Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine Prinicipal Investigator Michael Satlow

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Judaea. Jerusalem. 20 BCE to 135 CE. Soft limestone ossuary. Funerary.

34.5 54.5 26

20 BCE to 135 CE Judaea Jerusalem East Talpiyot

Judaea. Jerusalem. East Talpiyot.

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Broken and reconstructed ossuary has low feet and a flat lid. The name יוסה is the equivalent of יוסי/Ἰωσή, a contraction of יהוסף. Another ossuary from this tomb bears the name "Yeshua', son of Yehosef" and perhaps belongs to Yose's son (see inscription "jeru0199"). Additionally, another ossuary from the tomb, bearing the name Marya, resembles this one in form and inscription and may belong to Yose's wife (and the mother of Yeshua') (see inscription "jeru0201").