#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -p python3Packages.requests python3Packages.tabulate -i python3 """ Jormungandr Analysis Tools """ __version__ = "0.1.0" import argparse, requests, os, json, sys from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter from requests.exceptions import HTTPError from tabulate import tabulate globalAggregate = None globalEpochBlocks = None globalPools = None api_url_base = None api_url = None def get_api(path): r = endpoint(f'{api_url}/{path}') return r.text def get_tip(): return get_api("tip") def get_block(block_id): r = endpoint(f'{api_url}/block/{block_id}') hex_block = r.content.hex() return hex_block def parse_block(block): return { "epoch": int(block[16:24], 16), "slot": int(block[24:32], 16), "parent": block[104:168], "pool": block[168:232], } def aggregateall(): tip = get_tip() block = parse_block(get_block(tip)) currentEpoch = block['epoch'] poolTotal = {} blockTotal = 0 while block["parent"] != ("0" * 64): if args.aggregateall > 0: if (currentEpoch - args.aggregateall + 1) > block['epoch']: break pool = block["pool"] if pool not in poolTotal: poolTotal[pool] = {} poolTotal[pool]['blocks'] = 1 else: poolTotal[pool]['blocks'] = poolTotal[pool]['blocks'] + 1 block = parse_block(get_block(block['parent'])) blockTotal += 1 lowestEpoch = block['epoch'] if args.aggregateall > 0: print(f'\nJormungandr Block Aggregate for epochs {lowestEpoch + 1} - {currentEpoch}:\n') else: print('\nJormungandr Overall Block Aggregate:\n') headers = [f'Pool (Node ID)', "Blocks (#)", "Block Percent (%)"] table = [] for pool, data in poolTotal.items(): record = [ pool, data['blocks'], data['blocks'] / blockTotal * 100 ] table.append(record) print(f'{tabulate(sorted(table, key=lambda x: x[0]), headers, tablefmt="psql")}') print(f'TotalBlocks: {blockTotal} \n') def aggregate(silent=False): global globalAggregate global globalEpochBlocks tip = get_tip() block = parse_block(get_block(tip)) epochBlockTotal = {} currentEpoch = block['epoch'] epochs = {} pools = {} while block["parent"] != ("0" * 64): if args.full == False: if (currentEpoch - args.aggregate + 1) > block['epoch']: break epoch = block['epoch'] parent = block['parent'] pool = block['pool'] if epoch not in epochs: epochs[epoch] = {} epochBlockTotal[epoch] = 0 if pool not in epochs[epoch]: epochs[epoch][pool] = {} epochs[epoch][pool]['blocks'] = 1 epochBlockTotal[epoch] = epochBlockTotal[epoch] + 1 else: epochs[epoch][pool]['blocks'] = epochs[epoch][pool]['blocks'] + 1 epochBlockTotal[epoch] = epochBlockTotal[epoch] + 1 block = parse_block(get_block(block['parent'])) for epoch, epochData in epochs.items(): epochs[epoch]['stats'] = {} epochs[epoch]['stats']['blocksum'] = epochBlockTotal[epoch] for pool, poolData in epochData.items(): if pool != 'stats': epochs[epoch][pool]['percent'] = poolData['blocks'] / epochBlockTotal[epoch] * 100 if silent == False: if args.json == True: print(json.dumps(epochs, sort_keys=True)) else: print('\nJormungandr Epoch Block Aggregate:\n') for epoch, epochData in epochs.items(): headers = [f'EPOCH {epoch}, Pool (Node ID)', "Blocks (#)", "Block Percent (%)"] table = [] for pool, data in epochData.items(): if pool != 'stats': record = [ pool, data['blocks'], data['percent'] ] table.append(record) if args.bigvaluesort == True: print(f'{tabulate(sorted(table, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True), headers, tablefmt="psql")}') else: print(f'{tabulate(sorted(table, key=lambda x: x[0]), headers, tablefmt="psql")}') print(f'{"Totalblocks:":<21}{epochData["stats"]["blocksum"]}\n\n') globalAggregate = epochs def distribution(silent=False): global globalPools epoch = 0 unassigned = 0 dangling = 0 stakeSum = 0 totalPercentStaked = 0 total = 0 pools = {} r = endpoint(f'{api_url}/stake') raw = r.json() epoch = raw['epoch'] dangling = raw['stake']['dangling'] unassigned = raw['stake']['unassigned'] if args.bigvaluesort == True: sortedRaw = sorted(raw['stake']['pools'], key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) else: sortedRaw = sorted(raw['stake']['pools']) for [pool, stake] in sortedRaw: pools[pool] = {} pools[pool]['stake'] = stake pools[pool]['percent'] = 0 stakeSum = stakeSum + stake total = stakeSum + unassigned + dangling totalPercentStaked = stakeSum / total # Calculate percentage stake delegation of total staked ADA for pool in pools.keys(): pools[pool]['percent'] = pools[pool]['stake'] / stakeSum * 100 pools['stats'] = {} pools['stats']['epoch'] = epoch pools['stats']['dangling'] = dangling pools['stats']['unassigned'] = unassigned pools['stats']['total'] = total pools['stats']['stakesum'] = stakeSum pools['stats']['totalpercentstaked'] = totalPercentStaked if silent == False: if args.json == True: print(json.dumps(pools, sort_keys=True)) else: print('\nJormungandr Stake Pool Distribution:\n') print(f'{"Epoch:":<21}{epoch}') print(f'{"Dangling:":<21}{dangling / 1e6:,.6f} ADA') print(f'{"Unassigned:":<21}{unassigned / 1e6:,.6f} ADA') print(f'{"Total:":<21}{total / 1e6:,.6f} ADA') print(f'{"TotalStaked:":<21}{stakeSum / 1e6:,.6f} ADA') print(f'{"TotalPercentStaked:":<21}{totalPercentStaked * 100:.2f}%\n') headers = [f'EPOCH {epoch}, Pool (Node ID)', "Stake (ADA)", "Percent (%)"] table = [] for pool, poolData in pools.items(): if pool != 'stats': if args.nozero == False or poolData['stake'] != 0: record = [ pool, poolData['stake'] / 1e6, poolData['percent'] ] table.append(record) if args.bigvaluesort == True: print(f'{tabulate(sorted(table, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True), headers, tablefmt="psql", floatfmt=("%s", "0.6f"))}\n\n') else: print(f'{tabulate(sorted(table, key=lambda x: x[0]), headers, tablefmt="psql", floatfmt=("%s", "0.6f"))}\n\n') globalPools = pools def crossref(): if globalAggregate == None: args.aggregate = 1 aggregate(silent=True) if globalPools == None: distribution(silent=True) crossref = globalPools epoch = crossref['stats']['epoch'] for pool, poolData in crossref.items(): if pool != 'stats': if pool in globalAggregate[epoch]: crossref[pool]['blocks'] = globalAggregate[epoch][pool]['blocks'] crossref[pool]['percentBlocks'] = globalAggregate[epoch][pool]['percent'] else: crossref[pool]['blocks'] = None crossref[pool]['percentBlocks'] = None if args.json == True: print(json.dumps(crossref, sort_keys=True)) else: print('\nJormungandr Stake and Block Distribution Cross Reference:\n') print(f'{"Epoch:":<21}{epoch}') print(f'{"Dangling:":<21}{crossref["stats"]["dangling"] / 1e6:,.6f} ADA') print(f'{"Unassigned:":<21}{crossref["stats"]["unassigned"] / 1e6:,.6f} ADA') print(f'{"TotalADA:":<21}{crossref["stats"]["total"] / 1e6:,.6f} ADA') print(f'{"TotalBlocks:":<21}{globalAggregate[epoch]["stats"]["blocksum"]}') print(f'{"TotalStaked:":<21}{crossref["stats"]["stakesum"] / 1e6:,.6f} ADA') print(f'{"TotalPercentStaked:":<21}{crossref["stats"]["totalpercentstaked"] * 100:.2f}%\n') headers = [f'EPOCH {epoch}, Pool (Node ID)', "Stake (ADA)", "Blocks (#)", "PercentStaked (%)", "PercentBlocks (%)"] table = [] for pool, poolData in crossref.items(): if pool != 'stats': if args.nozero == False or (not (poolData['stake'] == 0 and poolData['blocks'] == None)): record = [ pool, poolData['stake'] / 1e6, poolData['blocks'], poolData['percent'], poolData['percentBlocks'] ] table.append(record) if args.bigvaluesort == True: print(f'{tabulate(sorted(table, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True), headers, tablefmt="psql", floatfmt=("%s", "0.6f", "g", "g", "g"))}\n\n') else: print(f'{tabulate(sorted(table, key=lambda x: x[0]), headers, tablefmt="psql", floatfmt=("%s", "0.6f", "g", "g", "g"))}\n\n') def stats(): r = endpoint(f'{api_url}/node/stats') if args.json == True: print(json.dumps(r.json(), sort_keys=True)) else: print('Current node stats:\n') print(json.dumps(r.json(), sort_keys=True, indent=2)) def endpoint(url): try: r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as http_err: print("\nWeb API unavailable.\nError Details:\n") print(f"HTTP error occurred: {http_err}") exit(1) except Exception as err: print("\nWeb API unavailable.\nError Details:\n") print(f"Other error occurred: {err}") exit(1) else: return(r) def check_int(value): ivalue = int(value) if ivalue <= 0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%s is an invalid positive int value" % value) return ivalue def main(): global api_url_base global api_url if args.restapi is not None: api_url_base = args.restapi else: api_url_base = os.environ.get("JORMUNGANDR_RESTAPI_URL", "http://localhost:3001/api") api_url = f"{api_url_base}/v0" if args.stats == True: stats() if args.aggregateall is not None: aggregateall() if args.aggregate is not None: aggregate() if args.distribution == True: distribution() if args.crossref == True: crossref() exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 1: print(f'\nRun `{sys.argv[0]} -h` for help and usage information\n') exit(0) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=( "Jormungandr analysis tools\n\n"), formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-aa", "--aggregateall", nargs="?", metavar="X", type=check_int, const=0, help="Calculate total block creation per pool for X epochs time starting with the tip or leave blank for all") parser.add_argument("-a", "--aggregate", nargs="?", metavar="X", type=check_int, const=1, help="Calculate aggregate block creation per pool for X epochs starting with the tip epoch (default = 1)") parser.add_argument("-b", "--bigvaluesort", action="store_true", help="Show non <-j|--json> output sorted by big to small value rather than keys where possible") parser.add_argument("-d", "--distribution", action="store_true", help="Calculate the stake distribution for the current epoch only") parser.add_argument("-f", "--full", action="store_true", help="Calculate the full epoch history where possible") parser.add_argument("-j", "--json", action="store_true", help="Output raw json only") parser.add_argument("-n", "--nozero", action="store_true", help="Don't show zero value staking pools (blocks minted or stake valued)") parser.add_argument("-s", "--stats", action="store_true", help="Show the current node stats") parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="store_true", help="Show the program version and exit") parser.add_argument("-x", "--crossref", action="store_true", help="Analyse the current epoch, cross referencing both block aggregate and stake distributions") parser.add_argument("-r", "--restapi", nargs="?", metavar="RESTAPI", type=str, const="", help="Set the rest api to utilize; by default: \"\". An env var of JORMUNGANDR_RESTAPI_URL can also be seperately set. ") args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print(f'Version: {__version__}\n') exit(0) main()