com.doycho.euterpe.gtk.desktop Euterpe Audio player for the Euterpe media server CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later com.doycho.euterpe.gtk.desktop

Mobile and desktop player for the self-hosted Euterpe streaming server. You need an access to an Euterpe server running somewhere in order for this program to be useful. You could try it out with the demo Euterpe server, accessible at the project's website.

These are some of the things which this player supports:

Doychin Atanasov Doychin Atanasov AudioVideo Audio Player GTK GNOME Different screens of the mobile program when viewed on mobile display The program on a desktop The album browser screen shown on the left pane The artist browser screen show to the left The home screen The search screen in its desktop variant The login screen show in its mobile variant The search screen in its mobile variant The browse artist screen in its mobile variant The playing queue opened on a mobile phone keyboard pointing touch 720 360 always

This version comes with few new features and some bug fixes.

  • The recently listened to albums and artists are shown on the home screen.
  • The login form should now fit better on even smaller mobile phones. Previously it had a small horizontal scroll on PinePhone for example.
  • Some labels throughout the UI can now be selected and copied. Especially album and artists names.

An option for appending of single tracks to the play queue was added by @dydyamotya.

This release comes with a collection of small changes which aimed to make the day-to-day usage of the program more pleasant.

  • It is now possible to set the images for albums and artists.
  • Many shortcuts and menu accelerators have been added. Use Ctrl+? to see them all or check out the Main Menu -> Shortcuts.

This release improves the case where the authentication token for the server has expired. It makes generating a new one possible without logging out.

This release brings this player to parity with the Euterpe iOS and Android players. Using it one could get the most of their Euterpe server.

  • The program is properly recognized as supporting mobile form factors by desktop environments such as Phosh.
  • Media browsing UI is implemented which supports going through the server's artists and albums in alphabetical order.
  • Artist and album artwork is now shown when available on the server. No more placeholder images!
  • The player is now easier to use on even smaller screens.

A lot more features were added aimed at making the player more and more convenient.

  • MPRIS (Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification) support was added. So you could control the player remotely.
  • In-program volume slider! Check out the "hamburger" menu.
  • Implemented shuffle and repeat options.
  • The navigation position is stored as well on exit.
  • The queue list automatically scrolls to the currently playing track when it is changed.
  • Fixed a bug where the program state was lost when there is temporary problem with acquiring the auth token from the OS keyring.

This version is very near to being feature complete with the iOS and iPhone apps for Euterpe. And a lot less buggy. Which makes it absolutely usable day-to-day.

Notable changes since v0.2.0.

  • The play queue is visible and interactive now!
  • The window size and state is restored on startup.
  • The recently added songs and albums are displayed on the home screen.
  • Added the Ctrl+Q shortcut which quits the application.
  • Many UI improvements. Some buttons are even colourful! I know, who though GTK could be so wild!

This version comes with a huge pile of improvements, bugfixes and new features. I will list the most notable.

  • Switched to libsoup from libcurl. This makes seeking and recovering from network changes rock solid.
  • Added "artist" and "album" screens which list all albums for an artist or all tracks for an album. Accessible from the search results.
  • The application state is stored on quitting and restored on staring. Including the progress of the currently playing track.
  • Created an improved player controls widget with convergent support. On the desktop it is always visible in one half of the window. On mobile it is accessible on a full screen.

The first version of the Euterpe GTK client which is ready to be used for listening to your music day-to-day.