var rooms = {}; var TAG = 'IPC-CHAT-CLIENT:'; /* Login */ IPCortex.PBX.Auth.setHost('https://pabx.hostname'); IPCortex.PBX.Auth.login().then( function() { console.log(TAG, 'Login successful'); /* Start API collecting data */ IPCortex.PBX.startFeed().then( function() { console.log(TAG, 'Live data feed started'); runApp(); }, function() { console.log(TAG, 'Live data feed failed'); } ); }, function() { console.log(TAG, 'Login failed'); } ); /* Handle each new contact */ function processContact(contact) { /* Return early if this is "myself" */ if ( contact.cID == ) { return; } /* Return early if contact exists */ var element = document.getElementById(contact.cID); if ( element ) { /* Remove offline contacts */ if ( ! contact.canChat && element.parentNode ) element.parentNode.removeChild(element); return; } /* Create online contact */ if ( contact.canChat ) { var element = document.createElement('div'); document.getElementById('contacts').appendChild(element); element.innerHTML =; element.className = 'contact'; = contact.cID; var offer = document.createElement('i'); element.appendChild(offer); offer.className = 'material-icons contact-offer'; offer.innerHTML = 'chat_bubble'; offer.addEventListener('click', function() {; }); } } /* Listen for new rooms */ function processRoom(newRoom) { console.log(TAG, 'New room'); /* Listen for updates to clean up dead rooms */ newRoom.addListener('update', function(room) { /* If a room is dead, delete from DOM */ if ( rooms[room.roomID] && room.state == 'dead' ) { rooms[room.roomID].elem.parentNode.removeChild(rooms[room.roomID].elem); delete rooms[room.roomID]; return; } /* If room name has changed, update on display */ if ( rooms[room.roomID].label !== room.label ) { rooms[room.roomID].label = room.label; rooms[room.roomID].title.innerHTML = room.label + ' (' + newRoom.roomID + ')'; } /* Add new messages into textarea */ room.messages.forEach(function (message) { rooms[room.roomID].text.value += '\n' + message.cN + ' :\n ' + message.msg; rooms[room.roomID].text.scrollTop = rooms[room.roomID].text.scrollHeight; }); }); /* For each new room we need to store the provided Class object * and create display elements */ var elem = document.getElementById('clone').cloneNode(true); = 'block'; = newRoom.roomID; document.body.appendChild(elem); /* Store important room info needed as events occur */ var thisRoom = rooms[newRoom.roomID] = { room: newRoom, elem: elem, title: elem.getElementsByTagName('div')[0], text: elem.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0] }; /* Quick way to get hold of input box and submit buttons */ var inputs = elem.getElementsByTagName('input'); inputs[0].addEventListener('click', function() { console.log(TAG, 'Close room',;; }); inputs[2].addEventListener('click', function() { console.log(TAG, 'Send message on room',; /* No text entered, nothing to send */ if ( ! inputs[1].value ) return; /* Send the message and clear the input */[1].value); inputs[1].value = ''; }); } function runApp() { /* API is ready, loop through the list of contacts */ IPCortex.PBX.contacts.forEach( function(contact) { /* Listen for updates in case the user changes state */ contact.addListener('update', function() { processContact(contact); }); processContact(contact); } ); /* * Enable chat subsystem. This call provides a shortcut for providing a new-room callback. * Enabling chat automatically makes the current user 'online' */ console.log(TAG, 'Chat enable'); IPCortex.PBX.enableChat(processRoom); }