<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?oxygen RNGSchema="http://www.stoa.org/epidoc/schema/latest/tei-epidoc.rng"?><TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="zoor0047" n="iip">
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      <fileDesc><!-- *********** <tleStmt> ********** -->
            <title>Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine</title>
               <resp>Prinicipal Investigator</resp>
               <persName xml:id="MS">Michael Satlow</persName>
            <xi:include href="http://cds.library.brown.edu/projects/iip/include_publicationStmt.xml">
                  <p>ERROR-could not find publication information which should appear in this space.</p>
            <idno type="IIP">zoor0047</idno>
            <!--Zoor 0047-->
         <!-- ********* <sourceDesc> ********* -->
                  <idno>Zoor 0047</idno>
               <!-- ********* <msContents> ********* -->
                  <textLang mainLang="grc"/>
                  <msItem class="#funerary.epitaph" ana="#christian">
                     <p>Negev. Zoora, February 22, 385 CE. Tombstone. Funerary (Epitaph).</p>
               <!-- ********* <physDesc> ********* -->
               <physDesc><!-- ********* <objectDesc> ********* -->
                  <objectDesc ana="#tombstone">
                     <supportDesc ana="stone.other">
                           <dimensions type="surface" unit="cm">
                        <condition ana="complete">
                           <p>Purple and white sandstone tombstone</p>
                     <!-- ********* <layoutDesc> ********* -->
                        <layout columns="0" writtenLines="0">
                  <!-- ********* <handDesc> ********* -->
                     <handNote ana="#engraved">
                        <dimensions type="letter" extent="height" unit="cm" atLeast="0.7" atMost="2.5"/>
                  <!-- ********* <decoDesc> ********* -->
                     <decoNote ana="#xx">
                        <locus>Three cross-rho figures appear below the last line of text, arranged in a
                        horizontal line</locus>
                     <decoNote ana="#xx">
                        <ab>Angular motif</ab>
                        <locus>On either side of the age numeral in line four</locus>
               <!-- ********* <history> ********* -->
                     <date period="http://n2t.net/ark:/99152/p0m63njjcn4" notBefore="0385" notAfter="0385">February 22, 385 CE</date>
                        <settlement ref="http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/697768">Zoora</settlement>
                        <geogName type="site">An Naq</geogName>
                        <geogFeat type="locus">cemetery</geogFeat>
                     <p>Found by local inhabitants in the northwest corner of the Bronze
                            Age, Byzantine and Islamic cemetery in the An Naq neighborhood south of
                            the Wadi al-Hasa, probably in secondary use in later graves.</p>
                     <placeName>Department of Antiquities of Jordan</placeName>
      <!-- ********* <encodingDesc> ********* -->
         <xi:include href="http://cds.library.brown.edu/projects/iip/include_taxonomies.xml">
               <p>ERROR: could not find taxonomies file, which should appear in this space.</p>
      <!-- ********* <revisionDesc> ********* -->
         <change when="2011-09-16" who="persons.xml#Kerry_Sonia">Creation</change>
         <change when="2016-12-14" who="persons.xml#Elli_Mylonas">Adding Pleiades IDs to origin/placenames</change>
         <change when="2019-01-29" who="persons.xml#Elli_Mylonas">
                adding period attribute to date element, with Periodo value.
         <change when="2019-12-16" who="Gaia Lembi">Corrected encoding and edited metadata</change>
   <facsimile xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
         <graphic url=""/>
         <div type="edition" ana="#b1" xml:lang="grc" subtype="transcription" xml:id="zoor0047.transcription" corresp="#zoor0047.translation">
               <lb/> Μαγοδέλης<lb/> Παύλου, <expan><abbr>ἀπο<unclear>θ</unclear></abbr><ex>ανούσης</ex></expan>
               <lb/> ἐτῶν <num value="7">ζʹ</num>, ἐν <expan><abbr>ἔτ</abbr><ex>ει</ex></expan>
               <num value="279">σοθʹ</num>, <expan><abbr>μη</abbr><ex>νὸς</ex></expan>
               <num value="8">ηʹ</num>.</p>
         <div type="translation" ana="#b1" xml:id="zoor0047.translation" corresp="#zoor0047.transcription">
            <p>Monument of Magodele, (daughter) of Paulus, who died (at the age) of 7 years, in
                    the year 279, on (the) 8th (day) of (the) month Dystros. </p>
      <div type="edition" subtype="transcription_segmented" change="c2021-06-16"><p><w xml:id="zoor0047-1" xml:lang="grc"><choice><sic>Μνη<unclear>μ</unclear>ῖον</sic><corr>Μνημεῖον</corr></choice></w> <w xml:id="zoor0047-2" xml:lang="grc">Μαγοδέλης</w> <w xml:id="zoor0047-3" xml:lang="grc">Παύλου,</w> <w xml:id="zoor0047-4" xml:lang="grc"><expan><abbr>ἀπο<unclear>θ</unclear></abbr><ex>ανούσης</ex></expan></w> <w xml:id="zoor0047-5" xml:lang="grc">ἐτῶν</w> <num xml:id="zoor0047-6" value="7" xml:lang="grc">ζʹ</num> <w xml:id="zoor0047-7" xml:lang="grc">ἐν</w> <w xml:id="zoor0047-8" xml:lang="grc"><expan><abbr>ἔτ</abbr><ex>ει</ex></expan></w> <num xml:id="zoor0047-9" value="279" xml:lang="grc">σοθʹ</num> <w xml:id="zoor0047-10" xml:lang="grc"><expan><abbr>μη</abbr><ex>νὸς</ex></expan></w> <w xml:id="zoor0047-11" xml:lang="grc"><expan><abbr>Δύ</abbr><ex>στρου</ex></expan></w> <num xml:id="zoor0047-12" value="8" xml:lang="grc">ηʹ</num></p>
         <div type="commentary">
            <p>The inscription provides the date as the 8th day of the month Dystros in the year 279 according to the Era of the Province of Arabia, that is, February 22, 385 CE. The tombstone is one of about 700 discovered in Byzantine Zoora. The majority of the Greek tombstones from this location have been identified as Christian. The tombstone, which is almost rectangular in shape, is broken at the upper left and lower right corners and chipped all around. The smoothed inscribed surface includes three cross-rho figures arranged in a horizontal line below the last line of text. The cross-rho in the middle is smaller than its two flanking cross-rho figures. The text is written with engraved round script, which was painted over in red paint with traces of incised guide-lines, and includes spelling and grammatical errors. The age numeral is emphasized by a horizontal bar above it and an angular motif on either side of it. The year and month numerals are also denoted by horizontal bars above them. In line five, μηνὸς is abbreviated with a large μ and a smaller η engraved above it. The personal name Μαγοδέλη is the Greek equivalent of the compound theophoric Semitic name Mgd'el, composed of mgd "glory" and the divine name 'El, which could be translated "the glory of 'El."</p>
         <div type="bibliography">
               <bibl xml:id="b1">
                  <ptr type="biblItem" target="IIP-520.xml"/>
                  <biblScope unit="insc">47</biblScope>