<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?oxygen RNGSchema="http://www.stoa.org/epidoc/schema/latest/tei-epidoc.rng"?><TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="zoor0199" n="iip"> <teiHeader xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"> <fileDesc><!-- *********** <tleStmt> ********** --> <titleStmt> <title>Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine</title> <respStmt> <resp>Prinicipal Investigator</resp> <persName xml:id="MS">Michael Satlow</persName> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <xi:include href="http://cds.library.brown.edu/projects/iip/include_publicationStmt.xml"> <xi:fallback> <p>ERROR-could not find publication information which should appear in this space.</p> </xi:fallback> </xi:include> <idno type="IIP">zoor0199</idno> <!--Zoor 0199--> </publicationStmt> <!-- ********* <sourceDesc> ********* --> <sourceDesc> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <idno>Zoor 0199</idno> </msIdentifier> <!-- ********* <msContents> ********* --> <msContents> <textLang mainLang="grc"/> <msItem class="#funerary.epitaph" ana="#christian"> <p>Zoora, April 25, 454 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph.</p> </msItem> </msContents> <!-- ********* <physDesc> ********* --> <physDesc><!-- ********* <objectDesc> ********* --> <objectDesc ana="#tombstone"> <supportDesc ana="#stone.other"> <support> <dimensions type="surface" unit="cm"> <height>44.5</height> <width>27.5</width> <depth>10</depth> </dimensions> <p>Purple sandstone</p> </support> <condition ana="#complete.broken"> <p>Chipped on the three sides, except for the left one. The inscribed part is flaked off in the upper part with loss of text and it has not been properly smoothed</p> </condition> </supportDesc> <!-- ********* <layoutDesc> ********* --> <layoutDesc> <layout columns="1" writtenLines="10"> <p>The inscription is enclosed within a rectangular frame and set between guide-lines. The script is a mixture of round and square alphabets. The letters, of variable size, are rather well carved and aligned</p> </layout> </layoutDesc> </objectDesc> <!-- ********* <handDesc> ********* --> <handDesc> <handNote ana="#engraved"> <dimensions type="letter" extent="height" unit="cm" atLeast="1" atMost="2"/> </handNote> </handDesc> <!-- ********* <decoDesc> ********* --> <decoDesc> <decoNote ana="#xx"> <ab>Frame</ab> <locus>Surrounding the text</locus> </decoNote> <decoNote ana="#xx"> <ab>Guide-lines</ab> <locus>Set within the text</locus> </decoNote> <decoNote ana="#xx"> <ab>Cross</ab> <locus>Flanking the first line, ending lines 6 and 10 (see note)</locus> </decoNote> </decoDesc> </physDesc> <!-- ********* <history> ********* --> <history> <origin> <date period="http://n2t.net/ark:/99152/p0m63njjcn4" notBefore="0454" notAfter="0454">April 25, 454 CE</date> <placeName> <region>Negev</region> <settlement ref="http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/697768">Zoora</settlement> <geogName type="site">An Naq</geogName> <geogFeat type="locus">Cemetery</geogFeat> </placeName> <p>Found by local inhabitants in the northwest corner of the Bronze Age, Byzantine and Islamic cemetery in the An Naq neighborhood south of the Wadi al-Hasa, probably in secondary use in later graves.</p> </origin> <provenance> <placeName>Department of Antiquities of Jordan</placeName> <date/> </provenance> </history> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <!-- ********* <encodingDesc> ********* --> <encodingDesc> <xi:include href="http://cds.library.brown.edu/projects/iip/include_taxonomies.xml"> <xi:fallback> <p>ERROR: could not find taxonomies file, which should appear in this space.</p> </xi:fallback> </xi:include> </encodingDesc> <profileDesc/> <!-- ********* <revisionDesc> ********* --> <revisionDesc> <change when="2012-01-25" who="persons.xml#Kerry_Sonia">Creation</change> <change when="2016-12-14" who="persons.xml#Elli_Mylonas">Adding Pleiades IDs to origin/placenames</change> <change when="2017-06-20" who="Gaia Lembi">Edited metadata; corrected encoding</change> <change when="2019-01-29" who="persons.xml#Elli_Mylonas"> adding period attribute to date element, with Periodo value. </change> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <facsimile xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"> <surface> <desc/> <graphic url=""/> </surface> </facsimile> <text> <body> <div type="edition" ana="#b1" xml:lang="grc" subtype="transcription" xml:id="zoor0199.transcription" corresp="#zoor0199.translation"> <p><g ref="cross">+</g> <unclear>Εἷς</unclear> <unclear>Θεὀς</unclear>. <g ref="cross">+</g> <lb/> <choice><orig>Μνημῖον</orig><reg>Μνημεῖον</reg></choice> <lb/> <choice><orig>Ἀννιονοῦ</orig><reg>Ἀννιανοῦ</reg></choice> <lb/> Φίδωνος,<lb/> ἀποθανόν<lb break="no"/>τος μετὰ <g ref="cross">+</g> <lb/> <expan><abbr>καλ<am>ϛ</am></abbr><ex>οῦ</ex></expan> <expan><abbr>ὀνό<unclear>μα</unclear>τ<am>ϛ</am></abbr><ex>ος</ex></expan> <lb/> ἐτῶν <num>ξεʹ</num>, ἐν <expan><abbr>μη</abbr><ex>νὶ</ex></expan> Ἀρτεμησίου <num>εʹ</num>,<lb/> ἐν <choice><orig>ἔτι</orig><reg>ἔτει</reg></choice> <num>τμθʹ</num>. <g ref="cross">+</g></p> </div> <div type="translation" ana="#b1" xml:id="zoor0199.translation" corresp="#zoor0199.transcription"> <p>One (is) the God. Monument of Annionos (Annianus), (son) of Pheidon, who died having a good name (at the age) of 65 years, on (the) 5th (day) of (the) month Artemisios, in the year 349.</p> </div> <div type="edition" subtype="transcription_segmented" change="c2021-06-16"><p> <w xml:id="zoor0199-1" xml:lang="grc"><unclear>Εἷς</unclear></w> <w xml:id="zoor0199-2" xml:lang="grc"><unclear>Θεὀς</unclear>.</w> <orig xml:id="zoor0199-3" xml:lang="grc">Μνημῖον</orig> <orig xml:id="zoor0199-4" xml:lang="grc">Ἀννιονοῦ</orig> <w xml:id="zoor0199-5" xml:lang="grc">Φίδωνος,</w> <w xml:id="zoor0199-6" xml:lang="grc">ἀποθανόντος</w> <w xml:id="zoor0199-7" xml:lang="grc">μετὰ</w> <w xml:id="zoor0199-8" xml:lang="grc"><expan><abbr>καλ<am>ϛ</am></abbr><ex>οῦ</ex></expan></w> <w xml:id="zoor0199-9" xml:lang="grc"><expan><abbr>ὀνό<unclear>μα</unclear>τ<am>ϛ</am></abbr><ex>ος</ex></expan></w> <w xml:id="zoor0199-10" xml:lang="grc">ἐτῶν</w> <num xml:id="zoor0199-11" xml:lang="grc">ξεʹ</num> <w xml:id="zoor0199-12" xml:lang="grc">ἐν</w> <w xml:id="zoor0199-13" xml:lang="grc"><expan><abbr>μη</abbr><ex>νὶ</ex></expan></w> <w xml:id="zoor0199-14" xml:lang="grc">Ἀρτεμησίου</w> <num xml:id="zoor0199-15" xml:lang="grc">εʹ</num> <w xml:id="zoor0199-16" xml:lang="grc">ἐν</w> <orig xml:id="zoor0199-17" xml:lang="grc">ἔτι</orig> <num xml:id="zoor0199-18" xml:lang="grc">τμθʹ</num> </p> </div> </body> <back> <div type="commentary"> <p>The inscription provides the date as the 5th of the month Artemisios, in the year 349 according to the Era of the Province of Arabia, that is, April 25, 454 CE. The tombstone is one of about 700 discovered in Byzantine Zoora. The majority of the Greek tombstones from this location have been identified as Christian. The first line is flanked by a cross on each side. Line six also ends in a cross. Line ten probably ended with a cross originally, but it is barely discernible. A wavy horizontal line appears above the age numeral in line eight, and a horizontal bar appears above the month day numeral in line nine. The text contains both spelling and grammatical errors. The author suggests that the name Φίδωνος might be a form of either the Greek Φείδων or the Hellinized Latin Φίδος.</p> </div> <div type="bibliography"> <listBibl> <bibl xml:id="b1"> <ptr type="biblItem" target="IIP-520.xml"/> <biblScope unit="insc">199</biblScope> </bibl> </listBibl> </div> </back> </text> </TEI>