# Default values for aas. nameOverride: "" # The name for AAS chart
(Default: `.Chart.Name`) controlPlaneHostname: # K8s control plane IP/Hostname
(**REQUIRED**) # Warning: Ensure that the naming is applied consistently for all dependent services when modifying nameOverride # TODO: Services should be be able to be deployed in different namespaces dependentServices: # The dependent Service Name for deploying Authentication and Authorization Service chart, default is the chart name and override is from nameOverride value. cms: cms config: envVarPrefix: AAS dbPort: 5432 # PostgreSQL DB port dbSSL: on # PostgreSQL DB SSL
(Allowed: `on`/`off`) #TODO: to remove the below values if hardcoding the path dbSSLCert: /etc/postgresql/secrets/server.crt # PostgreSQL DB SSL Cert dbSSLKey: /etc/postgresql/secrets/server.key # PostgreSQL DB SSL Key dbSSLCiphers: ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 # PostgreSQL DB SSL Ciphers dbListenAddresses: "*" # PostgreSQL DB Listen Address dbName: aasdb # AAS DB Name dbSSLMode: verify-full # PostgreSQL DB SSL Mode dbhostSSLPodRange: # PostgreSQL DB Host Address(IP address/subnet-mask). IP range varies for different k8s network plugins(Ex: Flannel - (default), Calico - createCredentials: true # Trigger to run create-credentials setup task when set to True. Default is False secret: dbUsername: # DB Username for AAS DB dbPassword: # DB Password for AAS DB adminUsername: # Admin Username for AAS adminPassword: # Admin Password for AAS image: db: registry: dockerhub.io # The image registry where PostgreSQL image is pulled from name: postgres:11.7 # The image name of PostgreSQL pullPolicy: Always # The pull policy for pulling from container registry for PostgreSQL image
(Allowed values: `Always`/`IfNotPresent`) svc: name: # The image name with which AAS image is pushed to registry pullPolicy: Always # The pull policy for pulling from container registry for AAS
(Allowed values: `Always`/`IfNotPresent`) imagePullSecret: # The image pull secret for authenticating with image registry, can be left empty if image registry does not require authentication initName: # The image name of init container storage: nfs: server: # The NFS Server IP/Hostname reclaimPolicy: Retain # The reclaim policy for NFS
(Allowed values: `Retain`/) accessModes: ReadWriteMany # The access modes for NFS
(Allowed values: `ReadWriteMany`) path: /mnt/nfs_share # The path for storing persistent data on NFS dbSize: 1Gi # The DB size for storing DB data for AAS in NFS path configSize: 10Mi # The configuration size for storing config for AAS in NFS path logsSize: 1Gi # The logs size for storing logs for AAS in NFS path baseSize: 2.1Gi # The base volume size (configSize + logSize + dbSize) securityContext: aasdbInit: # The fsGroup id for init containers for AAS DB fsGroup: 1001 aasdb: # The security content for AAS DB Service Pod runAsUser: 1001 runAsGroup: 1001 aasInit: # The fsGroup id for init containers for AAS fsGroup: 1001 aas: # The security content for AAS Pod runAsUser: 1001 runAsGroup: 1001 capabilities: drop: - all allowPrivilegeEscalation: false service: directoryName: authservice cms: containerPort: 8445 # The containerPort on which CMS can listen port: 30445 # The externally exposed NodePort on which CMS can listen to external traffic aasdb: containerPort: 5432 # The containerPort on which AAS DB can listen aas: containerPort: 8444 # The containerPort on which AAS can listen port: 30444 # The externally exposed NodePort on which AAS can listen to external traffic ingress: enable: false # Accept true or false to notify ingress rules are enable or disabled