{ "@context": { "CIP100": "https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/blob/master/CIP-0100/README.md#", "CIP119": "https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/blob/master/CIP-0119/README.md#", "hashAlgorithm": "CIP100:hashAlgorithm", "body": { "@id": "CIP119:body", "@context": { "references": { "@id": "CIP119:references", "@container": "@set", "@context": { "GovernanceMetadata": "CIP100:GovernanceMetadataReference", "Identity": "CIP100:IdentityReference", "Link": "CIP100:LinkReference", "Other": "CIP100:OtherReference", "label": "CIP100:reference-label", "uri": "CIP100:reference-uri", "referenceHash": { "@id": "CIP119:referenceHash", "@context": { "hashDigest": "CIP119:hashDigest", "hashAlgorithm": "CIP100:hashAlgorithm" } } } }, "paymentAddress": "CIP119:paymentAddress", "givenName": "CIP119:givenName", "image": "CIP119:image", "objectives": "CIP119:objectives", "motivations": "CIP119:motivations", "qualifications": "CIP119:qualifications", "doNotList": "CIP119:doNotList" } }, "authors": { "@id": "CIP100:authors", "@container": "@set", "@context": { "name": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name", "witness": { "@id": "CIP100:witness", "@context": { "witnessAlgorithm": "CIP100:witnessAlgorithm", "publicKey": "CIP100:publicKey", "signature": "CIP100:signature" } } } } }, "authors": [], "hashAlgorithm": "blake2b-256", "body": { "givenName": "intertreeJK", "motivations": "I feel I have enough of an understanding and connection to the Cardano Ecosystem and its Community to be able to stand up and Vote on Proposals with both my own, and any Delegated, Lovelace Power.\n\nI wish to make sure my voice is added to the list of voices speaking on Proposals added to the Chain.", "objectives": "To Vote with my own held ADA openly and honestly on each Proposal that makes it to Chain for Passing. While also accepting any external Delegation people on the Cardano Network may wish to give me based on their feelings about my Voting Record.\n\nTo ensure to provide a clear breakdown of my reasoning for the choice I have made with each Vote I submit On-Chain.", "paymentAddress": "addr_test1qq4hn3p0adq7fvmyhyglkm9rkah254u4qczmxcdxc8g4cj97tyaxnsh9vcwpq8nvny057lfyeznkrsvp95uwgjehnwns73zfqj", "qualifications": "Currently working as an Independant Cardano Stake Pool & World Mobile EarthNode Co-Management SysOps Engineer/Tech Janitor (commision based). Ensuring all Clients retain full control over their own Pool Identities (Cold Keys) and Infrastructure (Servers) as a part of this work.\n\nRegularly providing pro bono support and guidance on Cardano and World Mobile related hardware & software set up to Community members who reach out for support.\n\nAppearing on various Cardano Community Twitter/X Spaces as a regular Speaker and being well connected to the zeitgeist of the Cardano Ecosystem as a result of being present within it.", "references": [ { "@type": "Other", "label": "Label", "uri": "https://x.com/intertreeJK" }, { "@type": "Other", "label": "Label", "uri": "http://linkedin.com/in/intertreejk" } ] } }