import configparser import importlib.util import json import os import platform import pip import sys import subprocess import wget def getConfig(url): filename = './local_config.json' if os.path.exists(filename) is False:, filename) with open(filename, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) return config def check_python(): print("Check Python") itex_found = importlib.util.find_spec("intel_extension_for_tensorflow") if itex_found is None: exit("Please Install Intel(R) Extension for TensorFlow* first.\n") location = ''.join(itex_found.submodule_search_locations) + "/python/" sys.path.append(location) try: from version import __version__ if __version__ > config['latest_release']: itex_version = "latest" else: itex_version = __version__ except Exception: print("Intel(R) Extension for TensorFlow* Version is Unknown.\n") python_major_version = sys.version_info.major python_minor_version = sys.version_info.minor python_micro_version = sys.version_info.micro if python_major_version < 2 : exit("Python2 is not supported, please install Python3!") elif python_minor_version < config['python_version']['min_python_version'][itex_version]: exit("Your Python version is too low, please upgrade to 3." + str(config['python_version']['min_python_version'][itex_version]) + " or higher!") elif python_minor_version > config['python_version']['max_python_version'][itex_version]: exit("Your Python version is too high, please downgrade to 3." + str(config['python_version']['max_python_version'][itex_version]) + " or lower!") print("\t Python " + str(python_major_version) + "." + str(python_minor_version) + "." + str(python_micro_version) + " is Supported.") print("Check Python Passed\n") return itex_version def check_os(): print("Check OS") system_type = platform.system() if system_type != 'Linux': exit("We only Support Linux System\n") with open('/etc/os-release', 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('NAME='): os_id = line.strip().split('=')[1].lower().strip('"') if line.startswith('VERSION_ID='): os_version = line.strip().split('=')[1].strip('"') if os_id in config['os_list']: if os_version in config['os_version'][os_id][itex_version]: print("\tOS " + os_id + ":" + os_version + " is Supported") else: exit("Intel GPU Driver Does Not Support OS " + os_id + " : " + os_version + "\n Check OS failed. \n") print("Check OS Passed\n") return os_id, os_version def check_tensorflow(): print("Check Tensorflow") tf_found = importlib.util.find_spec("tensorflow") if tf_found is None: exit("Please Install TensorFlow first.\n") file = ''.join(tf_found.submodule_search_locations) + "/tools/pip_package/" cmd = "cat " + file + '|grep "_VERSION ="' res =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) tf_version = str(res.stdout)[14:20] if tf_version < config['tensorflow_version']['min_tensorflow_version'][itex_version]: exit("Your Tensorflow version is too low, please upgrade to " + str(config['tensorflow_version']['min_tensorflow_version'][itex_version]) + "!") print("\tTensorflow " + tf_version + " is installed.") print("Check Tensorflow Passed\n") def check_driver(): print("Check Intel GPU Driver") # tf_version = str(res.stdout)[14:20] if os_id == "ubuntu": cmd = "dpkg -s " elif os_id == "rhel": cmd = "yum info installed " print(res) elif os_id == "sles": cmd = "zypper se --installed-only " else: exit("Unsupported OS \n Check Intel GPU Driver Failed\n") for driver in config['intel_gpu_driver_list'][os_id]: if os.system(cmd + driver) != 0: exit("\tCheck Intel GPU Driver Failed\n") print("Check Intel GPU Driver Passsed\n") def check_oneapi(): print("Check OneAPI") cmd = 'LD_DEBUG=libs python -c "import intel_extension_for_tensorflow" 2>&1 |tee /tmp/log', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for oneapi in config['oneapi_lib']: cmd = 'grep ' + oneapi + ' /tmp/log' res = os.system(cmd) if res != 0: exit("\tCan't find " + oneapi + "\n Check OneAPI Failed\n" ) print("\t" + config['oneapi'][oneapi] + " is Installed.") print("Check OneAPI Passed\n") def check_py_lib(): print("Check Tensorflow Requirements\n") for lib in config['tf_requirements']: lib_found = importlib.util.find_spec(lib) if lib_found is None: print("\t" + lib + " should be installed.") print("Check Intel(R) Extension for TensorFlow* Requirements") for lib in config['itex_requirements']: lib_found = importlib.util.find_spec(lib) if lib_found is None: print("\t" + lib + " should be installed.") print("\n") if __name__ == '__main__': print("\nCheck Environment for Intel(R) Extension for TensorFlow*...\n") url="" configfile="./config.json" os_id="" config = getConfig(url) itex_version = check_python() os_id, os_version = check_os() check_tensorflow() check_driver() check_oneapi() check_py_lib()