{ "common": { "name": "gsmsms", "version": "1.0.0", "news": { "1.0.0": { "en": "Adapter requires node.js 20 now.\nAdapter requires js-controller 5.0.19 and admin 6.17.14 now.\nAdapter has been moved to iobroker-community-adapters organization\nSome issues reported by adapter checker have been fixed.\nDependencies have been update", "de": "Adapter benötigt node.js 20 jetzt.\nAdapter benötigt jetzt js-controller 5.0.19 und admin 6.17.14.\nAdapter wurde auf iobroker-community-Adapter Organisation verschoben\nEinige von Adapter-Checker gemeldete Probleme wurden behoben.\nAbhängigkeiten wurden aktualisiert", "ru": "Адаптер требует node.js 20.\nАдаптер требует js-контроллер 5.0.19 и admin 6.17.14.\nАдаптер был перемещен в организацию iobroker-community-adapters\nНекоторые проблемы, о которых сообщает адаптер шашки, были исправлены.\nЗависимости обновляются", "pt": "Adaptador requer node.js 20 agora.\nAdaptador requer js-controller 5.0.19 e admin 6.17.14 agora.\nAdapter foi movido para iobroker-community-adapters organização\nAlguns problemas relatados pelo verificador do adaptador foram corrigidos.\nAs dependências foram atualizadas", "nl": "Adapter vereist node.js 20 nu.\nAdapter vereist js-controller 5.01.19 en admin 6.17.14 nu.\nAdapter is verplaatst naar iobroker-community-adapters organisatie\nSommige problemen gemeld door de adapter checker zijn opgelost.\nAfhankelijkheden zijn bijgewerkt", "fr": "Adaptateur nécessite node.js 20 maintenant.\nAdaptateur nécessite js-controller 5.0.19 et admin 6.17.14 maintenant.\nAdaptateur a été transféré à iobroker-community-Adapters organisation\nCertains problèmes signalés par le vérificateur d'adaptateurs ont été corrigés.\nLes dépendances ont été mises à jour", "it": "Adattatore richiede node.js 20 ora.\nAdattatore richiede js-controller 5.0.19 e admin 6.17.14 ora.\nL'adattatore è stato spostato nell'organizzazione di iobroker-community-adapters\nAlcuni problemi segnalati dall'adattatore checker sono stati fissati.\nLe dipendenze sono state aggiornate", "es": "Adaptador requiere node.js 20 ahora.\nAdaptador requiere js-controller 5.0.19 y admin 6.17.14 ahora.\nAdaptador ha sido trasladado a la organización de ibroker-community-adapters\nSe han fijado algunas cuestiones comunicadas por el control de adaptador.\nLas dependencias han sido actualizadas", "pl": "Adapter wymaga Node.js 20 teraz.\nAdapter wymaga sterownika js- 5.0.19 i admin 6.17.14 teraz.\nAdapter został przeniesiony do organizacji adapterów iobroker- community\nNiektóre problemy zgłoszone przez sprawdzacz adaptera zostały naprawione.\nZaktualizowano zależności", "uk": "Адаптер вимагає node.js 20 тепер.\nАдаптер вимагає js-controller 5.0.19 і admin 6.17.14 тепер.\nПереміщено перехід на iobroker-community-adapters\nЗафіксовано деякі питання, які повідомляються перевірником адаптера.\nЗалежність було оновлено", "zh-cn": "适配器现在需要20号节点.\n适配器现在需要js控制器5.0.19和管理员6.17.14.\n适配器已移到职业中介-社区适配器组织\n适配器检查器报告的一些问题已经解决.\n依赖关系已经更新" }, "0.0.6": { "en": "(forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, notifications-manager", "de": "(forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, notifications-manager", "ru": "(forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, уведомления-менеджер", "pt": "(forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, notificações-manager", "nl": "(forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, notifications-manager", "fr": "(forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, notifications-manager", "it": "(forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, notifiche-manager", "es": "(forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, notifications-manager", "pl": "(Forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, notifications-manager", "uk": "(forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, сповіщення-менеджер", "zh-cn": "(forelleblau) jsonConfig.json, notifications-manager" }, "0.0.5": { "en": "(forelleblau) bug fixed (adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)", "de": "(forelleblau) fehler behoben (adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)", "ru": "(forelleblau) исправлена ошибка (adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)", "pt": "(forelleblau) bug corrigido (adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)", "nl": "(forelleblau) quality over quantity (qoq) releases vertaling:(adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)", "fr": "(forelleblau) bug corrigé (adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)", "it": "(forelleblau) bug fisso (adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)", "es": "(forelleblau) bug fijo (adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)", "pl": "(forelleblau) ułożono błędy (adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)", "uk": "(forelleblau) виправлено помилку (adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)", "zh-cn": "(forelleblau) augix (adapter set \"undefined\" into state values)" }, "0.0.4": { "en": "Optimizations, brush up to comply with ioBroker.repositories requirements", "de": "Optimierungen, Bürsten bis ioBroker. Repository-Anforderungen", "ru": "Оптимизация, кисть, чтобы соответствовать ioBroker. требования к репозиториям", "pt": "Otimizações, escovar para cumprir com ioBroker. requisitos de repositório", "nl": "Optimaties, poetsen om samen te werken met ioBroker. Verzoeken", "fr": "Optimisations, brosser jusqu'à se conformer à ioBroker. exigences en matière de dépôts", "it": "Ottimizzazione, spazzola fino a rispettare ioBroker. requisiti di repository", "es": "Optimizaciones, cepillarse para cumplir con ioBroker. repositorios necesarios", "pl": "Optymizacja, pędzla do komplikacji z ioBrokerem. wymagania", "uk": "Оптимізація, щітка до виконання ioBroker. Вимоги репозиторіїв", "zh-cn": "肥沃,坚韧不拔地遵守气勃的Broker。 所需储存" }, "0.0.3": { "en": "dependencies updated, bugs fixed", "de": "abhängigkeiten aktualisiert, fehler behoben", "ru": "обновляемые зависимости, исправлены ошибки", "pt": "dependências atualizadas, bugs corrigidos", "nl": "afhankelijkheid geüpload", "fr": "dépendances mises à jour, bugs corrigés", "it": "dipendenze aggiornate, bug fissi", "es": "dependencias actualizadas, errores fijos", "pl": "aktualizacja", "uk": "залежностей оновлено, виправлено помилки", "zh-cn": "b. 更新的依赖、固定的刺激" }, "0.0.2": { "en": "first published version", "de": "erste veröffentlichte Version", "ru": "первая опубликованная версия", "pt": "primeira versão publicada", "nl": "eerste gepubliceerde versie", "fr": "première version publiée", "it": "prima versione pubblicata", "es": "primera versión publicada", "pl": "pierwsze wydanie", "uk": "перший опублікований варіант", "zh-cn": "第一次出版" } }, "titleLang": { "en": "GSM-SMS", "de": "GSM-SMS", "ru": "GSM-SMS", "pt": "GSM-SMS", "nl": "GSM-SMS", "fr": "GSM-SMS", "it": "GSM-SMS", "es": "GSM-SMS", "pl": "GSM-SMS", "zh-cn": "GSM-短信", "uk": "GSM-SMS" }, "desc": { "en": "Send and recieve SMS with GSM-hardware", "de": "SMS senden und empfangen mit GSM-Hardware", "ru": "Отправка и получение SMS с помощью GSM-оборудования", "pt": "Envie e receba SMS com hardware GSM", "nl": "SMS versturen en ontvangen met GSM-hardware", "fr": "Envoyer et recevoir des SMS avec le matériel GSM", "it": "Invia e ricevi SMS con hardware GSM", "es": "Envíe y reciba SMS con hardware GSM", "pl": "Wysyłaj i odbieraj SMS-y za pomocą sprzętu GSM", "zh-cn": "使用 GSM 硬件发送和接收短信", "uk": "Надсилайте та отримуйте SMS за допомогою GSM-апаратного забезпечення" }, "authors": [ "forelleblau ", "Iobroker Community" ], "keywords": [ "SMS", "GSM", "Communication", "Message" ], "licenseInformation": { "type": "free", "license": "MIT" }, "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", "icon": "gsmsms.png", "enabled": true, "extIcon": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.gsmsms/main/admin/gsmsms.png", "readme": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.gsmsms/blob/main/README.md", "loglevel": "info", "mode": "daemon", "type": "messaging", "compact": true, "connectionType": "local", "dataSource": "push", "tier": 1, "messagebox": true, "supportedMessages": { "custom": true, "notifications": true }, "blockly": true, "logTransporter": false, "jsonConfig": true, "adminUI": { "config": "json" }, "dependencies": [ { "js-controller": ">=5.0.19" } ], "globalDependencies": [ { "admin": ">=6.17.14" } ] }, "protectedNative": [ "pin" ], "encryptedNative": [ "pin" ], "native": { "port": "", "autoDeleteOnReceive": true, "enableConcatenation": true, "incomingCallIndication": false, "incomingSMSIndication": true, "getSignalQuality": false, "pin": "", "customInitCommand": "", "cnmiModemOpen": "2,1,0,2,0", "cnmiModemClosed": "2,0,2,2,1", "baudRate": 19200, "dataBits": 8, "stopBits": 1, "parity": "none", "rtscts": false, "xon": false, "xoff": false, "xany": false, "connectionMode": "alwaysopen", "pollinginterval": 30, "defaultrecipientnotifications": "" }, "objects": [], "instanceObjects": [ { "_id": "admin", "type": "channel", "common": { "name": "Settings & AT+Command" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "admin.ownName", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Own Name", "type": "string", "options": { "maxLength": 17 }, "role": "text", "read": true, "write": true, "desc": "Name to SIM-card number (sender)" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "admin.ownNumber", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Own Number", "type": "string", "role": "text.phone", "read": true, "write": true, "desc": "SIM-card phone number (sender)" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "admin.opMode", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Operating mode", "type": "string", "role": "state", "read": true, "write": true, "def": "PDU", "desc": "SMS operating Mode set only 'PDU'(default) or 'SMS'" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "admin.atCommandSLR", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "AT+command single line response", "type": "string", "role": "state", "read": true, "write": true, "desc": "AT+ command to be executed with single line response expected" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "admin.atCommandResponse", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Response to AT+command(single line only)", "type": "string", "role": "state", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "Single line response to sent AT+ command" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info", "type": "channel", "common": { "name": "Connection Info" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.connection", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Modem connected", "type": "boolean", "role": "info.status", "read": true, "write": false, "def": false, "desc": "Indicates Connection to modem" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.ownName", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Own Name", "type": "string", "role": "text", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "Name to SIM-card number (sender)" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.ownNumber", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Own Number", "type": "string", "role": "text.phone", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "SIM-card phone number (sender)" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.opMode", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Operating modules", "type": "string", "role": "state", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "SMS operating Mode, can be 'PDU' (default) or 'SMS'" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.modemSerial", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Modem serial number", "type": "number", "role": "info.address", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "Modem serial number" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.signalQuality", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "signal quality", "type": "number", "role": "value", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "Network signal quality" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.signalStrength", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "signal strength", "type": "number", "role": "value", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "Network signal strength" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.error", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "SMS device error", "type": "string", "role": "text", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "Error returned from the modem device" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "sendSMS", "type": "channel", "common": { "name": "Send SMS" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "sendSMS.recipient", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "recipient number", "type": "string", "role": "text.phone", "read": true, "write": true, "desc": "recipients number (+41xxx or 41xxx)" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "sendSMS.message", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "message text", "type": "string", "role": "text", "read": true, "write": true, "desc": "message text" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "sendSMS.alert", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "message class", "type": "boolean", "role": "state", "read": true, "write": true, "desc": "Enable to send as class 0 / flash message or disable to send as nomral SMS", "def": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "sendSMS.messageRaw", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "complete message to send", "type": "string", "role": "text", "read": true, "write": true, "desc": "complete message to send, with recipient, message text and alert state as json-formatted string" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "sendSMS.send", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Send SMS", "type": "boolean", "role": "button", "read": true, "write": true, "desc": "SMS is sent to recipent specified" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "sendSMS.messageRawSent", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "complete message sent", "type": "string", "role": "text", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "complete message sent, with recipient, message text and alert state (Outbox)" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "inbox", "type": "channel", "common": { "name": "Recieved SMS" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "inbox.messageText", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "message text", "type": "string", "role": "text", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "message text" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "inbox.messageSender", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "sender number", "type": "string", "role": "text.phone", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "senders phone number" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "inbox.messageDate", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "message dateTime", "type": "string", "role": "date", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "Date / tima message was sent" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "inbox.messageRaw", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "compelete message info", "type": "string", "role": "json", "read": true, "write": false, "desc": "compelete message info - stringified json" }, "native": {} } ] }