{ "common": { "name": "zwave", "title": "ZWave", "desc": { "en": "ZWave support based on openzwave packet", "de": "ZWave-Unterstützung basiert auf Openzwave-Paket", "ru": "Поддержка ZWave на основе пакета openzwave", "pt": "Suporte ZWave baseado em pacote openzwave", "nl": "ZWave-ondersteuning op basis van openzwave-pakket", "fr": "Support ZWave basé sur le paquet openzwave", "it": "Supporto ZWave basato sul pacchetto openzwave", "es": "Soporte ZWave basado en paquete openzwave", "pl": "ZWave wsparcie oparte na pakiecie openzwave", "zh-cn": "ZWave支持基于openzwave数据包" }, "version": "2.0.1", "news": { "2.0.1": { "en": "Removed usage of `adapter.objects` for compatibility with JS-Controller 3.x\nUpdated dependencies", "de": "Die Verwendung von \"adapter.objects\" wurde aus Gründen der Kompatibilität mit JS-Controller 3.x entfernt\nAktualisierte Abhängigkeiten", "ru": "Убрано использование файла adapter.objects для совместимости с JS-Controller 3.x\nОбновленные зависимости", "pt": "Foi removido o uso de `adapter.objects` para compatibilidade com o JS-Controller 3.x\nDependências atualizadas", "nl": "Gebruik van `adapter.objects` verwijderd voor compatibiliteit met JS-Controller 3.x\nBijgewerkte afhankelijkheden", "fr": "Suppression de l'utilisation de `adapter.objects` pour la compatibilité avec JS-Controller 3.x\nDépendances mises à jour", "it": "Rimosso l'utilizzo di `adapter.objects` per la compatibilità con JS-Controller 3.x\nDipendenze aggiornate", "es": "Se eliminó el uso de `adapter.objects` para compatibilidad con JS-Controller 3.x\nDependencias actualizadas", "pl": "Usunięto użycie `adapter.objects` dla kompatybilności z JS-Controller 3.x\nZaktualizowano zależności", "zh-cn": "删除了对与JS-Controller 3.x兼容的adapter.objects用法\n更新了依赖性" }, "2.0.0": { "en": "Automatically run ldconfig during installation. If this causes issues, please run the ioBroker fixer first!", "de": "Führen Sie während der Installation automatisch ldconfig aus. Wenn dies zu Problemen führt, führen Sie zuerst den ioBroker-Fixer aus!", "ru": "Автоматически запускать ldconfig во время установки. Если это вызывает проблемы, пожалуйста, сначала запустите ioBroker fixer!", "pt": "Execute automaticamente o ldconfig durante a instalação. Se isso causar problemas, execute o fixador ioBroker primeiro!", "nl": "Voer ldconfig automatisch uit tijdens de installatie. Als dit problemen veroorzaakt, voer dan eerst de ioBroker-fixer uit!", "fr": "Exécutez automatiquement ldconfig pendant l'installation. Si cela cause des problèmes, veuillez d'abord exécuter le fixateur ioBroker!", "it": "Esegui automaticamente ldconfig durante l'installazione. Se ciò causa problemi, eseguire prima il riparatore ioBroker!", "es": "Ejecute automáticamente ldconfig durante la instalación. Si esto causa problemas, ejecute primero el fijador ioBroker.", "pl": "Automatycznie uruchom ldconfig podczas instalacji. Jeśli powoduje to problemy, najpierw uruchom narzędzie naprawcze ioBroker!", "zh-cn": "在安装过程中自动运行ldconfig。如果这引起问题,请首先运行ioBroker修复程序!" }, "1.7.2": { "en": "fixed a crash", "de": "Absturz behoben", "ru": "исправлено падение", "pt": "corrigiu uma falha", "nl": "een crash opgelost", "fr": "correction d'un crash", "it": "risolto un crash", "es": "reparó un accidente", "pl": "naprawiono awarię", "zh-cn": "修复了崩溃" }, "1.7.1": { "en": "Updated openzwave", "de": "Openzwave aktualisiert", "ru": "Обновлено openzwave", "pt": "Openzwave atualizado", "nl": "Bijgewerkt openzwave", "fr": "Openzwave mis à jour", "it": "Openzwave aggiornato", "es": "Openzwave actualizado", "pl": "Zaktualizowano openzwave", "zh-cn": "更新了openzwave" }, "1.7.0": { "en": "Added multi-instance associations", "de": "Assoziationen mit mehreren Instanzen hinzugefügt", "ru": "Добавлены многоэкземплярные ассоциации", "pt": "Adicionadas associações de várias instâncias", "nl": "Koppelingen met meerdere instanties toegevoegd", "fr": "Ajout d'associations multi-instances", "it": "Aggiunte associazioni multiistanza", "es": "Asociaciones de instancias múltiples agregadas", "pl": "Dodano skojarzenia z wieloma instancjami", "zh-cn": "添加了多实例关联" }, "1.6.3": { "en": "Updated openzwave and small fixes", "de": "Openzwave und kleine Fehlerbehebungen aktualisiert", "ru": "Обновлены openzwave и небольшие исправления", "pt": "Openzwave atualizado e pequenas correções", "nl": "Bijgewerkte openzwave en kleine fixes", "fr": "Openzwave mis à jour et petites corrections", "it": "Openzwave aggiornato e piccole correzioni", "es": "Openzwave actualizado y pequeñas correcciones", "pl": "Zaktualizowano openzwave i małe poprawki", "zh-cn": "更新了openzwave和小补丁" } }, "mode": "daemon", "platform": "javascript/Node.js", "dependencies": [ { "js-controller": ">=2.0.0" } ], "loglevel": "info", "keywords": [ "zwave", "control", "openzwave" ], "main": "main.js", "authors": [ "bluefox ", "Christian Baumgartner", "husky-koglhof " ], "osDependencies": { "linux": ["pkg-config", "libudev-dev", "build-essential", "curl", "unzip"] }, "license": "LGPL-3.0-or-later", "readme": "https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.zwave/blob/master/README.md", "icon": "zwave.png", "extIcon": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.zwave/master/admin/zwave.png", "compact": true, "onlyWWW": false, "singletonHost": true, "messagebox": true, "type": "hardware", "enabled": true, "materialize": true }, "native": { "usb": "", "logging": false, "consoleoutput": false, "saveconfig": true, "driverattempts": 3, "pollinterval": 500, "suppressrefresh": false, "forceinit": false, "networkkey": "0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0A,0x0B,0x0C,0x0D,0x0E,0x0F,0x10", "assumeawake": false }, "objects": [], "instanceObjects": [ { "_id": "info", "type": "channel", "common": { "name": "Information" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.connection", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "indicator.connected", "name": "ZWave ready to use", "desc": "If the ZWave driver has finished initializing", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": false, "def": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.controllerMessage", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Last controller message", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.driverReady", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "If the ZWave driver is loaded and ready", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": false, "def": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.scanCompleted", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Scan of devices is completed", "desc": "If scan of devices is completed", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.libraryVersion", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Z-Wave Library Version", "desc": "Version of the Z-Wave API library", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.libraryTypeName", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Z-Wave Library Type Name", "desc": "Name of the Z-Wave API library", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.controllerNodeId", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Node Id of Controller", "desc": "Node id of the controller", "type": "number", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.SUCNodeId", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Static update controller", "desc": "Node id of the static update controller (SUC)", "type": "number", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.primaryController", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Primary controller", "desc": "Is the OZW-managed controller the primary controller for this zwave network?", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.staticUpdateController", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "SUC", "desc": "If the controller is a static update controller", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.bridgeController", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Bridge controller", "desc": "If the controller is using the bridge controller library", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.homeId", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Home Id", "desc": "Network Home Id", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.OZW", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "OZW Version", "desc": "Open Z-Wave version", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "inclusionOn", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Inclusion mode activated", "desc": "If inclusion mode on or off", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": true }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "exclusionOn", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Exclusion mode activated", "desc": "If exclusion mode on or off", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": true }, "native": {} } ] }