{"name": "Island Tile #119", "description": "Space seems endless, only grass patched soil as far as the eye can see. The dry air smells like dust and only leaves a thin and pale impression. In the distance, on the vast horizon a cloud seems to emit some noise reminiscent of trampling horses.", "external_url": "https://map.islanddoges.com/", "image": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/islanddoges/genesis_nft_images/main/343d52fb3844b85d.png", "attributes": [{"display_type": "number", "trait_type": "X-Coordinate", "value": 7}, {"display_type": "number", "trait_type": "Y-Coordinate", "value": 21}, {"trait_type": "Type", "value": "Plains"}, {"trait_type": "Background", "value": "Island Vibes"}, {"trait_type": "Tag", "value": "Common"}, {"trait_type": "Landscape", "value": "Plains of Dawn"}, {"trait_type": "NFT_type", "value": "Tile"}]}