var TAG = 'IPC-DIAL:'; /* This project is loaded using the wrapper helper * so implement onAPILoadReady() */ function onAPILoadReady() { /* Display a login prompt */ IPCortex.PBX.Auth.login().then( function() { console.log(TAG, 'Login successful'); /* Get the API to start collecting data */ IPCortex.PBX.startFeed().then( function() { console.log(TAG, 'Live data feed started'); runApp(); }, function() { console.log(TAG, 'Live data feed failed'); } ); }, function() { console.log(TAG, 'Login failed'); } ); } function runApp() { /* Grab references to DOM elements */ var videoTag = document.getElementById('phone'); var numberTag = document.getElementById('number'); var callTag = document.getElementById('call'); var hangupTag = document.getElementById('hangup'); /* Grab the first owned device for the logged in user */ var myPhone = IPCortex.PBX.owned[0]; /* Assume the phone is a keevio phone and enable it for WebRTC */ myPhone.enableRTC(); /* Wait for new call events to arrive */ myPhone.addListener('update', function (device) { /* If there are multiple calls, ignore all except the first */ if (device.calls.length > 0) { /* If the call is up and has media, attach it to the video tag */ if (device.calls[0].remoteMedia && device.calls[0].state !== 'dead') attachMediaStream(videoTag, device.calls[0].remoteMedia[0]); } }); numberTag.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { /* Clean up input box content */ if ([^0-9\*\#]/) != -1 ) numberTag.value = numberTag.value.replace(/[^0-9\*\#]/, ''); }); callTag.addEventListener('click', function(e) { if ( !numberTag.value ) return; myPhone.dial(numberTag.value); numberTag.value = ''; e.preventDefault(); }); hangupTag.addEventListener('click', function(e) { /* The hangup button hangs up the first call if it exists */ if (myPhone.calls.length > 0) myPhone.calls[0].hangup(); }); }