#!/bin/bash ############################################################################### ## add repo containing instantOS programs and required prebuilt aur programs ## ############################################################################### whoami | grep -q 'root' || { echo "please run this as root" && exit 1; } echo "adding instantOS repository list" addrepo() { if grep -q '\[instant\]' /etc/pacman.conf; then echo "removing old mirrors" sed -i '/^\[instant\]/,+2d' /etc/pacman.conf fi echo "adding $1 repo" { echo "[instant]" echo "SigLevel = Optional TrustAll" echo "Include = /etc/pacman.d/instantmirrorlist" } >>/etc/pacman.conf if [ -e /usr/share/instantutils/mirrors/"$1" ]; then cat /usr/share/instantutils/mirrors/"$1" >/etc/pacman.d/instantmirrorlist else curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/instantOS/instantOS/main/mirrors/"$1" >/etc/pacman.d/instantmirrorlist fi # allow choosing subdirectory for testing purposes if [ -n "$CUSTOMINSTANTREPO" ]; then sed -i 's/.*packages.instantos.io.*/Server = https:\/\/packages.instantos.io\/'"$CUSTOMINSTANTREPO"'/g' /etc/pacman.d/instantmirrorlist fi } if uname -m | grep -q '^x'; then # default is 64 bit repo addrepo amd64 elif uname -m | grep 'arm'; then echo "no official arm repo yet" exit addrepo instantosarm else echo "no suitable repo for architecture found" fi echo "the instantOS pacman repository has been added to your system" echo "run the following to install all instantOS packages" echo "sudo pacman -Syu && sudo pacman -S instantos instantdepend" echo "installing on non-instantOS systems only has inofficial support" echo ""