<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?oxygen RNGSchema="http://www.stoa.org/epidoc/schema/latest/tei-epidoc.rng"?><TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="zoor0037" n="iip">
   <teiHeader xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
      <fileDesc><!-- *********** <tleStmt> ********** -->
            <title>Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine</title>
               <resp>Prinicipal Investigator</resp>
               <persName xml:id="MS">Michael Satlow</persName>
            <xi:include href="http://cds.library.brown.edu/projects/iip/include_publicationStmt.xml">
                  <p>ERROR-could not find publication information which should appear in this space.</p>
            <idno type="IIP">zoor0037</idno>
            <!--Zoor 0037-->
         <!-- ********* <sourceDesc> ********* -->
                  <idno>Zoor 0037</idno>
               <!-- ********* <msContents> ********* -->
                  <textLang mainLang="grc"/>
                  <msItem class="#funerary.epitaph" ana="#christian">
                     <p>Zoora, Tuesday, January 28, 378 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph.</p>
               <!-- ********* <physDesc> ********* -->
               <physDesc><!-- ********* <objectDesc> ********* -->
                  <objectDesc ana="#tombstone">
                     <supportDesc ana="#stone.other">
                           <dimensions type="surface" unit="cm">
                        <condition ana="#complete.broken">
                           <p>Almost oval shape, rounded and chipped all around</p>
                     <!-- ********* <layoutDesc> ********* -->
                        <layout columns="1" writtenLines="12">
                           <p>The inscribed surface, all smoothe with the exception of its lower
                              part, is completely damage and as a result the upper half of the
                              inscription is lost. Lines 7, 10, 12 preserve red paint. The letters
                              are fairly well cut and the last two lines are rather squeezed due to
                              lack of space</p>
                  <!-- ********* <handDesc> ********* -->
                     <handNote ana="#engraved">
                        <dimensions type="letter" extent="height" unit="cm" atLeast="0.8" atMost="1.5"/>
                  <!-- ********* <decoDesc> ********* -->
                     <decoNote ana="#xx">
                        <ab>Engraved frame, painted over in red</ab>
                        <locus>Arond the inscription, preserved on the right, left and bottom of the
                     <decoNote ana="#xx">
                        <locus>Below the lower right corner of the frame</locus>
               <!-- ********* <history> ********* -->
                     <date period="http://n2t.net/ark:/99152/p0m63njjcn4" notBefore="0378" notAfter="0378">Tuesday, January 28, 378 CE</date>
                        <settlement ref="http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/697768">Zoora</settlement>
                        <geogName type="site">An Naq</geogName>
                        <geogFeat type="locus">Cemetery</geogFeat>
                     <p>Found by local inhabitants in the northwest corner of the Bronze Age,
                        Byzantine and Islamic cemetery in the An Naq neighborhood south of the Wadi
                        al-Hasa, probably in secondary use in later graves.</p>
                     <placeName>Department of Antiquities of Jordan</placeName>
      <!-- ********* <encodingDesc> ********* -->
         <xi:include href="http://cds.library.brown.edu/projects/iip/include_taxonomies.xml">
               <p>ERROR: could not find taxonomies file, which should appear in this space.</p>
      <!-- ********* <revisionDesc> ********* -->
         <change when="2010-04-09" who="persons.xml#Eric_Gruebel">Creation</change>
         <change when="2016-12-14" who="persons.xml#Elli_Mylonas">Adding Pleiades IDs to origin/placenames</change>
         <change when="2017-06-27" who="Gaia Lembi">Edited metadata; corrected encoding</change>
         <change when="2019-01-29" who="persons.xml#Elli_Mylonas">
                adding period attribute to date element, with Periodo value.
   <facsimile xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
         <graphic url=""/>
         <div type="edition" ana="#b1" xml:lang="grc" subtype="transcription" xml:id="zoor0037.transcription" corresp="#zoor0037.translation">
            <p><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
               <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
               <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
               <supplied reason="lost">μετά</supplied>
               <supplied reason="lost">καλοῦ</supplied>
               <supplied reason="lost">ὀνόματος</supplied>
               <supplied reason="lost">καὶ</supplied>
               <unclear>πίστεως</unclear><lb/> ἐτῶν <num>κʹ</num>,
               <num>σοβʹ</num>, μηνὶ Περι<lb break="no"/>τίου <num>ιγʹ</num>, <choice><reg>ἡμήρᾳ</reg><orig>ἡμέρα</orig></choice>
               <num>γʹ</num>. <choice><orig>Θάρσι</orig><reg>Θάρσει</reg></choice>, <choice><sic>οὐ<lb break="no"/>δὶς</sic><corr>οὐδείς</corr></choice> ἀθάνατο<lb break="no"/>ς <lb/>
               <g ref="bird"/></p>
         <div type="translation" ana="#b1" xml:id="zoor0037.translation" corresp="#zoor0037.transcription">
            <p>[... having a good name] (and) good faith (at the age) of 20 years, in (the) year
                    272, on (the) 13th (day) of (the) month Peritios, on (the) 3rd day of (the) Lord
                    (Tuesday). Be of good cheer, no one (is) immortal.</p>
      <div type="edition" subtype="transcription_segmented" change="c2021-06-16"><p> <w xml:id="zoor0037-1" xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">μετά</supplied></w> <w xml:id="zoor0037-2" xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">καλοῦ</supplied></w> <w xml:id="zoor0037-3" xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">ὀνόματος</supplied></w> <w xml:id="zoor0037-4" xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">καὶ</supplied></w> <w xml:id="zoor0037-5" xml:lang="grc"><unclear>καλῆς</unclear></w> <w xml:id="zoor0037-6" xml:lang="grc"><unclear>πίστεως</unclear></w> <w xml:id="zoor0037-7" xml:lang="grc">ἐτῶν</w> <num xml:id="zoor0037-8" xml:lang="grc">κʹ</num> <w xml:id="zoor0037-9" xml:lang="grc"><expan><abbr>ἔτ<am>ϛ</am></abbr><ex>ους</ex></expan></w> <num xml:id="zoor0037-10" xml:lang="grc">σοβʹ</num> <w xml:id="zoor0037-11" xml:lang="grc">μηνὶ</w> <w xml:id="zoor0037-12" xml:lang="grc">Περιτίου</w> <num xml:id="zoor0037-13" xml:lang="grc">ιγʹ</num> <orig xml:id="zoor0037-14" xml:lang="grc">ἡμέρα</orig> <w xml:id="zoor0037-15" xml:lang="grc"><expan><abbr>Κυ</abbr><ex>ρίου</ex></expan></w> <num xml:id="zoor0037-16" xml:lang="grc">γʹ</num> <orig xml:id="zoor0037-17" xml:lang="grc">Θάρσι</orig> <w xml:id="zoor0037-18" xml:lang="grc"><choice><sic>οὐδὶς</sic><corr>οὐδείς</corr></choice></w> <w xml:id="zoor0037-19" xml:lang="grc">ἀθάνατος</w> </p>
         <div type="commentary">
            <p>The inscription provides the date as the Third Day of the Lord, on the 13th of
               Peritios in the year 272 according to the Era of the Province of Arabia, that is,
               Tuesday, January 28, 378 CE. The tombstone is one of about 700 discovered in
               Byzantine Zoora. The majority of the Greek tombstones from this location have been
               identified as Christian. The year, month day and weekday numerals are all indicated
               with horizontal bars over the letters. The author offers a tentative restoration of
               what he believes to be lines four and five based upon a common epitaph formula. Aside
               from the reconstruction provided, the first few lines likely included the name and
               patronymic of the deceased.</p>
         <div type="bibliography">
               <bibl xml:id="b1">
                  <ptr type="biblItem" target="IIP-520.xml"/>
                  <biblScope unit="insc">37</biblScope>