A set of useful sublime text snippets for chrome extension
## Important
**If you want to have auto-complete for Google Chrome Javascript API you can check** [Google-Chrome-JavaScript-API-Auto-complete](https://github.com/ismnoiet/Google-Chrome-JavaScript-API-Auto-complete)
## Installation
You have two options to install this plugin,
the manual option and the package control one(the easy choice).
### manually
You can easily install this plugin manually, simply download the zip file and extract it to sublime text **Packages** folder.
### Package Control
hit ctrl + shift + p > ``"install packages"`` > ``"Chrome Snippets"``.
## How does it work ?
Just type in the prefix ch_ (shortcut for chrome) followed by what you want to add,
for example i want to add the **background** property to ``manifest.json``.
So i type
ch_background then hit tab.
## A List of available snippets
all of the following snippet names **Must be proceeded** by ch_.
snippet name | What it does ?
------------- | -------------
base_manifest | to add a minimal manifest.js boilerplate code
background | to add the manifest background attribute
content_scripts | to add the manifest content_scripts attribute
icons | to add the manifest icons attribute
permissions | to add the manifest permissions attribute
event_page | to add the manifest event_page attribute
options_page | to add the manifest options_page attribute
browser_action | to add the manifest browser_action attribute
A lot more snippets are coming soon, so stay tuned :).