Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine Creator Michael Satlow Brown University Shiv 0016

Shivta, 5th-6th century CE. Limestone lintel. Building.

42 128 20-25

Broken on both sides

5th-6th century CE Negev Shivta Southern Church

Taxonomies for IIP controlled values

Initial Entry

Ἐπὶ Ἀέδου πρεσwreathβυτέρου ἐκτίσθη ἐν ἔτει τι

Built under ᾽Aed the priest in year 31...

The 31 at the end of the line could also be read as 32. The gap following the line of legible writing could be a character or numeral.

177 209-211 163 317 819-823