lb: - engine: nftables targets: - name: lobby-demo # unique target name # A target listening on TCP port 8082, using 3 upstreams to load balance traffic in round-robin mode protocol: tcp # transport protocol. Only tcp supported for now port: 8082 # unique target port for a given protocol upstream_group: # upstream_group to be used for target name: lobby-demo-ug1 # unique upstream_group name distribution: round-robin # ug traffic distribution mode. Only round-robin supported for now upstreams: - name: lobby-test-server1 # unique upstream name # An upstream hosted at IP address and port 8081 # The system DNS's are used to resolve the upstream host FQDN # No active health-checking and therefore the upstream will be considered always as available to receive traffic host: # upstream host. IP or FQDN port: 8081 # upstream port - name: lobby-test-server2 # unique upstream name # An upstream hosted at IP address and port 8082 # The, and 2606:4700::1111 DNS's are used to resolve the upstream host FQDN. The DNS will be re-queried every 300 seconds # Active health-checking is performed on TCP port 8082, every 30 seconds. 3 consecutive successful probes are required to consider the upstream as available. A probe will fail after 1 seconds timeout # The upstream will be considered as available when the load balancer starts host: # upstream host. IP or FQDN port: 8082 # upstream port dns: # include in case you want to use specific DNS to resolve the fqdn host address. If host is IPv4 or IPv6 this setting will not have any effect. In case this mapping is not present the OS resolvers will be used servers: # dns address list. Queries will be done sequentially in case of failure - # cloudflare IPv4 DNS - # google IPv4 DNS. Used if DNS fails to resolve - 2606:4700::1111 # cloudflare IPv6 DNS. Used if and DNS fail to resolve ttl: 300 # custom ttl can be specified to overwrite the DNS response TTL health_check: # don't include the health-check mapping or leave it empty to disable health-check. upstreams will be considered alwasy as active when health-checks are not enabled protocol: tcp # health-heck protocol. Only tcp supported for now port: 8082 # health-check port. It can be different from the upstream port start_available: true # set 'true' if upstream should be considered as available at start. set 'false' otherwise probe: check_interval: 30 # seconds. Max value: 65536 timeout: 1 # seconds. Max value: 256 success_count: 3 # amount of successful health checks to become active - name: lobby-test-server3 # unique upstream name # An upstream hosted at IP address and port 8083 # The, and 2606:4700::1111 DNS's are used to resolve the upstream host FQDN # No active health-checking and therefore the upstream will be considered always as available to receive traffic host: # upstream host. IP or FQDN port: 8083 # upstream port dns: # include in case you want to use specific DNS to resolve the fqdn host address. If host is IPv4 or IPv6 this setting will not have any effect. In case this mapping is not present the OS resolvers will be used servers: # dns address list. Queries will be done sequentially in case of failure. The DNS will be re-requeried according to the TTL received in the DNS response - # cloudflare IPv4 DNS - # google IPv4 DNS. Used if DNS fails to resolve - 2606:4700::1111 # cloudflare IPv6 DNS. Used if and DNS fail to resolve