var TAG = 'IPC-CHATBOT:'; /* Display a login prompt */ IPCortex.PBX.Auth.setHost('https://pabx.hostname'); IPCortex.PBX.Auth.login().then( function() { console.log(TAG, 'Login successful'); /* Get the API to start collecting data */ IPCortex.PBX.startFeed().then( function() { console.log(TAG, 'Live data feed started'); runApp(); }, function() { console.log(TAG, 'Live data feed failed'); } ); }, function() { console.log(TAG, 'Login failed'); } ); function runApp() { /* Enable the chat subsystem */ IPCortex.PBX.enableChat( /* Provide a callback for new rooms */ function (ourRoom) { /* Add an update listener to each new room */ ourRoom.addListener('update', function (room) { /* Inspect new messages and echo ... */ room.messages.forEach(function (message) { console.log(message.cN + ' has decreed: ' + message.msg); /* ... except my own messages */ if (!message.own)'Apparently you decreed: ' + message.msg); }); }); } ); }