Include %syConfig Class MFT.Installer { Parameter DB = "MFTLIB"; /// write $System.Status.GetErrorText(##class(MFT.Installer).Install()) ClassMethod Install(namespace = {$Namespace}) As %Status { #Dim sc As %Status = $$$OK $$$QuitOnError(..CreateDatabase()) $$$QuitOnError(..CreateMapping("%MFT.Addons")) $$$QuitOnError(..CreateMapping("%SYS.MFT.Connection.Addons")) $$$QuitOnError(..Load()) Quit sc } ClassMethod CreateDatabase() As %Status { #Dim sc As %Status = $$$OK Set dir = ##class(%File).SubDirectoryName(##class(%File).ManagerDirectory(), ..#DB, $$$YES) Set exists = ##class(%File).Exists(dir _ "CACHE.DAT") Quit:exists $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, ..#DB _ " directory exists and contains CACHE.DAT") If '##class(%File).DirectoryExists(dir) { // Make sure the directory exists first If '##class(%File).CreateDirectoryChain(dir) { Quit $$$ERROR($$$DirectoryCannotCreate, dir) } } New $Namespace Set $Namespace = "%SYS" // Physically create the database $$$QuitOnError($$CreateDatabase^%SYS.DATABASE(dir)) Kill properties Set properties("Directory") = dir $$$QuitOnError(##Class(Config.Databases).Create(..#DB, .properties)) $$$QuitOnError(##class(%EnsembleMgr).assignResourceToDB("%DB_" _ ..#DB, dir, "R")) Quit sc } ClassMethod CreateMapping(package As %String, fromDB As %String = {..#DB}, toNS = "%SYS") As %Status { New $Namespace Set $Namespace = "%SYS" #Dim sc As %Status = $$$OK Set toNS = $zcvt(toNS, "U") If '##Class(Config.MapPackages).Exists(toNS, package) { Kill properties Set properties("Database") = fromDB Set sc = ##Class(Config.MapPackages).Create(toNS, package, .properties) } Quit sc } /// write $System.Status.GetErrorText(##class(MFT.Installer).Load()) ClassMethod Load2() { New $Namespace Set $Namespace = "%SYS" #Dim sc As %Status = $$$OK Set sc = $system.OBJ.LoadDir("C:\temp\MFTAdapters\", "cukb", .err, $$$YES) Quit sc } /// Downloads and compiles GitHub repository.<br> /// <b>Owner</b> - The name of the repository owner.<br> /// <b>Repository</b> - The name of the repository.<br> /// <b>Branch</b> - The name of the commit/branch/tag. If skipped the repository’s default branch (usually master) would be used.<br> /// <b>Username</b> - GitHub user, who has access to repository. Optional for public repositories.<br> /// <b>Password</b> - GitHub password, corresponding to Username. Optional for public repositories.<br> /// Note, that with Username, you can make up to 5,000 requests per hour. /// For unauthenticated requests, the rate limit allows to make up to 60 requests per hour. /// Unauthenticated requests are associated with an IP address.<br> /// <b>Namespace</b> - Namespace, where to download and compile repository.<br> /// /// For example in the repository:<br> /// Owner - intersystems-ru, Repository - MFTAdapters /// write $System.Status.GetErrorText(##class(MFT.Installer).Load()) ClassMethod Load(namespace As %String = {$Namespace}, owner As %String = "intersystems-ru", repository As %String = "MFTAdapters", branch As %String, username As %String, password As %String) As %Status { New $Namespace Set $Namespace = "%SYS" Set ssl = "GitHub" Do:'##class(Security.SSLConfigs).Exists(ssl) ##class(Security.SSLConfigs).Create(ssl) Set req = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New() Set req.Https = $$$YES Set req.SSLConfiguration = ssl Set req.Server = "" Set req.Location = "repos/" _ owner _ "/" _ repository _ "/contents" // as described in Do:$d(Branch) req.SetParam("ref", branch) // if omitted the repository’s default branch (usually master) would be used Do req.SetHeader("Accept","application/vnd.github.v3+json") // we want to receive API v3 If ($d(username) && $d(password)) { // supply Username and Passwor, if both are provided. GitHub accept Basic Auth Set req.Username = username // Set req.Password = password } Set links = ##class(%ListOfDataTypes).%New() $$$QuitOnError(..ProcessDirectory("", req, links)) Quit ..DownloadFiles(links, req, namespace) } /// Process one directory of GitHub repository. Recursive.<br> /// <b>path</b> -Internal repository path. Root is empty string<br> /// <b>request</b> - Authenticated/Set %Net.HttpRequest object.<br> /// <b>namespace</b> - load non % code here ClassMethod ProcessDirectory(path As %String = "", request As %Net.HttpRequest, ByRef links As %ListOfDataTypes) As %Status { New $Namespace Set $Namespace = "%SYS" Set location = request.Location Set request.Location = $zcvt(request.Location _ path, "I", "URL") $$$QuitOnError(request.Get(,,$$$NO)) Return:(request.HttpResponse.StatusCode = 404) $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Repository doesn't exist OR you don't have access") Return:((request.HttpResponse.StatusCode = 403) && (request.HttpResponse.GetHeader("X-RATELIMIT-REMAINING")=0)) $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"API rate limit exceeded. Try logging in.") Return:(request.HttpResponse.StatusCode '= 200) $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Received " _ request.HttpResponse.StatusCode _ " status, expected 200") #dim objects As List of %ZEN.proxyObject #dim obj As %ZEN.proxyObject $$$QuitOnError(##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject(request.HttpResponse.Data,,.objects,1)) For i = 1:1:objects.Count() { Set obj = objects.GetAt(i) If (obj.type = "dir") { $$$QuitOnError(..ProcessDirectory("/" _, request, links)) } ElseIf (obj.type = "file") { Do:..IsCacheFile(obj) links.Insert(obj."download_url") } } Set request.Location = location // to keep track of where in the repository tree we are Quit $$$OK } /// Check that incoming file is the one you need. ClassMethod IsCacheFile(file As %ZEN.proxyObject) As %Boolean { Set extensions = ",xml,cls,csp,csr,mac,int,bas,inc,gbl,prj,obj,pkg,gof," Quit:($L(,".")=1) 0 //no extension Set file.Extension = $P(,".",$L(,".")) Quit $F(extensions,","_$ZCVT(file.Extension,"l")_",") } /// Download list of files on server.<br> /// <b>Links</b> - List of links to raw files.<br> /// <b>Request</b> - Authenticated/Set %Net.HttpRequest object.<br> /// <b>loadedlist</b> - Returns an array of the items loaded. ClassMethod DownloadFiles(links As %ListOfDataTypes, request As %Net.HttpRequest, namespace As %String = {$Namespace}) As %Status { New $Namespace #Dim sc As %Status = $$$OK Set nsItems = "" Set file = ##class(%File).TempFilename("cls") Set stream = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New() Do stream.LinkToFile(file) Set request.Server = "" Set request.ResponseStream = stream For i = 1:1:links.Count() { set link = $e(links.GetAt(i),35,*) $$$QuitOnError(request.Get(link)) // Remove "" from URL. If $find(link, "%25") { Set $Namespace = "%SYS" } Else { Set $Namespace = namespace } $$$QuitOnError($system.OBJ.Load(file,"",.error,.items,,,,"UTF8")) Merge nsItems = items } Set $Namespace = namespace $$$QuitOnError($system.OBJ.CompileList(.nsItems)) Quit sc } }