package cz.intik.overflowindicator import android.content.Context import import import android.util.AttributeSet import android.view.View import android.widget.LinearLayout import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import androidx.recyclerview.widget.PagerSnapHelper import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import androidx.transition.ChangeBounds import androidx.transition.Fade import androidx.transition.TransitionManager import androidx.transition.TransitionSet import java.util.* import kotlin.math.max /** * Pager indicator widget * * - attach to recyclerView with [.attachToRecyclerView] * - add page selecting behavior with [SimpleSnapHelper] or custom [PagerSnapHelper] * or with custom logic which calls [.onPageSelected] * * @author Petr Introvic * created 07.06.2017. */ class OverflowPagerIndicator(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : LinearLayout(context, attrs) { var indicatorSize: Int = -1 private set var indicatorMargin: Int = -1 private set var indicatorStrokeColor: Int = -1 private set var indicatorFillColor: Int = -1 private set private val dataObserver: OverflowDataObserver private var indicatorCount: Int = 0 private var lastSelected: Int = 0 private var recyclerView: RecyclerView? = null private val indicatorDrawable: Drawable get() = GradientDrawable().apply { shape = GradientDrawable.OVAL setColor(indicatorFillColor) setStroke(Util.dpToPx(0.5), indicatorStrokeColor) } init { initAttrs(context, attrs) dataObserver = OverflowDataObserver(this) } private fun initAttrs(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) { indicatorFillColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.indicatorFill) indicatorStrokeColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.indicatorStroke) indicatorSize = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.indicator_size) indicatorMargin = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.indicator_margin) if (attrs == null) return val attributeArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.OverflowPagerIndicator) try { indicatorFillColor = attributeArray .getColor(R.styleable.OverflowPagerIndicator_indicatorFillColor, indicatorFillColor) indicatorStrokeColor = attributeArray .getColor(R.styleable.OverflowPagerIndicator_indicatorStrokeColor, indicatorStrokeColor) indicatorSize = attributeArray .getDimensionPixelSize( R.styleable.OverflowPagerIndicator_indicatorSize, indicatorSize ) indicatorMargin = attributeArray .getDimensionPixelSize( R.styleable.OverflowPagerIndicator_indicatorMargin, indicatorMargin ) } finally { attributeArray.recycle() } } override fun onDetachedFromWindow() { try { recyclerView?.adapter?.unregisterAdapterDataObserver(dataObserver) } catch (ise: IllegalStateException) { // Do nothing } super.onDetachedFromWindow() } /** * @param position Page to be selected */ fun onPageSelected(position: Int) = when { indicatorCount > MAX_INDICATORS -> updateOverflowState(position) else -> updateSimpleState(position) } /** * @param recyclerView Target recycler view */ fun attachToRecyclerView(recyclerView: RecyclerView) { this.recyclerView = recyclerView recyclerView.adapter?.registerAdapterDataObserver(dataObserver) initIndicators() } fun updateIndicatorsCount() { if (indicatorCount != recyclerView?.adapter?.itemCount) { initIndicators() } } private fun initIndicators() { lastSelected = -1 indicatorCount = recyclerView?.adapter?.itemCount ?: 0 createIndicators(indicatorSize, indicatorMargin) onPageSelected(0) } private fun updateSimpleState(position: Int) { if (lastSelected != -1) { animateViewScale(getChildAt(lastSelected), STATE_NORMAL) } animateViewScale(getChildAt(position), STATE_SELECTED) lastSelected = position } private fun updateOverflowState(position: Int) { if (indicatorCount == 0) return if (position < 0 || position > indicatorCount) return val transition = TransitionSet() .setOrdering(TransitionSet.ORDERING_TOGETHER) .addTransition(ChangeBounds()) .addTransition(Fade()) TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(this, transition) val positionStates = FloatArray(indicatorCount + 1) Arrays.fill(positionStates, STATE_GONE) val start = position - MAX_INDICATORS + 4 var realStart = max(0, start) if (realStart + MAX_INDICATORS > indicatorCount) { realStart = indicatorCount - MAX_INDICATORS positionStates[indicatorCount - 1] = STATE_NORMAL positionStates[indicatorCount - 2] = STATE_NORMAL } else { if (realStart + MAX_INDICATORS - 2 < indicatorCount) { positionStates[realStart + MAX_INDICATORS - 2] = STATE_SMALL } if (realStart + MAX_INDICATORS - 1 < indicatorCount) { positionStates[realStart + MAX_INDICATORS - 1] = STATE_SMALLEST } } for (i in realStart until realStart + MAX_INDICATORS - 2) { positionStates[i] = STATE_NORMAL } if (position > 5) { positionStates[realStart] = STATE_SMALLEST positionStates[realStart + 1] = STATE_SMALL } else if (position == 5) { positionStates[realStart] = STATE_SMALL } positionStates[position] = STATE_SELECTED updateIndicators(positionStates) lastSelected = position } private fun updateIndicators(positionStates: FloatArray) { for (i in 0 until indicatorCount) { val v = getChildAt(i) when (val state = positionStates[i]) { STATE_GONE -> v.visibility = View.GONE else -> { v.visibility = View.VISIBLE animateViewScale(v, state) } } } } private fun createIndicators(indicatorSize: Int, margin: Int) { removeAllViews() if (indicatorCount <= 1) return for (i in 0 until indicatorCount) { addIndicator(indicatorCount > MAX_INDICATORS, indicatorSize, margin) } } private fun addIndicator(isOverflowState: Boolean, indicatorSize: Int, margin: Int) { val view = View(context) view.background = indicatorDrawable animateViewScale(view, if (isOverflowState) STATE_SMALLEST else STATE_NORMAL) val params = MarginLayoutParams(indicatorSize, indicatorSize).apply { leftMargin = margin rightMargin = margin } addView(view, params) } private fun animateViewScale(view: View?, scale: Float) { if (view == null) return view.animate() .scaleX(scale) .scaleY(scale) } companion object { const val MAX_INDICATORS = 9 // State also represents indicator scale factor const val STATE_GONE = 0f const val STATE_SMALLEST = 0.2f const val STATE_SMALL = 0.4f const val STATE_NORMAL = 0.6f const val STATE_SELECTED = 1.0f } }