# sublime3-bower-Injector A sublime text 3 plugin that inject all bower dependencies in the **index.html** page of the current project ## Screenshot ![BowerInjector Screenshot](./resource/screenshot.gif) ## Dependencies you should have python 3 already installed on your machine and Sublime text 3. ## Installation In order to install this plugin you have two options, the manual option and the package control one(the easy choice) ### Manually You can easily install this plugin manually, simply download the zip file and extract it to sublime text **Packages** folder ### Package Control Installation through [package control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) is recommended. It will handle updating your packages as they become available. To install, do the following. * In the Command Palette, enter `Package Control: Install Package` * Search for `BowerInjector` ## How does it work ? Now the plugin is installed and ready to be used. Let's say that you have a project organized like the following: ``` myProject/ ├── otherStuff/ ├── bower_components/ │ ├── jquery/ │ ├── bootstrap/ │ └── ... │ ├── bower.json └── index.html ``` simply add **bower:css** or **bower:js** to **index.html** depending on what you want to load, generally we want to load them both so we end up with something like that : ```html ``` **Bonus :** Now you can use ``bower_css`` or ``bower_css`` then hit tab to complete the snippet automatically rather than completing it manually ### Run the plugin You have two options : * Hit ctrl + y to execute the plugin( you can change the key ) * Fire up the command palette ctrl + shift + p and type ``bower injector`` and press enter ### TODO * Inject dependencies in the right order (for example bootstrap depends on jquery ). * Possibility to pull in minfied versions(if exist). * Possibility to inject just specific package.