{ "name": "Shimmer Ecosystem Funding Proposal", "milestoneIndexCommence": 3810363, "milestoneIndexStart": 3870843, "milestoneIndexEnd": 3931323, "payload": { "type": 0, "questions": [ { "text": "Should we incentivize builders and activity on the Shimmer network by increasing the token supply to give the Shimmer Community Treasury DAO and the Tangle Ecosystem Association (TEA) each 10% of the new total supply?", "answers": [ { "value": 1, "text": "Yes", "additionalInfo": "" }, { "value": 2, "text": "No", "additionalInfo": "" } ], "additionalInfo": "" } ] }, "additionalInfo": "Read the proposal here: https://govern.iota.org/t/discussion-proposal-to-increase-the-shimmer-supply-for-a-community-treasury/1291 and the follow-up proposal here: https://govern.iota.org/t/discussion-follow-up-proposal-to-the-establishment-of-a-shimmer-ecosystem-fund/1315" }