peers - apiHost - apiPort - hydraSigningKey - hydraVerificationKeys - persistenceDir - chainConfig - ledgerConfig properties: verbosity: oneOf: - title: Quiet properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Quiet"] - title: Verbose properties: tag: type: string enum: ["Verbose"] contents: type: string nodeId: type: string host: type: object $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/IP" port: type: integer peers: type: array items: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Peer" apiHost: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/IP" apiPort: type: integer monitoringPort: oneOf: - type: "null" - type: integer hydraSigningKey: type: string hydraVerificationKeys: type: array items: type: string persistenceDir: type: string chainConfig: $ref: "logs.yaml#/definitions/ChainConfig" ledgerConfig: type: object properties: cardanoLedgerProtocolParametersFile: type: string ChainConfig: type: object description: | Configuration for the chain layer as included in RunOptions oneOf: - title: DirectChainConfig required: - tag - networkId - nodeSocket - hydraScriptsTxId - cardanoSigningKey - cardanoVerificationKeys properties: tag: type: string enum: ["DirectChainConfig"] networkId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/NetworkMagic" nodeSocket: type: string hydraScriptsTxId: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/TxId" cardanoSigningKey: type: string cardanoVerificationKeys: type: array items: type: string startChainFrom: oneOf: - type: "null" - type: object $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/ChainPoint" - title: OfflineChainConfig required: - tag - initialUTxOFile - ledgerGenesisFile properties: tag: type: string enum: ["OfflineChainConfig"] initialUTxOFile: type: string ledgerGenesisFile: oneOf: - type: "null" - type: string AuthLog: type: object required: - tag - message - signature - party properties: tag: type: string enum: ["MessageDropped"] message: type: string signature: type: string party: $ref: "api.yaml#/components/schemas/Party"