SublimeRubyCoverage ==================== A plugin for Sublime Text 2 that can highlight lines of Ruby lacking test coverage. Installation ------------ You will need to setup [simplecov-sublime-ruby-coverage]( in your project. Set up [Sublime Package Control]( if you don't have it yet. Go to Tools > Command Palette. Type `Package Control: Install Package` and hit enter. Type `Ruby Coverage` and hit enter. Usage ----- To set color of the marks, add the following to your **color scheme** settings array: name coverage.uncovered scope coverage.uncovered settings foreground #ffff33 Ignoring Files -------------- Add a .covignore file to your project root in order to add custom ignores. Highlighting lines missing coverage ----------------------------------- When you open a .rb file, SublimeRubyCoverage tries to find coverage information and highlight all uncovered lines with an outline. It does this by looking in all parent directories until it finds a `coverage/sublime-ruby-coverage` directory as produced by [simplecov-sublime-ruby-coverage]( The coverage file is expected to have as many lines as the source file, with each line containing a 1 if the line is covered or a 0 if it is not. You can force a reload of the coverage information and redraw of the outlines by running the `show_ruby_coverage` command, bound to super+shift+c by default.