#! /usr/bin/perl # ============================================================================ # $RCSfile$ # $Source$ # $Revision$ # $Date$ # $Author$ # $Name$ # # DESCRIPTION: # ============================================================================ # PRAGMAS use strict; use warnings; # MODULES use Getopt::Long; use File::Spec; use Data::Dumper; use Readonly; use Net::FTP; # LIBRARIES # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Data::Dumper configuration $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; my (undef, undef, $app) = File::Spec->splitpath($0); # FTP account info #Readonly my $URL => ''; Readonly my $URL => 'data.ioos.us'; # Data provider user name Readonly my $USER => 'USER'; # Data provider password Readonly my $PASS => 'PASSWORD'; Readonly my $PORT => 21; #my $BASE_REMOTE_DIR = '/upload'; my $BASE_REMOTE_DIR = '/'; # FTP settings Readonly my $PASSIVE => 0; # Default options my $VERBOSE; # Net::FTP::Foreign debugging statements my $DELETE; # Deletes each file on successful transfer my $SOURCE_DIR; # Directory to search for NetCDF (.nc) files my $REMOTE_DIR; # Remote destination directory my $WMO_FILE; # location of wmoid.txt file to upload # Usage message my $USAGE =<<"END_USAGE"; NAME $app - FTP transfer of NetCDF files to IOOS NGDAC SYNOPSIS $app --remote-dir DIRECTORY [--help] [--source-dir DIRECTORY] [--delete-on-success] [ncfile1,ncfile2,...] DESCRIPTION Upload NetCDF files to the IOOS National Glider Data Aggregation Center via ftp ($URL). Individual files may be specified on the command line. Files are uploaded to the directory specified using the --remote-dir option which, if it doesn't exist, is created under: $BASE_REMOTE_DIR Specifying a remote destination via the --remote-dir option is mandatory. --help Print help message and exit --remote-dir => MANDATORY Remote destination directory. Specify the child directory under $BASE_REMOTE_DIR --source-dir Transfer all files contained in the specified directory --delete-on-success Delete the local file copy on successful tranfer to the remote destination --wmo-file Path to the wmoid.txt file, if there is one. This file will be uploaded if it exists END_USAGE # Option processing my $options_okay = GetOptions( 'help' => sub { print $USAGE; exit 0 }, 'verbose' => \$VERBOSE, 'delete-on-success' => \$DELETE, 'source-dir=s' => \$SOURCE_DIR, 'remote-dir=s' => \$REMOTE_DIR, 'wmo-file=s' => \$WMO_FILE, ); !$options_okay and exit 1; # User MUST specify a remote location !$REMOTE_DIR and die "No remote destination specified"; my @in_files; # Files can come from either, in this order of preference: # 1. A directory specified by the --source-dir option # 2. Individual files listed on the command line if ($SOURCE_DIR) { # Check the option first ! -d $SOURCE_DIR && die "Invalid directory specified: $SOURCE_DIR"; @in_files = glob "${SOURCE_DIR}/*.nc"; } else { # Otherwise, see if a file(s) has been specified on the command line # Take the list of files either from the command line or from a pipe if (@ARGV) { # Files from the command line @in_files = grep {-f} @ARGV; } elsif (-t) { # STDIN print $USAGE; exit 1; } else { # Pipe @in_files = <>; chomp @in_files; } } #$Data::Dumper::Varname = 'Selected Files'; #print Dumper(\@in_files); # Keep only files ending in '.nc$' my @nc_files = grep { /\.nc$/ } @in_files; $Data::Dumper::Varname = 'NetCDF Files'; $VERBOSE and print Dumper(\@nc_files); #exit 13; if (!@nc_files) { print "No files found for uploading.\n"; exit 0; } # Connect to the remote server. Set autodie => 1 to exit on failure print "Connecting via FTP: $URL.."; my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($URL, Debug => $VERBOSE, Passive => $PASSIVE, Timeout => 30, Port => $PORT) or die "FTP connection failed: $@"; print "Connected\n"; $ftp->login($USER, $PASS) or die "FTP login failed!"; # See if the remote destination exists my $REMOTE_DEST = "${BASE_REMOTE_DIR}/${REMOTE_DIR}"; print "REMOTE: $REMOTE_DEST\n"; my @upload_dirs = $ftp->dir($BASE_REMOTE_DIR); $Data::Dumper::Varname = '$UPLOAD DIRS'; print Dumper(\@upload_dirs); # Grep the directory listing for the $REMOTE_DIR my @found_dir = grep /$REMOTE_DIR/, @upload_dirs; $Data::Dumper::Varname = 'FOUND REMOTE DIR'; print Dumper(\@found_dir); # Create the remote directory if it doesn't already exist. If the directory # does not exist, the last element in @deployemnt_dir == -1 if (!@found_dir) { $ftp->quit(); die "Remote upload destination does not exist: $REMOTE_DEST\nYou must create the upload directory using the IOOS NGDAC data provider website"; } # Switch to binary transfer mode $ftp->binary(); # Transfer each file my $num_files = 0; NC_FILE: foreach my $local_nc (@nc_files) { # Create the fully-qualified remote file name my (undef, undef, $nc) = File::Spec->splitpath($local_nc); my $remote_nc = File::Spec->catfile($REMOTE_DEST, $nc); $VERBOSE and print "Transferring: $remote_nc\n"; # Transfer the file my $success = $ftp->put($local_nc, $remote_nc); if (!$success) { warn "Failed transfer: $local_nc (" . $ftp->error . ")\n"; next NC_FILE; } # Increment the file counter $num_files++; # Delete the file if specified via --delete-on-success if ($DELETE) { $VERBOSE and print "Deleting local copy: $local_nc\n"; unlink $local_nc; } } print "${num_files}/" . scalar @nc_files . " successfully uploaded\n"; $ftp->quit(); exit 0;