# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # LIST # List is a collection which is ordered and changeable. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Code here explaining concept with comments to guide # Syntax: # empty list lst = [] # list of integer lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # list with various data type lst = [1, "hello", 3.55] # nested list lst = [1, [8, 3, 4, 5], "hello"] # retrieval of elements using list index print(lst[0]) # this will print first element of the list that is [1] # negative index print(lst[-1]) # output: ["hello"] # there are some in-built function available in the python for the list, like # lst.sort() # this will arrange the element in the ascending order. lst.append(9) # this will add element in the end of the list. lst.remove(9) # this will remove the element 9 from the list. lst.insert(1, 9) # this will add insert the element 9 at index place 1. del lst[0:2] # this will delete the element in the range 0-2. lst.count(9) # this will return the no of argument passes. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Challenge: list challenges to be completed here. minimum of one challenge per tutorial # 1. Take input from the user into the empty list using input() function. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------