# This is a draft RDF vocabulary for representing spatial data sets in INSPIRE as RDF. This vocabulary has been created using the "Guidelines for the RDF encoding of spatial data" (http://inspire-eu-rdf.github.io/inspire-rdf-guidelines). # # The use of RDF is optional and does not supersede or replace the requirements regarding encoding specified in Clause 9 of the INSPIRE Data Specifications. This optional encoding is intended to support the e-government and open data community in Europe, which is increasingly looking at RDF to represent data. # # This is a draft version. It has limitations and is expected to contain errors. Please report any issues or concerns in GitHub (https://github.com/inspire-eu-rdf/inspire-rdf-vocabularies/issues). # # ------------------------------ # # # This ontology contains classes and properties that have been derived from the INSPIRE "Buildings2D" application schema. # # The following properties have been encoded with global scope (see guidelines for further details): # - Building.geometry2D # # During the derivation, the following mappings, alignments, and omissions have been applied: # - Mappings: # - Property 'BuildingPart.geometry2D' is mapped to the global property 'geometry2D' from this ontology. # # - Alignments (through subsumption): # - Spatial object types are aligned with gsp:Feature. # # - Omissions: none # # ------------------------------ # # @prefix iso19150-2: . @prefix gsp: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix skos: . @prefix bu-base: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix bu-core2d: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "Building 2D"@en ; owl:imports , , ; owl:versionIRI "http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/bu-core2d/4.0" ; owl:versionInfo "4.0" ; skos:definition "The 2D application schema for INSPIRE theme buildings."@en . bu-core2d:Building a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Building"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf bu-base:Building , gsp:Feature ; iso19150-2:constraint "singleReferenceGeometry: /*Exactly one geometry2D attribute must be a reference geometry, i.e. the referenceGeometry attribute must be 'true'.*/" , "Building parts shall be 2D: /*The parts of the building shall be represented using the BuildingPart type of the Buildings2D package.*/" ; skos:definition "A Building is an enclosed construction above and/or underground, used or intended for the shelter of humans, animals or things or for the production of economic goods. A building refers to any structure permanently constructed or erected on its site."@en . bu-core2d:BuildingPart a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "NOTE 1: A BuildingPart is homogeneous related to its physical, functional or temporal aspects. \r\n\r\nNOTE 2: Building and BuildingPart share the same set of properties.\r\nEXAMPLE: A building may be composed of two building parts having different heights above ground."@en ; rdfs:label "Building part"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf bu-base:BuildingPart , gsp:Feature ; iso19150-2:constraint "singleReferenceGeometry: /*Exactly one geometry2D attribute must be a reference geometry, i.e. the referenceGeometry attribute must be 'true'.*/\r\n" ; skos:definition "A BuildingPart is a sub-division of a Building that might be considered itself as a building."@en . bu-core2d:geometry2D a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "NOTE: Multiple representations of the geometry are possible (e.g. by surface and by point)."@en ; rdfs:label "Geometry 2D"@en ; rdfs:range bu-base:BuildingGeometry2D ; skos:definition "2D or 2.5D geometric representation of the building."@en .