# # bring spw to init.d # # DESCRIPTON = "spw build and install" LICENSE = "example" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://spw/RELDOCS/RELNOTES.html;md5=4c5e3eb0b2a476da65f21028014322" PR = "r1" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" INITSCRIPT_NAME = "startspw" INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 39 S ." INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP = "1" inherit autotools update-rc.d SRC_URI = "file://startspw\ git://git.local.example.git/spw.git;protocol=ssh" SRCREV = "cbc4473973bf34d4e338acd5630765230d23c" DEPENDS="virtual/kernel" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" PARALLEL_MAKE = "" do_compile_prepend () { unset CFLAGS CPPFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS MACHINE } do_compile() { oe_runmake -C 2_6 KERNDIR=${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR} } do_install_prepend () { unset CFLAGS CPPFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS MACHINE } do_install () { oe_runmake -C 2_6 DESTDIR=${D} install install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/startspw ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/startspw } FILES_${PN} += "/*" FILES_${PN}-dbg += "/spw/.debug /spw/lib/.debug" INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "debug-files dev-so arch" INSANE_SKIP_${PN}-dbg = "debug-files dev-so arch"