# Default values for IHUB. nameOverride: "" # The name for IHUB chart
(Default: `.Chart.Name`) controlPlaneHostname: # K8s control plane IP/Hostname
(**REQUIRED**) k8sApiServerPort: 6443 # Warning: Ensure that the naming is applied consistently for all dependent services when modifying nameOverride # TODO: Services should be be able to be deployed in different namespaces dependentServices: # The dependent Service Name for deploying IHUB chart, default is the chart name and override is from nameOverride value. cms: cms aas: aas hvs: hvs iseclController: isecl-controller image: svc: name: # The image name with which IHUB image is pushed to registry
(**REQUIRED**) pullPolicy: Always # The pull policy for pulling from container registry for IHUB
(Allowed values: `Always`/`IfNotPresent`) imagePullSecret: # The image pull secret for authenticating with image registry, can be left empty if image registry does not require authentication initName: # The image name of init container # The values provided for serviceUsername and servicePassword here should be same as that of provided for ihub.secret.serviceUsername and ihub.secret.servicePassword in values.yaml file for aas-manager chart secret: serviceUsername: # Admin Username for IHUB servicePassword: # Admin Password for IHUB hostAliasEnabled: false # Set this to true for using host aliases and also add entries accordingly in ip, hostname entries. hostalias is required when ingress is deployed and pods are not able to resolve the domain names aliases: hostAliases: - ip: "" hostnames: - "" - "" storage: nfs: server: # The NFS Server IP/Hostname
(**REQUIRED**) reclaimPolicy: Retain # The reclaim policy for NFS
(Allowed values: `Retain`/) accessModes: ReadWriteMany # The access modes for NFS
(Allowed values: ReadWriteMany) path: /mnt/nfs_share # The path for storing persistent data on NFS configSize: 10Mi # The configuration size for storing config for IHUB in NFS path logsSize: 1Gi # The logs size for storing logs for IHUB in NFS path baseSize: 1.1Gi # The base volume size (configSize + logSize) securityContext: init: # The fsGroup id for init containers fsGroup: 1001 ihub: # The security content for IHUB Pod runAsUser: 1001 runAsGroup: 1001 capabilities: drop: - all allowPrivilegeEscalation: false service: directoryName: ihub cms: containerPort: 8445 # The containerPort on which CMS can listen aas: containerPort: 8444 # The containerPort on which AAS can listen port: 30444 # The externally exposed NodePort on which AAS can listen to external traffic hvs: containerPort: 8443 # The containerPort on which HVS can listen