# Prerequisites for package installation There are different repos for AGL packages depending on the version, it is possible to install all of them and switching between them. To install latest (master) version you must set REVISION variable as follow : ```bash export REVISION=Master ``` You can find all available repos [here](https://build.opensuse.org/project/subprojects/isv:LinuxAutomotive#). For more details about OBS, please visit [LinuxAutomotive page on OBS](https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/isv:LinuxAutomotive). ## Add repo for debian distro Avalable distro values are ```bash export DISTRO="Debian_9.0" export DISTRO="xUbuntu_16.04" export DISTRO="xUbuntu_16.10" export DISTRO="xUbuntu_17.10" export DISTRO="xUbuntu_18.04" ``` Install the repository: ```bash export REVISION=Master export DISTRO="xUbuntu_18.04" wget -O - http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/LinuxAutomotive:/AGL_${REVISION}/${DISTRO}/Release.key | sudo apt-key add - sudo bash -c "cat >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/AGL.list <