ideas-studio v0.9.4.1, 31/01/2017 ---------------------------------------------- - Automatically show console when something is printed #252 - Bad interface on "isa firm" when you maximize #251 - Simplify demo view #249 - Add default 'cancelHandler' for modal windows #248 - Unable to delete a recent project #247 - Change "show all" to "advanced mode" #246 - Project cannot be named like user #216 - Can't delete a project/folder with existing elements #215 - Problems while creating json file inside existent folder #214 ideas-studio v0.9.4, 13/01/2017 ---------------------------------------------- - Update a file content in JSON format implies losing JSON format #243 - Clicking outside of a modal window won't execute cancel/close callback #242 - Update js-yaml library to fix problem with multiline bindings #241 - Unable to use workbecnh while angular print() function is called #239 - Resolve blank string on Binding interaction #238 - Create new filter in angularjs to capilize strings on template #237 - Add a javascript library to convert markdown to html #236 - After closing a tab, sometimes editor activates a random tab #234 - Add print support for Binding #233 - Add support for Google Chart in Binding #232 - Binding always turns a number into string #231 - Editor will always load the first item of "tabsMap" after closing any file #229 - Modal window doesn't show IDEAS logo #227 - Don't show register anchor in modal window #225 - Hide login button when demo user is logging #224 - Modal window content doesn't fit well #223 - Filter file extensions from studio config file #222 - '$hashkey' inserted by angular.toJson #221 - Number is converted to string when updated from Binding #220 - "show all" toggle button doesn't filter files after loading application in designer #219 - Bad interface in fullscreen #217 ideas-studio v0.9.3.3, 08/06/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Fix syntax check #213 ideas-studio v0.9.3.2, 02/06/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Add support to new generatePortal #211 ideas-studio v0.9.3.1, 01/06/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - HTML code in changelog.txt is processed as HTML #207 - Update studioConfiguration #209 ideas-studio v0.9.3, 01/06/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Update title #206 - Error message is always shown to user while creating files/directories/projects #205 - Operation buttons bad overflow #202 - Problems with enconding in Dynatree #201 - 'generateDemoWorkspace' removes dynatree bottom menu #200 - Nullpointer when accessing to user properties in demo user #198 - Improve errors display #197 - Implement all queued tests for v0.9.3 #196 - New command alias #195 - Enable "Advanced Mode" configuration #194 - Integrate IDEAS dockerized #193 - Unable to hide dynatree context menu by clicking in any other place of IDEAS #187 - Improve (or disable) help #186 - Require file/project/workspace name #184 - Update copyright #183 - Hide modals with outside clicks #179 - Log error when there is no workspace #177 - Modal error when you create a directory by pressing "enter" #172 - Format tabs don't fit well when "form" is selected #149 - Changelog modal window doesn't fit well #144 - "EditorManager is not defined" error in Workspace Manager page #141 - Unable to delete a recently created project #129 - Rename a file with an already existing name #113 - Avoiding display generic error messages #104 - Description inspector with wrong mode. Reader mode expected #97 - Support new language modules #78 - "Save changes" button disappears when you change tab #61 - Fixed project templates logic #54 - Share document modal is shown when something goes wrong when trying to create a new workspace #38 - "null" string on username after registering by social network #28 - The input title doesn't fit well in a modal window #26 - Implement modal window confirmation when user tries to delete a project, directory or file #20 - "User Account" menu redirects to "Login information" tab #13 - Cannot update UserAccount profile with special characters like "ñ" or "ç" #11 - Dynatree projects are reordered only by a page refresh #7 - /security/loginFailure page has no format #3 - generateDemoWorkspace doesn't overwrite an already existent workspace #2 ideas-studio v0.9.2.7, 19/05/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Drag and drop project into project #14 - Allow to copy and paste a node into its own path #22 - Allowed to paste nothing copied/cut into a path #23 - Creating a directory with disabled button #55 - Unable to import .zip without workspace name #174 - Cannot create a workspace with whitespace #175 ideas-studio v0.9.2.6, 12/05/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Allow other browers than Chrome #170 ideas-studio v0.9.2.5, 10/05/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Modal error window keeps gray background #162 - Unable to remove nested "vocab" binding #165 - Prohibit other browsers distinct from Chrome #166 ideas-studio v0.9.2.4, 28/04/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Ace autocomplete and searchbox #156 - Ace content doesn't fit well #155 - "Form" format disappears when you close another file tab #154 ideas-studio v0.9.2.3, 07/04/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Unable to create a file with the same name and different extension #133 - [new module] ideas-module-angular-controller #139 - Integrate angular controller functionalities to IDEAS #145 ideas-studio v0.9.2.2, 01/04/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Fixes #150 "Unable to launch any language operation" - Fixes #148 "Unnecessary angular model update when editing a file" ideas-studio v0.9.2.1, 17/03/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Fixes #143 "Proxy.create is not a function error" ideas-studio v0.9.2, 09/03/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - AngularJS description inspector #93 ideas-studio v0.9.1, 24/02/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - New module: ideas-module-angular #120 - Refactor common test methods #119 - Error opening file after switching workspace, file seems to be empty #114 - Incorrect demo path when publishing #110 ideas-studio v0.9, 08/02/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - Workspace Management Integration implementation - Cannot recover password (IllegalArgumentException) fixed - Fix google login with oauth @localhost - Rename test doesn't check if filename is renamed in ideas-repo - Organize Workspaces of DemoMaster ideas-studio v0.8.4, 28/01/2016 ---------------------------------------------- - [new module] ideas-yaml-module - [new module] ideas-json-module - [update module] ideas-iagree-module - [update module] ideas-cplex-module - Password reset confirmation link with "" - Unable to login with a recovered password - Remove unnecessary displaytag dependency - This is the first version using ideas-repo-0.7.jar from Maven Central Repository ideas-studio v0.8.3, 22/12/2015 ---------------------------------------------- - Cannot find nexus repositories - Page reload when renaming a project - Create command testModules ideas-studio v0.8.2, 15/12/2015 ---------------------------------------------- - [new module] ideas-soup-module - Can't rename a project - Organize labels - "back" button redirects to login screen when focus is on description (right side panel) - Cannot recover password (IllegalArgumentException) - Unexpectedly page reload when editing a file - No node highlighted when opening a context menu from a dynatree node ideas-studio v0.8.1, 09/12/2015 ---------------------------------------------- - generateDemoWorkspace command returns unexpected message ideas-studio v0.8, 03/12/2015 ---------------------------------------------- - Server error log when you edit any file - Syntax coloring is not working - No "desc" and "" editor format tabs shown - Move footer logic - Expanding binding towards rdfa - Login bug - Modal message: "Error creating new directory" ideas-studio v0.7.1, 13/11/2015 ---------------------------------------------- - Script bash for IDEAS automated deploy - Update display version - Deploy stable version of IDEAS - No need to change ideas-studio v0.7 "Bumblebee", 09/11/2015 ---------------------------------------------- - Migrate ideas-studio clinker doc to github - Restructure ideas-studio - Update development policy ideas-studio v0.6, 24/09/2015 ---------------------------------------------- - Integration tests with embedded Tomcat and selenium. - DescriptionFormatView available for every language. ideas-studio v0.5, 11/12/2014 ---------------------------------------------- - Demo users service - Run sychronous operations - Report result fixed to show operation results - Bugs fron lost session fixed - Project explored fixed - Result operation modal fixed - Refactor command deleteCurrentWorkspace - Bugs deleting workspaces fixed - Refactor settings view ideas-studio v0.4 "Heisenberg", 24/10/2014 ---------------------------------------------- - File name repeat bug fixed - Analysis report drop button - Report result fixed to show operation results - Fix logout and user menu settings in new window - Fix create files with .fm extension - Fix create files with enter key - Create csv module - Fix context menu z-index - Fix console css - Fix create and delete workspaces bugs - Create IDEAS help ideas-studio v0.3 "Lovelace", 01/09/2014 ---------------------------------------------- - Handler press "intro" to login and modal views - Analysis report - Download reports - Default file name bug repair - Create file bugs fixed ideas-studio v0.2 "Dijkstra", 28/07/2014 ---------------------------------------------- - Code refactoring - Contex Menu - File upload - Default file name bug repair - Projects templates ideas-studio v0.1, 26/06/2014 ---------------------------------------------- - Lost session fails repair - Console text is selectable - Create directories bug repair - Special characters on files names bug repair - Css fails repair