; Script: ImagePut.ahk ; License: MIT License ; Author: Edison Hua (iseahound) ; Github: https://github.com/iseahound/ImagePut ; Date: 2023-03-02 ; Version: 1.10 #Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.35+ ; Puts the image into a file format and returns a base64 encoded string. ; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff ; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100 ImagePutBase64(image, extension := "", quality := "") { return ImagePut("base64", image, extension, quality) } ; Puts the image into a GDI+ Bitmap and returns a pointer. ImagePutBitmap(image) { return ImagePut("bitmap", image) } ; Puts the image into a GDI+ Bitmap and returns a buffer object with GDI+ scope. ImagePutBuffer(image) { return ImagePut("buffer", image) } ; Puts the image onto the clipboard and returns an empty string. ImagePutClipboard(image) { return ImagePut("clipboard", image) } ; Puts the image as the cursor and returns the variable A_Cursor. ; xHotspot - X Click Point | pixel -> 0 - width ; yHotspot - Y Click Point | pixel -> 0 - height ImagePutCursor(image, xHotspot := "", yHotspot := "") { return ImagePut("cursor", image, xHotspot, yHotspot) } ; Puts the image onto a device context and returns the handle. ; alpha - Alpha Replacement Color | RGB -> 0xFFFFFF ImagePutDC(image, alpha := "") { return ImagePut("dc", image, alpha) } ; Puts the image behind the desktop icons and returns the string "desktop". ImagePutDesktop(image) { return ImagePut("desktop", image) } ; Puts the image as an encoded format into a binary data object. ; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff ; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100 ImagePutEncodedBuffer(image, extension := "", quality := "") { return ImagePut("EncodedBuffer", image, extension, quality) } ; Puts the image into the most recently active explorer window. ImagePutExplorer(image, default := "") { return ImagePut("explorer", image, default) } ; Puts the image into a file and returns its filepath. ; filepath - Filepath + Extension | string -> *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.tiff ; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100 ImagePutFile(image, filepath := "", quality := "") { return ImagePut("file", image, filepath, quality) } ; Puts the image into a multipart/form-data in binary and returns a SafeArray COM Object. ; boundary - Content-Type | string -> multipart/form-data; boundary=something ImagePutFormData(image, boundary := "--ImagePut abc 321 xyz--") { return ImagePut("formdata", image, boundary) } ; Puts the image into a device independent bitmap and returns the handle. ; alpha - Alpha Replacement Color | RGB -> 0xFFFFFF ImagePutHBitmap(image, alpha := "") { return ImagePut("hBitmap", image, alpha) } ; Puts the image into a file format and returns a hexadecimal encoded string. ; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff ; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100 ImagePutHex(image, extension := "", quality := "") { return ImagePut("hex", image, extension, quality) } ; Puts the image into an icon and returns the handle. ImagePutHIcon(image) { return ImagePut("hIcon", image) } ; Puts the image into a file format and returns a pointer to a RandomAccessStream. ; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff ; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100 ImagePutRandomAccessStream(image, extension := "", quality := "") { return ImagePut("RandomAccessStream", image, extension, quality) } ; Puts the image into a file format and returns a SafeArray COM Object. ; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff ; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100 ImagePutSafeArray(image, extension := "", quality := "") { return ImagePut("safeArray", image, extension, quality) } ; Puts the image on the shared screen device context and returns an array of coordinates. ; screenshot - Screen Coordinates | array -> [x,y,w,h] or [0,0] ; alpha - Alpha Replacement Color | RGB -> 0xFFFFFF ImagePutScreenshot(image, screenshot := "", alpha := "") { return ImagePut("screenshot", image, screenshot, alpha) } ; Puts the image into a file mapping and returns a buffer object sharable across processes. ; name - Global Name | string -> "Alice" ImagePutSharedBuffer(image, name := "") { return ImagePut("SharedBuffer", image, name) } ; Puts the image into a file format and returns a pointer to a stream. ; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff ; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100 ImagePutStream(image, extension := "", quality := "") { return ImagePut("stream", image, extension, quality) } ; Puts the image into a file format and returns a URI string. ; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff ; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100 ImagePutURI(image, extension := "", quality := "") { return ImagePut("uri", image, extension, quality) } ; Puts the image as the desktop wallpaper and returns the string "wallpaper". ImagePutWallpaper(image) { return ImagePut("wallpaper", image) } ; Puts the image into a WICBitmap and returns the pointer to the interface. ImagePutWICBitmap(image) { return ImagePut("wicBitmap", image) } ; Puts the image in a window and returns a handle to a window. ; title - Window Title | string -> MyTitle ; pos - Window Coordinates | array -> [x,y,w,h] or [0,0] ; style - Window Style | uint -> WS_VISIBLE ; styleEx - Window Extended Style | uint -> WS_EX_LAYERED ; parent - Window Parent | ptr -> hwnd ; playback - Animate Window? | bool -> True ; cache - Cache Animation Frames? | bool -> False ImagePutWindow(image, title := "", pos := "", style := 0x82C80000, styleEx := 0x9, parent := "", playback := True, cache := False) { return ImagePut("window", image, title, pos, style, styleEx, parent, playback, cache) } ; title - Window Title | string -> MyTitle ; pos - Window Coordinates | array -> [x,y,w,h] or [0,0] ; style - Window Style | uint -> WS_VISIBLE ; styleEx - Window Extended Style | uint -> WS_EX_LAYERED ; parent - Window Parent | ptr -> hwnd ; playback - Animate Window? | bool -> True ; cache - Cache Animation Frames? | bool -> False ImageShow(image, title := "", pos := "", style := 0x90000000, styleEx := 0x80088, parent := "", playback := True, cache := False) { return ImagePut("show", image, title, pos, style, styleEx, parent, playback, cache) } ImageDestroy(image) { return ImagePut.Destroy.call(image) } ImageWidth(image) { return ImagePut.Dimensions(image)[1] } ImageHeight(image) { return ImagePut.Dimensions(image)[2] } ImagePut(cotype, image, p*) { return ImagePut.call(cotype, image, p*) } ImageEqual(images*) { return ImageEqual.call(images*) } class ImagePut { static decode := False ; Decompresses image to a pixel buffer. Any encoding such as JPG will be lost. static render := True ; Determines whether vectorized formats such as SVG and PDF are rendered to pixels. static validate := False ; Always copies pixels to new memory immediately instead of copy-on-read/write. call(cotype, image, p*) { ; Start! this.gdiplusStartup() ; Take a guess as to what the image might be. (>95% accuracy!) try type := this.DontVerifyImageType(image, keywords) catch type := this.ImageType(image) ; Extract options to be directly applied the intermediate representation here. crop := keywords.HasKey("crop") ? keywords.crop : "" scale := keywords.HasKey("scale") ? keywords.scale : "" upscale := keywords.HasKey("upscale") ? keywords.upscale : "" downscale := keywords.HasKey("downscale") ? keywords.downscale : "" sprite := keywords.HasKey("sprite") ? keywords.sprite : "" decode := keywords.HasKey("decode") ? keywords.decode : this.decode render := keywords.HasKey("render") ? keywords.render : this.render validate := keywords.HasKey("validate") ? keywords.validate : this.validate ; Keywords are for (input -> intermediate). try index := keywords.index cleanup := "" ; #1 - Stream as the intermediate representation. try stream := this.ImageToStream(type, image, keywords) catch e if (e.Message ~= "^Conversion from") goto make_bitmap else throw if not stream throw Exception("Stream cannot be zero.") ; Check the file signature for magic numbers. stream: DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Size", "ptr", stream, "uint64*", size:=0, "uint") DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Reset", "ptr", stream, "uint") ; 2048 characters should be good enough to identify the file correctly. size := min(size, 2048) VarSetCapacity(bin, size) ; Get the first few bytes of the image. DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Read", "ptr", stream, "ptr", &bin, "uint", size, "uint") DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Reset", "ptr", stream, "uint") ; Allocate enough space for a hexadecimal string with spaces interleaved and a null terminator. length := 2*size + (size-1) + 1 VarSetCapacity(str, length * (A_IsUnicode?2:1)) ; Lift the binary representation to hex. flags := 0x40000004 ; CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF | CRYPT_STRING_HEX DllCall("crypt32\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr", &bin, "uint", size, "uint", flags, "str", str, "uint*", length) ; Determine the extension using herustics. See: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org extension := 0 ? "" : str ~= "(?i)66 74 79 70 61 76 69 66" ? "avif" ; ftypavif : str ~= "(?i)^42 4d (.. ){36}00 00 .. 00 00 00" ? "bmp" ; BM : str ~= "(?i)^01 00 00 00 (.. ){36}20 45 4D 46" ? "emf" ; emf : str ~= "(?i)^47 49 46 38 (37|39) 61" ? "gif" ; GIF87a or GIF89a : str ~= "(?i)66 74 79 70 68 65 69 63" ? "heic" ; ftypheic : str ~= "(?i)^00 00 01 00" ? "ico" : str ~= "(?i)^ff d8 ff" ? "jpg" : str ~= "(?i)^25 50 44 46 2d" ? "pdf" ; %PDF- : str ~= "(?i)^89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a" ? "png" ; PNG : str ~= "(?i)^(((?!3c|3e).. )|3c (3f|21) ((?!3c|3e).. )*3e )*+3c 73 76 67" ? "svg" ; = 0 && image <= MonitorGetCount) return "Monitor" ; A "desktop" is a hidden window behind the desktop icons created by ImagePutDesktop. if (image = "desktop") return "Desktop" ; A "wallpaper" is the desktop wallpaper. if (image = "wallpaper") return "Wallpaper" ; A "cursor" is the name of a known cursor name. if (image ~= "(?i)^A_Cursor|Unknown|(IDC_)?(AppStarting|Arrow|Cross|Hand(writing)?|" . "Help|IBeam|No|Pin|Person|SizeAll|SizeNESW|SizeNS|SizeNWSE|SizeWE|UpArrow|Wait)$") return "Cursor" ; A "url" satisfies the url format. if this.IsUrl(image) return "Url" ; A "file" is stored on the disk or network. if FileExist(image) return "File" ; A "window" is anything considered a Window Title including ahk_class and "A". if WinExist(image) || DllCall("IsWindow", "ptr", image) return "Window" ; A "sharedbuffer" is a file mapping kernel object. if DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", DllCall("OpenFileMapping", "uint", 2, "int", 0, "str", image, "ptr")) return "SharedBuffer" ; A "hex" string is binary image data encoded into text using hexadecimal. if (StrLen(image) >= 48) && (image ~= "^\s*(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})*+\s*$") return "Hex" ; A "base64" string is binary image data encoded into text using standard 64 characters. if (StrLen(image) >= 32) && (image ~= "^\s*(?:data:image\/[a-z]+;base64,)?" . "(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*+(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}==)?\s*$") return "Base64" ; For more helpful error messages: Catch file names without extensions! if not (image ~= "^-?\d+$") { for i, extension in ["bmp","dib","rle","jpg","jpeg","jpe","jfif","gif","tif","tiff","png","ico","exe","dll"] if FileExist(image "." extension) throw Exception("A ." extension " file extension is required!", -4) goto end } handle: ; A "dc" is a handle to a GDI device context. if (DllCall("GetObjectType", "ptr", image, "uint") == 3 || DllCall("GetObjectType", "ptr", image, "uint") == 10) return "DC" ; An "hBitmap" is a handle to a GDI Bitmap. if (DllCall("GetObjectType", "ptr", image, "uint") == 7) return "HBitmap" ; An "hIcon" is a handle to a GDI icon. if DllCall("DestroyIcon", "ptr", DllCall("CopyIcon", "ptr", image, "ptr")) return "HIcon" ; Check if image is a pointer. If not, crash and do not recover. ("POINTER IS BAD AND PROGRAM IS CRASH") && NumGet(image+0, "char") ; A "bitmap" is a pointer to a GDI+ Bitmap. GdiplusStartup exception is caught above. try if !DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageType", "ptr", image, "ptr*", _type:=0) && (_type == 1) return "Bitmap" ; Note 1: All GDI+ functions add 1 to the reference count of COM objects on 64-bit systems. ; Note 2: GDI+ pBitmaps that are queried cease to stay pBitmaps. ; Note 3: Critical error for ranges 0-4095 on v1 and 0-65535 on v2. (A_PtrSize == 8) && ObjRelease(image) ; Therefore do not move this, it has been tested. pointer: ; A "stream" is a pointer to the IStream interface. try if ComObjQuery(image, "{0000000C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") return "Stream", ObjRelease(image) ; A "randomaccessstream" is a pointer to the IRandomAccessStream interface. try if ComObjQuery(image, "{905A0FE1-BC53-11DF-8C49-001E4FC686DA}") return "RandomAccessStream", ObjRelease(image) ; A "wicbitmap" is a pointer to a IWICBitmapSource. try if ComObjQuery(image, "{00000120-A8F2-4877-BA0A-FD2B6645FB94}") return "WicBitmap", ObjRelease(image) ; A "d2dbitmap" is a pointer to a ID2D1Bitmap. try if ComObjQuery(image, "{A2296057-EA42-4099-983B-539FB6505426}") return "D2dBitmap", ObjRelease(image) end: throw Exception("Image type could not be identified.") } ImageToBitmap(type, image, keywords := "") { try index := keywords.index if (type = "ClipboardPng") return this.ClipboardPngToBitmap() if (type = "Clipboard") return this.ClipboardToBitmap() if (type = "SafeArray") return this.SafeArrayToBitmap(image) if (type = "Screenshot") return this.ScreenshotToBitmap(image) if (type = "Window") return this.WindowToBitmap(image) if (type = "Object") return this.BitmapToBitmap(image.pBitmap) if (type = "EncodedBuffer") return this.EncodedBufferToBitmap(image) if (type = "Buffer") return this.BufferToBitmap(image) if (type = "SharedBuffer") return this.SharedBufferToBitmap(image) if (type = "Monitor") return this.MonitorToBitmap(image) if (type = "Desktop") return this.DesktopToBitmap() if (type = "Wallpaper") return this.WallpaperToBitmap() if (type = "Cursor") return this.CursorToBitmap() if (type = "Url") return this.UrlToBitmap(image) if (type = "File") return this.FileToBitmap(image) if (type = "Hex") return this.HexToBitmap(image) if (type = "Base64") return this.Base64ToBitmap(image) if (type = "DC") return this.DCToBitmap(image) if (type = "HBitmap") return this.HBitmapToBitmap(image) if (type = "HIcon") return this.HIconToBitmap(image) if (type = "Bitmap") return this.BitmapToBitmap(image) if (type = "Stream") return this.StreamToBitmap(image) if (type = "RandomAccessStream") return this.RandomAccessStreamToBitmap(image) if (type = "WicBitmap") return this.WicBitmapToBitmap(image) if (type = "D2dBitmap") return this.D2dBitmapToBitmap(image) throw Exception("Conversion from " type " to bitmap is not supported.") } BitmapToCoimage(cotype, pBitmap, p1:="", p2:="", p3:="", p4:="", p5:="", p6:="", p7:="", p*) { if (cotype = "Clipboard") ; (pBitmap) return this.BitmapToClipboard(pBitmap) if (cotype = "Screenshot") ; (pBitmap, pos, alpha) return this.BitmapToScreenshot(pBitmap, p1, p2) if (cotype = "Window") ; (pBitmap, title, pos, style, styleEx, parent, playback, cache) return this.BitmapToWindow(pBitmap, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7) if (cotype = "Show") ; (pBitmap, title, pos, style, styleEx, parent, playback, cache) return this.Show(pBitmap, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7) if (cotype = "EncodedBuffer") ; (pBitmap, extension, quality) return this.BitmapToEncodedBuffer(pBitmap, p1, p2) if (cotype = "Buffer") ; (pBitmap) return this.BitmapToBuffer(pBitmap) if (cotype = "SharedBuffer") ; (pBitmap, name) return this.BitmapToSharedBuffer(pBitmap, p1) if (cotype = "Desktop") ; (pBitmap) return this.BitmapToDesktop(pBitmap) if (cotype = "Wallpaper") ; (pBitmap) return this.BitmapToWallpaper(pBitmap) if (cotype = "Cursor") ; (pBitmap, xHotspot, yHotspot) return this.BitmapToCursor(pBitmap, p1, p2) if (cotype = "Url") ; (pBitmap) return this.BitmapToUrl(pBitmap) if (cotype = "File") ; (pBitmap, filepath, quality) return this.BitmapToFile(pBitmap, p1, p2) if (cotype = "Hex") ; (pBitmap, extension, quality) return this.BitmapToHex(pBitmap, p1, p2) if (cotype = "Base64") ; (pBitmap, extension, quality) return this.BitmapToBase64(pBitmap, p1, p2) if (cotype = "Uri") ; (pBitmap, extension, quality) return this.BitmapToUri(pBitmap, p1, p2) if (cotype = "DC") ; (pBitmap, alpha) return this.BitmapToDC(pBitmap, p1) if (cotype = "HBitmap") ; (pBitmap, alpha) return this.BitmapToHBitmap(pBitmap, p1) if (cotype = "HIcon") ; (pBitmap) return this.BitmapToHIcon(pBitmap) if (cotype = "Bitmap") return pBitmap if (cotype = "Stream") ; (pBitmap, extension, quality) return this.BitmapToStream(pBitmap, p1, p2) if (cotype = "RandomAccessStream") ; (pBitmap, extension, quality) return this.BitmapToRandomAccessStream(pBitmap, p1, p2) if (cotype = "WicBitmap") ; (pBitmap) return this.BitmapToWicBitmap(pBitmap) if (cotype = "Explorer") ; (pBitmap, default) return this.BitmapToExplorer(pBitmap, p1) if (cotype = "SafeArray") ; (pBitmap, extension, quality) return this.BitmapToSafeArray(pBitmap, p1, p2) if (cotype = "FormData") ; (pBitmap, boundary, extension, quality) return this.BitmapToFormData(pBitmap, p1, p2, p3) throw Exception("Conversion from bitmap to " cotype " is not supported.") } ImageToStream(type, image, keywords := "") { try index := keywords.index if (type = "ClipboardPng") return this.ClipboardPngToStream() if (type = "SafeArray") return this.SafeArrayToStream(image) if (type = "EncodedBuffer") return this.EncodedBufferToStream(image) if (type = "Url") return this.UrlToStream(image) if (type = "File") return this.FileToStream(image) if (type = "Hex") return this.HexToStream(image) if (type = "Base64") return this.Base64ToStream(image) if (type = "Stream") return this.StreamToStream(image) if (type = "RandomAccessStream") return this.RandomAccessStreamToStream(image) throw Exception("Conversion from " type " to stream is not supported.") } StreamToCoimage(cotype, stream, p1 := "", p2 := "", p*) { if (cotype = "Clipboard") ; (stream) return this.StreamToClipboard(stream) if (cotype = "EncodedBuffer") ; (stream) return this.StreamToEncodedBuffer(stream) if (cotype = "File") ; (stream, filepath) return this.StreamToFile(stream, p1) if (cotype = "Hex") ; (stream) return this.StreamToHex(stream) if (cotype = "Base64") ; (stream) return this.StreamToBase64(stream) if (cotype = "Uri") ; (stream) return this.StreamToUri(stream) if (cotype = "Stream") return stream if (cotype = "RandomAccessStream") ; (stream) return this.StreamToRandomAccessStream(stream) if (cotype = "Explorer") ; (stream, default) return this.StreamToExplorer(stream, p1) if (cotype = "SafeArray") ; (stream) return this.StreamToSafeArray(stream) if (cotype = "FormData") ; (stream, boundary) return this.StreamToFormData(stream, p1) throw Exception("Conversion from stream to " cotype " is not supported.") } BitmapCrop(ByRef pBitmap, crop) { if not (IsObject(crop) && crop[1] ~= "^-?\d+(\.\d*)?%?$" && crop[2] ~= "^-?\d+(\.\d*)?%?$" && crop[3] ~= "^-?\d+(\.\d*)?%?$" && crop[4] ~= "^-?\d+(\.\d*)?%?$") throw Exception("Invalid crop.") ; Get Bitmap width, height, and format. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "ptr", pBitmap, "int*", format:=0) ; Abstraction Shift. ; Previously, real values depended on abstract values. ; Now, real values have been resolved, and abstract values depend on reals. ; Are the numbers percentages? (crop[1] ~= "%$") && crop[1] := SubStr(crop[1], 1, -1) * 0.01 * width (crop[2] ~= "%$") && crop[2] := SubStr(crop[2], 1, -1) * 0.01 * height (crop[3] ~= "%$") && crop[3] := SubStr(crop[3], 1, -1) * 0.01 * width (crop[4] ~= "%$") && crop[4] := SubStr(crop[4], 1, -1) * 0.01 * height ; If numbers are negative, subtract the values from the edge. crop[1] := Abs(crop[1]) crop[2] := Abs(crop[2]) crop[3] := (crop[3] < 0) ? width - Abs(crop[3]) - Abs(crop[1]) : crop[3] crop[4] := (crop[4] < 0) ? height - Abs(crop[4]) - Abs(crop[2]) : crop[4] ; Round to the nearest integer. Reminder: width and height are distances, not coordinates. crop[1] := Round(crop[1]) crop[2] := Round(crop[2]) crop[3] := Round(crop[1] + crop[3]) - Round(crop[1]) crop[4] := Round(crop[2] + crop[4]) - Round(crop[2]) ; Avoid cropping if no changes are detected. if (crop[1] = 0 && crop[2] = 0 && crop[3] == width && crop[4] == height) return pBitmap ; Minimum size is 1 x 1. Ensure that coordinates can never exceed the expected Bitmap area. safe_x := (crop[1] >= width) safe_y := (crop[2] >= height) safe_w := (crop[3] <= 0 || crop[1] + crop[3] > width) safe_h := (crop[4] <= 0 || crop[2] + crop[4] > height) ; Abort cropping if any of the changes would exceed a safe bound. if (safe_x || safe_y || safe_w || safe_h) return pBitmap ; Clone and retain a reference to the backing stream. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneBitmapAreaI" , "int", crop[1] , "int", crop[2] , "int", crop[3] , "int", crop[4] , "int", format , "ptr", pBitmap , "ptr*", pBitmapCrop:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap) return pBitmap := pBitmapCrop } BitmapScale(ByRef pBitmap, scale, direction := 0) { if not (IsObject(scale) && ((scale[1] ~= "^\d+$") || (scale[2] ~= "^\d+$")) || (scale ~= "^\d+(\.\d+)?$")) throw Exception("Invalid scale.") ; Get Bitmap width, height, and format. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "ptr", pBitmap, "int*", format:=0) if IsObject(scale) { safe_w := (scale[1] ~= "^\d+$") ? scale[1] : Round(width / height * scale[2]) safe_h := (scale[2] ~= "^\d+$") ? scale[2] : Round(height / width * scale[1]) } else { safe_w := Ceil(width * scale) safe_h := Ceil(height * scale) } ; Avoid drawing if no changes detected. if (safe_w = width && safe_h = height) return pBitmap ; Force upscaling. if (direction > 0 and (safe_w < width && safe_h < height)) return pBitmap ; Force downscaling. if (direction < 0 and (safe_w > width && safe_h > height)) return pBitmap ; Create a destination GDI+ Bitmap that owns its memory. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0" , "int", safe_w, "int", safe_h, "int", 0, "int", format, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmapScale:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageGraphicsContext", "ptr", pBitmapScale, "ptr*", pGraphics:=0) ; Set settings in graphics context. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPixelOffsetMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 2) ; Half pixel offset. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetCompositingMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 1) ; Overwrite/SourceCopy. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetInterpolationMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 7) ; HighQualityBicubic ; Draw Image. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateImageAttributes", "ptr*", ImageAttr:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode", "ptr", ImageAttr, "int", 3, "uint", 0, "int", 0) ; WrapModeTileFlipXY DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawImageRectRectI" , "ptr", pGraphics , "ptr", pBitmap , "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", safe_w, "int", safe_h ; destination rectangle , "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height ; source rectangle , "int", 2 , "ptr", ImageAttr , "ptr", 0 , "ptr", 0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImageAttributes", "ptr", ImageAttr) ; Clean up the graphics context. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "ptr", pGraphics) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap) return pBitmap := pBitmapScale } BitmapSprite(ByRef pBitmap) { ; Get Bitmap width and height. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0) ; Create a pixel buffer. VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16 NumPut( width, Rect, 8, "uint") ; Width NumPut( height, Rect, 12, "uint") ; Height VarSetCapacity(BitmapData, 16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32 DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapLockBits" , "ptr", pBitmap , "ptr", &Rect , "uint", 3 ; ImageLockMode.ReadWrite , "int", 0x26200A ; Format32bppArgb , "ptr", &BitmapData) Scan0 := NumGet(BitmapData, 16, "ptr") ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/nrv5Yr3Y3 static code := 0 if !code { b64 := (A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VYnli0UIi1UMi00QOdBzDzkIdQbHAAAAAACDwATr7V3D" : "SDnRcw9EOQF1BDHAiQFIg8EE6+zD" s64 := StrLen(RTrim(b64, "=")) * 3 // 4 code := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0, "uptr", s64, "ptr") DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", b64, "uint", 0, "uint", 0x1, "ptr", code, "uint*", s64, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) DllCall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", code, "ptr", s64, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0) } ; Sample the top-left pixel and set all matching pixels to be transparent. DllCall(code, "ptr", Scan0, "ptr", Scan0 + 4*width*height, "uint", NumGet(Scan0+0, "uint"), "cdecl") ; Write pixels to bitmap. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &BitmapData) return pBitmap } IsImage(ptr, size) { ; Shortest possible image is 24 bytes. if (size < 24) return False size := min(size, 2048) length := VarSetCapacity(str, (2*size + (size-1) + 1) * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)) DllCall("crypt32\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr", ptr, "uint", size, "uint", 0x40000004, "str", str, "uint*", length) if str ~= "(?i)66 74 79 70 61 76 69 66" ; "avif" || str ~= "(?i)^42 4d (.. ){36}00 00 .. 00 00 00" ; "bmp" || str ~= "(?i)^01 00 00 00 (.. ){36}20 45 4D 46" ; "emf" || str ~= "(?i)^47 49 46 38 (37|39) 61" ; "gif" || str ~= "(?i)66 74 79 70 68 65 69 63" ; "heic" || str ~= "(?i)^00 00 01 00" ; "ico" || str ~= "(?i)^ff d8 ff" ; "jpg" || str ~= "(?i)^25 50 44 46 2d" ; "pdf" || str ~= "(?i)^89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a" ; "png" || str ~= "(?i)^(((?!3c|3e).. )|3c (3f|21) ((?!3c|3e).. )*3e )*+3c 73 76 67" ; "svg" || str ~= "(?i)^(49 49 2a 00|4d 4d 00 2a)" ; "tif" || str ~= "(?i)^52 49 46 46 .. .. .. .. 57 45 42 50" ; "webp" || str ~= "(?i)^d7 cd c6 9a" ; "wmf" return True return False } IsUrl(url) { ; Thanks dperini - https://gist.github.com/dperini/729294 ; Also see for comparisons: https://mathiasbynens.be/demo/url-regex ; Modified to be compatible with AutoHotkey. \u0000 -> \x{0000}. ; Force the declaration of the protocol because WinHttp requires it. return url ~= "^(?i)" . "(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/)" ; protocol identifier (FORCE) . "(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?" ; user:pass BasicAuth (optional) . "(?:" ; IP address exclusion ; private & local networks . "(?!(?:10|127)(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})" . "(?!(?:169\.254|192\.168)(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})" . "(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})" ; IP address dotted notation octets ; excludes loopback network ; excludes reserved space >= ; excludes network & broadcast addresses ; (first & last IP address of each class) . "(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])" . "(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}" . "(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))" . "|" ; host & domain names, may end with dot ; can be replaced by a shortest alternative ; (?![-_])(?:[-\\w\\u00a1-\\uffff]{0,63}[^-_]\\.)+ . RegExReplace("(?:(?:[a-z0-9\x{00a1}-\x{ffff}][a-z0-9\x{00a1}-\x{ffff}_-]{0,62})?[a-z0-9\x{00a1}-\x{ffff}]\.)+", "ffff", A_IsUnicode ? "ffff" : "ff") ; TLD identifier name, may end with dot . RegExReplace("(?:[a-z\x{00a1}-\x{ffff}]{2,}\.?)", "ffff", A_IsUnicode ? "ffff" : "ff") . ")" . "(?::\d{2,5})?" ; port number (optional) . "(?:[/?#]\S*)?$" ; resource path (optional) } ClipboardToBitmap() { ; Open the clipboard with exponential backoff. loop if DllCall("OpenClipboard", "ptr", A_ScriptHwnd) break else if A_Index < 6 Sleep (2**(A_Index-1) * 30) else throw Exception("Clipboard could not be opened.") ; Check for CF_DIB to retrieve transparent pixels when possible. if DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "uint", 8) if !(handle := DllCall("GetClipboardData", "uint", 8, "ptr")) throw Exception("Shared clipboard data has been deleted.") ; Adjust Scan0 for top-down or bottom-up bitmaps. ptr := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr", handle, "ptr") width := NumGet(ptr + 4, "int") height := NumGet(ptr + 8, "int") bpp := NumGet(ptr + 14, "ushort") stride := ((height < 0) ? 1 : -1) * (width * bpp + 31) // 32 * 4 pBits := ptr + 40 Scan0 := (height < 0) ? pBits : pBits - stride*(height-1) ; Create a destination GDI+ Bitmap that owns its memory. The pixel format is 32-bit ARGB. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0" , "int", width, "int", height, "int", 0, "uint", 0x26200A, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ; Describe the current buffer holding the pixel data. VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16 NumPut( width, Rect, 8, "uint") ; Width NumPut( height, Rect, 12, "uint") ; Height VarSetCapacity(BitmapData, 16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32 NumPut( stride, BitmapData, 8, "int") ; Stride NumPut( Scan0, BitmapData, 16, "ptr") ; Scan0 ; Use LockBits to copy pixel data from an external buffer into the internal GDI+ Bitmap. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapLockBits" , "ptr", pBitmap , "ptr", Rect , "uint", 6 ; ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer | ImageLockMode.WriteOnly , "int", 0x26200A ; Format32bppArgb (external buffer) , "ptr", &BitmapData) ; Contains the pointer to the external buffer. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &BitmapData) DllCall("CloseClipboard") return pBitmap } ClipboardPngToBitmap() { stream := this.ClipboardPngToStream() DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM", "ptr", stream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ObjRelease(stream) return pBitmap } ClipboardPngToStream() { ; Open the clipboard with exponential backoff. loop if DllCall("OpenClipboard", "ptr", A_ScriptHwnd) break else if A_Index < 6 Sleep (2**(A_Index-1) * 30) else throw Exception("Clipboard could not be opened.") png := DllCall("RegisterClipboardFormat", "str", "png", "uint") if !DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "uint", png) throw Exception("Clipboard does not have PNG stream data.") if !(handle := DllCall("GetClipboardData", "uint", png, "ptr")) throw Exception("Shared clipboard PNG has been deleted.") ; Create a new stream from the clipboard data. size := DllCall("GlobalSize", "ptr", handle, "uptr") DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", handle, "int", False, "ptr*", PngStream:=0, "uint") DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", 0, "int", True, "ptr*", stream:=0, "uint") DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Copy", "ptr", PngStream, "ptr", stream, "uint", size, "uint") DllCall("CloseClipboard") return stream } SafeArrayToBitmap(image) { stream := this.SafeArrayToBitmap(image) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM", "ptr", stream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ObjRelease(stream) return pBitmap } SafeArrayToStream(image) { ; Expects a 1-D safe array of bytes. (VT_UI1) size := image.MaxIndex() pvData := NumGet(ComObjValue(image), 8 + A_PtrSize, "ptr") ; Copy data to a new stream. handle := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0x2, "uptr", size, "ptr") ptr := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr", handle, "ptr") DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", ptr, "ptr", pvData, "uptr", size) DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr", handle) DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", handle, "int", True, "ptr*", stream:=0, "uint") return stream } EncodedBufferToBitmap(image) { stream := this.EncodedBufferToStream(image) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM", "ptr", stream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ObjRelease(stream) return pBitmap } EncodedBufferToStream(image) { handle := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0x2, "uptr", image.size, "ptr") ptr := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr", handle, "ptr") DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", ptr, "ptr", image.ptr, "uptr", image.size) DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr", handle) DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", handle, "int", True, "ptr*", stream:=0, "uint") return stream } BufferToBitmap(image) { if image.HasKey("pitch") stride := image.pitch else if image.HasKey("stride") stride := image.stride else if image.HasKey("width") stride := image.width * 4 else if image.HasKey("height") && image.HasKey("size") stride := image.size // image.height else throw Exception("Image buffer is missing a stride or pitch property.") if image.HasKey("height") height := image.height else if stride && image.HasKey("size") height := image.size // stride else if image.HasKey("width") && image.HasKey("size") height := image.size // (4 * image.width) else throw Exception("Image buffer is missing a height property.") if image.HasKey("width") width := image.width else if stride width := stride // 4 else if height && image.HasKey("size") width := image.size // (4 * height) else throw Exception("Image buffer is missing a width property.") ; Could assert a few assumptions, such as stride * height = size. ; However, I'd like for the pointer and its size to be as flexable as possible. ; User is responsible for underflow. ; Check for buffer overflow errors. if image.HasKey("size") && (abs(stride * height) > image.size) throw Exception("Image dimensions exceed the size of the buffer.") ; Create a source GDI+ Bitmap that owns its memory. The pixel format is 32-bit ARGB. if (height > 0) ; top-down bitmap DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", width, "int", height , "int", stride, "int", 0x26200A, "ptr", image.ptr, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) else ; bottom-up bitmap DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", width, "int", height , "int", -stride, "int", 0x26200A, "ptr", image.ptr + (height-1)*stride, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) return pBitmap } ScreenshotToBitmap(image) { ; Thanks tic - https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=6517 ; Allow the image to be a window handle. if !IsObject(image) and WinExist(image) || DllCall("IsWindow", "ptr", image) { try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") image := (hwnd := IsObject(image) ? image.hwnd : WinExist(image)) ? hwnd : image VarSetCapacity(rect, 16, 0) DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", image, "ptr", &rect) DllCall("ClientToScreen", "ptr", image, "ptr", &rect) try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") image := [NumGet(rect, 0, "int"), NumGet(rect, 4, "int"), NumGet(rect, 8, "int"), NumGet(rect, 12, "int")] } ; Adjust coordinates relative to specified window. if image.HasKey(5) && (WinExist(image[5]) || DllCall("IsWindow", "ptr", image[5])) { try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") image[5] := (hwnd := WinExist(image[5])) ? hwnd : image[5] VarSetCapacity(rect, 16, 0) DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", image[5], "ptr", &rect) DllCall("ClientToScreen", "ptr", image[5], "ptr", &rect) try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") image[1] += NumGet(rect, 0, "int") image[2] += NumGet(rect, 4, "int") } ; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40 NumPut( 40, bi, 0, "uint") ; Size NumPut( image[3], bi, 4, "uint") ; Width NumPut(-image[4], bi, 8, "int") ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left. NumPut( 1, bi, 12, "ushort") ; Planes NumPut( 32, bi, 14, "ushort") ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", &bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Retrieve the device context for the screen. sdc := DllCall("GetDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") ; Copies a portion of the screen to a new device context. DllCall("gdi32\BitBlt" , "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", image[3], "int", image[4] , "ptr", sdc, "int", image[1], "int", image[2], "uint", 0x00CC0020 | 0x40000000) ; SRCCOPY | CAPTUREBLT ; Release the device context to the screen. DllCall("ReleaseDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr", sdc) ; Convert the hBitmap to a Bitmap using a built in function as there is no transparency. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", hbm, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts. DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) return pBitmap } WindowToBitmap(image) { ; Thanks tic - https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=6517 ; Get the handle to the window. image := (hwnd := IsObject(image) ? image.hwnd : WinExist(image)) ? hwnd : image ; Test whether keystrokes can be sent to this window using a reserved virtual key code. PostMessage WM_KEYDOWN := 0x100, 0x88,,, % "ahk_id" image if ErrorLevel throw Exception("Administrator privileges are required to capture the window.") PostMessage WM_KEYUP := 0x101, 0x88, 0xC0000000,, % "ahk_id" image ; Restore the window if minimized! Must be visible for capture. if DllCall("IsIconic", "ptr", image) DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr", image, "int", 4) ; Get the width and height of the client window. try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", image, "ptr", &Rect := VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16)) ; sizeof(RECT) = 16 , width := NumGet(Rect, 8, "int") , height := NumGet(Rect, 12, "int") try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") ; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40 NumPut( 40, bi, 0, "uint") ; Size NumPut( width, bi, 4, "uint") ; Width NumPut( -height, bi, 8, "int") ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left. NumPut( 1, bi, 12, "ushort") ; Planes NumPut( 32, bi, 14, "ushort") ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", &bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Print the window onto the hBitmap using an undocumented flag. https://stackoverflow.com/a/40042587 DllCall("user32\PrintWindow", "ptr", image, "ptr", hdc, "uint", 0x3) ; PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT | PW_CLIENTONLY ; Additional info on how this is implemented: https://www.reddit.com/r/windows/comments/8ffr56/altprintscreen/ ; Convert the hBitmap to a Bitmap using a built in function as there is no transparency. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", hbm, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts. DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) return pBitmap } DesktopToBitmap() { ; Find the child window. WinGet windows, List, ahk_class WorkerW if (windows == 0) throw Exception("The hidden desktop window has not been initalized. Call ImagePutDesktop() first.") loop % windows hwnd := windows%A_Index% until DllCall("FindWindowEx", "ptr", hwnd, "ptr", 0, "str", "SHELLDLL_DefView", "ptr", 0) ; Maybe this hack gets patched. Tough luck! if !(WorkerW := DllCall("FindWindowEx", "ptr", 0, "ptr", hwnd, "str", "WorkerW", "ptr", 0, "ptr")) throw Exception("Could not locate hidden window behind desktop.") ; Get the width and height of the client window. try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", WorkerW, "ptr", &Rect := VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16)) ; sizeof(RECT) = 16 , width := NumGet(Rect, 8, "int") , height := NumGet(Rect, 12, "int") try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") ; Get device context of spawned window. sdc := DllCall("GetDCEx", "ptr", WorkerW, "ptr", 0, "int", 0x403, "ptr") ; LockWindowUpdate | Cache | Window ; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40 NumPut( 40, bi, 0, "uint") ; Size NumPut( width, bi, 4, "uint") ; Width NumPut( -height, bi, 8, "int") ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left. NumPut( 1, bi, 12, "ushort") ; Planes NumPut( 32, bi, 14, "ushort") ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", &bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Copies a portion of the hidden window to a new device context. DllCall("gdi32\BitBlt" , "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height , "ptr", sdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x00CC0020) ; SRCCOPY ; Convert the hBitmap to a Bitmap using a built in function as there is no transparency. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", hbm, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts. DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) ; Release device context of spawned window. DllCall("ReleaseDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr", sdc) return pBitmap } WallpaperToBitmap() { ; Get the width and height of all monitors. try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") width := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 78, "int") height := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 79, "int") try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") ; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40 NumPut( 40, bi, 0, "uint") ; Size NumPut( width, bi, 4, "uint") ; Width NumPut( -height, bi, 8, "int") ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left. NumPut( 1, bi, 12, "ushort") ; Planes NumPut( 32, bi, 14, "ushort") ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", &bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Paints the wallpaper. DllCall("user32\PaintDesktop", "ptr", hdc) ; Convert the hBitmap to a Bitmap using a built in function as there is no transparency. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", hbm, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts. DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) return pBitmap } CursorToBitmap() { ; Thanks 23W - https://stackoverflow.com/a/13295280 ; struct CURSORINFO - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/ns-winuser-cursorinfo VarSetCapacity(ci, size := 16+A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(CURSORINFO) = 20, 24 NumPut(size, ci, "int") DllCall("GetCursorInfo", "ptr", &ci) ; cShow := NumGet(ci, 4, "int") ; 0x1 = CURSOR_SHOWING, 0x2 = CURSOR_SUPPRESSED , hCursor := NumGet(ci, 8, "ptr") ; xCursor := NumGet(ci, 8+A_PtrSize, "int") ; yCursor := NumGet(ci, 12+A_PtrSize, "int") ; Cursors are the same as icons! pBitmap := this.HIconToBitmap(hCursor) ; Cleanup the handle to the cursor. Same as DestroyIcon. DllCall("DestroyCursor", "ptr", hCursor) return pBitmap } UrlToBitmap(image) { stream := this.UrlToStream(image) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM", "ptr", stream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ObjRelease(stream) return pBitmap } UrlToStream(image) { req := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") req.Open("GET", image, True) req.Send() req.WaitForResponse() stream := ComObjQuery(req.ResponseStream, "{0000000C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") return stream } FileToBitmap(image) { stream := this.FileToStream(image) ; Faster than GdipCreateBitmapFromFile and does not lock the file. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM", "ptr", stream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ObjRelease(stream) return pBitmap } FileToStream(image) { file := FileOpen(image, "r") file.pos := 0 handle := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0x2, "uptr", file.length, "ptr") ptr := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr", handle, "ptr") file.RawRead(ptr+0, file.length) DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr", handle) file.Close() DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", handle, "int", True, "ptr*", stream:=0, "uint") return stream } HexToBitmap(image) { stream := this.HexToStream(image) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM", "ptr", stream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ObjRelease(stream) return pBitmap } HexToStream(image) { ; Trim whitespace and remove hexadecimal indicator. image := Trim(image) image := RegExReplace(image, "^(0[xX])") ; Retrieve the size of bytes from the length of the hex string. size := StrLen(image) / 2 handle := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0x2, "uptr", size, "ptr") bin := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr", handle, "ptr") ; Place the decoded hex string into a binary buffer. flags := 0xC ; CRYPT_STRING_HEXRAW DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", image, "uint", 0, "uint", flags, "ptr", bin, "uint*", size, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) ; Returns a stream that release the handle on ObjRelease(). DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr", handle) DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", handle, "int", True, "ptr*", stream:=0, "uint") return stream } Base64ToBitmap(image) { stream := this.Base64ToStream(image) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM", "ptr", stream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ObjRelease(stream) return pBitmap } Base64ToStream(image) { ; Trim whitespace and remove mime type. image := Trim(image) image := RegExReplace(image, "(?i)^data:image\/[a-z]+;base64,") ; Retrieve the size of bytes from the length of the base64 string. size := StrLen(RTrim(image, "=")) * 3 // 4 handle := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0x2, "uptr", size, "ptr") bin := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr", handle, "ptr") ; Place the decoded base64 string into a binary buffer. flags := 0x1 ; CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", image, "uint", 0, "uint", flags, "ptr", bin, "uint*", size, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) ; Returns a stream that release the handle on ObjRelease(). DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr", handle) DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", handle, "int", True, "ptr*", stream:=0, "uint") return stream } MonitorToBitmap(image) { try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") if (image > 0) { SysGet _, Monitor, % image x := _Left y := _Top w := _Right - _Left h := _Bottom - _Top } else { x := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 76, "int") y := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 77, "int") w := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 78, "int") h := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 79, "int") } try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") return this.ScreenshotToBitmap([x,y,w,h]) } DCToBitmap(image) { ; An application cannot select a single bitmap into more than one DC at a time. if !(sbm := DllCall("GetCurrentObject", "ptr", image, "uint", 7)) throw Exception("The device context has no bitmap selected.") ; struct DIBSECTION - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-dibsection ; struct BITMAP - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmap VarSetCapacity(dib, size := 64+5*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(DIBSECTION) = 84, 104 DllCall("GetObject", "ptr", sbm, "int", size, "ptr", &dib) , width := NumGet(dib, 4, "uint") , height := NumGet(dib, 8, "uint") , bpp := NumGet(dib, 18, "ushort") , pBits := NumGet(dib, A_PtrSize = 4 ? 20:24, "ptr") ; Fallback to built-in method if pixels are not 32-bit ARGB or hBitmap is a device dependent bitmap. if (pBits = 0 || bpp != 32) { ; This built-in version is 120% faster but ignores transparency. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", sbm, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) return pBitmap } ; Create a device independent bitmap with negative height. All DIBs use the screen pixel format (pARGB). ; Use hbm to buffer the image such that top-down and bottom-up images are mapped to this top-down buffer. ; pBits is the pointer to (top-down) pixel values. The Scan0 will point to the pBits. ; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40 NumPut( 40, bi, 0, "uint") ; Size NumPut( width, bi, 4, "uint") ; Width NumPut( -height, bi, 8, "int") ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left. NumPut( 1, bi, 12, "ushort") ; Planes NumPut( 32, bi, 14, "ushort") ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", &bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Create a destination GDI+ Bitmap that owns its memory to receive the final converted pixels. The pixel format is 32-bit ARGB. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0" , "int", width, "int", height, "int", 0, "int", 0x26200A, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ; Create a Scan0 buffer pointing to pBits. The buffer has pixel format pARGB. VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16 NumPut( width, Rect, 8, "uint") ; Width NumPut( height, Rect, 12, "uint") ; Height VarSetCapacity(BitmapData, 16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32 NumPut( 4 * width, BitmapData, 8, "int") ; Stride NumPut( pBits, BitmapData, 16, "ptr") ; Scan0 ; Use LockBits to create a writable buffer that converts pARGB to ARGB. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapLockBits" , "ptr", pBitmap , "ptr", &Rect , "uint", 6 ; ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer | ImageLockMode.WriteOnly , "int", 0xE200B ; Format32bppPArgb , "ptr", &BitmapData) ; Contains the pointer (pBits) to the hbm. ; Copies the image (hBitmap) to a top-down bitmap. Removes bottom-up-ness if present. DllCall("gdi32\BitBlt" , "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height , "ptr", image, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x00CC0020) ; SRCCOPY ; Convert the pARGB pixels copied into the device independent bitmap (hbm) to ARGB. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &BitmapData) ; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts. DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) return pBitmap } HBitmapToBitmap(image) { ; struct DIBSECTION - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-dibsection ; struct BITMAP - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmap VarSetCapacity(dib, size := 64+5*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(DIBSECTION) = 84, 104 DllCall("GetObject", "ptr", image, "int", size, "ptr", &dib) , width := NumGet(dib, 4, "uint") , height := NumGet(dib, 8, "uint") , bpp := NumGet(dib, 18, "ushort") , pBits := NumGet(dib, A_PtrSize = 4 ? 20:24, "ptr") ; Fallback to built-in method if pixels are not 32-bit ARGB or hBitmap is a device dependent bitmap. if (pBits = 0 || bpp != 32) { ; This built-in version is 120% faster but ignores transparency. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", image, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) return pBitmap } ; Create a device independent bitmap with negative height. All DIBs use the screen pixel format (pARGB). ; Use hbm to buffer the image such that top-down and bottom-up images are mapped to this top-down buffer. ; pBits is the pointer to (top-down) pixel values. The Scan0 will point to the pBits. ; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40 NumPut( 40, bi, 0, "uint") ; Size NumPut( width, bi, 4, "uint") ; Width NumPut( -height, bi, 8, "int") ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left. NumPut( 1, bi, 12, "ushort") ; Planes NumPut( 32, bi, 14, "ushort") ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", &bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Create a destination GDI+ Bitmap that owns its memory to receive the final converted pixels. The pixel format is 32-bit ARGB. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0" , "int", width, "int", height, "int", 0, "int", 0x26200A, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ; Create a Scan0 buffer pointing to pBits. The buffer has pixel format pARGB. VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16 NumPut( width, Rect, 8, "uint") ; Width NumPut( height, Rect, 12, "uint") ; Height VarSetCapacity(BitmapData, 16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32 NumPut( 4 * width, BitmapData, 8, "int") ; Stride NumPut( pBits, BitmapData, 16, "ptr") ; Scan0 ; Use LockBits to create a copy-from buffer on pBits that converts pARGB to ARGB. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapLockBits" , "ptr", pBitmap , "ptr", &Rect , "uint", 6 ; ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer | ImageLockMode.WriteOnly , "int", 0xE200B ; Format32bppPArgb , "ptr", &BitmapData) ; Contains the pointer (pBits) to the hbm. ; If the source image cannot be selected onto a device context BitBlt cannot be used. sdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") ; Creates a memory DC compatible with the current screen. old := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", sdc, "ptr", image, "ptr") ; Returns 0 on failure. ; Copies the image (hBitmap) to a top-down bitmap. Removes bottom-up-ness if present. if (old) ; Using BitBlt is about 10% faster than GetDIBits. DllCall("gdi32\BitBlt" , "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height , "ptr", sdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x00CC0020) ; SRCCOPY else ; If already selected onto a device context... DllCall("GetDIBits", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", image, "uint", 0, "uint", height, "ptr", pBits, "ptr", &bi, "uint", 0) ; The stock bitmap (obm) can never be leaked. DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", sdc, "ptr", obm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", sdc) ; Write the pARGB pixels from the device independent bitmap (hbm) to the ARGB pBitmap. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &BitmapData) ; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts. DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) return pBitmap } HIconToBitmap(image) { ; struct ICONINFO - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/ns-winuser-iconinfo VarSetCapacity(ii, 8+3*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(ICONINFO) = 20, 32 DllCall("GetIconInfo", "ptr", image, "ptr", &ii) ; xHotspot := NumGet(ii, 4, "uint") ; yHotspot := NumGet(ii, 8, "uint") , hbmMask := NumGet(ii, 8+A_PtrSize, "ptr") ; 12, 16 , hbmColor := NumGet(ii, 8+2*A_PtrSize, "ptr") ; 16, 24 ; struct BITMAP - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmap VarSetCapacity(bm, size := 16+2*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(BITMAP) = 24, 32 DllCall("GetObject", "ptr", hbmMask, "int", size, "ptr", &bm) , width := NumGet(bm, 4, "uint") , height := NumGet(bm, 8, "uint") / (hbmColor ? 1 : 2) ; Black and White cursors have doubled height. ; Clean up these hBitmaps. DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbmMask) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbmColor) ; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40 NumPut( 40, bi, 0, "uint") ; Size NumPut( width, bi, 4, "uint") ; Width NumPut( -height, bi, 8, "int") ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left. NumPut( 1, bi, 12, "ushort") ; Planes NumPut( 32, bi, 14, "ushort") ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", &bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Create a destination GDI+ Bitmap that owns its memory to receive the final converted pixels. The pixel format is 32-bit ARGB. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0" , "int", width, "int", height, "int", 0, "int", 0x26200A, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ; Create a Scan0 buffer pointing to pBits. The buffer has pixel format pARGB. VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16 NumPut( width, Rect, 8, "uint") ; Width NumPut( height, Rect, 12, "uint") ; Height VarSetCapacity(BitmapData, 16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32 NumPut( 4 * width, BitmapData, 8, "int") ; Stride NumPut( pBits, BitmapData, 16, "ptr") ; Scan0 ; Use LockBits to create a writable buffer that converts pARGB to ARGB. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapLockBits" , "ptr", pBitmap , "ptr", &Rect , "uint", 6 ; ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer | ImageLockMode.WriteOnly , "int", 0xE200B ; Format32bppPArgb , "ptr", &BitmapData) ; Contains the pointer (pBits) to the hbm. ; Don't use DI_DEFAULTSIZE to draw the icon like DrawIcon does as it will resize to 32 x 32. DllCall("user32\DrawIconEx" , "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0 , "ptr", image, "int", 0, "int", 0 , "uint", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0x1 | 0x2 | 0x4) ; DI_MASK | DI_IMAGE | DI_COMPAT ; Convert the pARGB pixels copied into the device independent bitmap (hbm) to ARGB. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &BitmapData) ; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts. DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) return pBitmap } BitmapToBitmap(image) { ; Clone and retain a reference to the backing stream. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneImage", "ptr", image, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) return pBitmap } StreamToBitmap(image) { stream := this.StreamToStream(image) ; Below adds +3 references and seeks to 4096. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM", "ptr", stream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ObjRelease(stream) return pBitmap } StreamToStream(image) { ; Creates a new, separate stream. Necessary to separate reference counting through a clone. DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(image+0)+A_PtrSize* 13), "ptr", image, "ptr*", stream:=0) ; Ensures that a duplicated stream does not inherit the original seek position. DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Reset", "ptr", stream, "uint") return stream } RandomAccessStreamToBitmap(image) { stream := this.RandomAccessStreamToStream(image) ; Below adds +3 to the reference count. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM", "ptr", stream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ObjRelease(stream) return pBitmap } RandomAccessStreamToStream(image) { ; Since an IStream returned from CreateStreamOverRandomAccessStream shares a reference count ; with the internal IStream of the RandomAccessStream, clone it so that reference counting begins anew. VarSetCapacity(IID_IStream, 16) DllCall("ole32\IIDFromString", "wstr", "{0000000C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", "ptr", &IID_IStream, "uint") DllCall("shcore\CreateStreamOverRandomAccessStream", "ptr", image, "ptr", &IID_IStream, "ptr*", stream:=0, "uint") DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(stream+0)+A_PtrSize* 13), "ptr", stream, "ptr*", ClonedStream:=0) return ClonedStream } WicBitmapToBitmap(image) { DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(image+0)+A_PtrSize* 3), "ptr", image, "uint*", width:=0, "uint*", height:=0) ; Create a destination GDI+ Bitmap that owns its memory. The pixel format is 32-bit ARGB. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0" , "int", width, "int", height, "int", 0, "int", 0x26200A, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) ; Create a pixel buffer. VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16 NumPut( width, Rect, 8, "uint") ; Width NumPut( height, Rect, 12, "uint") ; Height VarSetCapacity(BitmapData, 16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32 DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapLockBits" , "ptr", pBitmap , "ptr", &Rect , "uint", 2 ; ImageLockMode.WriteOnly , "int", 0x26200A ; Format32bppArgb , "ptr", &BitmapData) Scan0 := NumGet(BitmapData, 16, "ptr") stride := NumGet(BitmapData, 8, "int") DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(image+0)+A_PtrSize* 7), "ptr", image, "ptr", &Rect, "uint", stride, "uint", stride * height, "ptr", Scan0) ; Write pixels to bitmap. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &BitmapData) return pBitmap } BitmapToClipboard(pBitmap) { ; Standard Clipboard Formats - https://www.codeproject.com/Reference/1091137/Windows-Clipboard-Formats ; Synthesized Clipboard Formats - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dataxchg/clipboard-formats ; Open the clipboard with exponential backoff. loop if DllCall("OpenClipboard", "ptr", A_ScriptHwnd) break else if A_Index < 6 Sleep (2**(A_Index-1) * 30) else throw Exception("Clipboard could not be opened.") ; Requires a valid window handle via OpenClipboard or the next call to OpenClipboard will crash. DllCall("EmptyClipboard") ; #1 - PNG holds the transparency and is the most widely supported image format. ; Thanks Jochen Arndt - https://www.codeproject.com/Answers/1207927/Saving-an-image-to-the-clipboard#answer3 DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", 0, "int", False, "ptr*", stream:=0, "uint") DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", "{557CF406-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}", "ptr", &pCodec:=VarSetCapacity(pCodec, 16), "uint") DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToStream", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", stream, "ptr", &pCodec, "ptr", 0) ; Set the rescued HGlobal to the clipboard as a shared object. DllCall("ole32\GetHGlobalFromStream", "ptr", stream, "uint*", handle:=0, "uint") ObjRelease(stream) ; Set the clipboard data. GlobalFree will be called by the system. png := DllCall("RegisterClipboardFormat", "str", "png", "uint") ; case insensitive DllCall("SetClipboardData", "uint", png, "ptr", handle) ; #2 - Fallback to the CF_DIB format (bottom-up bitmap) for maximum compatibility. ; Thanks tic - https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=6517 DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr*", hbm:=0, "uint", 0) ; struct DIBSECTION - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-dibsection ; struct BITMAP - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmap VarSetCapacity(dib, size := 64+5*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(DIBSECTION) = 84, 104 DllCall("GetObject", "ptr", hbm, "int", size, "ptr", &dib) , pBits := NumGet(dib, A_PtrSize = 4 ? 20:24, "ptr") ; bmBits , size := NumGet(dib, A_PtrSize = 4 ? 44:52, "uint") ; biSizeImage ; Allocate space for a new device independent bitmap on movable memory. hdib := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0x2, "uptr", 40 + size, "ptr") ; sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) = 40 pdib := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr", hdib, "ptr") ; Copy the BITMAPINFOHEADER and pixel data respectively. DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", pdib, "ptr", &dib + (A_PtrSize = 4 ? 24:32), "uptr", 40) DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", pdib+40, "ptr", pBits, "uptr", size) ; Unlock to moveable memory because the clipboard requires it. DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr", hdib) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) ; CF_DIB (8) can be synthesized into CF_DIBV5 (17) and CF_BITMAP (2) with delayed rendering. DllCall("SetClipboardData", "uint", 8, "ptr", hdib) ; Close the clipboard. DllCall("CloseClipboard") return "" } StreamToClipboard(stream) { DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Size", "ptr", stream, "uint64*", size:=0, "uint") DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Reset", "ptr", stream, "uint") ; 2048 characters should be good enough to identify the file correctly. size := min(size, 2048) VarSetCapacity(bin, size) ; Get the first few bytes of the image. DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Read", "ptr", stream, "ptr", &bin, "uint", size, "uint") DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Reset", "ptr", stream, "uint") ; Allocate enough space for a hexadecimal string with spaces interleaved and a null terminator. length := 2*size + (size-1) + 1 VarSetCapacity(str, length * (A_IsUnicode?2:1)) ; Lift the binary representation to hex. flags := 0x40000004 ; CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF | CRYPT_STRING_HEX DllCall("crypt32\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr", &bin, "uint", size, "uint", flags, "str", str, "uint*", length) ; Determine the extension using herustics. See: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org extension := 0 ? "" : str ~= "(?i)66 74 79 70 61 76 69 66" ? "avif" ; ftypavif : str ~= "(?i)^42 4d (.. ){36}00 00 .. 00 00 00" ? "bmp" ; BM : str ~= "(?i)^01 00 00 00 (.. ){36}20 45 4D 46" ? "emf" ; emf : str ~= "(?i)^47 49 46 38 (37|39) 61" ? "gif" ; GIF87a or GIF89a : str ~= "(?i)66 74 79 70 68 65 69 63" ? "heic" ; ftypheic : str ~= "(?i)^00 00 01 00" ? "ico" : str ~= "(?i)^ff d8 ff" ? "jpg" : str ~= "(?i)^25 50 44 46 2d" ? "pdf" ; %PDF- : str ~= "(?i)^89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a" ? "png" ; PNG : str ~= "(?i)^(((?!3c|3e).. )|3c (3f|21) ((?!3c|3e).. )*3e )*+3c 73 76 67" ? "svg" ; > 24) || color |= 0xFF000000 NumPut(color, this.ptr + 4*(y*this.width + x), "uint") return color } Frequency() { if this.HasKey(map) return this.map := {} loop % this.width * this.height if c := NumGet(this.ptr + 4*(A_Index-1), "uint") this.map[c] := this.map.HasKey(c) ? this.map[c] + 1 : 1 } Count(c*) { this.Frequency() acc := 0 for each, color in c { ; Lift color to 32-bits if first 8 bits are zero. (color >> 24) || color |= 0xFF000000 acc += this.map[color] } return acc } Clone() { ptr := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0, "uptr", this.size, "ptr") DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", ptr, "ptr", this.ptr, "uptr", this.size) buf := new ImagePut.BitmapBuffer(ptr, this.size, this.width, this.height) buf.free := [Func("DllCall").bind("GlobalFree", "ptr", ptr)] return buf } Crop(x, y, w, h) { DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "ptr", this.pBitmap, "int*", format:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneBitmapAreaI", "int", x, "int", y, "int", w, "int", h, "int", format, "ptr", this.pBitmap, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0) try return ImagePut.BitmapToBuffer(pBitmap) finally DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap) } Show(window_border := False, title := "", pos := "", style := "", styleEx := "", parent := "") { return (window_border) ? ImagePut.BitmapToWindow(this.pBitmap, title, pos, style, styleEx, parent) : ImagePut.show(this.pBitmap, title, pos, style, styleEx, parent) } Save(filepath := "", quality := "") { ; Process filepath and set extension. extension := "bmp" ImagePut.select_filepath(filepath, extension) ; If extension is not .bmp, use to_file routine. if (extension != "bmp") return ImagePut.BitmapToFile(this.pBitmap, filepath, quality) ; Note because the ARGB values are 4-byte aligned it's not a "packed" bitmap. VarSetCapacity(bm, 56) StrPut("BM", &bm, "CP0") ; identifier NumPut(56+this.size, bm, 2, "uint") ; file size NumPut( 0, bm, 6, "uint") ; reserved NumPut( 56, bm, 10, "uint") ; bitmap data offset ; BITMAPINFOHEADER struct NumPut( 40, bm, 14, "uint") ; Size NumPut( this.width, bm, 18, "uint") ; Width NumPut(-this.height, bm, 22, "int") ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left. NumPut( 1, bm, 26, "ushort") ; Planes NumPut( 32, bm, 28, "ushort") ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel NumPut( 0, bm, 30, "uint") ; biCompression NumPut( this.size, bm, 34, "uint") ; biSizeImage NumPut( 0, bm, 38, "int") ; biXPelsPerMeter NumPut( 0, bm, 42, "int") ; biYPelsPerMeter NumPut( 0, bm, 46, "uint") ; biClrUsed NumPut( 0, bm, 50, "uint") ; biClrImportant loop try if file := FileOpen(filepath, "w") break else throw catch if A_Index < 6 Sleep (2**(A_Index-1) * 30) else throw file.RawWrite(bm, 56) ; Writes 54 bytes of bitmap file header. file.RawWrite(this.ptr+0, this.size) ; Writes raw 32-bit ARGB pixel data. file.Close() return filepath } Base64Code(b64) { static codes := {} if codes.HasKey(b64) return codes[b64] s64 := StrLen(RTrim(b64, "=")) * 3 // 4 code := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0, "uptr", s64, "ptr") DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", b64, "uint", 0, "uint", 0x1, "ptr", code, "uint*", s64, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) DllCall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", code, "ptr", s64, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0) return codes[b64] := code } AVX2() { ; This is just plain old AVX, not a check for AVX2 (which is neexed for pixelsearch1y) ; Also see: https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/steam-hardware-software-survey-welcome-to-steam ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/n8fxxdsfs code := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VYnli0UIi1UQi00UO0UMcws5EHUCiQiDwATr8F3D" ; not implemented : "U0UxwLgBAAAARInBD6IPuuEbcxkPuuEccxNEicEPAdBI99CoBg+UwA+2wOsCMcBbww==") return DllCall(code, "int") } CPUID() { static cpuid := 0 if not cpuid { ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/1YPd6jz61 b64 := (A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VYnlV4t9EFaLdQhTiw+LBg+iiQaLRQyJGItFFIkPiRBbXl9dww==" : "U4sBSYnKSYnTQYsID6JBiQJBiRtBiQhBiRFbww==" s64 := StrLen(RTrim(b64, "=")) * 3 // 4 code := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0, "uptr", s64, "ptr") DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", b64, "uint", 0, "uint", 0x1, "ptr", code, "uint*", s64, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) DllCall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", code, "ptr", s64, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0) ; Set eax flag to 1 to retrieve supported CPU features. ; See this for CPU features: https://wiki.osdev.org/CPUID ; Also see: Appendix D.2 - CPUID Feature Flags Related to Instruction Support ; On page 1861 - https://www.amd.com/content/dam/amd/en/documents/processor-tech-docs/programmer-references/40332.pdf DllCall(code, "uint*", a := 1, "uint*", b := 0, "uint*", c := 0, "uint*", d := 0, "cdecl") ; Free memory. DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr", code) ; To check for SSE2 use the following code example: ; if cpuid().edx[26] == True eax := {0: a & 1} ebx := {0: b & 1} ecx := {0: c & 1} edx := {0: d & 1} loop 31 { eax[A_Index] := !!(1 << A_Index & a) ebx[A_Index] := !!(1 << A_Index & b) ecx[A_Index] := !!(1 << A_Index & c) edx[A_Index] := !!(1 << A_Index & d) } cpuid := {eax: eax, ebx: ebx, ecx: ecx, edx: edx} } return cpuid } ColorKey(key := "sentinel", value := 0x00000000) { ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/eaG9fax9v code := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VYnli0UIi1UQi00UO0UMcws5EHUCiQiDwATr8F3D" : "SDnRcw5EOQF1A0SJCUiDwQTr7cM=") ; Select top-left pixel as default. (key == "sentinel") && key := NumGet(this.ptr, "uint") ; Replaces one ARGB color with another. DllCall(code, "ptr", this.ptr, "uint", this.ptr + this.size, "uint", key, "uint", value, "cdecl") } SetAlpha(alpha := 0xFF) { ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/aWf73jTqc code := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VYnli0UIilUQO0UMcwiIUAODwATr813D" : "SDnRcwpEiEEDSIPBBOvxww==") ; Sets the transparency of the entire bitmap. DllCall(code, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size, "uchar", alpha, "cdecl") } TransColor(color := "sentinel", alpha := 0x00) { ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/z3a8WcM5M code := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VYnli0UIilUUO0UMcxWLTRAzCIHh////AHUDiFADg8AE6+Zdww==" : "SDnRcxaLAUQxwKn///8AdQREiEkDSIPBBOvlww==") ; Select top-left pixel as default. (color == "sentinel") && color := NumGet(this.ptr, "uint") ; Sets the alpha value of a specified RGB color. DllCall(code, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size, "uint", color, "uchar", alpha, "cdecl") } ; Option 1: PixelSearch, single color with no variation. ; Option 2: PixelSearch, single color with single variation. ; Option 3: PixelSearch, single color with multiple variation. ; Option 4: PixelSearch, range of colors. ; Option 5: PixelSearch, multiple colors with no variation. ; Option 6: PixelSearch, multiple colors with single variation. ; Option 7: PixelSearch, multiple colors with multiple variation. PixelSearch(color, variation := 0) { if not IsObject(color) { ; Lift color to 32-bits if first 8 bits are zero. (color >> 24) || color |= 0xFF000000 if not IsObject(variation) if (variation == 0) option := 1 else option := 2 else if (variation.length() == 3) option := 3 else if (variation.length() == 6) option := 4 else throw Exception("Invalid variation parameter.") } else if not IsObject(variation) if (variation == 0) option := 5 else option := 6 else if (variation.length() == 3) option := 7 else throw Exception("Invalid variation parameter.") ; ------------------------ Machine code generated with MCode4GCC using gcc 13.2.0 ------------------------ ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/zr71creqn pixelsearch1 := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VYnlVotNEItVDFOLRQhmD27RjVr0Zg9wygA52HMbDxAAZg92wWYP1/CF9nUMg8AQ6+g5CHQHg8AEOdBy9VteXcM=" : "ZkEPbtBIichIjUr0Zg9wygBIOchzIA8QAGYPdsFmRA/XyEWFyXUPSIPAEOvkRDkAdAlIg8AESDnQcvLD") ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/65Yvsvs1G pixelsearch2 := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VWYPduSJ5VdWU4Pk8IPsEIpFFItdEItNGItVHIt1DIt9IIhEJA6KRSSIXCQPD7bbiEwkDcHjEA+2yYhEJAsPtkUgweEIiFQkDA+2" . "0gnYweIICcgPtk0kDQAAAP8J0Q+2VRRmD27oi0UIZg9wzQDB4hAJ0Y1W9GYPbvFmD3DWADnQczkPEAAPEBgPEDhmD97BZg/e2mYP" . "dMFmD3TfD1TDZg92xGYP18iFyXURg8AQ68+KUAI4VCQPcwmDwAQ58HLw6yM6VCQOcvGKUAE4VCQNcug6VCQMcuKKEIn5ONFy2jpU" . "JAty1I1l9FteX13D" : "QVZBVUFUVVdWU0SLbCRgi0QkaESLdCRwRItUJHhEie6Jx0UPtu0PtsBBweUIRIn1RQ+29kWJ1EWJw0UPtsBEicvB4AhBweAQRQ+2" . "0kUPtslFCfBECdBBweEQRQnoRAnIQYHIAAAA/2YPbuhIichmQQ9uyEiNSvRmD3DBAGYPcM0AZg927Ug5yHM8DxAgDyjQDyjcZg/e" . "1GYP3tlmD3TQZg903A9U02YPdtVmRA/XwkWFwHUSSIPAEOvLikgCQTjLcwtIg8AESDnQcu/rHTjZcvGKSAFAOM5y6UA4+XLkighA" . "OM1y3UQ44XLYW15fXUFcQV1BXsM=") ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/GaEE4r3aW pixelsearch3 := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VTHSieVXVlOD5PCD7BCLfQyNR/SJRCQEi0UUKdAPhBkBAACD+AF0PoP4AnQhg/gDvgMAAAAPTHQkDIl0JAyLdRBmD25klghmD3Dc" . "AOsIx0QkDAIAAACLXRBmD25skwRmD3DVAOsIx0QkDAEAAACLdRBmD240lo0clolcJAhmD3DOAIP4AXR0g/gCi0UIdD6LTCQEOchz" . "Lg8QAGYPdsFmD9fYDxAAidlmD3bCZg/X2A8QAAnLZg92w2YP1/AJ83V0g8AQ68qDwgPpS////4139Dnwcx8PEABmD3bBZg/XyA8Q" . "AGYPdsJmD9fYCct1RoPAEOvdg8IC6R3///+LRQiNX/Q52HMUDxAAZg92wWYP1/CF9nUgg8AQ6+hC6fn+//+LTCQIiwyROQh0FEI5" . "VCQMf+6DwAQ5+HMGMdLr74n4jWX0W15fXcM=" : "QVVBVFVXVlO9AwAAAEmJykiJ0THSSI1x9ESJyCnQD4QEAQAAg/gBSGPadC6D+AJ0FWZBD25smAiD+ANED03dZg9w3QDrBkG7AgAA" . "AGZBD25smARmD3DVAOsGQbsBAAAAZkEPbgyYSY08mGYPcMkAg/gBdHOD+AJMidB0Xkg58HMxDxAADyjhZg924GZED9fsDyjiZg92" . "4GYPdsNmD9fcZkQP1+BECetECeN1c0iDwBDryoPCA+lf////DxAADyjhZg924GYPdsJmRA/X5GYP19hECeN1SUiDwBBIOfBy24PC" . "Auky////TInQSDnwcxUPEABmD3bBZg/X2IXbdSFIg8AQ6+b/wukO////SP/Ci3SX/DkwdBVBOdN/8EiDwARIOchzBzHS6+5Iichb" . "Xl9dQVxBXcM=") ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/oE5Knfc7W pixelsearch4 := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VTHAZg925InlV1ZTg+Twg+xAi1UYKcIPhFMCAACD+gF0YIP6AnQzi10Qg/oDuQMAAAAPTflmD25sgwiLXRRmD3D9AA8pfCQwZg9u" . "fIMIZg9w3wAPKVwkEOsFvwIAAACLXRBmD25sgwSLXRRmD258gwRmD3DdAGYPcM8ADylMJCDrBb8BAAAAi10QjQyFAAAAAAHLiVwk" . "DItdEGYPbiwLi10UZg9uPAuNNAtmD3DNAIl0JAiLdQhmD3DvAIP6AQ+ECwEAAItNDIPpDIP6Ag+EnAAAADnOD4OMAAAADxAGDyjw" . "DyjQZg/e9WYP3tFmD3TwZg900Q9U1g8o8GYPdtRmD97zZg9082YP19oPKFQkIGYP3tBmD3TQD1TWDyh0JDBmD3bUZg/e8GYPdHQk" . "MGYP19IPKFQkEIlUJARmD97QZg900A9U1mYPdtRmD9fSiRQki1QkBAnaCxQkD4XLAAAAg8YQ6Wz///+DwAPpo/7//2YPdv85znNQ" . "DxAWDyjyDyjCZg/e9WYP3sFmD3TyZg90wQ9Uxg8odCQgZg92x2YP3vJmD3TyZg/X2A8owmYP3sNmD3TDD1TGZg92x2YP19AJ2nVo" . "g8YQ66yDwALpQ/7//4tVDGYPdvaD6gw51nMtDxAWDxAGDxA+Zg/e1WYP3sFmD3TBZg901w9UwmYPdsZmD9fIhcl1JYPGEOvPQOkC" . "/v//OFoCczr/RCQwg8IEg8AEi0wkMDnPf+mDxgQ7dQxzRIpGATHJil4CiUwkMItUJAyIRCQgigaIRCQQi0QkCOvQOlgCcsGKTCQg" . "OEoBcrg6SAFys4pMJBA4CnKrOghyp+sDi3UMjWX0ifBbXl9dww==" : "QVRVV1ZTSIPsUA8pNCQPKXwkEEQPKUQkIEQPKUwkMEQPKVQkQL8DAAAAZg9220mJ00iJyzHSSY1z9IuMJKAAAAAp0Q+EMgIAAIP5" . "AUhjwnRGg/kCdCFmQQ9ufIAIZkEPbnSBCIP5A0QPTddmD3DvAGYPcP4A6wZBugIAAABmQQ9uZIAEZkEPbnSBBGYPcNQAZg9w9gDr" . "BkG6AQAAAGZBD24kgGYPcMwAZkEPbiSBSInYZg9w5ACD+QEPhCIBAACD+QIPhKsAAABIOfAPg5oAAAAPEABEDyjIRA8owGZED97M" . "ZkQP3sFmRA90yGZED3TBRQ9UwUQPKMhmRA92w2ZED97KZkQPdMpmRQ/X4EQPKMBmRA/exmZED3TARQ9UwUQPKMhmRA92w2ZED97N" . "ZkQPdM1mQQ/XyEQPKMBmRA/ex0QJ4WZBD3TAQQ9UwWYPdsNmD9foCel0C8HiAkhj0unfAAAASIPAEOld////g8ID6cf+//9mRQ92" . "wEg58HNcRA8QCEUPKNFBDyjBZkQP3tRmD97BZkUPdNFmD3TBQQ9UwkUPKNFmQQ92wGZED97WZg/X6EEPKMFmD97CZkUPdMpmD3TC" . "QQ9UwWZBD3bAZg/XyAnpdYRIg8AQ65+DwgLpWf7//2ZFD3bJSDnwczlEDxAARQ8o0EEPKMBmRA/e1GYP3sFmD3TBZkUPdMJBD1TA" . "ZkEPdsFmD9fIhckPhTn///9Ig8AQ68L/wukP/v//QTh0CAJzJv/DSIPBBEE52n/uSIPABEw52HM4QIpwAkCKeAFIidEx20CKKOvg" . "QTp0CQJy00E4fAgBcsxBOnwJAXLFQTgsCHK/QTosCXK56wNMidgPKDQkDyh8JBBEDyhEJCBEDyhMJDBEDyhUJEBIg8RQW15fXUFc" . "ww==") ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When doing pointer arithmetic, *Scan0 + 1 is actually adding 4 bytes. if (option == 1) address := DllCall(pixelsearch1, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size, "uint", color, "cdecl ptr") if (option == 2) { r := ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16) g := ((color & 0xFF00) >> 8) b := ((color & 0xFF)) v := abs(variation) address := DllCall(pixelsearch2, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size , "uchar", min(r+v, 255) , "uchar", max(r-v, 0) , "uchar", min(g+v, 255) , "uchar", max(g-v, 0) , "uchar", min(b+v, 255) , "uchar", max(b-v, 0) , "cdecl ptr") } if (option == 3) { r := ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16) g := ((color & 0xFF00) >> 8) b := ((color & 0xFF)) vr := abs(variation[1]) vg := abs(variation[2]) vb := abs(variation[3]) address := DllCall(pixelsearch2, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size , "uchar", min(r + vr, 255) , "uchar", max(r - vr, 0) , "uchar", min(g + vg, 255) , "uchar", max(g - vg, 0) , "uchar", min(b + vb, 255) , "uchar", max(b - vb, 0) , "cdecl ptr") } if (option == 4) address := DllCall(pixelsearch2, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size , "uchar", min(max(variation[1], variation[2]), 255) , "uchar", max(min(variation[1], variation[2]), 0) , "uchar", min(max(variation[3], variation[4]), 255) , "uchar", max(min(variation[3], variation[4]), 0) , "uchar", min(max(variation[5], variation[6]), 255) , "uchar", max(min(variation[5], variation[6]), 0) , "cdecl ptr") if (option == 5) { ; Create a struct of unsigned integers. VarSetCapacity(colors, 4*color.length()) ; Fill the struct by iterating through the input array. for i, c in color { (c >> 24) || c |= 0xFF000000 ; Lift colors to 32-bit ARGB. NumPut(c, colors, 4*(A_Index-1), "uint") ; Place the unsigned int at each offset. } address := DllCall(pixelsearch3, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size, "ptr", &colors, "uint", color.length(), "cdecl ptr") } ; Options 6 & 7 - Creates a high and low struct where each pair is the min and max range. if (option == 6) { VarSetCapacity(high, 4*color.length()) VarSetCapacity(low, 4*color.length()) for i, c in color { A_Offset := A_Index - 1 r := ((c & 0xFF0000) >> 16) g := ((c & 0xFF00) >> 8) b := ((c & 0xFF)) v := abs(variation) NumPut(255, high, 4*A_Offset + 3, "uchar") ; Alpha NumPut(min(r+v, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 2, "uchar") NumPut(min(g+v, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 1, "uchar") NumPut(min(b+v, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 0, "uchar") NumPut(0, low, 4*A_Offset + 3, "uchar") ; Alpha NumPut(max(r-v, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 2, "uchar") NumPut(max(g-v, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 1, "uchar") NumPut(max(b-v, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 0, "uchar") } address := DllCall(pixelsearch4, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size, "ptr", &high, "ptr", &low, "uint", color.length(), "cdecl ptr") } if (option == 7) { VarSetCapacity(high, 4*color.length()) VarSetCapacity(low, 4*color.length()) for i, c in color { A_Offset := A_Index - 1 r := ((c & 0xFF0000) >> 16) g := ((c & 0xFF00) >> 8) b := ((c & 0xFF)) vr := abs(variation[1]) vg := abs(variation[2]) vb := abs(variation[3]) NumPut(255, high, 4*A_Offset + 3, "uchar") ; Alpha NumPut(min(r + vr, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 2, "uchar") NumPut(min(g + vg, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 1, "uchar") NumPut(min(b + vb, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 0, "uchar") NumPut(0, low, 4*A_Offset + 3, "uchar") ; Alpha NumPut(max(r - vr, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 2, "uchar") NumPut(max(g - vg, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 1, "uchar") NumPut(max(b - vb, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 0, "uchar") } address := DllCall(pixelsearch4, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size, "ptr", &high, "ptr", &low, "uint", color.length(), "cdecl ptr") } ; Compare the address to the out-of-bounds limit. if (address == this.ptr + this.size) return False ; Return an [x, y] array. offset := (address - this.ptr) // 4 return [mod(offset, this.width), offset // this.width] } PixelSearchAll(color, variation := 0) { if not IsObject(color) { ; Lift color to 32-bits if first 8 bits are zero. (color >> 24) || color |= 0xFF000000 if not IsObject(variation) if (variation == 0) option := 1 else option := 2 else if (variation.length() == 3) option := 3 else if (variation.length() == 6) option := 4 else throw Exception("Invalid variation parameter.") } else if not IsObject(variation) if (variation == 0) option := 5 else option := 6 else if (variation.length() == 3) option := 7 else throw Exception("Invalid variation parameter.") ; ------------------------ Machine code generated with MCode4GCC using gcc 13.2.0 ------------------------ ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/3rd4drccd pixelsearchall1 := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VTHSieVXZg9uVRiLRRBWU4tdFGYPcMoAjXP0OfBzDw8QAGYPdsFmD9fIhcl0BY1IEOsVjUgQicjr4TnIdPiLfRg5OHQJg8AEOdhy" . "7usOO1UMcwaLfQiJBJdC6+lbidBeX13D" : "VlMxwESLVCQ4ZkEPbtJmD3DKAEmNWfRJOdhNjVgQcyNBDxAAZg92wWYP1/CF9nUTTYnY6+JNOdh09kU5EHQLSYPABE05yHLt6w45" . "0HMGicZMiQTx/8Dr51teww==") ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/8859rajsx pixelsearchall2 := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VWYPduSJ5VdWU4Pk8IPsEItdGItNIItVKIpFHIhcJA8PttuLfRTB4xCIRCQOikUkiEwkDQ+2yY139IhUJAsPttLB4QgJ2ohEJAyK" . "RSwJyg+2TSQPttiBygAAAP+IRCQKweEIZg9u6jHSCcsPtk0cZg9wzQDB4RAJy2YPbvNmD3DWADl1EHMri0UQDxAADxAYDxA4Zg/e" . "wWYP3tpmD3TBZg903w9Uw2YPdsRmD9fIhcl0CItFEI1IEOsgi0UQjUgQiU0Q6705TRB09otFEIpYAjhcJA9zC4NFEAQ5fRBy5us0" . "OlwkDnLvilgBOFwkDXLmOlwkDHLgihg4XCQLctg6XCQKctI7VQxzCYtFCItdEIkckELrwY1l9InQW15fXcM=" : "QVdBVkFVQVRVV1ZTRItUJGiLhCSIAAAARIucJJAAAABAimwkcESJ10UPttJBicYPtsBBweIQRYnfRQ+220iJy4tMJHiJ1ouUJIAA" . "AABECdBNjVH0QYnMD7bJQYnVD7bSweEIweIICchAD7bNRAnaweEQDQAAAP8JymYPbsAxwGYPbupmD3DIAGYPcMUAZg927U050EmN" . "UBBzQEEPECAPKNEPKNxmD97UZg/e2GYPdNFmD3TcD1TTZg921WYP18qFyXUXSYnQ68lJOdB09kGKSAJAOM9zC0mDwARNOchy6esu" . "QDjpcvBBikgBQTjMcudEOOly4kGKCEE4znLaRDj5ctU58HMGicFMiQTL/8Drx1teX11BXEFdQV5BX8M=") ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/Ync4eq1rj pixelsearchall3 := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VTHSMcmJ5VdWU4Pk8IPsEItFFIPoDIlEJASLRRwp0IlEJAwPhDwBAACD+AF0PoP4AnQhg/gDuAMAAAAPTEQkCIlEJAiLRRhmD25k" . "kAhmD3DcAOsIx0QkCAIAAACLRRhmD25skARmD3DVAOsIx0QkCAEAAACLRRiNBJCJBCSLRRhmD240kItFEGYPcM4Ag3wkDAF1C4t1" . "FI1e9OmJAAAAg3wkDAJ0YIt8JAQ5+HMuDxAAZg92wWYP19gPEACJ32YPdsJmD9fYDxAACftmD3bDZg/X8AnzdQ2DwBDryoPCA+k2" . "////jXAQ610PEABmD3bBZg/X8A8QAGYPdsJmD9fYCfN14YPAEIt8JAQ5+HLbg8IC6QT///8PEABmD3bBZg/X8IX2db+DwBA52HLq" . "Quno/v//izwkizyfOTh0G0M5XCQIf++DwAQ7RRRzGjnwD4Q6////Mdvr5jtNDHMGi30IiQSPQevXjWX0ichbXl9dww==" : "QVdBVkFVQVRVV1ZTQb4DAAAATItcJGhMiUQkWEiJzonXMckx0kmNafREi0QkcEEp0A+EKQEAAEGD+AFIY8J0MEGD+AJ0FmZBD25s" . "gwhBg/gDRQ9N1mYPcN0A6wZBugIAAABmQQ9ubIMEZg9w1QDrBkG6AQAAAGZBD24Mg02NJINIi0QkWGYPcMkAQYP4AQ+EigAAAEGD" . "+AJ0ZEg56HMxDxAADyjhZg924GZED9f8DyjiZg924GYPdsNmD9fcZkQP1+hECftECet1DkiDwBDryoPCA+lR////TI1oEOthDxAA" . "DyjhZg924GYPdsJmRA/X7GYP19hECet13kiDwBBIOehy24PCAuke////DxAAZg92wWYP19iF23W+SIPAEEg56HLo/8Lp//7//0WL" . "PJxEOTh0Hkj/w0E52n/vSIPABEw5yHMcTDnoD4Q9////Mdvr5Tn5cwdBic9KiQT+/8Hr04nIW15fXUFcQV1BXkFfww==") ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/aajP7z1jb pixelsearchall4 := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VWYPdtKJ5VdWMfZTMduD5PCD7ECJXCQ0i0UgKfCJRCQ8D4R3AgAAg/gBdGOD+AJ0OIP4A7gDAAAAD0xEJDiJRCQ4i0UYZg9uZLAI" . "i0UcZg9w7AAPKWwkIGYPbmywCGYPcN0ADykcJOsIx0QkOAIAAACLRRhmD25ksASLRRxmD25MsARmD3DcAGYPcOkA6wjHRCQ4AQAA" . "AItdGI0EtQAAAACLVRiLfRABw2YPbiQCiVwkGItdHGYPcMwAjRQDZg9uJAOJVCQUZg9w5ACDfCQ8AYtFFHUIg+gM6SoBAACDfCQ8" . "Ao1Q9I1Y9A+E2gAAADnfc3YPEAcPKPgPKPBmD978Zg/e8WYPdPhmD3TxD1T3Dyj4Zg928mYP3vtmD3T7Zg/Xzg8o8GYP3vVmD3Tw" . "D1T3Dyh8JCBmD3byZg/e+GYPdHwkIGYP18YPKDQkCchmD97wZg908A9U92YPdvJmD9fWCdB1DYPHEOuGg8YD6aj+//+NRxCJRCQQ" . "6dAAAAAPEDcPKP4PKMZmD978Zg/ewWYPdP5mD3TBD1THDyj+Zg92wmYP3v1mD3T+Zg/XyA8oxmYP3sNmD3TDD1THZg92wmYP18AJ" . "yHWrg8cQOddysIPGAulE/v//DxA3DxAHDxA/Zg/e9GYP3sFmD3TBZg909w9UxmYPdgUAAAAAZg/X0IXSD4Vs////g8cQOcdyyUbp" . "B/7//4tEJBA5xw+Erv7//4pHAjHJi1QkFIlMJDCIRCQfikcBiEQkHooHiEQkHYtEJBiLXCQwOVwkOH8Kg8cEO30UcsDrS4pMJB84" . "SAJyNjpKAnIxilwkHjhYAXIoOloBciOKTCQdOAhyGzoKcheLTCQ0O00McwqLTQiLXCQ0iTyZ/0QkNP9EJDCDwASDwgTroYtEJDSN" . "ZfRbXl9dww==" : "QVdBVkFVQVRVV1ZTSIPseA8pdCQgDyl8JDBEDylEJEBEDylMJFBEDylUJGBFMdJmD3bSSImMJMAAAABNic5Mi4wk6AAAAEyJhCTQ" . "AAAATIuEJOAAAABJjXb0iZQkyAAAADHSRIucJPAAAABBKdMPhHgCAABBg/sBSGPCdEtBg/sCdCZmQQ9ufIAIZkEPbnSBCEGD+wO/" . "AwAAAA9N32YPcO8AZg9w/gDrBbsCAAAAZkEPbmSABGZBD250gQRmD3DcAGYPcPYA6wW7AQAAAGZBD24kgGYPcMwAZkEPbiSBjQSV" . "AAAAAEiYSIlEJBBIi4Qk0AAAAGYPcOQAZkUPdslBg/sBD4RTAQAAQYP7Ag+EBQEAAEg58A+DjgAAAA8QAEQPKMhEDyjAZkQP3sxm" . "RA/ewWZED3TIZkQPdMFFD1TBRA8oyGZED3bCZkQP3stmRA90y2ZBD9foRA8owGZED97GZkQPdMBFD1TBRA8oyGZED3bCZkQP3s1m" . "RA90zWZBD9fIRA8owGZED97HCelmQQ90wEEPVMFmD3bCZg/X+An5dRFIg8AQ6Wn///+DwgPpsv7//0iNeBBIiXwkGOnYAAAARA8Q" . "AEUPKMhBDyjAZkQP3sxmD97BZkUPdMhmD3TBQQ9UwUUPKMhmD3bCZkQP3s5mD9f4QQ8owGYP3sNmRQ90wWYPdMNBD1TAZg92wmYP" . "18gJ+XWeSIPAEEg58HKjg8IC6T/+//9EDxAARQ8o0EEPKMBmRA/e1GYP3sFmD3TBZkUPdMJBD1TAZkEPdsFmD9fIhckPhVr///9I" . "g8AQSDnwcsT/wun8/f//SIt8JBhIOfgPhIT+//8x/0CKaAJEimABRIooSItMJBCJfCQMi3wkDDn7fwtIg8AETDnwcsvrTkE4bAgC" . "cj1BOmwJAnI2RThkCAFyL0U6ZAkBcihFOCwIciJFOiwJchxEO5QkyAAAAHMPSIu8JMAAAABFiddKiQT/Qf/C/0QkDEiDwQTrnw8o" . "dCQgDyh8JDBEidBEDyhEJEBEDyhMJFBEDyhUJGBIg8R4W15fXUFcQV1BXkFfww==") ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Global number of addresses (matching searches) to allocate. limit := 256 ; If the limit is exceeded, the following routine will be run again. redo: VarSetCapacity(result, A_PtrSize * limit) ; Allocate buffer for addresses. ; When doing pointer arithmetic, *Scan0 + 1 is actually adding 4 bytes. if (option == 1) count := DllCall(pixelsearchall1, "ptr", &result, "uint", limit, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size, "uint", color, "cdecl uint") if (option == 2) { r := ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16) g := ((color & 0xFF00) >> 8) b := ((color & 0xFF)) v := abs(variation) count := DllCall(pixelsearchall2, "ptr", &result, "uint", limit, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size , "uchar", min(r+v, 255) , "uchar", max(r-v, 0) , "uchar", min(g+v, 255) , "uchar", max(g-v, 0) , "uchar", min(b+v, 255) , "uchar", max(b-v, 0) , "cdecl ptr") } if (option == 3) { r := ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16) g := ((color & 0xFF00) >> 8) b := ((color & 0xFF)) vr := abs(variation[1]) vg := abs(variation[2]) vb := abs(variation[3]) count := DllCall(pixelsearchall2, "ptr", &result, "uint", limit, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size , "uchar", min(r + vr, 255) , "uchar", max(r - vr, 0) , "uchar", min(g + vg, 255) , "uchar", max(g - vg, 0) , "uchar", min(b + vb, 255) , "uchar", max(b - vb, 0) , "cdecl ptr") } if (option == 4) count := DllCall(pixelsearchall2, "ptr", &result, "uint", limit, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size , "uchar", min(max(variation[1], variation[2]), 255) , "uchar", max(min(variation[1], variation[2]), 0) , "uchar", min(max(variation[3], variation[4]), 255) , "uchar", max(min(variation[3], variation[4]), 0) , "uchar", min(max(variation[5], variation[6]), 255) , "uchar", max(min(variation[5], variation[6]), 0) , "cdecl ptr") if (option == 5) { ; Create a struct of unsigned integers. VarSetCapacity(colors, 4*color.length()) ; Fill the struct by iterating through the input array. for i, c in color { (c >> 24) || c |= 0xFF000000 ; Lift colors to 32-bit ARGB. NumPut(c, colors, 4*(A_Index-1), "uint") ; Place the unsigned int at each offset. } count := DllCall(pixelsearchall3, "ptr", &result, "uint", limit, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size, "ptr", &colors, "uint", color.length(), "cdecl ptr") } ; Options 6 & 7 - Creates a high and low struct where each pair is the min and max range. if (option == 6) { VarSetCapacity(high, 4*color.length()) VarSetCapacity(low, 4*color.length()) for i, c in color { A_Offset := A_Index - 1 r := ((c & 0xFF0000) >> 16) g := ((c & 0xFF00) >> 8) b := ((c & 0xFF)) v := abs(variation) NumPut(255, high, 4*A_Offset + 3, "uchar") ; Alpha NumPut(min(r+v, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 2, "uchar") NumPut(min(g+v, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 1, "uchar") NumPut(min(b+v, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 0, "uchar") NumPut(0, low, 4*A_Offset + 3, "uchar") ; Alpha NumPut(max(r-v, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 2, "uchar") NumPut(max(g-v, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 1, "uchar") NumPut(max(b-v, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 0, "uchar") } count := DllCall(pixelsearchall4, "ptr", &result, "uint", limit, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size, "ptr", &high, "ptr", &low, "uint", color.length(), "cdecl ptr") } if (option == 7) { VarSetCapacity(high, 4*color.length()) VarSetCapacity(low, 4*color.length()) for i, c in color { A_Offset := A_Index - 1 r := ((c & 0xFF0000) >> 16) g := ((c & 0xFF00) >> 8) b := ((c & 0xFF)) vr := abs(variation[1]) vg := abs(variation[2]) vb := abs(variation[3]) NumPut(255, high, 4*A_Offset + 3, "uchar") ; Alpha NumPut(min(r + vr, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 2, "uchar") NumPut(min(g + vg, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 1, "uchar") NumPut(min(b + vb, 255), high, 4*A_Offset + 0, "uchar") NumPut(0, low, 4*A_Offset + 3, "uchar") ; Alpha NumPut(max(r - vr, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 2, "uchar") NumPut(max(g - vg, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 1, "uchar") NumPut(max(b - vb, 0), low, 4*A_Offset + 0, "uchar") } count := DllCall(pixelsearchall4, "ptr", &result, "uint", limit, "ptr", this.ptr, "ptr", this.ptr + this.size, "ptr", &high, "ptr", &low, "uint", color.length(), "cdecl ptr") } ; If the default 256 results is exceeded, run the machine code again. if (count > limit) { limit := count goto redo } ; Check if any matches are found. if (count == 0) return False ; Create an array of [x, y] coordinates. xys := [] xys.count := count loop % count { address := NumGet(result, A_PtrSize * (A_Index-1), "ptr") offset := (address - this.ptr) // 4 xys.push([mod(offset, this.width), offset // this.width]) } return xys } ImageSearch(image) { ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/qPodGdP1d code := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VYnlV1ZTg+wgi0Uki1UYi30Ui00gD6/Qi3UIix8Pr0UMAcqJXeSLHJeLfQwByItVECtVHIlF7MHnAold4ItdDA+v1ytdGANVCIlV" . "3Ild2ItF3DnGc3CLReyLTeA5DIZ1YInwK0UIMdLB+AL3dQw5VdhyTotF5DkGdUeLRRgx0onxiVXwweACiUXoi0UUi13wO10cdDyL" . "VeiJywHCiVXUi1XUOdBzFIB4AwB0BosTORB1D4PABIPDBOvl/0XwAfnrzIPGBOuJi0UQD6/HA0UIicaDxCCJ8FteX13D" : "QVdBVkFVQVRVV1ZTSIPsKIuEJKgAAACLnCSQAAAARYshQYnSicJJicuLjCSgAAAAD6/TRInXQQ+vwinfiXwkHEgBykWLLJFEicIr" . "lCSYAAAASAHIQQ+v0kiJRCQITInZSY0sk0g56Q+DgAAAAEiLRCQIRDksgXVsSInIMdJMKdhIwfgCQffyOVQkHHJXRDkhdVKJ3jH/" . "MdJIjQS1AAAAAEiJRCQQTInIO5QkmAAAAHRESIt0JBBBif5OjTSxTI08MEw5+HMXgHgDAHQHQYs2OTB1EUiDwARJg8YE6+T/wkQB" . "1+vESIPBBOl3////RQ+vwkuNDINIichIg8QoW15fXUFcQV1BXkFfww==") ; Convert image to a buffer object. if !(IsObject(image) && image.HasKey("ptr") && image.HasKey("size")) image := ImagePutBuffer(image) ; Search for the address of the first matching image. address := DllCall(code, "ptr", this.ptr, "uint", this.width, "uint", this.height , "ptr", image.ptr, "uint", image.width, "uint", image.height, "uint", image.width//2, "uint", image.height//2 , "cdecl ptr") ; Compare the address to the out-of-bounds limit. if (address == this.ptr + this.size) return False ; Return an [x, y] array. offset := (address - this.ptr) // 4 return [mod(offset, this.width), offset // this.width] } ImageSearchAll(image) { ; C source code - https://godbolt.org/z/qPodGdP1d code := this.Base64Code((A_PtrSize == 4) ? "VYnlV1ZTg+wUi0UMi1UYi00IjTyFAAAAAItFECtFHA+vxwNFCIlF6ItFDCnQiUXkjQSVAAAAAIlF7ItF6DnBc2eLRRSLADkBdAmL" . "RRSAeAMAdVCJyCtFCDHSwfgC93UMOVXkfD4x0otFFInLiVXwi3XwO3UcdDyLVeyJ3gHCiVXgi1XgOdBzFIB4AwB0BosWORB1D4PA" . "BIPGBOvl/0XwAfvrzIPBBOuSi0UQD6/HA0UIicGDxBSJyFteX13D" : "QVdBVkFVQVRVV1ZTSIPsGEUx20SLpCSYAAAAi4QkgAAAAESLlCSQAAAASIu8JIgAAABEKeBBD6/BSInLidZMicFNjSyARInIRCnQ" . "iUQkDEqNBJUAAAAASIkEJEw56XN0iwc5AXQGgH8DAHViSInIMdJMKcBIwfgCQffxOVQkDHxNSIn4Me0x0kQ54nQyTIs8JEGJ7k6N" . "NLFJAcdMOfhzGIB4AwB0CEWLFkQ5EHUgSIPABEmDxgTr4//CRAHN68lBOfNzB0SJ2EiJDMNB/8NIg8EE64dEidhIg8QYW15fXUFc" . "QV1BXkFfww==") ; Convert image to a buffer object. if !(IsObject(image) && image.HasKey("ptr") && image.HasKey("size")) image := ImagePutBuffer(image) ; Search for the address of the first matching image. capacity := 256 VarSetCapacity(result, A_PtrSize * capacity) count := DllCall(code, "ptr", &result, "uint", capacity , "ptr", this.ptr, "uint", this.width, "uint", this.height , "ptr", image.ptr, "uint", image.width, "uint", image.height, "cdecl uint") ; If more than 256 results, run the function with the true capacity. if (count > capacity) { VarSetCapacity(result, A_PtrSize * count) count := DllCall(code, "ptr", &result, "uint", capacity , "ptr", this.ptr, "uint", this.width, "uint", this.height , "ptr", image.ptr, "uint", image.width, "uint", image.height, "cdecl uint") } ; Check if any matches are found. if (count = 0) return False ; Create an array of [x, y] coordinates. xys := [] xys.count := count loop % count { address := NumGet(result, A_PtrSize * (A_Index-1), "ptr") offset := (address - this.ptr) // 4 xy := [mod(offset, this.width), offset // this.width] xys.push(xy) } return xys } } BitmapToScreenshot(pBitmap, screenshot := "", alpha := "") { ; Get Bitmap width and height. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0) x := IsObject(screenshot) && screenshot.HasKey(1) ? screenshot[1] : 0 y := IsObject(screenshot) && screenshot.HasKey(2) ? screenshot[2] : 0 w := IsObject(screenshot) && screenshot.HasKey(3) ? screenshot[3] : width h := IsObject(screenshot) && screenshot.HasKey(4) ? screenshot[4] : height ; Convert the Bitmap to a hBitmap and associate a device context for blitting. hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") hbm := this.BitmapToHBitmap(pBitmap, alpha) obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Retrieve the device context for the screen. ddc := DllCall("GetDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") ; Perform bilinear interpolation. See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4358798 DllCall("SetStretchBltMode", "ptr", ddc, "int", 4) ; HALFTONE ; Copies a portion of the screen to a new device context. DllCall("gdi32\StretchBlt" , "ptr", ddc, "int", x, "int", y, "int", w, "int", h , "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height , "uint", 0x00CC0020) ; SRCCOPY ; Release the device context to the screen. DllCall("ReleaseDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr", ddc) ; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts. DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) return [x,y,w,h] } BitmapToWindow(pBitmap, title := "", pos := "", style := 0x82C80000, styleEx := 0x9, parent := "", playback := "", cache := "") { ; Window Styles - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/window-styles ; Extended Window Styles - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/extended-window-styles ; Parent Window WS_POPUP := 0x80000000 ; Allow small windows. WS_CLIPCHILDREN := 0x2000000 ; Prevents redraw of pixels covered by child windows. WS_CAPTION := 0xC00000 ; Titlebar. WS_SYSMENU := 0x80000 ; Close button. Comes with Alt+Space menu. WS_EX_TOPMOST := 0x8 ; Always on top. WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME := 0x1 ; Removes small icon in titlebar with A_ScriptHwnd as parent. ; Child Window WS_CHILD := 0x40000000 ; Creates a child window. WS_VISIBLE := 0x10000000 ; Show on creation. WS_EX_LAYERED := 0x80000 ; For UpdateLayeredWindow. ; Default styles can be overwritten by previous functions. (style == "") && style := WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU (styleEx == "") && styleEx := WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME ; Get Bitmap width and height. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0) ; Get Screen width and height with DPI awareness. try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") ScreenWidth := A_ScreenWidth ScreenHeight := A_ScreenHeight try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") ; If both dimensions exceed the screen boundaries, compare the aspect ratio of the image ; to the aspect ratio of the screen to determine the scale factor. Default scale is 1. s := IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(3) && pos[3] ~= "^(?!0+$)\d+$" ? pos[3] / width : IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(4) && pos[4] ~= "^(?!0+$)\d+$" ? pos[4] / height : (width > ScreenWidth) && (width / height > ScreenWidth / ScreenHeight) ? ScreenWidth / width : (height > ScreenHeight) && (width / height <= ScreenWidth / ScreenHeight) ? ScreenHeight / height : 1 w := IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(3) && pos[3] ~= "^(?!0+$)\d+$" ? pos[3] : s * width h := IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(4) && pos[4] ~= "^(?!0+$)\d+$" ? pos[4] : s * height x := IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(1) && pos[1] ~= "^-?\d+$" ? pos[1] : 0.5*(ScreenWidth - w) y := IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(2) && pos[2] ~= "^-?\d+$" ? pos[2] : 0.5*(ScreenHeight - h) ; Adjust x and y if a relative to window position is given. if IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(5) && (WinExist(pos[5]) || DllCall("IsWindow", "ptr", pos[5])) { try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") pos[5] := (hwnd := WinExist(pos[5])) ? hwnd : pos[5] VarSetCapacity(rect, 16, 0) DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", pos[5], "ptr", &rect) DllCall("ClientToScreen", "ptr", pos[5], "ptr", &rect) try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") x += NumGet(rect, 0, "int") y += NumGet(rect, 4, "int") } ; Resolve dependent coordinates first, coordinates second, and distances last. x2 := Round(x + w) y2 := Round(y + h) x := Round(x) y := Round(y) w := x2 - x h := y2 - y VarSetCapacity(rect, 16) NumPut( x, rect, 0, "int") NumPut( y, rect, 4, "int") NumPut(x2, rect, 8, "int") NumPut(y2, rect, 12, "int") DllCall("AdjustWindowRectEx", "ptr", &rect, "uint", style, "int", 0, "uint", styleEx) try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") hwnd := DllCall("CreateWindowEx" , "uint", styleEx , "str", this.WindowClass() ; lpClassName , "str", title ; lpWindowName , "uint", style , "int", NumGet(rect, 0, "int") , "int", NumGet(rect, 4, "int") , "int", NumGet(rect, 8, "int") - NumGet(rect, 0, "int") , "int", NumGet(rect, 12, "int") - NumGet(rect, 4, "int") , "ptr", (parent != "") ? parent : A_ScriptHwnd , "ptr", 0 ; hMenu , "ptr", 0 ; hInstance , "ptr", 0 ; lpParam , "ptr") try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") ; Tests have shown that changing the system default colors has no effect on F0F0F0. ; Must call SetWindowLong with WS_EX_LAYERED immediately before SetLayeredWindowAttributes. DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", -20, "int", styleEx | WS_EX_LAYERED) DllCall("SetLayeredWindowAttributes", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", 0xF0F0F0, "uchar", 0, "int", 1) ; A layered child window is only available on Windows 8+. child := this.Show(pBitmap, title, [0, 0, w, h], WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, WS_EX_LAYERED, hwnd, playback, cache) ; Store extra data inside window struct (cbWndExtra). DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 0*A_PtrSize, "ptr", hwnd) ; parent window DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 1*A_PtrSize, "ptr", child) ; child window DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 0*A_PtrSize, "ptr", hwnd) ; parent window DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 1*A_PtrSize, "ptr", child) ; child window ; Delaying this call prevents empty window borders from appearing. DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 1) return hwnd } Show(pBitmap, title := "", pos := "", style := 0x90000000, styleEx := 0x80088, parent := "", playback := "", cache := "") { ; Window Styles - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/window-styles WS_POPUP := 0x80000000 ; Allow small windows. WS_VISIBLE := 0x10000000 ; Show on creation. ; Extended Window Styles - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/extended-window-styles WS_EX_TOPMOST := 0x8 ; Always on top. WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW := 0x80 ; Hides from Alt+Tab menu. Removes small icon. WS_EX_LAYERED := 0x80000 ; For UpdateLayeredWindow. ; Default styles can be overwritten by previous functions. (style == "") && style := WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE (styleEx == "") && styleEx := WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | WS_EX_LAYERED ; Get Bitmap width and height. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0) ; Get Screen width and height with DPI awareness. try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") ScreenWidth := A_ScreenWidth ScreenHeight := A_ScreenHeight try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") ; If both dimensions exceed the screen boundaries, compare the aspect ratio of the image ; to the aspect ratio of the screen to determine the scale factor. Default scale is 1. s := IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(3) && pos[3] ~= "^(?!0+$)\d+$" ? pos[3] / width : IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(4) && pos[4] ~= "^(?!0+$)\d+$" ? pos[4] / height : (width > ScreenWidth) && (width / height > ScreenWidth / ScreenHeight) ? ScreenWidth / width : (height > ScreenHeight) && (width / height <= ScreenWidth / ScreenHeight) ? ScreenHeight / height : 1 w := IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(3) && pos[3] ~= "^(?!0+$)\d+$" ? pos[3] : s * width h := IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(4) && pos[4] ~= "^(?!0+$)\d+$" ? pos[4] : s * height x := IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(1) && pos[1] ~= "^-?\d+$" ? pos[1] : 0.5*(ScreenWidth - w) y := IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(2) && pos[2] ~= "^-?\d+$" ? pos[2] : 0.5*(ScreenHeight - h) ; Adjust x and y if a relative to window position is given. if IsObject(pos) && pos.HasKey(5) && (WinExist(pos[5]) || DllCall("IsWindow", "ptr", pos[5])) { try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") pos[5] := (hwnd := WinExist(pos[5])) ? hwnd : pos[5] VarSetCapacity(rect, 16, 0) DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", pos[5], "ptr", &rect) DllCall("ClientToScreen", "ptr", pos[5], "ptr", &rect) try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") x += NumGet(rect, 0, "int") y += NumGet(rect, 4, "int") } ; Resolve dependent coordinates first, coordinates second, and distances last. x2 := Round(x + w) y2 := Round(y + h) x := Round(x) y := Round(y) w := x2 - x h := y2 - y ; Convert the source pBitmap into a hBitmap manually. ; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40 NumPut( 40, bi, 0, "uint") ; Size NumPut( w, bi, 4, "uint") ; Width NumPut( -h, bi, 8, "int") ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left. NumPut( 1, bi, 12, "ushort") ; Planes NumPut( 32, bi, 14, "ushort") ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", &bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Case 1: Image is not scaled. if (w == width && h == height) { ; Transfer data from source pBitmap to an hBitmap manually. VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16 NumPut( width, Rect, 8, "uint") ; Width NumPut( height, Rect, 12, "uint") ; Height VarSetCapacity(BitmapData, 16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32 NumPut( 4 * width, BitmapData, 8, "int") ; Stride NumPut( pBits, BitmapData, 16, "ptr") ; Scan0 DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapLockBits" , "ptr", pBitmap , "ptr", &Rect , "uint", 5 ; ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer | ImageLockMode.ReadOnly , "int", 0xE200B ; Format32bppPArgb , "ptr", &BitmapData) ; Contains the pointer (pBits) to the hbm. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &BitmapData) } ; Case 2: Image is scaled. else { ; Create a graphics context from the device context. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFromHDC", "ptr", hdc , "ptr*", pGraphics:=0) ; Set settings in graphics context. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPixelOffsetMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 2) ; Half pixel offset. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetCompositingMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 1) ; Overwrite/SourceCopy. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetInterpolationMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 7) ; HighQualityBicubic ; Draw Image. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateImageAttributes", "ptr*", ImageAttr:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode", "ptr", ImageAttr, "int", 3, "uint", 0, "int", 0) ; WrapModeTileFlipXY DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawImageRectRectI" , "ptr", pGraphics , "ptr", pBitmap , "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", w, "int", h ; destination rectangle , "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height ; source rectangle , "int", 2 , "ptr", ImageAttr , "ptr", 0 , "ptr", 0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImageAttributes", "ptr", ImageAttr) ; Clean up the graphics context. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "ptr", pGraphics) } try dpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", -3, "ptr") hwnd := DllCall("CreateWindowEx" , "uint", styleEx | WS_EX_LAYERED ; dwExStyle , "str", this.WindowClass() ; lpClassName , "str", title ; lpWindowName , "uint", style ; dwStyle , "int", x , "int", y , "int", w , "int", h , "ptr", (parent != "") ? parent : A_ScriptHwnd , "ptr", 0 ; hMenu , "ptr", 0 ; hInstance , "ptr", 0 ; lpParam , "ptr") try DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "ptr", dpi, "ptr") ; Draw the contents of the device context onto the layered window. DllCall("UpdateLayeredWindow" , "ptr", hwnd ; hWnd , "ptr", 0 ; hdcDst , "ptr", 0 ; *pptDst ,"uint64*", w | h << 32 ; *psize , "ptr", hdc ; hdcSrc , "int64*", 0 ; *pptSrc , "uint", 0 ; crKey , "uint*", 0xFF << 16 | 0x01 << 24 ; *pblend , "uint", 2) ; dwFlags ; Store extra data inside window struct (cbWndExtra). ; For 64 -> 32-bit: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winprog64/interprocess-communication DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 0*A_PtrSize, "ptr", hwnd) ; parent window (same, only 1 window for now) DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 1*A_PtrSize, "ptr", hwnd) ; child window (same, only 1 window for now) DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 2*A_PtrSize, "ptr", hdc) ; hdc contains a pixel buffer too! obj := {scale: 5 , scales: [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12]} ObjAddRef(&obj) ; Hold onto this object for dear life! DllCall("SetWindowLong" (A_PtrSize=8?"Ptr":""), "ptr", hwnd, "int", 3*A_PtrSize, "ptr", &obj) ; Check for multiple frames. This can be in either the page (WEBP) or time (GIF) dimension. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsCount", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", dims:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &dimIDs := VarSetCapacity(dimIDs, 16*dims), "uint", dims) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipImageGetFrameCount", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &dimIDs, "uint*", number:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetPropertyItemSize", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint", 0x5100, "uint*", nDelays:=0) ; Animations! if (number > 1 && nDelays > 0) { ; Get the frame delays from PropertyTagFrameDelay. pDelays := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0, "uptr", nDelays, "ptr") DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetPropertyItem", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint", 0x5100, "uint", nDelays, "ptr", pDelays) ; Check PropertyTagTypeLong if WEBP or GIF. type := NumGet(pDelays + 8, "ushort") == 4 ? "gif" : "webp" ; Save frame delays because they are slow enough to impact timing. p := NumGet(pDelays + 8 + A_PtrSize, "ptr") delays := {0: NumGet(p+0, "uint")} loop % number ; Remember the pointer to the array of delays should be dereferenced. delays[A_Index] := NumGet(p + 4*A_Index, "uint") ; Calculate the greatest common factor of all frame delays. for each, delay in delays if (A_Index = 1) interval := delay ; Initalize the interval. else while delay { temp := mod(interval, delay) interval := delay delay := temp } ; Convert centiseconds to milliseconds. if (type = "gif") interval *= 10 ; Because timeSetEvent calls in a seperate thread, redirect to main thread. ; LPTIMECALLBACK: (uTimerID, uMsg, dwUser, dw1, dw2) pTimeProc := this.SyncWindowProc(hwnd, 0x8000) ; Create an object to hold all the extra data. obj.type := type ; Either "gif" or "webp" obj.w := w ; width obj.h := h ; height obj.frame := 0 ; current frame (zero-indexed) obj.number := number ; max frames obj.accumulate := 0 ; current wait time obj.delays := delays ; array of frame delays obj.interval := interval ; timer resolution obj.pTimeProc := pTimeProc ; callback address obj.dimIDs := dimIDs ; frame dimension guid (Time or Page) ; Case 1: Image is not scaled. if (!cache && w == width && h == height) { ; Clone bitmap to avoid disposal. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneImage", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr*", pBitmapClone:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipImageForceValidation", "ptr", pBitmapClone) ; Load to memory. ; Save the cloned bitmap and pixel buffer. obj.pBitmap := pBitmapClone obj.pBits := pBits ; Preserve GDI+ scope due to the active pBitmap above. ImagePut.gdiplusStartup() } ; Case 2: Image is scaled. else { ; Create a cache of pre-rendered frames. Note: This can be very slow. ; Fixes problems with the animation being paused when dragged by the user. cache := {0: hdc} ; --------- Overwrites the hdc, hbm, and pBits variables!!!!!! --------- loop % number { ; Select frame to show. frame := A_Index DllCall("gdiplus\GdipImageSelectActiveFrame", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &dimIDs, "uint", frame) ; Get Bitmap width and height. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0) ; Convert the source pBitmap into a hBitmap manually. ; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40 NumPut( 40, bi, 0, "uint") ; Size NumPut( w, bi, 4, "uint") ; Width NumPut( -h, bi, 8, "int") ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left. NumPut( 1, bi, 12, "ushort") ; Planes NumPut( 32, bi, 14, "ushort") ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", &bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Create a graphics context from the device context. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFromHDC", "ptr", hdc , "ptr*", pGraphics:=0) ; Set settings in graphics context. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPixelOffsetMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 2) ; Half pixel offset. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetCompositingMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 1) ; Overwrite/SourceCopy. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetInterpolationMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 7) ; HighQualityBicubic ; Draw Image. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateImageAttributes", "ptr*", ImageAttr:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode", "ptr", ImageAttr, "int", 3, "uint", 0, "int", 0) ; WrapModeTileFlipXY DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawImageRectRectI" , "ptr", pGraphics , "ptr", pBitmap , "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", w, "int", h ; destination rectangle , "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height ; source rectangle , "int", 2 , "ptr", ImageAttr , "ptr", 0 , "ptr", 0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImageAttributes", "ptr", ImageAttr) ; Clean up the graphics context. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "ptr", pGraphics) ; Save rendered frame. cache[frame] := hdc } ; Send cache to WM_APP. obj.cache := cache } ; Start GIF Animation loop. Defaults to immediate playback. if (playback == "" || playback == True) DllCall("PostMessage", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", 0x8001, "uptr", 0, "ptr", 0) } return hwnd } WindowClass(style := 0x8) { ; The window class shares the name of this class. cls := this.__class VarSetCapacity(wc, size := A_PtrSize = 4 ? 48:80) ; sizeof(WNDCLASSEX) = 48, 80 ; Check if the window class is already registered. hInstance := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "ptr", 0, "ptr") if DllCall("GetClassInfoEx", "ptr", hInstance, "str", cls, "ptr", &wc) return cls ; Create window data. pWndProc := RegisterCallback(this.WindowProc,,, &this) hCursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "ptr", 0, "ptr", 32512, "ptr") ; IDC_ARROW hBrush := DllCall("GetStockObject", "int", 5, "ptr") ; Hollow_brush ; struct tagWNDCLASSEXA - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/ns-winuser-wndclassexa ; struct tagWNDCLASSEXW - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/ns-winuser-wndclassexw _ := (A_PtrSize = 4) NumPut( size, wc, 0, "uint") ; cbSize NumPut( style, wc, 4, "uint") ; style NumPut( pWndProc, wc, 8, "ptr") ; lpfnWndProc NumPut( 0, wc, _ ? 12:16, "int") ; cbClsExtra NumPut( 40, wc, _ ? 16:20, "int") ; cbWndExtra NumPut( 0, wc, _ ? 20:24, "ptr") ; hInstance NumPut( 0, wc, _ ? 24:32, "ptr") ; hIcon NumPut( hCursor, wc, _ ? 28:40, "ptr") ; hCursor NumPut( hBrush, wc, _ ? 32:48, "ptr") ; hbrBackground NumPut( 0, wc, _ ? 36:56, "ptr") ; lpszMenuName NumPut( &cls, wc, _ ? 40:64, "ptr") ; lpszClassName NumPut( 0, wc, _ ? 44:72, "ptr") ; hIconSm ; Registers a window class for subsequent use in calls to the CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx function. DllCall("RegisterClassEx", "ptr", &wc, "ushort") ; Return the class name as a string. return cls } ; Define window behavior. WindowProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam) { hwnd := this ; Prevent the script from exiting early. static void := ObjBindMethod({}, {}) ; WM_CREATE if (uMsg = 0x1) Hotkey % "^+F12", % void, On ; WM_DESTROY if (uMsg = 0x2) { Hotkey % "^+F12", % void, Off ; Cannot disable script persistence, does nothing ; The child window contains all of the assets to be freed. if (hwnd != DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 1*A_PtrSize, "ptr")) return ; Get stock bitmap. obm := DllCall("CreateBitmap", "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 1, "uint", 1, "ptr", 0, "ptr") ; Cleanup the device context and its selected hBitmap. if hdc := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 2*A_PtrSize, "ptr") { hbm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm, "ptr") DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) } ; The object will self-destruct at end of scope. No need to add a reference! if ptr := DllCall("GetWindowLong" (A_PtrSize=8?"Ptr":""), "ptr", hwnd, "int", 3*A_PtrSize, "ptr") { obj := Object(ptr), ObjRelease(ptr) ; Exit GIF animation loop. Ends any triggered WM_APP. DllCall("SetWindowLong" (A_PtrSize=8?"Ptr":""), "ptr", hwnd, "int", 3*A_PtrSize, "ptr", 0) ; Stop Animation loop. if timer := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 4*A_PtrSize, "ptr") DllCall("winmm\timeKillEvent", "uint", timer) if obj.HasKey("pTimeProc") DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr", obj.pTimeProc) if obj.HasKey("pBitmap") { DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", obj.pBitmap) ImagePut.gdiplusShutdown() } if obj.HasKey("cache") { for each, hdc in obj.cache { ; Overwrites the hdc and hbm variables. hbm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm, "ptr") DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) } } } } ; Let's start using custom defined parameters from the window struct. if (uMsg = 0x1 || uMsg = 0x2) goto default ; Remember the child window contains all the assets. parent := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 0*A_PtrSize, "ptr") child := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 1*A_PtrSize, "ptr") hdc := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 2*A_PtrSize, "ptr") if ptr := DllCall("GetWindowLong" (A_PtrSize=8?"Ptr":""), "ptr", child, "int", 3*A_PtrSize, "ptr") obj := Object(ptr) timer := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 4*A_PtrSize, "ptr") ; For some reason using DefWindowProc or PostMessage to reroute WM_LBUTTONDOWN to WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN ; will always disable the complementary WM_LBUTTONUP. However, if the CS_DBLCLKS window style is set, ; then a single WM_RBUTTONUP will be received as double-clicking generates a sequence of four messages: ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, and WM_LBUTTONUP. ; ^ This message is lost when 0x201 → 0xA1. ; ^ Only happens when 0x8 is set in RegisterClass. ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN - Drag to move the window. if (uMsg = 0x201) return DllCall("DefWindowProc", "ptr", parent, "uint", 0xA1, "uptr", 2, "ptr", 0, "ptr") ; WM_LBUTTONUP - Double Click to toggle between play and pause. if (uMsg = 0x202) DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 4*A_PtrSize, "ptr") ? uMsg := 0x8002 ; Pause : uMsg := 0x8001 ; Play ; WM_RBUTTONUP - Destroy the window. if (uMsg = 0x205) return DllCall("DestroyWindow", "ptr", parent) ; WM_MBUTTONDOWN - Show x, y, and color. if (uMsg = 0x207) { hdc := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 2*A_PtrSize, "ptr") ; Get pBits from hBitmap currently selected onto the device context. ; struct DIBSECTION - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-dibsection ; struct BITMAP - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmap hbm := DllCall("GetCurrentObject", "ptr", hdc, "uint", 7) VarSetCapacity(dib, size := 64+5*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(DIBSECTION) = 84, 104 DllCall("GetObject", "ptr", hbm, "int", size, "ptr", &dib) , width := NumGet(dib, 4, "uint") , height := NumGet(dib, 8, "uint") , pBits := NumGet(dib, A_PtrSize = 4 ? 20:24, "ptr") ; Convert from unsigned int to signed shorts. VarSetCapacity(xy, 4) NumPut(lParam, xy, "uint") x := NumGet(xy, 0, "short") y := NumGet(xy, 2, "short") ; Safe limits for x and y. (x < 0) && x := 0 (x >= width) && x := width-1 (y < 0) && y := 0 (y >= height) && y := height-1 ; Get color. c := Format("0x{:08X}", NumGet(pBits + 4*(y*width + x), "uint")) ; Process background color (BGR) and text color (greyscale). background_color := RegExReplace(c, "^0x..(..)(..)(..)$", "0x$3$2$1") text_color := (0.3*(255&c>>16) + 0.59*(255&c>>8) + 0.11*(255&c)) >= 128 ? 0x000000 : 0xFFFFFF ; Show tooltip. Use Tooltip #16. Tooltip % " (" x ", " y ") `n " SubStr(c, 3) " ",,, 16 tt := WinExist("ahk_class tooltips_class32 ahk_exe" A_AhkPath) ; Style background and text color. DllCall("UxTheme\SetWindowTheme", "ptr", tt, "ptr", 0, "ptr", &empty := VarSetCapacity(2, 0), "uint") DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr", tt, "uint", 1043, "ptr", background_color, "ptr", 0) DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr", tt, "uint", 1044, "ptr", text_color, "ptr", 0) ; Destroy tooltip after 7 seconds of the last showing. SetTimer Reset_Tooltip, -7000 return Reset_Tooltip: Tooltip,,,, 16 return } ; WM_APP - Animate GIFs if (uMsg = 0x8000) { ; Thanks tmplinshi, Teadrinker - https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=83358 Critical ; Exit GIF animation loop. Set by WM_Destroy. if !ptr return ; Get variables. ObjRelease is automatically called at the end of the scope. type := obj.type w := obj.w h := obj.h frame := obj.frame number := obj.number accumulate := obj.accumulate delays := obj.delays interval := obj.interval pTimeProc := obj.pTimeProc dimIDs := obj.dimIDs obj.HasKey("pBitmap") && pBitmap := obj.pBitmap ; not scaled obj.HasKey("pBits") && pBits := obj.pBits ; not scaled obj.HasKey("cache") && cache := obj.cache ; is scaled } ; Each timer interval is the GCF of all frame delays. ; Avoids using oneshot timers to reduce additive jitter from constant overhead. if (uMsg = 0x8000 && wParam == 0) { index := mod(frame + 1, number) ; Increment and loop back to zero delay := delays[index] ; Zero-based array ; See: https://www.biphelps.com/blog/The-Fastest-GIF-Does-Not-Exist if (type = "gif") { delay *= 10 ; Convert centiseconds to milliseconds delay := max(delay, 10) ; Minimum delay is 10ms (delay == 10) && delay := 100 ; 10 ms is actually 100 ms } ; The current wait time is advanced by one interval. accumulate += interval ; Add resolution of timer obj.accumulate := accumulate ; Save the current wait time ; Check if enough time has passed to advance to the next frame. if (accumulate == delay) wParam := 1 ; Step size of +1 } ; WM_APP - Advance to next frame. if (uMsg = 0x8000 && wParam != 0) { ; Restrict frame index from 0 to the maximum number of frames - 1. frame := mod(mod(frame + wParam, number) + number, number) obj.frame := frame ; Update to next frame number obj.accumulate := 0 ; Resets the wait time /* ; Debug code static start := 0, sum := 0, count := 0 DllCall("QueryPerformanceFrequency", "int64*", &frequency:=0) DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "int64*", &now:=0) time := (now - start) / frequency * 1000 if (time < 10000) { sum += time count += 1 ; Prevents the tooltip from impacting timings by showing every 10 frames. if (mod(count, 10) = 0) Tooltip % "Current Delay:`t" Round(time, 4) . "`n" "Average Delay:`t" Round(sum / count, 4) . "`n" "Planned Delay:`t" (delay ?? "unknown") . "`n" "Timer Resolution:`t" interval . "`n" "Average FPS:`t" Round(count / (sum / 1000), 4) . "`n" "Frame Number:`t" frame " of " number } start := now */ ; Case 1: Image is not scaled. if not obj.HasKey("cache") { ; Select frame to show. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsCount", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", dims:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &dimIDs := VarSetCapacity(dimIDs, 16*dims), "uint", dims) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipImageSelectActiveFrame", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &dimIDs, "uint", frame) ; Get Bitmap width and height. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0) ; Transfer data from source pBitmap to an hBitmap manually. VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16 NumPut( width, Rect, 8, "uint") ; Width NumPut( height, Rect, 12, "uint") ; Height VarSetCapacity(BitmapData, 16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32 NumPut( 4 * width, BitmapData, 8, "int") ; Stride NumPut( pBits, BitmapData, 16, "ptr") ; Scan0 DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapLockBits" , "ptr", pBitmap , "ptr", &Rect , "uint", 5 ; ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer | ImageLockMode.ReadOnly , "int", 0xE200B ; Format32bppPArgb , "ptr", &BitmapData) ; Contains the pointer (pBits) to the hbm. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", &BitmapData) ; Use the saved device context for rendering. hdc := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 2*A_PtrSize, "ptr") } ; Case 2: Image is scaled. else { ; Define the device context for rendering. hdc := cache[frame] ; Sets the currently active device context for WM_MBUTTONDOWN. DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 2*A_PtrSize, "ptr", hdc) } ; Render to window. DllCall("UpdateLayeredWindow" , "ptr", child ; hWnd , "ptr", 0 ; hdcDst , "ptr", 0 ; *pptDst ,"uint64*", w | h << 32 ; *psize , "ptr", hdc ; hdcSrc , "int64*", 0 ; *pptSrc , "uint", 0 ; crKey , "uint*", 0xFF << 16 | 0x01 << 24 ; *pblend , "uint", 2) ; dwFlags } ; Clears the frame number and wait time. if (uMsg = 0x8001 || uMsg = 0x8002) { if (wParam) { obj.frame := 0 obj.accumulate := 0 } } ; Start Animation loop. if (uMsg = 0x8001) { if timer := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 4*A_PtrSize, "ptr") return if obj.HasKey("pTimeProc") { timer := DllCall("winmm\timeSetEvent" , "uint", obj.interval ; uDelay , "uint", obj.interval ; uResolution , "ptr", obj.pTimeProc ; lpTimeProc , "uptr", 0 ; dwUser , "uint", 1 ; fuEvent , "uint") DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 4*A_PtrSize, "ptr", timer) } } ; Stop Animation loop. if (uMsg = 0x8002) { if (timer := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 4*A_PtrSize, "ptr")) { DllCall("winmm\timeKillEvent", "uint", timer) DllCall("SetWindowLong", "ptr", child, "int", 4*A_PtrSize, "ptr", 0) } } default: return DllCall("DefWindowProc", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", uMsg, "uptr", wParam, "ptr", lParam, "ptr") } SyncWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam := 0, lParam := 0) { hModule := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "user32.dll", "ptr") SendMessageW := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", hModule, "astr", "SendMessageW", "ptr") pcb := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0, "uptr", 71, "ptr") DllCall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", pcb, "ptr", 71, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0) ; Retract the hex representation to binary. if (A_PtrSize = 8) { assembly := " ( Join`s Comments 48 89 4c 24 08 ; mov [rsp+8], rcx 48 89 54 24 10 ; mov [rsp+16], rdx 4c 89 44 24 18 ; mov [rsp+24], r8 4c 89 4c 24 20 ; mov [rsp+32], r9 48 83 ec 28 ; sub rsp, 40 49 b9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; mov r9, .. (lParam) 49 b8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; mov r8, .. (wParam) ba 00 00 00 00 ; mov edx, .. (uMsg) b9 00 00 00 00 ; mov ecx, .. (hwnd) 48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; mov rax, .. (SendMessageW) ff d0 ; call rax 48 83 c4 28 ; add rsp, 40 c3 ; ret )" DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", assembly, "uint", 0, "uint", 0x4, "ptr", pcb, "uint*", 71, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) NumPut(SendMessageW, pcb + 56, "ptr") NumPut(hwnd, pcb + 50, "int") NumPut(uMsg, pcb + 45, "int") NumPut(wParam, pcb + 36, "ptr") NumPut(lParam, pcb + 26, "ptr") } else { assembly := " ( Join`s Comments 68 00 00 00 00 ; push .. (lParam) 68 00 00 00 00 ; push .. (wParam) 68 00 00 00 00 ; push .. (uMsg) 68 00 00 00 00 ; push .. (hwnd) b8 00 00 00 00 ; mov eax, &SendMessageW ff d0 ; call eax c3 ; ret )" DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", assembly, "uint", 0, "uint", 0x4, "ptr", pcb, "uint*", 28, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) NumPut(SendMessageW, pcb + 21, "int") NumPut(hwnd, pcb + 16, "int") NumPut(uMsg, pcb + 11, "int") NumPut(wParam, pcb + 6, "int") NumPut(lParam, pcb + 1, "int") } return pcb } BitmapToDesktop(pBitmap) { ; Thanks Gerald Degeneve - https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/856020/Draw-Behind-Desktop-Icons-in-Windows-plus ; Get Bitmap width and height. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0) ; Convert the Bitmap to a hBitmap and associate a device context for blitting. hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") hbm := this.BitmapToHBitmap(pBitmap) obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr") ; Post-Creator's Update Windows 10. WM_SPAWN_WORKER = 0x052C DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr", WinExist("ahk_class Progman"), "uint", 0x052C, "ptr", 0x0000000D, "ptr", 0) DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr", WinExist("ahk_class Progman"), "uint", 0x052C, "ptr", 0x0000000D, "ptr", 1) ; Find the child window. WinGet windows, List, ahk_class WorkerW loop % windows hwnd := windows%A_Index% until DllCall("FindWindowEx", "ptr", hwnd, "ptr", 0, "str", "SHELLDLL_DefView", "ptr", 0) ; Maybe this hack gets patched. Tough luck! if !(WorkerW := DllCall("FindWindowEx", "ptr", 0, "ptr", hwnd, "str", "WorkerW", "ptr", 0, "ptr")) throw Exception("Could not locate hidden window behind desktop.") ; Position the image in the center. This line can be removed. DllCall("SetWindowPos", "ptr", WorkerW, "ptr", 1 , "int", Round((A_ScreenWidth - width) / 2) ; x coordinate , "int", Round((A_ScreenHeight - height) / 2) ; y coordinate , "int", width, "int", height, "uint", 0) ; Get device context of spawned window. ddc := DllCall("GetDCEx", "ptr", WorkerW, "ptr", 0, "int", 0x403, "ptr") ; LockWindowUpdate | Cache | Window ; Copies a portion of the screen to a new device context. DllCall("gdi32\BitBlt" , "ptr", ddc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height , "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x00CC0020) ; SRCCOPY ; Release device context of spawned window. DllCall("ReleaseDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr", ddc) ; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts. DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm) DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc) return "desktop" } BitmapToWallpaper(pBitmap) { ; Create a temporary image file. filepath := this.BitmapToFile(pBitmap) ; Get the absolute path of the file. length := DllCall("GetFullPathName", "str", filepath, "uint", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint") VarSetCapacity(buf, length * (A_IsUnicode?2:1)) DllCall("GetFullPathName", "str", filepath, "uint", length, "str", buf, "ptr", 0, "uint") ; Keep waiting until the file has been created. (It should be instant!) loop if FileExist(filepath) break else if A_Index < 6 Sleep (2**(A_Index-1) * 30) else throw Exception("Unable to create temporary image file.") ; Set the temporary image file as the new desktop wallpaper. DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "uint", SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER := 0x14, "uint", 0, "str", buf, "uint", 2) ; This is a delayed delete call. #Persistent may be required on v1. DeleteFile := Func("DllCall").Bind("DeleteFile", "str", filepath) SetTimer % DeleteFile, -2000 return "wallpaper" } BitmapToCursor(pBitmap, xHotspot := "", yHotspot := "") { ; Thanks Nick - https://stackoverflow.com/a/550965 ; Creates an icon that can be used as a cursor. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr*", hIcon:=0) ; Sets the hotspot of the cursor by changing the icon into a cursor. if (xHotspot ~= "^\d+$" || yHotspot ~= "^\d+$") { ; struct ICONINFO - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/ns-winuser-iconinfo VarSetCapacity(ii, 8+3*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(ICONINFO) = 20, 32 DllCall("GetIconInfo", "ptr", hIcon, "ptr", &ii) ; Fill the ICONINFO structure. NumPut(False, ii, 0, "uint") ; True/False are icon/cursor respectively. (xHotspot ~= "^\d+$") && NumPut(xHotspot, ii, 4, "uint") ; Set the xHotspot value. Default: center point (yHotspot ~= "^\d+$") && NumPut(yHotspot, ii, 8, "uint") ; Set the yHotspot value. Default: center point DllCall("DestroyIcon", "ptr", hIcon) ; Destroy the icon after getting the ICONINFO structure. hIcon := DllCall("CreateIconIndirect", "ptr", &ii, "ptr") ; Create a new cursor using ICONINFO. ; Clean up hbmMask and hbmColor created as a result of GetIconInfo. DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", NumGet(ii, 8+A_PtrSize, "ptr")) ; hbmMask DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", NumGet(ii, 8+2*A_PtrSize, "ptr")) ; hbmColor } ; Set all 17 System Cursors. Must copy 17 times as SetSystemCursor deletes the handle each time. Loop Parse, % "32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32631,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650,32651,32671,32672", % "," if hCursor := DllCall("CopyImage", "ptr", hIcon, "uint", 2, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr") if !DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", hCursor, "int", A_LoopField) ; calls DestroyCursor DllCall("DestroyCursor", "ptr", hCursor) ; Destroy the original hIcon. Same as DestroyCursor. DllCall("DestroyIcon", "ptr", hIcon) ; Returns the string A_Cursor to avoid evaluation. return "A_Cursor" } BitmapToExplorer(pBitmap, default := "") { ; Get path of active window. if (hwnd := WinExist("ahk_class ExploreWClass")) || (hwnd := WinExist("ahk_class CabinetWClass")) { ; script from Lexikos: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=109907 ; modified for this by: @TheCrether ; useful for windows 11 explorer tabs support (works with windows 10 explorers too) tab := this.GetCurrentExplorerTab(hwnd) if tab { switch ComObjType(tab.Document, "Class") { case "ShellFolderView": directory := tab.Document.Folder.Self.Path default: ; case "HTMLDocument" directory := tab.LocationURL } } } else if (default != "") directory := default else return return this.BitmapToFile(pBitmap, directory) } StreamToExplorer(stream, default := "") { ; Get path of active window. if (hwnd := WinExist("ahk_class ExploreWClass")) || (hwnd := WinExist("ahk_class CabinetWClass")) { ; script from Lexikos: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=109907 ; modified for this by: @TheCrether ; useful for windows 11 explorer tabs support (works with windows 10 explorers too) tab := this.GetCurrentExplorerTab(hwnd) if tab { switch ComObjType(tab.Document, "Class") { case "ShellFolderView": directory := tab.Document.Folder.Self.Path default: ; case "HTMLDocument" directory := tab.LocationURL } } } else if (default != "") directory := default else return return this.StreamToFile(stream, directory) } GetCurrentExplorerTab(hwnd) { ; script from Lexikos: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=109907 ; modified for this by: @TheCrether static IID_IShellBrowser := "{000214E2-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" activeTab := 0, hwnd := hwnd ? hwnd : WinExist("A") try ControlGet, activeTab, Hwnd,, ShellTabWindowClass1, ahk_id %hwnd% ; File Explorer (Windows 11) catch try ControlGet, activeTab, Hwnd,, TabWindowClass1, ahk_id %hwnd% ; IE for w in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows { if (w.hwnd != hwnd) continue if (activeTab) { ; The window has tabs, so make sure this is the right one. shellBrowser := ComObjQuery(w, IID_IShellBrowser, IID_IShellBrowser) DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(shellBrowser+0), 3*A_PtrSize), "UPtr",shellBrowser, "UIntP",thisTab:=0) if (thisTab != activeTab) continue } return w } return 0 } BitmapToFile(pBitmap, filepath := "", quality := "") { ; Thanks tic - https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=6517 extension := "png" this.select_filepath(filepath, extension) this.select_codec(pBitmap, extension, quality, pCodec, ep) ; Write the file to disk using the specified encoder and encoding parameters with exponential backoff. loop if !DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToFile", "ptr", pBitmap, "wstr", filepath, "ptr", &pCodec, "ptr", &ep) break else if A_Index < 6 Sleep (2**(A_Index-1) * 30) else throw Exception("Could not save file to disk.") return filepath } StreamToFile(stream, filepath := "") { DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Size", "ptr", stream, "uint64*", size:=0, "uint") DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Reset", "ptr", stream, "uint") ; 2048 characters should be good enough to identify the file correctly. size := min(size, 2048) VarSetCapacity(bin, size) ; Get the first few bytes of the image. DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Read", "ptr", stream, "ptr", &bin, "uint", size, "uint") DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Reset", "ptr", stream, "uint") ; Allocate enough space for a hexadecimal string with spaces interleaved and a null terminator. length := 2*size + (size-1) + 1 VarSetCapacity(str, length * (A_IsUnicode?2:1)) ; Lift the binary representation to hex. flags := 0x40000004 ; CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF | CRYPT_STRING_HEX DllCall("crypt32\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr", &bin, "uint", size, "uint", flags, "str", str, "uint*", length) ; Determine the extension using herustics. See: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org extension := 0 ? "" : str ~= "(?i)66 74 79 70 61 76 69 66" ? "avif" ; ftypavif : str ~= "(?i)^42 4d (.. ){36}00 00 .. 00 00 00" ? "bmp" ; BM : str ~= "(?i)^01 00 00 00 (.. ){36}20 45 4D 46" ? "emf" ; emf : str ~= "(?i)^47 49 46 38 (37|39) 61" ? "gif" ; GIF87a or GIF89a : str ~= "(?i)66 74 79 70 68 65 69 63" ? "heic" ; ftypheic : str ~= "(?i)^00 00 01 00" ? "ico" : str ~= "(?i)^ff d8 ff" ? "jpg" : str ~= "(?i)^25 50 44 46 2d" ? "pdf" ; %PDF- : str ~= "(?i)^89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a" ? "png" ; PNG : str ~= "(?i)^(((?!3c|3e).. )|3c (3f|21) ((?!3c|3e).. )*3e )*+3c 73 76 67" ? "svg" ; 0) ? index - 1 : (index < 0) ? count + index : 0 ; Zero indexed. if (index > count || index < 0) { ObjRelease(PdfDocument) ObjRelease(PdfDocumentStatics) this.ObjReleaseClose(IRandomAccessStreamIn) ObjRelease(IStreamIn) throw Exception("The maximum number of pages in this pdf is " count ".") } DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(PdfDocument+0)+A_PtrSize* 6), "ptr", PdfDocument, "uint", index, "ptr*", PdfPage:=0) ; Render the page to an output stream. DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", 0, "uint", True, "ptr*", IStreamOut:=0) DllCall("shcore\CreateRandomAccessStreamOverStream", "ptr", IStreamOut, "uint", BSOS_DEFAULT := 0, "ptr", &IID_IRandomAccessStream, "ptr*", IRandomAccessStreamOut:=0) DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(PdfPage+0)+A_PtrSize* 6), "ptr", PdfPage, "ptr", IRandomAccessStreamOut, "ptr*", AsyncInfo:=0) this.WaitForAsync(AsyncInfo) ; Cleanup this.ObjReleaseClose(IRandomAccessStreamOut) this.ObjReleaseClose(PdfPage) ObjRelease(PdfDocument) ObjRelease(PdfDocumentStatics) this.ObjReleaseClose(IRandomAccessStreamIn) ObjRelease(IStreamIn) DllCall("shlwapi\IStream_Reset", "ptr", IStreamOut, "uint") return IStreamIn := IStreamOut } WaitForAsync(ByRef Object) { AsyncInfo := ComObjQuery(Object, IAsyncInfo := "{00000036-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") while !DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(AsyncInfo+0)+A_PtrSize* 7), "ptr", AsyncInfo, "uint*", status:=0) and (status = 0) Sleep 10 if (status != 1) { DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(AsyncInfo+0)+A_PtrSize* 8), "ptr", AsyncInfo, "uint*", ErrorCode:=0) throw Exception("AsyncInfo status error: " ErrorCode) } DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(Object+0)+A_PtrSize* 8), "ptr", Object, "ptr*", ObjectResult:=0, "cdecl") ObjRelease(Object) Object := ObjectResult DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(AsyncInfo+0)+A_PtrSize* 10), "ptr", AsyncInfo) ObjRelease(AsyncInfo) } ObjReleaseClose(ByRef Object) { if Object { if (Close := ComObjQuery(Object, IClosable := "{30D5A829-7FA4-4026-83BB-D75BAE4EA99E}")) { DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(Close+0)+A_PtrSize* 6), "ptr", Close) ObjRelease(Close) } try return ObjRelease(Object) finally Object := "" } } select_codec(pBitmap, extension, quality, ByRef pCodec, ByRef ep) { extension := RegExReplace(extension, "^(\*?\.)?") ; Trim leading "*." or "." from the extension extension := extension ~= "^(avif|avifs)$" ? "avif" : extension ~= "^(bmp|dib|rle)$" ? "bmp" : extension ~= "^(gif)$" ? "gif" : extension ~= "^(heic|heif|hif)$" ? "heic" : extension ~= "^(jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif)$" ? "jpeg" : extension ~= "^(png)$" ? "png" : extension ~= "^(tif|tiff)$" ? "tiff" : "png" ; Defaults to PNG VarSetCapacity(pCodec, 16) switch extension { case "avif": MsgBox % "AVIF is not supported by GDI+." case "bmp": DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", "{557CF400-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}", "ptr", &pCodec, "uint") case "gif": DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", "{557CF402-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}", "ptr", &pCodec, "uint") case "heic": DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", "{557CF408-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}", "ptr", &pCodec, "uint") case "jpeg": DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", "{557CF401-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}", "ptr", &pCodec, "uint") case "png": DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", "{557CF406-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}", "ptr", &pCodec, "uint") case "tiff": DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", "{557CF405-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}", "ptr", &pCodec, "uint") } ; Default encoding parameter. ep := 0 ; JPEG default quality is 75. Otherwise set a quality value from [0-100]. if (extension = "jpeg") && (quality ~= "^\d+$") { ; struct EncoderParameter - http://www.jose.it-berater.org/gdiplus/reference/structures/encoderparameter.htm ; enum ValueType - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.drawing.imaging.encoderparametervaluetype ; clsid Image Encoder Constants - http://www.jose.it-berater.org/gdiplus/reference/constants/gdipimageencoderconstants.htm VarSetCapacity(ep, 24+2*A_PtrSize + 4) ; sizeof(EncoderParameter) = ptr + n*(28, 32) offset := &ep + 24+2*A_PtrSize ; Address of extra values appended to end NumPut( 1, ep, 0, "uptr") ; Count DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", "{1D5BE4B5-FA4A-452D-9CDD-5DB35105E7EB}", "ptr", &ep+A_PtrSize, "uint") NumPut( 1, ep, 16+A_PtrSize, "uint") ; Number of Values NumPut( 4, ep, 20+A_PtrSize, "uint") ; Type NumPut( offset, ep, 24+A_PtrSize, "ptr") ; Value NumPut(quality, ep, 24+2*A_PtrSize, "uint") ; Quality (extra value appended to end) } } select_filepath(ByRef filepath, ByRef extension) { ; Save default extension. default := extension ; Split the filepath, convert forward slashes, strip invalid chars. filepath := RegExReplace(filepath, "/", "\") filepath := RegExReplace(filepath, "[*?\x22<>|\x00-\x1F]") SplitPath % filepath,, directory, extension, filename ; Check if the entire filepath is a directory. if InStr(FileExist(filepath), "D") ; If the filepath refers to a directory, directory := (directory != "") ; then SplitPath wrongly assumes a directory to be a filename. ? ((filename != "") ? directory "\" filename ; Combine directory + filename. : directory) ; Do nothing. : (filepath ~= "^\\") ? "\" filename ; Root level directory. : ".\" filename ; Script level directory. , filename := "" ; Create a new directory if needed. if (directory != "" && !InStr(FileExist(directory), "D")) FileCreateDir % directory ; Default directory is a dot. (directory == "") && directory := "." ; Declare allowed extension outputs. outputs := "^(?i:avif|avifs|bmp|dib|rle|gif|heic|heif|hif|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|png|tif|tiff)$" ; Check if the filename is actually the extension. if (extension == "" && filename ~= outputs) extension := filename, filename := "" ; An invalid extension is actually part of the filename. if !(extension ~= outputs) { ; Avoid appending an extra period without an extension. if (extension != "") filename .= "." extension ; Restore default extension. extension := default } ; Create a filepath based on the timestamp. if (filename == "") { colon := A_IsUnicode ? Chr(0xA789) : "_" FormatTime, filename,, % "yyyy-MM-dd HH" colon "mm" colon "ss" filepath := directory "\" filename "." extension while FileExist(filepath) filepath := directory "\" filename " (" A_Index ")." extension } ; Create a numeric sequence of files... else if (filename == "0" or filename == "1") { filepath := directory "\" filename "." extension while FileExist(filepath) filepath := directory "\" A_Index "." extension } ; Always overwrite specific filenames. else filepath := directory "\" filename "." extension } gdiplusStartup() { return this.gdiplus(1) } gdiplusShutdown(cotype := "") { return this.gdiplus(-1, cotype) } gdiplus(vary := 0, cotype := "") { static pToken := 0 ; Takes advantage of the fact that objects contain identical methods. static instances := 0 ; And therefore static variables can share data across instances. ; Startup gdiplus when counter rises from 0 -> 1. if (instances = 0 && vary = 1) { DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "gdiplus") VarSetCapacity(si, A_PtrSize = 4 ? 20:32, 0) ; sizeof(GdiplusStartupInputEx) = 20, 32 NumPut(0x2, si, "uint") NumPut(0x4, si, A_PtrSize = 4 ? 16:24, "uint") DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusStartup", "ptr*", pToken:=0, "ptr", &si, "ptr", 0) } ; Shutdown gdiplus when counter falls from 1 -> 0. if (instances = 1 && vary = -1) { DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown", "ptr", pToken) DllCall("FreeLibrary", "ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus", "ptr")) ; Otherwise GDI+ has been truly unloaded from the script and objects are out of scope. if (cotype = "bitmap") { ; Check if GDI+ is still loaded. GdiplusNotInitialized = 18 assert := (18 != DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateImageAttributes", "ptr*", ImageAttr:=0)) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImageAttributes", "ptr", ImageAttr) if not assert throw Exception("Bitmap is out of scope. `n`nIf you wish to handle raw pointers to GDI+ bitmaps, add the line" . "`n`n`t`t" this.__class ".gdiplusStartup()" . "`n`nto the top of your script. If using Gdip_All.ahk use pToken := Gdip_Startup()." . "`nAlternatively, use pic := ImagePutBuffer(image) and pic.pBitmap instead." . "`nYou can copy this message by pressing Ctrl + C.", -5) } } ; Increment or decrement the number of available instances. instances += vary ; Check for unpaired calls of gdiplusShutdown. if (instances < 0) throw Exception("Missing gdiplusStartup().") ; When vary is 0, just return the number of active instances! return instances } ; Get the image width and height. Dimensions(image) { this.gdiplusStartup() try type := this.DontVerifyImageType(image) catch type := this.ImageType(image) pBitmap := this.ImageToBitmap(type, image) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap) this.gdiplusShutdown() return [width, height] } class Destroy extends ImagePut { call(image) { this.gdiplusStartup() try type := this.DontVerifyImageType(image) catch type := this.ImageType(image) this.Destroy(type, image) this.gdiplusShutdown() return } Destroy(type, image) { switch type { case "clipboard": if !DllCall("OpenClipboard", "ptr", A_ScriptHwnd) throw Exception("Clipboard could not be opened.") DllCall("EmptyClipboard") DllCall("CloseClipboard") case "screenshot": DllCall("InvalidateRect", "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "int", 0) case "window": image := (hwnd := IsObject(image) ? image.hwnd : WinExist(image)) ? hwnd : image DllCall("DestroyWindow", "ptr", image) case "wallpaper": DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "uint", SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER := 0x14, "uint", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 2) case "cursor": DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "uint", SPI_SETCURSORS := 0x57, "uint", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0) case "file": FileDelete % image case "dc": if (DllCall("GetObjectType", "ptr", image, "uint") == 3) { ; OBJ_DC hwnd := DllCall("WindowFromDC", "ptr", image, "ptr") DllCall("ReleaseDC", "ptr", hwnd, "ptr", image) } if (DllCall("GetObjectType", "ptr", image, "uint") == 10) { ; OBJ_MEMDC obm := DllCall("CreateBitmap", "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 1, "uint", 1, "ptr", 0, "ptr") hbm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", image, "ptr", obm, "ptr") DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm) DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", image) } case "hBitmap": DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", image) case "hIcon": DllCall("DestroyIcon", "ptr", image) case "bitmap": DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", image) case "RandomAccessStream", "stream", "wicBitmap": ObjRelease(image) } } } ; End of Destroy class. } ; End of ImagePut class. class ImageEqual extends ImagePut { call(images*) { ; Returns false is there are no images to be compared. if (images.length() == 0) return False this.gdiplusStartup() ; Set the first image to its own variable to allow passing by reference. image := images[1] ; Allow the ImageType exception to bubble up. try type := this.DontVerifyImageType(image) catch type := this.ImageType(image) ; Convert only the first image to a bitmap. if !(pBitmap1 := this.ImageToBitmap(type, image)) throw Exception("Conversion to bitmap failed. The pointer value is zero.") ; If there is only one image, verify that image and return. if (images.length() == 1) { if DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneImage", "ptr", pBitmap1, "ptr*", pBitmapClone:=0) throw Exception("Validation failed. Unable to access and clone the bitmap.") DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmapClone) goto Good_Ending } ; If there are multiple images, compare each subsequent image to the first. for i, image in images { if (A_Index != 1) { ; Guess the type of the image. try type := this.DontVerifyImageType(image) catch type := this.ImageType(image) ; Convert the other image to a bitmap. pBitmap2 := this.ImageToBitmap(type, image) ; Compare the two images. if !this.BitmapEqual(pBitmap1, pBitmap2) goto Bad_Ending ; Exit the loop if the comparison failed. ; Cleanup the bitmap. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap2) } } Good_Ending: ; After getting isekai'ed you somehow build a prosperous kingdom and rule the land. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap1) this.gdiplusShutdown() return True Bad_Ending: ; Things didn't turn out the way you expected yet everyone seems to be fine despite that. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap2) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap1) this.gdiplusShutdown() return False } BitmapEqual(SourceBitmap1, SourceBitmap2, PixelFormat := 0x26200A) { ; Make sure both source bitmaps are valid GDI+ pointers. This will throw if not... DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageType", "ptr", SourceBitmap1, "ptr*", type1:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageType", "ptr", SourceBitmap2, "ptr*", type2:=0) ; ImageTypeUnknown = 0, ImageTypeBitmap = 1, and ImageTypeMetafile = 2. if (type1 != 1 || type2 != 1) throw Exception("The GDI+ pointer is not a bitmap.") ; Check if source bitmap pointers are identical. if (SourceBitmap1 == SourceBitmap2) return True ; The two bitmaps must be the same size but can have different pixel formats. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", SourceBitmap1, "uint*", width1:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", SourceBitmap2, "uint*", width2:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", SourceBitmap1, "uint*", height1:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", SourceBitmap2, "uint*", height2:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "ptr", SourceBitmap1, "int*", format1:=0) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "ptr", SourceBitmap2, "int*", format2:=0) ; If the dimensions are zero, then get width and height failed. if !(width1 && width2 && height1 && height2) throw Exception("Get bitmap width and height failed.") ; Dimensions must be equal. if (width1 != width2 || height1 != height2) return False ; Create clones of the supplied source bitmaps in their original PixelFormat. ; This has the side effect of solving the problem when both bitmaps reference ; the same stream and only one of them is able to retrieve the pixel data through LockBits. ; This occurs when both streams are fighting over the same seek position. pBitmap1 := pBitmap2 := 0 loop 2 if DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneImage", "ptr", SourceBitmap%A_Index%, "ptr*", pBitmap%A_Index%) throw Exception("Cloning Bitmap" A_Index " failed.") DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "ptr", pBitmap1, "int*", format3:=0) if (format1 != format3) throw Exception("Report this error to the developer.") ; struct RECT - https://referencesource.microsoft.com/#System.Drawing/commonui/System/Drawing/Rectangle.cs,32 VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16 NumPut( width1, Rect, 8, "uint") ; Width NumPut( height1, Rect, 12, "uint") ; Height ; Create a BitmapData structure. VarSetCapacity(BitmapData1, 16+2*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32 VarSetCapacity(BitmapData2, 16+2*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32 ; Force conversion into a pixel buffer. The user can declare a PixelFormat. loop 2 DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapLockBits" , "ptr", pBitmap%A_Index% , "ptr", &Rect , "uint", 1 ; ImageLockMode.ReadOnly , "int", PixelFormat ; Defaults to Format32bppArgb for comparison. , "ptr", &BitmapData%A_Index%) ; Get Stride (number of bytes per horizontal line). stride1 := NumGet(BitmapData1, 8, "int") stride2 := NumGet(BitmapData2, 8, "int") ; Get Scan0 (top-left pixel at 0,0). Scan01 := NumGet(BitmapData1, 16, "ptr") Scan02 := NumGet(BitmapData2, 16, "ptr") ; RtlCompareMemory preforms an unsafe comparison stopping at the first different byte. size := stride1 * height1 byte := DllCall("ntdll\RtlCompareMemory", "ptr", Scan01+0, "ptr", Scan02+0, "uptr", size, "uptr") ; Unlock Bitmaps. Since they were marked as read only there is no copy back. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap1, "ptr", &BitmapData1) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap2, "ptr", &BitmapData2) ; Cleanup bitmap clones. DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap1) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap2) ; Compare stopped byte. return (byte == size) ? True : False } } ; End of ImageEqual class. ; Drag and drop files directly onto this script file. if (A_Args.length() > 0 and A_LineFile == A_ScriptFullPath) { filepath := "" for each, arg in A_Args { filepath .= arg . A_Space if FileExist(Trim(filepath)) { SplitPath % filepath, filename ImageShow({file: filepath}, filename) filepath := "" } } }