# Default values for NATS. nameOverride: "" # The name for NATS chart
(Default: `.Chart.Name`) controlPlaneHostname: # K8s control plane IP/Hostname
(**REQUIRED**) # Warning: Ensure that the naming is applied consistently for all dependent services when modifying nameOverride # TODO: Services should be be able to be deployed in different namespaces dependentServices: # The dependent Service Name for deploying NATS chart, default is the chart name and override is from nameOverride value. cms: cms aas: aas image: svc: name: nats:2.7.2-alpine3.15 # The name of the NATS image
(**REQUIRED**) pullPolicy: Always # The pull policy for pulling from container registry for NATS
(Allowed values: `Always`/`IfNotPresent`) securityContext: init: # The fsGroup id for init containers fsGroup: 1001 nats: # The security content for NATS Pod runAsUser: 1001 runAsGroup: 1001 service: directoryName: nats cms: containerPort: 8445 # The containerPort on which CMS can listen aas: containerPort: 8444 # The containerPort on which AAS can listen port: 30444 # The externally exposed NodePort on which AAS can listen to external traffic natsCluster: name: cluster containerPort: 6222 # The containerPort on which NATS can listen to traffic natsClient: name: client containerPort: 4222 # The containerPort on which NATS can listen to traffic port: 30222 # The externally exposed NodePort on which NATS can listen to external traffic