# AGL XDS AGL X(cross) Development System (XDS) provides a multi-platform cross development tool with near-zero installation. * xds-agent: a client/agent that should run on your local / user development machine when you use XDS. * xds-cli: a command line tool used to control / interface X(cross) Development System, it can be used in addition to XDS DASHBOARD. * xds-gdb: a wrapper on gdb debugger for X(cross) Development System. ## AGL XDS for debian ```bash sudo apt-get install agl-xds-agent agl-xds-cli agl-xds-gdb ``` ## AGL XDS for openSUSE ```bash sudo zypper install agl-xds-agent agl-xds-cli agl-xds-gdb ``` ## AGL XDS for fedora ```bash sudo dnf install agl-xds-agent agl-xds-cli agl-xds-gdb ``` ## AGL XDS Documentation You can find the XDS documentation [here](http://docs.automotivelinux.org/master/docs/devguides/en/dev/reference/xds/part-1/0_Abstract.html).