#!/usr/bin/env python # ** The MIT License ** # # Copyright (c) 2007 Eric Davis (aka Insanum) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # Dude... just buy us a beer. :-) # # XXX Todo/Cleanup XXX # threading is currently broken when getting event list # if threading works then move pageToken processing from GetAllEvents to thread # support different types of reminders plus multiple ones (popup, sms, email) # add caching, should be easy (dump all calendar JSON data to file) # add support for multiline description input in the 'add' and 'edit' commands # maybe add support for freebusy ? ############################################################################# # # # ( ( ( # # ( ( ( )\ ) ( )\ ) )\ ) # # )\ ) )\ )\ (()/( )\ (()/( (()/( # # (()/( (((_)((((_)( /(_))(((_) /(_)) /(_)) # # /(_))_ )\___ )\ _ )\ (_)) )\___ (_)) (_)) # # (_)) __|((/ __|(_)_\(_)| | ((/ __|| | |_ _| # # | (_ | | (__ / _ \ | |__ | (__ | |__ | | # # \___| \___|/_/ \_\ |____| \___||____||___| # # # # Author: Eric Davis # # Brian Hartvigsen # # Home: https://github.com/insanum/gcalcli # # # # Requirements: # # - Python 2 # # http://www.python.org # # - Google APIs Client Library for Python 2 # # https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/python # # - dateutil Python 2 module # # http://www.labix.org/python-dateutil # # # # Optional: # # - vobject Python module (needed for importing ics/vcal files) # # http://vobject.skyhouseconsulting.com # # - parsedatetime Python module (needed for fuzzy date parsing) # # https://github.com/bear/parsedatetime # # # # Everything you need to know (Google API Calendar v3): http://goo.gl/HfTGQ # # # ############################################################################# __program__ = 'gcalcli' __version__ = 'v3.3.2' __author__ = 'Eric Davis, Brian Hartvigsen' __doc__ = ''' Usage: %s [options] command [command args or options] Commands: list list all calendars search search for events - case insensitive search terms to find events that match these terms in any field, like traditional Google search with quotes, exclusion, etc. - for example to get just games: "soccer -practice" agenda [start] [end] get an agenda for a time period - start time default is 12am today - end time default is 5 days from start - example time strings: '9/24/2007' '24/09/2007' '24/9/07' 'Sep 24 2007 3:30pm' '2007-09-24T15:30' '2007-09-24T15:30-8:00' '20070924T15' '8am' calw [start] get a week based agenda in a nice calendar format - weeks is the number of weeks to display - start time default is beginning of this week - note that all events for the week(s) are displayed calm [start] get a month agenda in a nice calendar format - start time default is the beginning of this month - note that all events for the month are displayed and only one month will be displayed quick quick add an event to a calendar - a single --calendar must specified - the "--details url" option will show the event link - example text: 'Dinner with Eric 7pm tomorrow' '5pm 10/31 Trick or Treat' add add a detailed event to a calendar - a single --calendar must specified - the "--details url" option will show the event link - example: gcalcli --calendar 'Eric Davis' --title 'Analysis of Algorithms Final' --where UCI --when '12/14/2012 10:00' --duration 60 --description 'It is going to be hard!' --reminder 30 add delete [start] [end] delete event(s) within the optional time period - case insensitive search terms to find and delete events, just like the 'search' command - deleting is interactive use the --iamaexpert option to auto delete THINK YOU'RE AN EXPERT? USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! - use the --details options to show event details - [start] and [end] use the same formats as agenda edit edit event(s) - case insensitive search terms to find and edit events, just like the 'search' command - editing is interactive import [file] import an ics/vcal file to a calendar - a single --calendar must specified - if a file is not specified then the data is read from standard input - if -v is given then each event in the file is displayed and you're given the option to import or skip it, by default everything is imported quietly without any interaction - if -d is given then each event in the file is displayed and is not imported, a --calendar does not need to be specified for this option remind execute command if event occurs within minutes time ('%%s' in is replaced with event start time and title text) - default is 10 - default command: 'notify-send -u critical -a gcalcli %%s' ''' __API_CLIENT_ID__ = '232867676714.apps.googleusercontent.com' __API_CLIENT_SECRET__ = '3tZSxItw6_VnZMezQwC8lUqy' # These are standard libraries and should never fail import sys import os import re import shlex import time import calendar import locale import textwrap import signal import json import random from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date from unicodedata import east_asian_width # Required 3rd party libraries try: from dateutil.tz import tzlocal from dateutil.parser import parse import gflags import httplib2 from apiclient.discovery import build from apiclient.errors import HttpError from oauth2client.file import Storage from oauth2client.client import OAuth2WebServerFlow from oauth2client.tools import run except ImportError as e: print "ERROR: Missing module - %s" % e.args[0] sys.exit(1) # cPickle is a standard library, but in case someone did something really # dumb, fall back to pickle. If that's not their, your python is fucked try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle # If they have parsedatetime, we'll use it for fuzzy datetime comparison. If # not, we just return a fake failure every time and use only dateutil. try: from parsedatetime import parsedatetime except: class parsedatetime: class Calendar: def parse(self, string): return ([], 0) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") def stringToUnicode(string): if string: return unicode(string, locale.getlocale()[1] or locale.getpreferredencoding(False) or "UTF-8") else: return u'' def stringFromUnicode(string): return string.encode(locale.getlocale()[1] or locale.getpreferredencoding(False) or "UTF-8", "replace") def Version(): sys.stdout.write(__program__ + ' ' + __version__ + ' (' + __author__ + ')\n') sys.exit(1) def Usage(expanded=False): sys.stdout.write(__doc__ % sys.argv[0]) if expanded: print FLAGS.MainModuleHelp() sys.exit(1) class CLR: useColor = True conky = False def __str__(self): return self.color if self.useColor else "" class CLR_NRM(CLR): color = "\033[0m" class CLR_BLK(CLR): color = "\033[0;30m" class CLR_BRBLK(CLR): color = "\033[30;1m" class CLR_RED(CLR): color = "\033[0;31m" class CLR_BRRED(CLR): color = "\033[31;1m" class CLR_GRN(CLR): color = "\033[0;32m" class CLR_BRGRN(CLR): color = "\033[32;1m" class CLR_YLW(CLR): color = "\033[0;33m" class CLR_BRYLW(CLR): color = "\033[33;1m" class CLR_BLU(CLR): color = "\033[0;34m" class CLR_BRBLU(CLR): color = "\033[34;1m" class CLR_MAG(CLR): color = "\033[0;35m" class CLR_BRMAG(CLR): color = "\033[35;1m" class CLR_CYN(CLR): color = "\033[0;36m" class CLR_BRCYN(CLR): color = "\033[36;1m" class CLR_WHT(CLR): color = "\033[0;37m" class CLR_BRWHT(CLR): color = "\033[37;1m" def SetConkyColors(): # XXX these colors should be configurable CLR.conky = True CLR_NRM.color = "" CLR_BLK.color = "${color black}" CLR_BRBLK.color = "${color black}" CLR_RED.color = "${color red}" CLR_BRRED.color = "${color red}" CLR_GRN.color = "${color green}" CLR_BRGRN.color = "${color green}" CLR_YLW.color = "${color yellow}" CLR_BRYLW.color = "${color yellow}" CLR_BLU.color = "${color blue}" CLR_BRBLU.color = "${color blue}" CLR_MAG.color = "${color magenta}" CLR_BRMAG.color = "${color magenta}" CLR_CYN.color = "${color cyan}" CLR_BRCYN.color = "${color cyan}" CLR_WHT.color = "${color white}" CLR_BRWHT.color = "${color white}" class ART: useArt = True fancy = '' plain = '' def __str__(self): return self.fancy if self.useArt else self.plain class ART_HRZ(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x71\033(B' plain = '-' class ART_VRT(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x78\033(B' plain = '|' class ART_LRC(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x6A\033(B' plain = '+' class ART_URC(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x6B\033(B' plain = '+' class ART_ULC(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x6C\033(B' plain = '+' class ART_LLC(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x6D\033(B' plain = '+' class ART_CRS(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x6E\033(B' plain = '+' class ART_LTE(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x74\033(B' plain = '+' class ART_RTE(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x75\033(B' plain = '+' class ART_BTE(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x76\033(B' plain = '+' class ART_UTE(ART): fancy = '\033(0\x77\033(B' plain = '+' def PrintErrMsg(msg): PrintMsg(CLR_BRRED(), msg) def PrintMsg(color, msg): if isinstance(msg, unicode): msg = stringFromUnicode(msg) if CLR.useColor: sys.stdout.write(str(color)) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.write(str(CLR_NRM())) else: sys.stdout.write(msg) def DebugPrint(msg): return PrintMsg(CLR_YLW(), msg) def dprint(obj): try: from pprint import pprint pprint(obj) except ImportError: print obj class DateTimeParser: def __init__(self): self.pdtCalendar = parsedatetime.Calendar() def fromString(self, eWhen): defaultDateTime = datetime.now(tzlocal()).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) try: eTimeStart = parse(eWhen, default=defaultDateTime) except: struct, result = self.pdtCalendar.parse(eWhen) if not result: raise ValueError("Date and time is invalid") eTimeStart = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(struct), tzlocal()) return eTimeStart def DaysSinceEpoch(dt): # Because I hate magic numbers __DAYS_IN_SECONDS__ = 24 * 60 * 60 return calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple()) / __DAYS_IN_SECONDS__ def GetTimeFromStr(eWhen, eDuration=0): dtp = DateTimeParser() try: eTimeStart = dtp.fromString(eWhen) except: PrintErrMsg('Date and time is invalid!\n') sys.exit(1) if FLAGS.allday: try: eTimeStop = eTimeStart + timedelta(days=float(eDuration)) except: PrintErrMsg('Duration time (days) is invalid\n') sys.exit(1) sTimeStart = eTimeStart.date().isoformat() sTimeStop = eTimeStop.date().isoformat() else: try: eTimeStop = eTimeStart + timedelta(minutes=float(eDuration)) except: PrintErrMsg('Duration time (minutes) is invalid\n') sys.exit(1) sTimeStart = eTimeStart.isoformat() sTimeStop = eTimeStop.isoformat() return sTimeStart, sTimeStop def ParseReminder(rem): matchObj = re.match(r'^(\d+)([wdhm]?)(?:\s+(popup|email|sms))?$', rem) if not matchObj: PrintErrMsg('Invalid reminder: ' + rem + '\n') sys.exit(1) n = int(matchObj.group(1)) t = matchObj.group(2) m = matchObj.group(3) if t == 'w': n = n * 7 * 24 * 60 elif t == 'd': n = n * 24 * 60 elif t == 'h': n = n * 60 if not m: m = 'popup' return n, m class gcalcli: cache = {} allCals = [] allEvents = [] cals = [] now = datetime.now(tzlocal()) agendaLength = 5 maxRetries = 5 authHttp = None calService = None urlService = None command = 'notify-send -u critical -a gcalcli %s' dateParser = DateTimeParser() ACCESS_OWNER = 'owner' ACCESS_WRITER = 'writer' ACCESS_READER = 'reader' ACCESS_FREEBUSY = 'freeBusyReader' UNIWIDTH = {'W': 2, 'F': 2, 'N': 1, 'Na': 1, 'H': 1, 'A': 1} def __init__(self, calNames=[], calNameColors=[], military=False, detailCalendar=False, detailLocation=False, detailAttendees=False, detailLength=False, detailReminders=False, detailDescr=False, detailDescrWidth=80, detailUrl=None, detailEmail=False, ignoreStarted=False, calWidth=10, calMonday=False, calOwnerColor=CLR_CYN(), calWriterColor=CLR_GRN(), calReaderColor=CLR_MAG(), calFreeBusyColor=CLR_NRM(), dateColor=CLR_YLW(), nowMarkerColor=CLR_BRRED(), borderColor=CLR_WHT(), tsv=False, refreshCache=False, useCache=True, configFolder=None, client_id=__API_CLIENT_ID__, client_secret=__API_CLIENT_SECRET__, defaultReminders=False, allDay=False): self.military = military self.ignoreStarted = ignoreStarted self.calWidth = calWidth self.calMonday = calMonday self.tsv = tsv self.refreshCache = refreshCache self.useCache = useCache self.defaultReminders = defaultReminders self.allDay = allDay self.detailCalendar = detailCalendar self.detailLocation = detailLocation self.detailLength = detailLength self.detailReminders = detailReminders self.detailDescr = detailDescr self.detailDescrWidth = detailDescrWidth self.detailUrl = detailUrl self.detailAttendees = detailAttendees self.detailEmail = detailEmail self.calOwnerColor = calOwnerColor self.calWriterColor = calWriterColor self.calReaderColor = calReaderColor self.calFreeBusyColor = calFreeBusyColor self.dateColor = dateColor self.nowMarkerColor = nowMarkerColor self.borderColor = borderColor self.configFolder = configFolder self.client_id = client_id self.client_secret = client_secret self._GetCached() if len(calNames): # Changing the order of this and the `cal in self.allCals` loop # is necessary for the matching to actually be sane (ie match # supplied name to cached vs matching cache against supplied names) for i in xrange(len(calNames)): matches = [] for cal in self.allCals: # For exact match, we should match only 1 entry and accept # the first entry. Should honor access role order since # it happens after _GetCached() if calNames[i] == cal['summary']: # This makes sure that if we have any regex matches # that we toss them out in favor of the specific match matches = [cal] cal['colorSpec'] = calNameColors[i] break # Otherwise, if the calendar matches as a regex, append # it to the list of potential matches elif re.search(calNames[i], cal['summary'], flags=re.I): matches.append(cal) cal['colorSpec'] = calNameColors[i] # Add relevant matches to the list of calendars we want to # operate against self.cals += matches else: self.cals = self.allCals @staticmethod def _LocalizeDateTime(dt): if not hasattr(dt, 'tzinfo'): return dt if dt.tzinfo is None: return dt.replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()) else: return dt.astimezone(tzlocal()) def _RetryWithBackoff(self, method): for n in range(0, self.maxRetries): try: return method.execute() except HttpError, e: error = json.loads(e.content) if error.get('code') == '403' and \ error.get('errors')[0].get('reason') \ in ['rateLimitExceeded', 'userRateLimitExceeded']: time.sleep((2 ** n) + random.random()) else: raise return None def _GoogleAuth(self): if not self.authHttp: if self.configFolder: storage = Storage(os.path.expanduser("%s/oauth" % self.configFolder)) else: storage = Storage(os.path.expanduser('~/.gcalcli_oauth')) credentials = storage.get() if credentials is None or credentials.invalid: credentials = run( OAuth2WebServerFlow( client_id=self.client_id, client_secret=self.client_secret, scope=['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/urlshortener'], user_agent=__program__ + '/' + __version__), storage) self.authHttp = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) return self.authHttp def _CalService(self): if not self.calService: self.calService = \ build(serviceName='calendar', version='v3', http=self._GoogleAuth()) return self.calService def _UrlService(self): if not self.urlService: self._GoogleAuth() self.urlService = \ build(serviceName='urlshortener', version='v1', http=self._GoogleAuth()) return self.urlService def _GetCached(self): if self.configFolder: cacheFile = os.path.expanduser("%s/cache" % self.configFolder) else: cacheFile = os.path.expanduser('~/.gcalcli_cache') if self.refreshCache: try: os.remove(cacheFile) except OSError: pass # fall through self.cache = {} self.allCals = [] if self.useCache: # note that we need to use pickle for cache data since we stuff # various non-JSON data in the runtime storage structures try: with open(cacheFile, 'rb') as _cache_: self.cache = pickle.load(_cache_) self.allCals = self.cache['allCals'] # XXX assuming data is valid, need some verification check here return except IOError: pass # fall through calList = self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().calendarList().list()) while True: for cal in calList['items']: self.allCals.append(cal) pageToken = calList.get('nextPageToken') if pageToken: calList = self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().calendarList().list(pageToken=pageToken)) else: break # gcalcli defined way to order calendars order = {self.ACCESS_OWNER: 1, self.ACCESS_WRITER: 2, self.ACCESS_READER: 3, self.ACCESS_FREEBUSY: 4} self.allCals.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(order[x['accessRole']], order[y['accessRole']])) if self.useCache: self.cache['allCals'] = self.allCals with open(cacheFile, 'wb') as _cache_: pickle.dump(self.cache, _cache_) def _ShortenURL(self, url): if self.detailUrl != "short": return url # Note that when authenticated to a google account different shortUrls # can be returned for the same longUrl. See: http://goo.gl/Ya0A9 shortUrl = self._RetryWithBackoff( self._UrlService().url().insert(body={'longUrl': url})) return shortUrl['id'] def _CalendarColor(self, cal): if cal is None: return CLR_NRM() elif 'colorSpec' in cal and cal['colorSpec'] is not None: return cal['colorSpec'] elif cal['accessRole'] == self.ACCESS_OWNER: return self.calOwnerColor elif cal['accessRole'] == self.ACCESS_WRITER: return self.calWriterColor elif cal['accessRole'] == self.ACCESS_READER: return self.calReaderColor elif cal['accessRole'] == self.ACCESS_FREEBUSY: return self.calFreeBusyColor else: return CLR_NRM() def _ValidTitle(self, event): if 'summary' in event and event['summary'].strip(): return event['summary'] else: return "(No title)" def _GetWeekEventStrings(self, cmd, curMonth, startDateTime, endDateTime, eventList): weekEventStrings = ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] nowMarkerPrinted = False if self.now < startDateTime or self.now > endDateTime: # now isn't in this week nowMarkerPrinted = True for event in eventList: if cmd == 'calm' and curMonth != event['s'].strftime("%b"): continue dayNum = int(event['s'].strftime("%w")) if self.calMonday: dayNum -= 1 if dayNum < 0: dayNum = 6 if event['s'] >= startDateTime and event['s'] < endDateTime: forceEventColorAsMarker = False if event['s'].hour == 0 and event['s'].minute == 0 and \ event['e'].hour == 0 and event['e'].minute == 0: allDay = True else: allDay = False if not nowMarkerPrinted: if (DaysSinceEpoch(self.now) < DaysSinceEpoch(event['s'])): nowMarkerPrinted = True weekEventStrings[dayNum - 1] += \ ("\n" + str(self.nowMarkerColor) + (self.calWidth * '-')) elif self.now <= event['s']: # add a line marker before next event nowMarkerPrinted = True weekEventStrings[dayNum] += \ ("\n" + str(self.nowMarkerColor) + (self.calWidth * '-')) # We don't want to recolor all day events, but ignoring # them leads to issues where the "now" marker misprints # into the wrong day. This resolves the issue by skipping # all day events for specific coloring but not for previous # or next events elif self.now >= event['s'] and \ self.now <= event['e'] and \ not allDay: # line marker is during the event (recolor event) nowMarkerPrinted = True forceEventColorAsMarker = True if allDay: tmpTimeStr = '' elif self.military: tmpTimeStr = event['s'].strftime("%H:%M") else: tmpTimeStr = \ event['s'].strftime("%I:%M").lstrip('0') + \ event['s'].strftime('%p').lower() if forceEventColorAsMarker: eventColor = self.nowMarkerColor else: eventColor = self._CalendarColor(event['gcalcli_cal']) # newline and empty string are the keys to turn off coloring weekEventStrings[dayNum] += \ "\n" + \ stringToUnicode(str(eventColor)) + \ stringToUnicode(tmpTimeStr.strip()) + \ " " + \ self._ValidTitle(event).strip() return weekEventStrings def _PrintLen(self, string): # We need to treat everything as unicode for this to actually give # us the info we want. Date string were coming in as `str` type # so we convert them to unicode and then check their size. Fixes # the output issues we were seeing around non-US locale strings if not isinstance(string, unicode): string = stringToUnicode(string) printLen = 0 for tmpChar in string: printLen += self.UNIWIDTH[east_asian_width(tmpChar)] return printLen # return print length before cut, cut index, and force cut flag def _NextCut(self, string, curPrintLen): idx = 0 printLen = 0 if not isinstance(string, unicode): string = stringToUnicode(string) for tmpChar in string: if (curPrintLen + printLen) >= self.calWidth: return (printLen, idx, True) if tmpChar in (' ', '\n'): return (printLen, idx, False) idx += 1 printLen += self.UNIWIDTH[east_asian_width(tmpChar)] return (printLen, -1, False) def _GetCutIndex(self, eventString): printLen = self._PrintLen(eventString) if printLen <= self.calWidth: if '\n' in eventString: idx = eventString.find('\n') printLen = self._PrintLen(eventString[:idx]) else: idx = len(eventString) DebugPrint("------ printLen=%d (end of string)\n" % idx) return (printLen, idx) cutWidth, cut, forceCut = self._NextCut(eventString, 0) DebugPrint("------ cutWidth=%d cut=%d \"%s\"\n" % (cutWidth, cut, eventString)) if forceCut: DebugPrint("--- forceCut cutWidth=%d cut=%d\n" % (cutWidth, cut)) return (cutWidth, cut) DebugPrint("--- looping\n") while cutWidth < self.calWidth: DebugPrint("--- cutWidth=%d cut=%d \"%s\"\n" % (cutWidth, cut, eventString[cut:])) while cut < self.calWidth and \ cut < printLen and \ eventString[cut] == ' ': DebugPrint("-> skipping space <-\n") cutWidth += 1 cut += 1 DebugPrint("--- cutWidth=%d cut=%d \"%s\"\n" % (cutWidth, cut, eventString[cut:])) nextCutWidth, nextCut, forceCut = \ self._NextCut(eventString[cut:], cutWidth) if forceCut: DebugPrint("--- forceCut cutWidth=%d cut=%d\n" % (cutWidth, cut)) break cutWidth += nextCutWidth cut += nextCut if eventString[cut] == '\n': break DebugPrint("--- loop cutWidth=%d cut=%d\n" % (cutWidth, cut)) return (cutWidth, cut) def _GraphEvents(self, cmd, startDateTime, count, eventList): # ignore started events (i.e. events that start previous day and end # start day) while (len(eventList) and eventList[0]['s'] < startDateTime): eventList = eventList[1:] dayWidthLine = (self.calWidth * str(ART_HRZ())) topWeekDivider = (str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_ULC()) + dayWidthLine + (6 * (str(ART_UTE()) + dayWidthLine)) + str(ART_URC()) + str(CLR_NRM())) midWeekDivider = (str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_LTE()) + dayWidthLine + (6 * (str(ART_CRS()) + dayWidthLine)) + str(ART_RTE()) + str(CLR_NRM())) botWeekDivider = (str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_LLC()) + dayWidthLine + (6 * (str(ART_BTE()) + dayWidthLine)) + str(ART_LRC()) + str(CLR_NRM())) empty = self.calWidth * ' ' # Get the localized day names... January 1, 2001 was a Monday dayNames = [date(2001, 1, i + 1).strftime('%A') for i in range(7)] dayNames = dayNames[6:] + dayNames[:6] dayHeader = str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_VRT()) + str(CLR_NRM()) for i in xrange(7): if self.calMonday: if i == 6: dayName = dayNames[0] else: dayName = dayNames[i + 1] else: dayName = dayNames[i] dayName += ' ' * (self.calWidth - self._PrintLen(dayName)) dayHeader += str(self.dateColor) + dayName + str(CLR_NRM()) dayHeader += str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_VRT()) + \ str(CLR_NRM()) if cmd == 'calm': topMonthDivider = (str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_ULC()) + dayWidthLine + (6 * (str(ART_HRZ()) + dayWidthLine)) + str(ART_URC()) + str(CLR_NRM())) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), "\n" + topMonthDivider + "\n") m = startDateTime.strftime('%B %Y') mw = (self.calWidth * 7) + 6 m += ' ' * (mw - self._PrintLen(m)) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_VRT()) + str(CLR_NRM()) + str(self.dateColor) + m + str(CLR_NRM()) + str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_VRT()) + str(CLR_NRM()) + '\n') botMonthDivider = (str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_LTE()) + dayWidthLine + (6 * (str(ART_UTE()) + dayWidthLine)) + str(ART_RTE()) + str(CLR_NRM())) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), botMonthDivider + "\n") else: # calw PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), "\n" + topWeekDivider + "\n") PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), dayHeader + "\n") PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), midWeekDivider + "\n") curMonth = startDateTime.strftime("%b") # get date range objects for the first week if cmd == 'calm': dayNum = int(startDateTime.strftime("%w")) if self.calMonday: dayNum -= 1 if dayNum < 0: dayNum = 6 startDateTime = (startDateTime - timedelta(days=dayNum)) startWeekDateTime = startDateTime endWeekDateTime = (startWeekDateTime + timedelta(days=7)) for i in xrange(count): # create/print date line line = str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_VRT()) + str(CLR_NRM()) for j in xrange(7): if cmd == 'calw': d = (startWeekDateTime + timedelta(days=j)).strftime("%d %b") else: # (cmd == 'calm'): d = (startWeekDateTime + timedelta(days=j)).strftime("%d") if curMonth != (startWeekDateTime + timedelta(days=j)).strftime("%b"): d = '' tmpDateColor = self.dateColor if self.now.strftime("%d%b%Y") == \ (startWeekDateTime + timedelta(days=j)).strftime("%d%b%Y"): tmpDateColor = self.nowMarkerColor d += " **" d += ' ' * (self.calWidth - self._PrintLen(d)) line += str(tmpDateColor) + \ d + \ str(CLR_NRM()) + \ str(self.borderColor) + \ str(ART_VRT()) + \ str(CLR_NRM()) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), line + "\n") weekColorStrings = ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] weekEventStrings = self._GetWeekEventStrings(cmd, curMonth, startWeekDateTime, endWeekDateTime, eventList) # get date range objects for the next week startWeekDateTime = endWeekDateTime endWeekDateTime = (endWeekDateTime + timedelta(days=7)) while 1: done = True line = str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_VRT()) + str(CLR_NRM()) for j in xrange(7): if weekEventStrings[j] == '': weekColorStrings[j] = '' line += (empty + str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_VRT()) + str(CLR_NRM())) continue # get/skip over a color sequence if ((not CLR.conky and weekEventStrings[j][0] == '\033') or (CLR.conky and weekEventStrings[j][0] == '$')): weekColorStrings[j] = '' while ((not CLR.conky and weekEventStrings[j][0] != 'm') or (CLR.conky and weekEventStrings[j][0] != '}')): weekColorStrings[j] += weekEventStrings[j][0] weekEventStrings[j] = weekEventStrings[j][1:] weekColorStrings[j] += weekEventStrings[j][0] weekEventStrings[j] = weekEventStrings[j][1:] if weekEventStrings[j][0] == '\n': weekColorStrings[j] = '' weekEventStrings[j] = weekEventStrings[j][1:] line += (empty + str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_VRT()) + str(CLR_NRM())) done = False continue weekEventStrings[j] = weekEventStrings[j].lstrip() printLen, cut = self._GetCutIndex(weekEventStrings[j]) padding = ' ' * (self.calWidth - printLen) line += (weekColorStrings[j] + weekEventStrings[j][:cut] + padding + str(CLR_NRM())) weekEventStrings[j] = weekEventStrings[j][cut:] done = False line += (str(self.borderColor) + str(ART_VRT()) + str(CLR_NRM())) if done: break PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), line + "\n") if i < range(count)[len(range(count)) - 1]: PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), midWeekDivider + "\n") else: PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), botWeekDivider + "\n") def _tsv(self, startDateTime, eventList): for event in eventList: output = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (event['s'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), event['s'].strftime('%H:%M'), event['e'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), event['e'].strftime('%H:%M')) if self.detailUrl: output += "\t%s" % (self._ShortenURL(event['htmlLink']) if 'htmlLink' in event else '') output += "\t%s" % (self._ShortenURL(event['hangoutLink']) if 'hangoutLink' in event else '') output += "\t%s" % self._ValidTitle(event).strip() if self.detailLocation: output += "\t%s" % (event['location'].strip() if 'location' in event else '') if self.detailDescr: output += "\t%s" % (event['description'].strip() if 'description' in event else '') if self.detailCalendar: output += "\t%s" % event['gcalcli_cal']['summary'].strip() if self.detailEmail: output += "\t%s" % (event['creator']['email'].strip() if 'email' in event['creator'] else '') output = "%s\n" % output.replace('\n', '''\\n''') sys.stdout.write(stringFromUnicode(output)) def _PrintEvent(self, event, prefix): def _formatDescr(descr, indent, box): wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper() if box: wrapper.initial_indent = (indent + ' ') wrapper.subsequent_indent = (indent + ' ') wrapper.width = (self.detailDescrWidth - 2) else: wrapper.initial_indent = indent wrapper.subsequent_indent = indent wrapper.width = self.detailDescrWidth new_descr = "" for line in descr.split("\n"): if box: tmpLine = wrapper.fill(line) for singleLine in tmpLine.split("\n"): singleLine = singleLine.ljust(self.detailDescrWidth, ' ') new_descr += singleLine[:len(indent)] + \ str(ART_VRT()) + \ singleLine[(len(indent) + 1): (self.detailDescrWidth - 1)] + \ str(ART_VRT()) + '\n' else: new_descr += wrapper.fill(line) + "\n" return new_descr.rstrip() indent = 10 * ' ' detailsIndent = 19 * ' ' if self.military: timeFormat = '%-5s' tmpTimeStr = event['s'].strftime("%H:%M") else: timeFormat = '%-7s' tmpTimeStr = \ event['s'].strftime("%I:%M").lstrip('0').rjust(5) + \ event['s'].strftime('%p').lower() if not prefix: prefix = indent PrintMsg(self.dateColor, prefix) if event['s'].hour == 0 and event['s'].minute == 0 and \ event['e'].hour == 0 and event['e'].minute == 0: fmt = ' ' + timeFormat + ' %s\n' PrintMsg(self._CalendarColor(event['gcalcli_cal']), fmt % ('', self._ValidTitle(event).strip())) else: fmt = ' ' + timeFormat + ' %s\n' PrintMsg(self._CalendarColor(event['gcalcli_cal']), fmt % (stringToUnicode(tmpTimeStr), self._ValidTitle(event).strip())) if self.detailCalendar: xstr = "%s Calendar: %s\n" % ( detailsIndent, event['gcalcli_cal']['summary'] ) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) if self.detailUrl and 'htmlLink' in event: hLink = self._ShortenURL(event['htmlLink']) xstr = "%s Link: %s\n" % (detailsIndent, hLink) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) if self.detailUrl and 'hangoutLink' in event: hLink = self._ShortenURL(event['hangoutLink']) xstr = "%s Hangout Link: %s\n" % (detailsIndent, hLink) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) if self.detailLocation and \ 'location' in event and \ event['location'].strip(): xstr = "%s Location: %s\n" % ( detailsIndent, event['location'].strip() ) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) if self.detailAttendees and 'attendees' in event: xstr = "%s Attendees:\n" % (detailsIndent) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) if 'self' not in event['organizer']: xstr = "%s %s: <%s>\n" % ( detailsIndent, event['organizer'].get('displayName', 'Not Provided') .strip(), event['organizer']['email'].strip() ) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) for attendee in event['attendees']: if 'self' not in attendee: xstr = "%s %s: <%s>\n" % ( detailsIndent, attendee.get('displayName', 'Not Provided').strip(), attendee['email'].strip() ) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) if self.detailLength: diffDateTime = (event['e'] - event['s']) xstr = "%s Length: %s\n" % (detailsIndent, diffDateTime) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) if self.detailReminders and 'reminders' in event: if event['reminders']['useDefault'] is True: xstr = "%s Reminder: (default)\n" % (detailsIndent) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) elif 'overrides' in event['reminders']: for rem in event['reminders']['overrides']: xstr = "%s Reminder: %s %d minutes\n" % \ (detailsIndent, rem['method'], rem['minutes']) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) if self.detailEmail and \ 'email' in event['creator'] and \ event['creator']['email'].strip(): xstr = "%s Email: %s\n" % ( detailsIndent, event['creator']['email'].strip() ) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) if self.detailDescr and \ 'description' in event and \ event['description'].strip(): descrIndent = detailsIndent + ' ' box = True # leave old non-box code for option later if box: topMarker = (descrIndent + str(ART_ULC()) + (str(ART_HRZ()) * ((self.detailDescrWidth - len(descrIndent)) - 2)) + str(ART_URC())) botMarker = (descrIndent + str(ART_LLC()) + (str(ART_HRZ()) * ((self.detailDescrWidth - len(descrIndent)) - 2)) + str(ART_LRC())) xstr = "%s Description:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % ( detailsIndent, topMarker, _formatDescr(event['description'].strip(), descrIndent, box), botMarker ) else: marker = descrIndent + '-' * \ (self.detailDescrWidth - len(descrIndent)) xstr = "%s Description:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % ( detailsIndent, marker, _formatDescr(event['description'].strip(), descrIndent, box), marker ) PrintMsg(CLR_NRM(), xstr) def _DeleteEvent(self, event): if self.iamaExpert: self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().events(). delete(calendarId=event['gcalcli_cal']['id'], eventId=event['id'])) PrintMsg(CLR_RED(), "Deleted!\n") return PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Delete? [N]o [y]es [q]uit: ") val = raw_input() if not val or val.lower() == 'n': return elif val.lower() == 'y': self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().events(). delete(calendarId=event['gcalcli_cal']['id'], eventId=event['id'])) PrintMsg(CLR_RED(), "Deleted!\n") elif val.lower() == 'q': sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.exit(0) else: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid input\n') sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.exit(1) def _EditEvent(self, event): while True: PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Edit?\n" + "[N]o [s]ave [q]uit " + "[t]itle [l]ocation " + "[w]hen len[g]th " + "[r]eminder [d]escr: ") val = raw_input() if not val or val.lower() == 'n': return elif val.lower() == 's': # copy only editable event details for patching modEvent = {} keys = ['summary', 'location', 'start', 'end', 'reminders', 'description'] for k in keys: if k in event: modEvent[k] = event[k] self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().events(). patch(calendarId=event['gcalcli_cal']['id'], eventId=event['id'], body=modEvent)) PrintMsg(CLR_RED(), "Saved!\n") return elif not val or val.lower() == 'q': sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.exit(0) elif val.lower() == 't': PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Title: ") val = raw_input() if val.strip(): event['summary'] = \ stringToUnicode(val.strip()) elif val.lower() == 'l': PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Location: ") val = raw_input() if val.strip(): event['location'] = \ stringToUnicode(val.strip()) elif val.lower() == 'w': PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "When: ") val = raw_input() if val.strip(): td = (event['e'] - event['s']) length = ((td.days * 1440) + (td.seconds / 60)) newStart, newEnd = GetTimeFromStr(val.strip(), length) event['s'] = parse(newStart) event['e'] = parse(newEnd) if self.allDay: event['start'] = {'date': newStart, 'dateTime': None, 'timeZone': None} event['end'] = {'date': newEnd, 'dateTime': None, 'timeZone': None} else: event['start'] = {'date': None, 'dateTime': newStart, 'timeZone': event['gcalcli_cal']['timeZone']} event['end'] = {'date': None, 'dateTime': newEnd, 'timeZone': event['gcalcli_cal']['timeZone']} elif val.lower() == 'g': PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Length (mins): ") val = raw_input() if val.strip(): newStart, newEnd = \ GetTimeFromStr(event['start']['dateTime'], val.strip()) event['s'] = parse(newStart) event['e'] = parse(newEnd) if self.allDay: event['start'] = {'date': newStart, 'dateTime': None, 'timeZone': None} event['end'] = {'date': newEnd, 'dateTime': None, 'timeZone': None} else: event['start'] = {'date': None, 'dateTime': newStart, 'timeZone': event['gcalcli_cal']['timeZone']} event['end'] = {'date': None, 'dateTime': newEnd, 'timeZone': event['gcalcli_cal']['timeZone']} elif val.lower() == 'r': rem = [] while 1: PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Enter a valid reminder or '.' to end: ") r = raw_input() if r == '.': break rem.append(r) if rem or not self.defaultReminders: event['reminders'] = {'useDefault': False, 'overrides': []} for r in rem: n, m = ParseReminder(r) event['reminders']['overrides'].append({'minutes': n, 'method': m}) else: event['reminders'] = {'useDefault': True, 'overrides': []} elif val.lower() == 'd': PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Description: ") val = raw_input() if val.strip(): event['description'] = \ stringToUnicode(val.strip()) else: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid input\n') sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.exit(1) self._PrintEvent(event, event['s'].strftime('\n%Y-%m-%d')) def _IterateEvents(self, startDateTime, eventList, yearDate=False, work=None): if len(eventList) == 0: PrintMsg(CLR_YLW(), "\nNo Events Found...\n") return # 10 chars for day and length must match 'indent' in _PrintEvent dayFormat = '\n%Y-%m-%d' if yearDate else '\n%a %b %d' day = '' for event in eventList: if self.ignoreStarted and (event['s'] < self.now): continue tmpDayStr = event['s'].strftime(dayFormat) prefix = None if yearDate or tmpDayStr != day: day = prefix = tmpDayStr self._PrintEvent(event, prefix) if work: work(event) def _GetAllEvents(self, cal, events, end): eventList = [] while 1: if 'items' not in events: break for event in events['items']: event['gcalcli_cal'] = cal if 'status' in event and event['status'] == 'cancelled': continue if 'dateTime' in event['start']: event['s'] = parse(event['start']['dateTime']) else: # all date events event['s'] = parse(event['start']['date']) event['s'] = self._LocalizeDateTime(event['s']) if 'dateTime' in event['end']: event['e'] = parse(event['end']['dateTime']) else: # all date events event['e'] = parse(event['end']['date']) event['e'] = self._LocalizeDateTime(event['e']) # For all-day events, Google seems to assume that the event # time is based in the UTC instead of the local timezone. Here # we filter out those events start beyond a specified end time. if end and (event['s'] >= end): continue # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem # Catch the year 2038 problem here as the python dateutil # module can choke throwing a ValueError exception. If either # the start or end time for an event has a year '>= 2038' dump # it. if event['s'].year >= 2038 or event['e'].year >= 2038: continue eventList.append(event) pageToken = events.get('nextPageToken') if pageToken: events = self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().events(). list(calendarId=cal['id'], pageToken=pageToken)) else: break return eventList def _SearchForCalEvents(self, start, end, searchText): eventList = [] for cal in self.cals: work = self._CalService().events().\ list(calendarId=cal['id'], timeMin=start.isoformat() if start else None, timeMax=end.isoformat() if end else None, q=searchText if searchText else None, singleEvents=True) events = self._RetryWithBackoff(work) eventList.extend(self._GetAllEvents(cal, events, end)) eventList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['s'], y['s'])) return eventList def ListAllCalendars(self): accessLen = 0 for cal in self.allCals: length = len(cal['accessRole']) if length > accessLen: accessLen = length if accessLen < len('Access'): accessLen = len('Access') format = ' %0' + str(accessLen) + 's %s\n' PrintMsg(CLR_BRYLW(), format % ('Access', 'Title')) PrintMsg(CLR_BRYLW(), format % ('------', '-----')) for cal in self.allCals: PrintMsg(self._CalendarColor(cal), format % (cal['accessRole'], cal['summary'])) def TextQuery(self, searchText=''): # the empty string would get *ALL* events... if searchText == '': return # This is really just an optimization to the gcalendar api # why ask for a bunch of events we are going to filter out # anyway? # TODO: Look at moving this into the _SearchForCalEvents # Don't forget to clean up AgendaQuery too! start = self.now if self.ignoreStarted else None eventList = self._SearchForCalEvents(start, None, searchText) if self.tsv: self._tsv(self.now, eventList) else: self._IterateEvents(self.now, eventList, yearDate=True) def AgendaQuery(self, startText='', endText=''): if startText == '': # convert now to midnight this morning and use for default start = self.now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) else: try: start = self.dateParser.fromString(startText) except: PrintErrMsg('Error: failed to parse start time\n') return # Again optimizing calls to the api. If we've been told to # ignore started events, then it doesn't make ANY sense to # search for things that may be in the past if self.ignoreStarted and start < self.now: start = self.now if endText == '': end = (start + timedelta(days=self.agendaLength)) else: try: end = self.dateParser.fromString(endText) except: PrintErrMsg('Error: failed to parse end time\n') return eventList = self._SearchForCalEvents(start, end, None) if self.tsv: self._tsv(start, eventList) else: self._IterateEvents(start, eventList, yearDate=False) def CalQuery(self, cmd, startText='', count=1): if startText == '': # convert now to midnight this morning and use for default start = self.now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) else: try: start = self.dateParser.fromString(startText) start = start.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) except: PrintErrMsg('Error: failed to parse start time\n') return # convert start date to the beginning of the week or month if cmd == 'calw': dayNum = int(start.strftime("%w")) if self.calMonday: dayNum -= 1 if dayNum < 0: dayNum = 6 start = (start - timedelta(days=dayNum)) end = (start + timedelta(days=(count * 7))) else: # cmd == 'calm': start = (start - timedelta(days=(start.day - 1))) endMonth = (start.month + 1) endYear = start.year if endMonth == 13: endMonth = 1 endYear += 1 end = start.replace(month=endMonth, year=endYear) daysInMonth = (end - start).days offsetDays = int(start.strftime('%w')) if self.calMonday: offsetDays -= 1 if offsetDays < 0: offsetDays = 6 totalDays = (daysInMonth + offsetDays) count = (totalDays / 7) if totalDays % 7: count += 1 eventList = self._SearchForCalEvents(start, end, None) self._GraphEvents(cmd, start, count, eventList) def QuickAddEvent(self, eventText, reminder=None): if eventText == '': return if len(self.cals) != 1: PrintErrMsg("Must specify a single calendar\n") return newEvent = self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().events().quickAdd(calendarId=self.cals[0]['id'], text=eventText)) if reminder or not self.defaultReminders: rem = {} rem['reminders'] = {'useDefault': False, 'overrides': []} for r in reminder: n, m = ParseReminder(r) rem['reminders']['overrides'].append({'minutes': n, 'method': m}) newEvent = self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().events(). patch(calendarId=self.cals[0]['id'], eventId=newEvent['id'], body=rem)) if self.detailUrl: hLink = self._ShortenURL(newEvent['htmlLink']) PrintMsg(CLR_GRN(), 'New event added: %s\n' % hLink) def AddEvent(self, eTitle, eWhere, eStart, eEnd, eDescr, reminder): if len(self.cals) != 1: PrintErrMsg("Must specify a single calendar\n") return event = {} event['summary'] = stringToUnicode(eTitle) if self.allDay: event['start'] = {'date': eStart} event['end'] = {'date': eEnd} else: event['start'] = {'dateTime': eStart, 'timeZone': self.cals[0]['timeZone']} event['end'] = {'dateTime': eEnd, 'timeZone': self.cals[0]['timeZone']} if eWhere: event['location'] = stringToUnicode(eWhere) if eDescr: event['description'] = stringToUnicode(eDescr) if reminder or not self.defaultReminders: event['reminders'] = {'useDefault': False, 'overrides': []} for r in reminder: n, m = ParseReminder(r) event['reminders']['overrides'].append({'minutes': n, 'method': m}) newEvent = self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().events(). insert(calendarId=self.cals[0]['id'], body=event)) if self.detailUrl: hLink = self._ShortenURL(newEvent['htmlLink']) PrintMsg(CLR_GRN(), 'New event added: %s\n' % hLink) def DeleteEvents(self, searchText='', expert=False, start=None, end=None): # the empty string would get *ALL* events... if searchText == '': return eventList = self._SearchForCalEvents(start, end, searchText) self.iamaExpert = expert self._IterateEvents(self.now, eventList, yearDate=True, work=self._DeleteEvent) def EditEvents(self, searchText=''): # the empty string would get *ALL* events... if searchText == '': return eventList = self._SearchForCalEvents(None, None, searchText) self._IterateEvents(self.now, eventList, yearDate=True, work=self._EditEvent) def Remind(self, minutes=10, command=None, use_reminders=False): """Check for events between now and now+minutes. If use_reminders then only remind if now >= event['start'] - reminder """ if command is None: command = self.command # perform a date query for now + minutes + slip start = self.now end = (start + timedelta(minutes=(minutes + 5))) eventList = self._SearchForCalEvents(start, end, None) message = '' for event in eventList: # skip this event if it already started # XXX maybe add a 2+ minute grace period here... if event['s'] < self.now: continue # not sure if 'reminders' always in event if use_reminders and 'reminders' in event and 'overrides' in event['reminders']: if all(event['s'] - timedelta(minutes=r['minutes']) > self.now for r in event['reminders']['overrides']): continue # don't remind if all reminders haven't arrived yet if self.military: tmpTimeStr = event['s'].strftime('%H:%M') else: tmpTimeStr = \ event['s'].strftime('%I:%M').lstrip('0') + \ event['s'].strftime('%p').lower() message += '%s %s\n' % \ (tmpTimeStr, self._ValidTitle(event).strip()) if message == '': return cmd = shlex.split(command) for i, a in zip(xrange(len(cmd)), cmd): if a == '%s': cmd[i] = message pid = os.fork() if not pid: os.execvp(cmd[0], cmd) def ImportICS(self, verbose=False, dump=False, reminder=None, icsFile=None): def CreateEventFromVOBJ(ve): event = {} if verbose: print "+----------------+" print "| Calendar Event |" print "+----------------+" if hasattr(ve, 'summary'): DebugPrint("SUMMARY: %s\n" % ve.summary.value) if verbose: print "Event........%s" % ve.summary.value event['summary'] = ve.summary.value if hasattr(ve, 'location'): DebugPrint("LOCATION: %s\n" % ve.location.value) if verbose: print "Location.....%s" % ve.location.value event['location'] = ve.location.value if not hasattr(ve, 'dtstart') or not hasattr(ve, 'dtend'): PrintErrMsg("Error: event does not have a dtstart and " "dtend!\n") return None if ve.dtstart.value: DebugPrint("DTSTART: %s\n" % ve.dtstart.value.isoformat()) if ve.dtend.value: DebugPrint("DTEND: %s\n" % ve.dtend.value.isoformat()) if verbose: if ve.dtstart.value: print "Start........%s" % \ ve.dtstart.value.isoformat() if ve.dtend.value: print "End..........%s" % \ ve.dtend.value.isoformat() if ve.dtstart.value: print "Local Start..%s" % \ self._LocalizeDateTime(ve.dtstart.value) if ve.dtend.value: print "Local End....%s" % \ self._LocalizeDateTime(ve.dtend.value) if hasattr(ve, 'rrule'): DebugPrint("RRULE: %s\n" % ve.rrule.value) if verbose: print "Recurrence...%s" % ve.rrule.value event['recurrence'] = ["RRULE:" + ve.rrule.value] if hasattr(ve, 'dtstart') and ve.dtstart.value: # XXX # Timezone madness! Note that we're using the timezone for the # calendar being added to. This is OK if the event is in the # same timezone. This needs to be changed to use the timezone # from the DTSTART and DTEND values. Problem is, for example, # the TZID might be "Pacific Standard Time" and Google expects # a timezone string like "America/Los_Angeles". Need to find # a way in python to convert to the more specific timezone # string. # XXX # print ve.dtstart.params['X-VOBJ-ORIGINAL-TZID'][0] # print self.cals[0]['timeZone'] # print dir(ve.dtstart.value.tzinfo) # print vars(ve.dtstart.value.tzinfo) start = ve.dtstart.value.isoformat() if isinstance(ve.dtstart.value, datetime): event['start'] = {'dateTime': start, 'timeZone': self.cals[0]['timeZone']} else: event['start'] = {'date': start} if reminder or not self.defaultReminders: event['reminders'] = {'useDefault': False, 'overrides': []} for r in reminder: n, m = ParseReminder(r) event['reminders']['overrides'].append({'minutes': n, 'method': m}) # Can only have an end if we have a start, but not the other # way around apparently... If there is no end, use the start if hasattr(ve, 'dtend') and ve.dtend.value: end = ve.dtend.value.isoformat() if isinstance(ve.dtend.value, datetime): event['end'] = {'dateTime': end, 'timeZone': self.cals[0]['timeZone']} else: event['end'] = {'date': end} else: event['end'] = event['start'] if hasattr(ve, 'description') and ve.description.value.strip(): descr = ve.description.value.strip() DebugPrint("DESCRIPTION: %s\n" % descr) if verbose: print "Description:\n%s" % descr event['description'] = descr if hasattr(ve, 'organizer'): DebugPrint("ORGANIZER: %s\n" % ve.organizer.value) if ve.organizer.value.startswith("MAILTO:"): email = ve.organizer.value[7:] else: email = ve.organizer.value if verbose: print "organizer:\n %s" % email event['organizer'] = {'displayName': ve.organizer.name, 'email': email} if hasattr(ve, 'attendee_list'): DebugPrint("ATTENDEE_LIST : %s\n" % ve.attendee_list) if verbose: print "attendees:" event['attendees'] = [] for attendee in ve.attendee_list: if attendee.value.upper().startswith("MAILTO:"): email = attendee.value[7:] else: email = attendee.value if verbose: print " %s" % email event['attendees'].append({'displayName': attendee.name, 'email': email}) return event try: import vobject except: PrintErrMsg('Python vobject module not installed!\n') sys.exit(1) if dump: verbose = True if not dump and len(self.cals) != 1: PrintErrMsg("Must specify a single calendar\n") return f = sys.stdin if icsFile: try: f = file(icsFile) except Exception, e: PrintErrMsg("Error: " + str(e) + "!\n") sys.exit(1) while True: try: v = vobject.readComponents(f).next() except StopIteration: break for ve in v.vevent_list: event = CreateEventFromVOBJ(ve) if not event: continue if dump: continue if not verbose: newEvent = self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().events(). insert(calendarId=self.cals[0]['id'], body=event)) hLink = self._ShortenURL(newEvent['htmlLink']) PrintMsg(CLR_GRN(), 'New event added: %s\n' % hLink) continue PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "\n[S]kip [i]mport [q]uit: ") val = raw_input() if not val or val.lower() == 's': continue if val.lower() == 'i': newEvent = self._RetryWithBackoff( self._CalService().events(). insert(calendarId=self.cals[0]['id'], body=event)) hLink = self._ShortenURL(newEvent['htmlLink']) PrintMsg(CLR_GRN(), 'New event added: %s\n' % hLink) elif val.lower() == 'q': sys.exit(0) else: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid input\n') sys.exit(1) def GetColor(value): colors = {'default': CLR_NRM(), 'black': CLR_BLK(), 'brightblack': CLR_BRBLK(), 'red': CLR_RED(), 'brightred': CLR_BRRED(), 'green': CLR_GRN(), 'brightgreen': CLR_BRGRN(), 'yellow': CLR_YLW(), 'brightyellow': CLR_BRYLW(), 'blue': CLR_BLU(), 'brightblue': CLR_BRBLU(), 'magenta': CLR_MAG(), 'brightmagenta': CLR_BRMAG(), 'cyan': CLR_CYN(), 'brightcyan': CLR_BRCYN(), 'white': CLR_WHT(), 'brightwhite': CLR_BRWHT(), None: CLR_NRM()} if value in colors: return colors[value] else: return None def GetCalColors(calNames): calColors = {} for calName in calNames: calNameParts = calName.split("#") calNameSimple = calNameParts[0] calColor = calColors.get(calNameSimple) if len(calNameParts) > 0: calColorRaw = calNameParts[-1] calColorNew = GetColor(calColorRaw) if calColorNew is not None: calColor = calColorNew calColors[calNameSimple] = calColor return calColors FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS # allow mixing of commands and options FLAGS.UseGnuGetOpt() gflags.DEFINE_bool("help", None, "Show this help") gflags.DEFINE_bool("helpshort", None, "Show command help only") gflags.DEFINE_bool("version", False, "Show the version and exit") gflags.DEFINE_string("client_id", __API_CLIENT_ID__, "API client_id") gflags.DEFINE_string("client_secret", __API_CLIENT_SECRET__, "API client_secret") gflags.DEFINE_string("configFolder", None, "Optional directory to load/store all configuration " "information") gflags.DEFINE_bool("includeRc", False, "Whether to include ~/.gcalclirc when using configFolder") gflags.DEFINE_multistring("calendar", [], "Which calendars to use") gflags.DEFINE_multistring("defaultCalendar", [], "Optional default calendar to use if no --calendar " "options are given") gflags.DEFINE_bool("military", False, "Use 24 hour display") # Single --detail that allows you to specify what parts you want gflags.DEFINE_multistring("details", [], "Which parts to display, can be: " "'all', 'calendar', 'location', 'length', " "'reminders', 'description', 'longurl', 'shorturl', " "'url', 'attendees', 'email'") # old style flags for backwards compatibility gflags.DEFINE_bool("detail_all", False, "Display all details") gflags.DEFINE_bool("detail_calendar", False, "Display calendar name") gflags.DEFINE_bool("detail_location", False, "Display event location") gflags.DEFINE_bool("detail_attendees", False, "Display event attendees") gflags.DEFINE_bool("detail_length", False, "Display length of event") gflags.DEFINE_bool("detail_reminders", False, "Display reminders") gflags.DEFINE_bool("detail_description", False, "Display description") gflags.DEFINE_bool("detail_email", False, "Display creator email") gflags.DEFINE_integer("detail_description_width", 80, "Set description width") gflags.DEFINE_enum("detail_url", None, ["long", "short"], "Set URL output") gflags.DEFINE_bool("tsv", False, "Use Tab Separated Value output") gflags.DEFINE_bool("started", True, "Show events that have started") gflags.DEFINE_integer("width", 10, "Set output width", short_name="w") gflags.DEFINE_bool("monday", False, "Start the week on Monday") gflags.DEFINE_bool("color", True, "Enable/Disable all color output") gflags.DEFINE_bool("lineart", True, "Enable/Disable line art") gflags.DEFINE_bool("conky", False, "Use Conky color codes") gflags.DEFINE_string("color_owner", "cyan", "Color for owned calendars") gflags.DEFINE_string("color_writer", "green", "Color for writable calendars") gflags.DEFINE_string("color_reader", "magenta", "Color for read-only calendars") gflags.DEFINE_string("color_freebusy", "default", "Color for free/busy calendars") gflags.DEFINE_string("color_date", "yellow", "Color for the date") gflags.DEFINE_string("color_now_marker", "brightred", "Color for the now marker") gflags.DEFINE_string("color_border", "white", "Color of line borders") gflags.DEFINE_string("locale", None, "System locale") gflags.DEFINE_multistring("reminder", [], "Reminders in the form 'TIME METH' or 'TIME'. TIME " "is a number which may be followed by an optional " "'w', 'd', 'h', or 'm' (meaning weeks, days, hours, " "minutes) and default to minutes. METH is a string " "'popup', 'email', or 'sms' and defaults to popup.") gflags.DEFINE_string("title", None, "Event title") gflags.DEFINE_string("where", None, "Event location") gflags.DEFINE_string("when", None, "Event time") gflags.DEFINE_integer("duration", None, "Event duration in minutes or days if --allday is given.") gflags.DEFINE_string("description", None, "Event description") gflags.DEFINE_bool("allday", False, "If --allday is given, the event will be an all-day event " "(possibly multi-day if --duration is greater than 1). The " "time part of the --when will be ignored.") gflags.DEFINE_bool("prompt", True, "Prompt for missing data when adding events") gflags.DEFINE_bool("default_reminders", True, "If no --reminder is given, use the defaults. If this is " "false, do not create any reminders.") gflags.DEFINE_bool("iamaexpert", False, "Probably not") gflags.DEFINE_bool("refresh", False, "Delete and refresh cached data") gflags.DEFINE_bool("cache", True, "Execute command without using cache") gflags.DEFINE_bool("verbose", False, "Be verbose on imports", short_name="v") gflags.DEFINE_bool("dump", False, "Print events and don't import", short_name="d") gflags.DEFINE_bool("use_reminders", False, "Honour the remind time when running remind command") gflags.RegisterValidator("details", lambda value: all(x in ["all", "calendar", "location", "length", "reminders", "description", "longurl", "shorturl", "url", "attendees", "email"] for x in value)) gflags.RegisterValidator("reminder", lambda value: all(ParseReminder(x) for x in value)) gflags.RegisterValidator("color_owner", lambda value: GetColor(value) is not None) gflags.RegisterValidator("color_writer", lambda value: GetColor(value) is not None) gflags.RegisterValidator("color_reader", lambda value: GetColor(value) is not None) gflags.RegisterValidator("color_freebusy", lambda value: GetColor(value) is not None) gflags.RegisterValidator("color_date", lambda value: GetColor(value) is not None) gflags.RegisterValidator("color_now_marker", lambda value: GetColor(value) is not None) gflags.RegisterValidator("color_border", lambda value: GetColor(value) is not None) gflags.ADOPT_module_key_flags(gflags) def BowChickaWowWow(): try: argv = sys.argv if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/.gcalclirc')): # We want .gcalclirc to be sourced before any other --flagfile # params since we may be told to use a specific config folder, we # need to store generated argv in temp variable tmpArgv = [argv[0], "--flagfile=~/.gcalclirc"] + argv[1:] else: tmpArgv = argv args = FLAGS(tmpArgv) except gflags.FlagsError, e: PrintErrMsg(str(e)) Usage(True) sys.exit(1) if FLAGS.configFolder: if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(FLAGS.configFolder)): os.makedirs(os.path.expanduser(FLAGS.configFolder)) if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("%s/gcalclirc" % FLAGS.configFolder)): if not FLAGS.includeRc: tmpArgv = argv + ["--flagfile=%s/gcalclirc" % FLAGS.configFolder, ] else: tmpArgv += ["--flagfile=%s/gcalclirc" % FLAGS.configFolder, ] FLAGS.Reset() args = FLAGS(tmpArgv) argv = tmpArgv if FLAGS.version: Version() if FLAGS.help: Usage(True) sys.exit() if FLAGS.helpshort: Usage() sys.exit() if not FLAGS.color: CLR.useColor = False if not FLAGS.lineart: ART.useArt = False if FLAGS.conky: SetConkyColors() if FLAGS.locale: try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, FLAGS.locale) except Exception, e: PrintErrMsg("Error: " + str(e) + "!\n" "Check supported locales of your system.\n") sys.exit(1) # pop executable off the stack args = args[1:] if len(args) == 0: PrintErrMsg('Error: no command\n') sys.exit(1) # No sense instaniating gcalcli for nothing if not args[0] in ['list', 'search', 'agenda', 'calw', 'calm', 'quick', 'add', 'delete', 'edit', 'remind', 'import', 'help']: PrintErrMsg('Error: %s is an invalid command' % args[0]) sys.exit(1) # all other commands require gcalcli be brought up if args[0] == 'help': Usage() sys.exit(0) if len(FLAGS.calendar) == 0: FLAGS.calendar = FLAGS.defaultCalendar calNames = [] calNameColors = [] calColors = GetCalColors(FLAGS.calendar) calNamesFiltered = [] for calName in FLAGS.calendar: calNameSimple = calName.split("#")[0] calNamesFiltered.append(stringToUnicode(calNameSimple)) calNameColors.append(calColors[calNameSimple]) calNames = calNamesFiltered if 'all' in FLAGS.details or FLAGS.detail_all: if not FLAGS['detail_calendar'].present: FLAGS['detail_calendar'].value = True if not FLAGS['detail_location'].present: FLAGS['detail_location'].value = True if not FLAGS['detail_length'].present: FLAGS['detail_length'].value = True if not FLAGS['detail_reminders'].present: FLAGS['detail_reminders'].value = True if not FLAGS['detail_description'].present: FLAGS['detail_description'].value = True if not FLAGS['detail_url'].present: FLAGS['detail_url'].value = "long" if not FLAGS['detail_attendees'].present: FLAGS['detail_attendees'].value = True if not FLAGS['detail_email'].present: FLAGS['detail_email'].value = True else: if 'calendar' in FLAGS.details: FLAGS['detail_calendar'].value = True if 'location' in FLAGS.details: FLAGS['detail_location'].value = True if 'attendees' in FLAGS.details: FLAGS['detail_attendees'].value = True if 'length' in FLAGS.details: FLAGS['detail_length'].value = True if 'reminders' in FLAGS.details: FLAGS['detail_reminders'].value = True if 'description' in FLAGS.details: FLAGS['detail_description'].value = True if 'longurl' in FLAGS.details or 'url' in FLAGS.details: FLAGS['detail_url'].value = 'long' elif 'shorturl' in FLAGS.details: FLAGS['detail_url'].value = 'short' if 'attendees' in FLAGS.details: FLAGS['detail_attendees'].value = True if 'email' in FLAGS.details: FLAGS['detail_email'].value = True gcal = gcalcli(calNames=calNames, calNameColors=calNameColors, military=FLAGS.military, detailCalendar=FLAGS.detail_calendar, detailLocation=FLAGS.detail_location, detailAttendees=FLAGS.detail_attendees, detailLength=FLAGS.detail_length, detailReminders=FLAGS.detail_reminders, detailDescr=FLAGS.detail_description, detailDescrWidth=FLAGS.detail_description_width, detailUrl=FLAGS.detail_url, detailEmail=FLAGS.detail_email, ignoreStarted=not FLAGS.started, calWidth=FLAGS.width, calMonday=FLAGS.monday, calOwnerColor=GetColor(FLAGS.color_owner), calWriterColor=GetColor(FLAGS.color_writer), calReaderColor=GetColor(FLAGS.color_reader), calFreeBusyColor=GetColor(FLAGS.color_freebusy), dateColor=GetColor(FLAGS.color_date), nowMarkerColor=GetColor(FLAGS.color_now_marker), borderColor=GetColor(FLAGS.color_border), tsv=FLAGS.tsv, refreshCache=FLAGS.refresh, useCache=FLAGS.cache, configFolder=FLAGS.configFolder, client_id=FLAGS.client_id, client_secret=FLAGS.client_secret, defaultReminders=FLAGS.default_reminders, allDay=FLAGS.allday ) if args[0] == 'list': gcal.ListAllCalendars() elif args[0] == 'search': if len(args) != 2: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid search string\n') sys.exit(1) # allow unicode strings for input gcal.TextQuery(stringToUnicode(args[1])) if not FLAGS.tsv: sys.stdout.write('\n') elif args[0] == 'agenda': if len(args) == 3: # start and end gcal.AgendaQuery(startText=args[1], endText=args[2]) elif len(args) == 2: # start gcal.AgendaQuery(startText=args[1]) elif len(args) == 1: # defaults gcal.AgendaQuery() else: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid agenda arguments\n') sys.exit(1) if not FLAGS.tsv: sys.stdout.write('\n') elif args[0] == 'calw': if not FLAGS.width: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid width, don\'t be an idiot!\n') sys.exit(1) if len(args) >= 2: try: # Test to make sure args[1] is a number int(args[1]) except: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid calw arguments\n') sys.exit(1) if len(args) == 3: # weeks and start gcal.CalQuery(args[0], count=int(args[1]), startText=args[2]) elif len(args) == 2: # weeks gcal.CalQuery(args[0], count=int(args[1])) elif len(args) == 1: # defaults gcal.CalQuery(args[0]) else: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid calw arguments\n') sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.write('\n') elif args[0] == 'calm': if not FLAGS.width: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid width, don\'t be an idiot!\n') sys.exit(1) if len(args) == 2: # start gcal.CalQuery(args[0], startText=args[1]) elif len(args) == 1: # defaults gcal.CalQuery(args[0]) else: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid calm arguments\n') sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.write('\n') elif args[0] == 'quick': if len(args) != 2: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid event text\n') sys.exit(1) # allow unicode strings for input gcal.QuickAddEvent(stringToUnicode(args[1]), reminder=FLAGS.reminder) elif (args[0] == 'add'): if FLAGS.prompt: if FLAGS.title is None: PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Title: ") FLAGS.title = raw_input() if FLAGS.where is None: PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Location: ") FLAGS.where = raw_input() if FLAGS.when is None: PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "When: ") FLAGS.when = raw_input() if FLAGS.duration is None: if FLAGS.allday: PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Duration (days): ") else: PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Duration (mins): ") FLAGS.duration = raw_input() if FLAGS.description is None: PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Description: ") FLAGS.description = raw_input() if not FLAGS.reminder: while 1: PrintMsg(CLR_MAG(), "Enter a valid reminder or '.' to end: ") r = raw_input() if r == '.': break n, m = ParseReminder(str(r)) FLAGS.reminder.append(str(n) + ' ' + m) # calculate "when" time: eStart, eEnd = GetTimeFromStr(FLAGS.when, FLAGS.duration) gcal.AddEvent(FLAGS.title, FLAGS.where, eStart, eEnd, FLAGS.description, FLAGS.reminder) elif args[0] == 'delete': eStart = None eEnd = None if len(args) < 2: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid search string\n') sys.exit(1) elif len(args) == 4: # search, start, end eStart = gcal.dateParser.fromString(args[2]) eEnd = gcal.dateParser.fromString(args[3]) elif len(args) == 3: # search, start (default end) eStart = gcal.dateParser.fromString(args[2]) # allow unicode strings for input gcal.DeleteEvents(stringToUnicode(args[1]), FLAGS.iamaexpert, eStart, eEnd) sys.stdout.write('\n') elif args[0] == 'edit': if len(args) != 2: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid search string\n') sys.exit(1) # allow unicode strings for input gcal.EditEvents(stringToUnicode(args[1])) sys.stdout.write('\n') elif args[0] == 'remind': if len(args) == 3: # minutes and command gcal.Remind(int(args[1]), args[2], use_reminders=FLAGS.use_reminders) elif len(args) == 2: # minutes gcal.Remind(int(args[1]), use_reminders=FLAGS.use_reminders) elif len(args) == 1: # defaults gcal.Remind(use_reminders=FLAGS.use_reminders) else: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid remind arguments\n') sys.exit(1) elif args[0] == 'import': if len(args) == 1: # stdin gcal.ImportICS(FLAGS.verbose, FLAGS.dump, FLAGS.reminder) elif len(args) == 2: # ics file gcal.ImportICS(FLAGS.verbose, FLAGS.dump, FLAGS.reminder, args[1]) else: PrintErrMsg('Error: invalid import arguments\n') sys.exit(1) def SIGINT_handler(signum, frame): PrintErrMsg('Signal caught, bye!\n') sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, SIGINT_handler) if __name__ == '__main__': BowChickaWowWow()