--- template: overrides/blog.html title: The Weeknd - «Alone Again» --- # The Weeknd - «Alone Again» [![Cover][1]][1] [1]: assets/images/chains/006-the-weeknd-alone-again/cover.png [«Alone Again»][2] has been engineered by [Illangelo][3] [2]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JH398xAYpZA [3]: https://www.instagram.com/illangelo ## Vox-Lead ### Pro-Q 3
=== "Settings" ``` yaml Phase: Linear Phase - Medium ``` === "Band-Blue" ``` yaml Band-type: Low Cut 24 dB/oct Freq: 185.31 Hz Q: 1.0 ``` === "Band-Purple" ``` yaml Band-type: Flat Tilt Gain: +4.80 dB Freq: 1568.0 Hz Q: 1.0 ``` === "Band-Blue" ``` yaml Band-type: High-cut 6 dB/oct Freq: 13978 Hz Q: 1.0 ``` ### Vocal Rider Mono
=== "Settings" ``` yaml Type: Fast Vocal: 11.0 Range: -12, 12 ``` ### Pro-G
=== "Settings" ``` yaml Style: Vocal Threshold: -23.87 dB Range: 11.68 dB Release: 171.2 ms Hold: 0.000 ms Knee: 12.15 dB Oversampling: 2x ``` ### DeBreath Mono
=== "Settings" ``` yaml Reduction: -9.0 ``` ### Eiosis E2Deesser
=== "Settings" ``` yaml Dry/Wet: 100% Voiced EQ Freq: 15298.76 Hz Voiced EQ Gain: 1.21 dB Sibilabts EQ Bell Freq: 7.02 kHz Sibilabts EQ Bell Gain: -6 dB ``` ### Pro-L 2
=== "Settings" ``` yaml True Peak Limiting: Off Style: Safe Gain: +17.0 dB Transients: 100% Output: 1:1 Oversampling: 2x ``` ### Pro-MB
=== "Settings" ``` yaml Phase: Linear-Phase Lookahead: Off Band 1/2 Crossover: 2016.2 Hz Band 1/2 Slope: 6.0dB/oct ``` === "Band-1" ``` yaml Threshold: -23.71 dB Range: -6.00 dB Attack: 29.4% Release: 30.2% Output: +3.11 dB Knee: 0 dB ``` === "Band-2" ``` yaml Threshold: -23.43 dB Range: -6.00 dB Attack: 30.4% Release: 30.1% Output: +3.11 dB Knee: 0 dB ``` ### Pro-DS
=== "Settings" ``` yaml Preset: Female Wide Band Range: 6.00 dB ``` ### Maag EQ4
=== "Sub (10 Hz)" ``` yaml Gain: -3.5 ``` === "40 Hz" ``` yaml Gain: -1.0 ``` === "160 Hz" ``` yaml Gain: -0.5 ``` === "Air Band" ``` yaml Frequiency: 20 kHz ``` ### Gem EQP
=== "Mid" ``` yaml Freq1: 1000 Hz Freq2: 1.5 kHz Boost2: 4.1 dB ``` === "Low" ``` yaml Freq: 100 Hz Boost: 2.5 dB Atten: 4.1 Bandwidth: 4.5 ``` === "High" ``` yaml Freq: 5 kHz Boost: 6.1 dB Atten: 0.0 Atten Sel: 10 ``` ### soothe2
=== "Settings" ``` yaml Depth: 0.0 Quality: 1x | eco ``` === "Band-3" ``` yaml Freq: 5 kHz Sens: 5.89 ``` === "Band-4" ``` yaml Freq: 8158.99 Hz Sens: 12.00 ``` ### Doubler4 Stereo
=== "Settings" ``` yaml Direct: Off Gain: Off ``` === "Voice 1" ``` yaml Delay: 15.4 Detune: 9 ``` === "Voice 2" ``` yaml Delay: 22.0 Detune: 18 ``` === "Voice 3" ``` yaml Delay: 29.7 Detune: -9 ``` === "Voice 4" ``` yaml Delay: 27.0 Detune: -18 ``` [^1]: Always remember that these presets are not 100% suitable for your vocal abilities. [^2]: This material has been published for informational purposes only.