# Default values for ADMISSION-CONTROLLER. nameOverride: "" # The name for ADMISSION-CONTROLLER chart
(Default: `.Chart.Name`) controlPlaneLabel: #K8s control plane label
Example: `node-role.kubernetes.io/master` in case of `kubeadm`/`microk8s.io/cluster` in case of `microk8s` image: svc: name: # The image name with which ADMISSION-CONTROLLER image is pushed to registry
(**REQUIRED**) pullPolicy: Always # The pull policy for pulling from container registry for ADMISSION-CONTROLLER
(Allowed values: `Always`/`IfNotPresent`) securityContext: init: # The fsGroup id for init containers fsGroup: 1001 admissionController: # The security context for ADMISSION-CONTROLLER Pod runAsUser: 1001 runAsGroup: 1001 capabilities: drop: - all allowPrivilegeEscalation: false webhook: caBundle: #CA Bundle is used for signing new TLS certificates. value can be obtained by running kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}' service: directoryName: admission-controller admissionController: containerPort: 8889 # The containerPort on which admission controller can listen to traffic port: 30445 # The externally exposed NodePort on which admission controller can listen to external traffic targetPort: 443 httpPort: 80 storage: nfs: server: # The NFS Server IP/Hostname
(**REQUIRED**) reclaimPolicy: Retain # The reclaim policy for NFS
(Allowed values: `Retain`/) accessModes: ReadWriteMany # The access modes for NFS
(Allowed values: `ReadWriteMany`) path: /mnt/nfs_share # The path for storing persistent data on NFS logsSize: 1Gi # The logs size for storing logs for KBS in NFS path baseSize: 1Gi # The base volume size (configSize + logSize)