<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" n="iip" xml:id="idum0478"> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <!-- ************************************* <titleStmt> ********************************* --> <titleStmt> <title>Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine</title> <respStmt> <resp xml:id="MS">Creator</resp> <!-- QQ: why is the MS on the resp and not on the name? --> <name>Michael Satlow</name> <!-- QQ: should this be a name or a persname? --> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <!-- ************************************* <publicationStmt> ********************************* Used to group information about the publication and permissions of a work. All files will have an IIP copyright statement, which is stored in an external file called include_publicationStmt.xml. In the future, if an inscription has special copyright or permissions, we can add more information after the included file. <idno>: Repeat the value that is in <title>. @xml:id is the IIP number. --> <publicationStmt> <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="http://cds.library.brown.edu/projects/iip/include_publicationStmt.xml"> <xi:fallback> <p>The Publications Statement should appear in this space.</p> </xi:fallback> </xi:include> <idno/> </publicationStmt> <!-- ************************************* <sourceDesc> ********************************* --> <sourceDesc> <!-- ************************************* <msDesc> ********************************* repeat the id number here. This is an Epidoc convention. --> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <idno type="IIP">Idum 0478</idno> </msIdentifier> <!-- ************************************* <msContents> ********************************* --> <msContents> <textLang mainLang="arc" otherLangs=""/> <!-- lat, grc, heb, arc --> <!-- religion here? --> <msItem class="document" ana="other_religion"> <p>Negev, 360-359 BCE. Ceramic Vessel. Commodity chit.</p> </msItem> </msContents> <!-- ************************************* <physDesc> ********************************* --> <physDesc> <objectDesc ana="household.pottery ostrakon"> <supportDesc ana="clay"> <support> <p>Base and lower body fragment of Iron Age II bowl, exterior light brown, few white grits, red slip and wheel burnishing on interior.</p> <dimensions type="surface" unit="cm"> <height>52</height> <width>55</width> <depth>4-10</depth> </dimensions> </support> <condition ana="fragment.single"> <p/> </condition> </supportDesc> <layoutDesc> <layout columns="1" writtenLines="2"> <p/> </layout> </layoutDesc> </objectDesc> <!-- ************************************* <handDesc> ********************************* Contains information about types of writing and means of inscription. <handNote> is a repeatable element, so that it can handle more than one type of writing. @ana has one or more values from the writing taxonomy. Any more specific information is contained inside <handNote>. If there is more than one type of writing, add @hands (<handDesc hands="2">). Letter height information goes in <handDesc>, insde a <dimension> element. --> <handDesc> <handNote ana="painted"> <dimensions type="letter" extent="height" unit="cm"/> <p/> </handNote> </handDesc> <!-- ************************************* <decoDesc> ********************************* US Epigraphy doesn't use this much yet, but this is where information about any decorations will go. <decoNote> is a repeatable element, so that it can handle more than one decoration. @type has one or more values from the decoration taxonomy, and any more specific information is contained inside <decoNote> --> <decoDesc> <decoNote> <ab/> <locus/> </decoNote> </decoDesc> </physDesc> <history> <summary> <rs/> </summary> <origin><date notBefore="-0360" notAfter="-0359" period="http://n2t.net/ark:/99152/p0m63nj3bbf">360-359 BCE</date><placeName> <region>Negev</region> <settlement ref="http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/687927">Idumea</settlement> <geogName type="site"/> <geogFeat type="locus"/> </placeName><!-- check about place vs placeName, also about geographical coordinates if specific enough was <place region="Negev" city="Zoora" site="An Naq" locus="cemetery"> --> <p/> </origin> <provenance> <placeName>Institute of Archaeology</placeName> </provenance> </history> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <!-- ************************************* <encodingDesc> ******************************** Encoders do not edit the <encodingDesc>. --> <encodingDesc> <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="http://cds.library.brown.edu/projects/iip/include_taxonomies.xml"> <xi:fallback> <p>Taxonomies for IIP controlled values</p> </xi:fallback> </xi:include> </encodingDesc> <!-- Ignore profileDesc for now --> <profileDesc/> <!-- ************************************* <revisionDesc> ********************************* <change> Any change to the file should be recorded here, with most recent revisions listed at the top of the list. @when Dates should be in the format YYYYY-MM-DD. @who Type in your name. The content of <change> can be a short description of what changes were made, for example: initial encoding; update original US Ep. values to P5 values; corrected xx; etc. --> <revisionDesc> <change when="2018-11-14" who="Lena Milton">Initial Entry</change> <change when="2023-03-01" who="Christine Roughan">Rerunning segmentation process with updated workflow</change></revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <!-- ************************************* <facsimile> ********************************* Used to point to images of an inscription. <graphic> (directly within <facsimile>) Use this if there is only a single "main" image without a special caption. <surface> Use <desc> and <graphic> within <surface> if there are mutiple images or if they have captions. <surface> pairs one or more images with a single caption. Usually, in US Ep. captions are only indicated when the image is of a detail. @url contains the name of the image file (no path or directory information, for now). <facsimile> can have more than one <graphic> or <surface>. --> <facsimile> <surface> <desc/> <graphic url=""/> </surface> </facsimile> <text> <body> <!-- figure out how include linking mechanism to link divs to bibl. add a ref inside an ab inside the div--> <div type="edition" subtype="diplomatic" ana="b1" xml:lang="heb"> <p/> </div> <div type="edition" subtype="transcription" ana="b1" xml:lang="heb"> <p><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> לתשרי שנת <num value="20"><supplied reason="lost" cert="low"><g ref="twenty-vertical-strokes" type="char"/></supplied></num> <num value="24"><g ref="twenty-four-vertical-strokes" type="char"/></num><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> <lb/><supplied reason="lost">קו</supplied><unclear>ס</unclear>חנן ל<unclear>ח</unclear><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="4" unit="character"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/></p> </div> <div type="translation" ana="b1"> <p>[On the x of] Tishri, year [20+]24[+2?] (=46?),<lb/>[Qo]sḥanan to Ḥ[...]: [...].</p> </div> <div type="commentary" ana="b1"> <p>Date is unclear: September-October, 360 BCE or October - November, 359 BCE. Day of the month is missing in line 1, and thera are missing letters in line 2. Ostracon is cracked at the end of line 1, and the upright position of fourth numeral stroke suggests there may have been one or two more strokes, yielding a year of 45 or 46. Name of the payee is not legible, and that of the product is erased.</p> </div> <!-- The bibl has more contained elements. What is the possible list of values of the biblScope/@type? --> <div type="edition" subtype="transcription_segmented"><p> <w xml:id="idum0478-1" xml:lang="arc">לתשרי</w> <w xml:id="idum0478-2" xml:lang="arc">שנת</w> <num xml:id="idum0478-3" value="20" xml:lang="arc"><supplied reason="lost" cert="low"><g ref="twenty-vertical-strokes" type="char"/></supplied></num> <w xml:id="idum0478-4" xml:lang="arc"><supplied reason="lost">קו</supplied><unclear>ס</unclear>חנן</w> <w xml:id="idum0478-5" xml:lang="arc">ל<unclear>ח</unclear></w> </p> </div> </body> <back> <div type="bibliography"> <listBibl> <bibl xml:id="b1"><ptr target="IIP-708.xml"/> <biblScope n="insc" unit="insc">A16.2</biblScope> </bibl> </listBibl> </div> </back> </text> </TEI>