_path: /path/to/this/input/file/param.yaml ga: # Section to configure the Genetic Algorithm parameters mut_pb: 0.8 cx_pb: 0.2 mut_indpb: 1 generations: 750 population: 12 genes: # Section to configure the genes - module: gpath.genes.molecule name: Ligand path: ./mol_files/ligand_with_H.mol2 - module: gpath.genes.molecule name: Protein path: ./mol_files/protein_with_H.mol2 - module: gpath.genes.path_torsion name: T target: Ligand anchor: Ligand/1 # This anchor atom has to be set in function of the concrete ligand (see tutorial section for more information) - module: gpath.genes.path_rotamers name: R - module: gpath.genes.path_normalmodes name: NM target: Protein modes: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19] group_by: residues group_lambda: 15 n_samples: 100 write_modes: True write_samples: True - module: gpath.genes.path name: Pathway ligand: Ligand protein: Protein torsion_gene: T rotamers_gene: R nm_gene: NM min_step_increment: 0.8 inertia_axes: [0,1,2,3,4,5] destination: [X.xxx, Y.yyy, Z.zzz] #Coordinates of the binding site center in the Protein molecule objectives: # Section to configure the evaluation of the pathways - module: gpath.objectives.path_scoring name: Clashes probe: Pathway which: clashes method: max weight: -1.0 - module: gpath.objectives.path_scoring name: Smina probe: Pathway which: smina # smina_scoring: vinardo #optional, used to select another built-in scoring from smina # smina_custom_scoring: /path/to/custom/scoring/file #optional, used to introduce your custom scoring for smina # smina_custom_atoms: /path/to/custom/atom/parameters/file #optional, used to introduce your custom atom parameters for smina method: max weight: -1.0 output: check_every: 0 name: param pareto: True #there are more than one objectives path: /path/to/the/results/folder similarity: args: - Pathway - 1.0 kwargs: {} module: gpath.path_similarity.pathways_rmsd # Input file to be used with GPathFinder version >= 1.1.0