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Ahmadiyye, 200 CE - 450 CE. Architrave. Prayer.
Discovered near the remains of a large building, in the North-West section of the city.
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[You shall not] stray from observing [his laws and doing his commandments].
The given transcription and translation, a portion of text in biblical style, were advanced by J. Naveh. Urman has proposed an alternate reading, suggesting that this inscription may be part of a list of twenty-four courses of the Levites who in the days of the Second Temple served in the work of the sanctuary together with the twenty-four courses of the Priests: "...משמר]ת מוש משמר[ת..." -- "...[the course] (of) Mush (the) course [(of)..." This architrave is typical of those found in synagogues of the third century. The decoration engraved in relief depicts a grapevine, with leaves and a cluster of grapes, issuing from a vase. Dimensions given refer to entire remainder of stone.